If Iran attacked a US warship then I would give it around 99% odds that the US provoked the attack. I don't think we should be starting Shlt with Iran or Russia. The US should get their warships out of the Strait of Hormuz. Imagine if Iran had warships in the Gulf of Mexico.

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Agreed.... Biden has surrendered this country to all our enemies

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Crawl back into your liberal hole without the US in the Mideast -it would and if following your thoughts be a disaster for the world. Wait and see if Biden and his surrogate Obama pull that stunt again. Give it 6 months after the redo and you’ll be crying for them to be back in there. Biden/Obama want to give anything and everything to destroy the US.

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It seems that your fear and hatred of Muslims and Iranians is clouding your better judgement Dr. Alexander. I get the impression that you are one of those people who falls for the establishment Israeli lobby propaganda, which I find quite sad, because you seem like a smart person who doesn't fall for establishment talking points in most other regards. If you went to Israel you would get spit on. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z581dbGqr08

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Please note that I'm not a Biden or Obama supporter. Similar to how the US provoked Russia into attacking the Ukraine, they also likely provoked this attack on their own warship by sailing it into the Strait of Hormuz. You strike me as a neo-con who probably supported the war in Iraq. I suspect you probably support sending billions of our tax dollars to fight Russia in the Ukraine, and support sending billions more of our tax dollars to Israel. I bet you support every war that is presented to you, and support spending billions more to provoke Iran.

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No you missed your bet. Did not support any of the wars as been there - done that in SEA - absolutely idiotic to be involved in Ukraine under any circumstances because it is primarily with the proof from Biden idiocy that is mostly money laundering for the Biden family.

However the presence of the US. Military has been the more stabilizing endeavors for many years around the world.

Right now we have no business in Ukraine or anywhere else. Biden/Obama continue to destroy our once proud military by giving those billions of dollars in military aid - supposedly to take five years alone to replace

Missiles sent to Ukraine which depleted the US supply.

Other similar acts they have pulled over the past 2 plus years have further depleted US military supplies.

The “Wokeism” has even further weakened US military.

Recruitment for US military is atrocious and getting worse.

The Clown show we have in the WH right now is a complete mess. There is basically seemingly very few staff who know which end is up or could find their posterior with both hands all as a similar situation form the Obama years.

No not neocon as been there and done that and it was not fun.

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crickets. That's what I thought. Everyone reading this knows that you supported the war in Iraq you lying piece of sh1t. It is a-holes like you who are responsible for our bloated military budget, which is bankrupting our country and making us less secure. Take your head out of your a$$.

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Please respond to my previous questions.

Do you support sending billions of our tax dollars to Israel?

Did you you, at the time, support the war in Iraq. I understand you don't think it was a good idea now, but I'm talking about in the early 2000's did you support it? Do you think it is a good idea for the US to be sending their warships into the Strait of Hurmuz? Lastly, what are your thoughts regarding Israeli Jews spitting on Israeli Christians in Israel? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z581dbGqr08

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When you say that you are not a neocon as you have been there and done that, are you saying that you used to be a neocon? If so, then surely you did support the war in Iraq at the time right? Please be honest. You got tricked into supporting that war, didn't you? Also, do you or do you not support giving billions of dollars to Israel every year? Your support for the presence of the US military in the Strait of Hurmuz, and apparently all around the world as well, gives the impression that you are someone who falls for fear mongering and pro-war propaganda put out by the military industrial complex and the Israeli lobby. Also, I get the impression that you likely have some sort of deep seeded hatred towards Muslims and Iranians in particular. I'm curious, not in regards to the Ukraine, but just in general, do you think that the US should increase military spending or decrease it?

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Was that the Navy incident which later showed photos of our guys on their knees with hands behind their heads? Or was that another incident? It's hard for me to keep track of all this ... stuff.

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I am still on Obama flying billions of dollars in cash to Iran....if no one held him as a traitor then and still voted Biden in then they too are traitors....

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The US has illegally seized $ tens of billions of Iran’s assets. If anyone did that to us, we’d consider it an act of war.

US hostility towards Iran is the result of US foreign policy being controlled by Israel. Every time there has been an opportunity for the US and Iran to reach a reconciliation, it has been Israel’s subversive lobby in the US that has sabotaged it. See the book Israel and US Foreign Policy by Mearsheimer & Walt. They give the details.

Former NSA Director under Reagan, General William Odom, opined that Iran and the US should have been natural friends to both our benefits in the region. Average Iranians have more affection for Americans than most if the Arab states in the region who privately look forward to “slitting the throats of infidels.”

This ugly portrayal is confirmed by former coworkers stationed in gulf states servicing US-made weaponry.

Israel’s diplomatic exertions seem aimed at making the geopolitics of the mideast appear, as much as possible, to resemble the times of Ezekiel, so that brainwashed Christian Zionists will get enthused for supporting every foul deed Israel plans up to and including serial destructions of innocent countries.

Remember the USS Liberty. Remember 9/11. Remember who LBJ was sleeping with, and who controlled access to him... back when he said he’d rather see that ship on seafloor than embarrass Israel.

Remember the reversals of JFK policies that happened in the first days of LBJ’s admin. These day-to-night policy reversals point to who benefited most from the murder of JFK.

The “stuff” Americans should be keeping track of are the abuses inflicted on the US by Israel. The number of false-flag terrorist attacks. The number of innocent countries turned into smoking ruins by the US at the behest of DC neocons. The degree of political manipulation. The boasts of Israeli PMs and lobbyists about Israel controlling the USA. The extraordinary amounts of cash the US gives to Israel when Israel has billionaire fans who could easily supply the cash they extort from US taxpayers.

Israel is no friend of the US. As the late Congressman James Trafficant reported, “Israel uses the US like a whore.”

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Yes, you have the right image...on their knees with hands behind their heads.

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The US Navy surrendered those ships faster than a girl dropping her panties on prom night.

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Interesting analogy....

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I figured I could get away with it...

You are not supposed to surrender your ship to the enemy without a fight.

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It was a cute analogy…..just that i am an old generation and it surprised me……but…..Right on the mark….we must never surrender but fight until the end…🙏

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The Good guys better come out soon....i mean there was 5.1 earthquake in CA exactly where Hurricane Hilary is landing....i know the government can control weather and since 1952 according to David Icke and his reliable data....the government can cause tsunamis and earthquakes and right now the program is accelerated.....i hope that means good is winning and we are strangling evil.

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They will soon be saying that the earthquake was caused by the all-purpose climate change.

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Yup!!!!!! Peace.

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No, Iran is defending itself. We seized an oil tanker belonging to them. Thats economic warfare. They have every right to retaliate. We have no business in the straits of Homuz. And what tells you that Trump will follow this bone headed Biden administrations idiotic moves. Trump already tried to force a renegotiation of the JPOA he backed out of with cripling sanctions and Iran never yielded. I love America but we are a bully and we need to learn to mind our own business

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The US CIA helped the Brits to remove the government of Iran in the 1950's to install the Shaw.

Iran was going to nationalize the BP oil refineries in Iran. The Brits tried to topple the Iranian government but failed to do so on their on. The then asked the CIA for help and it worked.

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I generally agree with you but loving the american war machine is never going to be a point of agreement. The usa is the country with 800 to 1000 military bases around the world...not to 'protect' but to threaten!

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