Cut the crap. Ritter is basically saying another Hiroshima is required. Have we come that far??

Fuck sake human race, half of you are fucking barbarians, the other half are sheep.

I'm in "the know" like the elite, I just don't have their money. We are being played. These are bankers wars. War is profit for the banks. The USA is seeing a collapse of its financial system. War can keep it alive. There's an irony eh!!

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Paul - you have lost it.

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Have any of you seen the plan for Europe Canada and the US to take Palestinians after they spend some time in the Sinai? If true the politicians doing this are traitors.

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The most expedient way to defuse this crisis is for someone to take out Beelzubibi. Jews all over the world will cheer because HE and his acts are the biggest engines of antisemitism the world has seen in recent decades.

Murderous, inhuman, child-killing Zionism is like a rabid dog that needs to be put down no matter how much we love dogs generally.

Save Israel. Save Palestine. Save the world.

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Not necessarily.

They need to cut Gaza into sections. Block off the borders. Clean it out section by section.

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This in depth look at the German assault on Russia in WWII not only is applicable to Gaza, but shows why Russia and Putin hate the nazis in Ukraine. Their intel told them that Ukraine and the deep state US State Dept./NATO was preparing an assault on Russia, and Putin did what he had to do to defend his people and the ethnic Russians in Eastern Ukraine, with a preemptive attack against the Zelensky nazi regime, which simultaneously took out the many US DoD bioweapons labs that were also going to be used against Russia and the West.

In this case, the Palestinians are not the enemy of Israel, but the enemy is HAMAS, Iran, and the radical murderous jihadist muslim terrorists.

Who is really behind this push for war? The luciferian globalists, and the handlers of the illegitimate Biden Admin - Obama, Jarrett, Nuland, Blinken, et al.

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Paul and all,

Thank you for your continuing great work producing evidence necessary to cut the snake off at its head!

YOU and every patriotic citizen want to make sure the global psychopaths are properly prosecuted on ALL fronts they have been attacking us on a thousand fronts everyday, right?

Here is how you do it with TRUE Constitutional lawyers, the right courts and finally serious UNITY…

It is time for ALL patriotic Americans to have UNITY in a serious Freedom Movement to get behind, support and spread the message about these 2 critical issues necessary for America’s survival….





Serious patriotic Americans must learn about these 2 issues ASAP and…Unify behind these 2 critical issues!

Pass these 2 pieces EVERYWHERE ASAP!

Future generations are depending on We the People to guard our Constitution and restore America!

Good always wins over evil…only if you UNITE and do something!

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Well that would be stupid that would be called suicide. All this because that land belongs to Our Creator they think that if they destroy it it will stop him from returning.

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No one can win a war. You can only lose less badly than the other. It would be cheaper to build an impenetrable wall. Then use tiny drones for surveillance. When a military target begins to be established take it out. For this to work though requires the world to make a demand of Palestinians. Which it won’t do. Palestine must eschew violence, accept Israel, and start building a good society. Only when Palestinians decide their real

Goal is not to annihilate Israel but to build a real country should the West send aid.

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I think you need to work on your reading comprehension skills a bit Dr. Alexander. No where in that article does Scott Ritter suggest that Israel should nuke Gaza. His article seems to suggest that Israeli military leaders are morons, and will have fallen for a Hamas trap if they send Israeli group troops into Gaza, and also have made an impossible goal of wiping out Hamas, meaning that their objective is not going to be achieved, and at the end of the day, Israel will not achieve its objective, and thus Hamas wins by simply continuing to exist. I personally think that the Israelis should have set an achievable goal, like perhaps to capture the top 300 Hamas leaders and folks who took part in the attack, and hold a trial for them, and execute the ones who deserve executing, and give the ones who had less involvement prison time.

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The problem is not Hamas but ISLAM. It needs to be eradicated.

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Gaza should never have been given up. A police state, permanent, building the economy, lifestyles, infrastructure (which was in place in much of Gaza before the Palestinians and their elected government destroyed it) would have been better for those same Palestinians. No 300 miles of concrete tunnels would have been built 200 ft underground. No daily rocket attacks. And would have been less costly both in lives and shekels. Now? Everyone loses.

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Health Ranger presents video and leaked documents showing plan by Bibi Netanyahu to force Palestinians out, total annihilation, Genocide. Joe Biden states can't support this. Well Trump supports this unconditionally. And what does RFK jr. thinks. https://www.brighteon.com/ee6963bd-6f82-449e-bc68-88f51d350b95.

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A Shoah is no solution. Netanyahu springing a false flag now had the result of quickening the Greatest Reset after Covid. The gas fields off Gaza are too rich to allow to Palestinians and now they won't exist to claim them.

Militarization and logistical control have gripped our society, and fear over the loss of control governs our political systems. Not only has witnessing war and conflict on a frequent basis created an epidemic of mental illnesses, such as the prevalence of schizoid and other anti-social personality disorders, but it has also led to a culture of automation and control that suppresses and disincentivizes civic participation and limits our political imagination.

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HAMAS is an IDEA now not just a group of people. Every bomb Israel drops that wounds or kills an innocent (in this vengeance blood letting they are bent on) creates a new HAMAS soldier.

End the occupation that's at the root of the problem and create an autonomous viable two state solution as the UN envisioned or play this game forever

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