Fulfillment of the prophecy by Isaiah. Chapter 59: (KJV). is a good place to start reading. Jesus is coming, and the enemy is coming in like a flood. (verses 19, 20). The west has turned away from God, and greatly offended our Creator. Yet He will have mercy to those whos accept the offer of salvation, Jesus paid for, free to all who will receive him. Time for a change of mind folks...(it's called repentance in Biblical terms, change your mind about who should be running the country, and your life). This is why 'they' are doing this to America...to give folks a chance to perceive the difference between right and wrong, and choose who will be your God...Klaus Schwabb et al, the false gods of global warming and pandemics or Jesus Christ. Choose wisely.

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It is all treason and it is part of the plan to end modern western civilization and send us back to feudal times. They know there are no repercussions, almost all are in on it.

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They are committing treason on a scale never seen before in the history of the United States of America. And the Demonrats and many many Republicans are going along because they don’t want to be ridiculed by the Left Wing Media and all the Left Wing Demonrats.

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Biden is useless!!!! And they certainly are!!!🤡🌏

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The presidents oath of office states that he is to protect our borders and our country from foreign invasion! Since he signed to open the borders on day one, this president has broken his oath. He should have been impeached day two and thrown out of office for that treasonous event.

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Absolutely they are!

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Not only treason from top to bottom, but it has been going on since Ike, willingly, planned, with deliberation, and deception.

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At this point we are beyond biden admin. This falls on the turncoat in congress. The republican turncoats have continued to fund dhs. We all know their excuses. We need xyz, ABC blah blah blah. STOP FUNDING EVERYTHING until shit stops everywhere. We are being played, we are marks in this con game of dem vs rep. Your representative is a cooler, you get upset you're getting the shaft and he comes in saying he agrees but then dies nothing.

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When GOP congress members (they are not representatives) FAIL to impeach this scum,

revolution is near.

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If you look at this from the perspective that "they" are trying to destroy the United States in multiple ways, then it all makes sense. To destabilize our country from the inside out. You know, plus killing and maiming millions of people. 🙄. We need people that are FOR America. We need laws passed nationwide whereby public servants can be voted out by petition if they aren't serving the will of the people or following the Constitution.

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These people pictured are dead eyed killers. They need a one way ticket back to their country or a one way ticket to their final destination...

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A good analysis of this is Mark Levin's book. "The Democrat Party Hates America"

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