ing tests save lives by extending lifetime; this is a PROFOUND finding! 'lifetime gain for cancer screening tests appears to be unlikely or uncertain.'; Does cancer screening extend life? Seems NO!
The War On Cancer (Nixon) has been raging for the last 50 years and even with vastly improved technology, it still fights a losing battle every year. It's all about fear, money and fake science.
I can raise my own meat. I am on Keto now, and loving it. If you want to plant a garden and grow your own veggies, that is very possible, too. I see a future where we will be living in small communities, and each person contributes to the group, and we all share in the bounty by using the barter system. Everyone puts in, everyone gets out. Nobody is superior to the other, we have no rulers and we work together for the common good of our group.
Nothing will get worse than it is now, unless we comply to their ridiculous demands. I will not comply. I can be self sufficient, with the help of my like minded farmer neighbours. We have always helped each other.
The cancer industry is another one built on suppressing cures to keep raking in billion$ by treating symptoms. It's the way the modern medical system works.
Actually their “tests” and “treatments” CAUSE cancer,so they are really making the big bucks all around by profiting off of innocent people’s suffering.
Agree 100%! I discovered that there is science to prove that stress can actually shut down your immune system. So, the 'screenings' become self fulfilling prophecies. I don't live in fear. I listen to my body. I am healthy. I eat good pure food. I don't eat packaged or takeout food, unless it is the odd surf and turf for a treat. No carbs, no sugar.
Yes. That’s the first thing I thought of. My neighbor bled to death after his colonoscopy. They tried to remove a polyp and they killed him. And I have known for a long time not to get mammograms. They cause cancer. That’s the whole purpose.
My mammography was suspicious, so they did a follow up with ultrasound. The doctor was conservative, but his medical assistant was eager to show off her ability to detect the slightest sign of cancer. She argued with him as they performed my scan. "You see? She DOES have cancer!" "No, no," he replied. "That's not a good indicator." I was astounded. They don't worry about psychologically traumatizing the patient or how I would feel? I'm merely a playing field for heroes possibly to prove their surgical success in defeating the dragon.
The issue is, breast imaging has become so good they can detect micro lesions that they couldn’t before. As such they have no history as to whether they’re of major concern or not. One school of thought suggests they might’ve always been inside some women and rarely any cause mischief. The other school of thought is, why take chances? They should be surgically removed. They don’t know. So, it’s a judgement call that depends on the philosophy of the clinician.
Why take chances? This argument is like the argument for zero covid. It ignores the risk of anesthesia and negative reactions to surgery. It assumes that the doctor's actions are always benevolent and the only chance (risk) is the risk of cancer. That is not the case.
You’re preaching to the choir. It really comes down to, or should come down to, the patient. Weigh the risks, benefits and alternatives. Make a decision from there. You seemed flummoxed that two clinicians would debate. I’ve explained why. In the end it’s your call.
I see your explanation about whether to act or not to act to remove small sign of cancer. That wasn't the case in my example. The mammography may have detected a micro lesion in 2008. The doctor then tried to confirm it with an ultrasound. (I was already freaking out. I needed him to say something like, "Don't worry we often find very tiny signals in mammography and we want to make very sure we are doing the absolute best for your health to determine whether they even deserve following up." )
But, instead, he calls over his student? to help show her how to read the ultrasound. Many doctors have asked me before doing this. Would it be OK if I have my student observe my exam?
The issue was does the ultrasound ALSO show a sign of cancer? Or does the ultrasound show that the mammography signal is not worthy of a biopsy or worthy of surgical intervention?
She was eager for the ultrasound to confirm the mammography--ignoring that confirming cancer would be devastating to me. They weren't arguing over whether or not a lesion was of major concern. They were arguing over whether or not the mammography had detected a lesion. I think he did counsel her not to jump to conclusions. But I felt abandoned.
MY CONCLUSION: The zeal to find cancer overrides all considerations of any other consequences. It's like the zeal to detect Covid and defeat it with mandatory vaccination, social distancing, lock downs, masks totally ignores all risks from such interventions. We are certain of our righteousness (along with our profits). Those who are harmed are few and can easily be ignored because the benefit outweighs the risk. I disagree. No suffering should be ignored. Make sure you create informed consent for your procedures and don't assume that every good intention results in equally good outcomes.
The doctor was training the assistant. He was showing her how to correctly interpret the ultrasound. I believe she was proud to detect cancer. I believe that she thought she would be doing me a favor because now I would be able to biopsy it and remove it surgically ASAP before it could kill me. I used to think she was without empathy. In a way, she was.
I wasn't flummoxed I was terrified and traumatized. How could they not care about me. As I wrote, I felt as though my body didn't belong to me. Instead it was their playing field. I'm less traumatized now after sharing my story. I'll review your explanation again.
That's fascinating. I listened to a YouTube video stating that mammography wasn't very effective. There are 3 types of cancers. 1. Turbo cancers finding these is not much help. They have already metastasized and grow so fast you won't be helped. Or maybe we can include in this category a cancer that you missed because you waited too long before you got screened. He called these like birds. They fly away before you can catch them. 2. Slow growing or non growing cancers. You found these, but it won't matter whether or not you treat them because they will never kill you. He called these like turtles. 3. Cancers that you can remove and prevent harm. I forget what he called these. He concluded that mammography wasn't worth the risk. Yes, over several decades mammography itself can cause cancer or raise the risk of it. Some doctors argue that the pressure of the machine could itself cause metastases. I don't think this is a great risk, myself. The biggest risk was false positives. A false positive test may lead to a biopsy--even surgery. Not to mention the trauma of believing you have cancer. Say no to mammography!
I was waiting before my mammography. Another woman was telling how they biopsed her breast after a suspicious mammography and were able to remove it so they prevented CANCER. She was so grateful. I shuddered. I think of her often. Was surgery really necessary? I understand most "cancers" detected by mammography are slow growing that would never kill you.
I got a mammogram although I was reluctant. I told the medical assistant of my reluctance. She disapproved. Do you ever fly in an airplane, she asked me. No I replied. Well the radiation from a mammography is far less than you would get from an airplane flight.
can of worms as I think the MDs clean the exam cameras and that can cause a problem. I recall that all patients must request a new cable and offer to pay up front as not that expensive, if I recall.
I would never pay to be sodomized by a doctor (or anyone else). To me this has always been an invention of sadists. Also mammograms cause cancer and are very painful and damage the tissue just like colonoscopies. The one thing the medical industry is good at treating is trauma injuries. I’ll give them that.
Good points all. Yes the medical profession is full of sadists but most don't know it because they think that torture is necessary to cure people. Most just want to zip things out of our bodies wholesale as though that's the only solution or give anti-biotics. Well what does that word mean? It means - anti life. That tells you everything.
The mRNAs appear to enhance prior commodities at this point. The chems alone are deadly. Lost is childhood neighbor friend super fast once chem-'therapy' entered the picture.
I think they say you've got nothing to begin with then when you go back they say you've got cancer. They win your trust then take you hostage. Once a patient is on that merry go round, they rarely get off. I knew a few people who got on it and they were never the same again and all they did was thank the medical profession for saving their lives. Oh the irony.
Yep, that is how they killed my husband. Diagnosed him with Prostate Cancer. Then tested him for HepC and said he was positive so his Union insurance had to pay $60,000 for a 3 month treatment of pills. Tell me, how in hell could he have HepC and we were married for 30 yrs and I tested negative for it?
They gave him Lupron shots at $1200 a pop every 3 mos. Told him he had 3 - 5 yrs max IF he took it, but only 1 yr if he didn't. That was the start of then end. 4 yrs later...I lost him.
nobody wants to believe this but it's been known for many years.
And for colorectal cancer, a bit of aspirin helps more than any screening method. Aspirin can reduce chances of colorectal by 70%.
Prostate and breast cancer and colon cancer screening are an industry where the provders make money and the patients are almost always worse off with vast over-diagnosis and over-treatment.
Speaking of cancer, eliminating these hyped fats can reduce chances of skin cancer:
If I test and find out I have aggressive cancer at going on 52 and I foolishly decide to get radio- or chemotherapy, I will be dead at 53 and the last year of my "life" will simply be hell.
If don't find out, and I am in fact terminal, I'd probably live another 3 or 4 years in blissful ignorance and then blow out like a punctured bicycle inner tube or a lazy lob.
I haven't been for a medical examination in say 20 years. I really don't want to know.
More dangerous than cancer is mental illness.
I wonder how many people in powerful positions in industry and govt would test for that. The answer surely is none.
Covid has shone a mirror to all these sick fuckers and their numbers are huge.
Much respect to you, Dr. Alexander. Integrity runs high when one does not buckle under the pressure to deconstruct once highly prized and hard fought-for personal achievements and honors when faced with a hidden truth. While loudly slamming the door on the easy lure of dissonance. We now know that not many have cultured this backbone, sadly, and to our collective detriment. But those who have are also laying the foundation to the world we all beg to live in, one rock at a time. A radically prestigious achievement and assistance for those needing stable footing. Rock on, Doc.
I am glad that I got my mammogram -caught it early enough so I am not disfigured. My hubby is battling stage 4 colon cancer- back again after 2 years-get screened if you have a history in your family -or at least a FIIT test!! (Stool) we are both in our 60s and not ready to go yet!
Sorry to hear about that but you don't know that those tests really found cancer and even if they did, the body gets cancers and cleans them away of its own accord. Lots of people live long lives and never go anywhere near doctors. I'm one of them.
As am I. I only use Dr.'s for emergency treatment; stitches, torn meniscus, torn muscles, etc. They are anti health otherwise. I am 59 and healthy, mainly because I don't use cleaning products (vinegar, baking soda or peroxide work great!), don't eat sugars, don't eat packaged food, don't drink tap water from town (I have my own 110 ft well into a pristine aquafer), or heavy metal laden bottled water. Your food really IS your medicine. I eat meat, and meat products mainly. Eggs, animal fats, absolutely no seed oils.
I agree with most of this? However, my husband’s colon cancer 10 yrs ago was caught so early he never needed chemo or radiation. Same with my breast cancer last fall. Caught early enough I didn’t need all the other poisons. I declined a mammogram this year and insisted on only an ultrasound. They tried to tell me the night before my appointment, I HAD to have a mammo too and I told them I would take my business elsewhere. They called back ten minutes later and agreed to my terms if I signed a waiver saying I declined the recommended mammo 🤣 What idiots!
And a lot of those would go nowhere if just left alone. They are heavily "overdiagnosed", meaning that invasive and damaging procedures are often performed in cases where the tumor was not cancerous or likely to never become a problem. Many times "the cure is worse than the disease". Plus, screenings themselves can be highly injurious or even deadly. Mammograms and othe X-rays can cause cancer. Biopsies can spread cancers that may have never done anything. Cancers get misdiagnosed all the time— benign growths get called cancers when they are not, or are just somewhat questionable. Many unnecessary surgeries are performed every year— a huge "cash cow" for the medical industry!
But sigmoidoscopy screening WAS the one type that showed a slight benefit.
That said, high dose vitamins C and D supplementation, plus selenium, iodine, etc, will do a whole lot MORE to PREVENT all those cancers than any screenings!
Keep your mitochondria healthy and you will NEVER get cancer in the first place!
But if there is stomach acid present, the bicarbonate just disappears— splits and becomes salt (sodium chloride) and carbon dioxide gas. When is the stomach ever completely free of acid? The body makes bicarbonate in the pancreas and dumps it into the duodenum when food is released from the stomach.
Medically, sodium bicarbonate is given intravenously.
Well if you can believe what they say. When you say "early" a lot of the time these things come and go so if you just left them alone they would go. The body knows how to clean itself and heal itself. But of course, that will never be studied so long as there is money to be made from sickness.
I refuse to get any more "life saving" medical tests at age 73. I'll try to keep my body functioning as well as I can and that's all I want to do. My wife's 83 year old brother has bone cancer and after almost a year of chemo, the drugs are losing. I have only known one or perhaps two people out of dozens who have survived cancer using radiation and chemo. No family member has ever survived cancer.
I keep getting notices in the mail to squish my tits. I won't endure it, and if I did have breast cancer, they would only be bursting it so it would spread (metastasize). I know how to screen myself. And they want to do a colonoscopy. No thanks! The pipes are working just fine!
IMO, it is fear mongering. Science proves that fear, and stress actually lowers your immune system, rendering it useless. It shuts down making you vulnerable to their suggestions to not eat meat, not eat salt, not eat healthy animal fats, wear a mask that will give you pneumonia, stay away from friends that will help build your immune system through normal exposure, etc. It was all lies!!
So, I don't live in fear. I don't get screened for anything. I know when there is something wrong with my body and I listen to it. I don't do what it tells me not to and I do what it tells me to. I like salt. I have always been told I would develop high blood pressure. I have low blood pressure, in fact, just in the normal range. They can stick their b.s. I never see the Dr.
I'm 59, recently widowed (Feb 2022) never been vaxed for anything other than tetanus 2 or maybe 3 times, since the only things I ever went to the walk in clinic for, was stitches, torn muscles, torn meniscus, that type of thing. 30 yrs as a sheep farmer, with 300 head.
The only thing wrong with me now is I have to lose 50 lbs, from the multiple significant stressful events of the last 3 yrs.
I am healthy, and fighting for a decent retired life that is free of this bankruptcy and enslavement they have been planning for us for a long time. The Central Banks need to be destroyed along with their 'usury' (interest). We paid 2.25% of the purchase price that the bank loaned us dammit! I managed to get the 25 yrs amortized mtg paid off in 20 yrs, so we became free in January 2022.
The taxation (THEFT) system needs to be eliminated, with nothing more than an 8% tax on new items only...once, nothing for used items. No income tax, no property tax (rent on a property you paid through the nose to own and continue to pay to maintain) and if you don't pay it for 2 years they steal your property! We are lucky if we retain 30% of our earned income. We are working slaves, that they have been poisoning with vaccines and toxins our whole lives. This meat suit we wear is self healing, if we only avoid the toxins (makeup, lotions, cleansers, additives and SUGAR) and feed it good healthy meat and meat products. Sugar is addictive and causes obesity that makes us all too fat and lazy to fight for our rights, and creates the perfect environment for illness. Carbs are what your body uses to create sugar! And sugar is even in the damned table salt for crying out loud! I've used Redmonds for 10 yrs.
Another way to describe cancer screening is revenue streaming by cancer institutions.
The War On Cancer (Nixon) has been raging for the last 50 years and even with vastly improved technology, it still fights a losing battle every year. It's all about fear, money and fake science.
💥 so much truth in that statement
I can raise my own meat. I am on Keto now, and loving it. If you want to plant a garden and grow your own veggies, that is very possible, too. I see a future where we will be living in small communities, and each person contributes to the group, and we all share in the bounty by using the barter system. Everyone puts in, everyone gets out. Nobody is superior to the other, we have no rulers and we work together for the common good of our group.
Nothing will get worse than it is now, unless we comply to their ridiculous demands. I will not comply. I can be self sufficient, with the help of my like minded farmer neighbours. We have always helped each other.
The cancer industry is another one built on suppressing cures to keep raking in billion$ by treating symptoms. It's the way the modern medical system works.
Actually their “tests” and “treatments” CAUSE cancer,so they are really making the big bucks all around by profiting off of innocent people’s suffering.
Agree 100%! I discovered that there is science to prove that stress can actually shut down your immune system. So, the 'screenings' become self fulfilling prophecies. I don't live in fear. I listen to my body. I am healthy. I eat good pure food. I don't eat packaged or takeout food, unless it is the odd surf and turf for a treat. No carbs, no sugar.
Take it a step farther and ask how many perforated colons and other injuries and complications from the tests themselves? Are they worth the risk?
Yes. That’s the first thing I thought of. My neighbor bled to death after his colonoscopy. They tried to remove a polyp and they killed him. And I have known for a long time not to get mammograms. They cause cancer. That’s the whole purpose.
My mammography was suspicious, so they did a follow up with ultrasound. The doctor was conservative, but his medical assistant was eager to show off her ability to detect the slightest sign of cancer. She argued with him as they performed my scan. "You see? She DOES have cancer!" "No, no," he replied. "That's not a good indicator." I was astounded. They don't worry about psychologically traumatizing the patient or how I would feel? I'm merely a playing field for heroes possibly to prove their surgical success in defeating the dragon.
The issue is, breast imaging has become so good they can detect micro lesions that they couldn’t before. As such they have no history as to whether they’re of major concern or not. One school of thought suggests they might’ve always been inside some women and rarely any cause mischief. The other school of thought is, why take chances? They should be surgically removed. They don’t know. So, it’s a judgement call that depends on the philosophy of the clinician.
Why take chances? This argument is like the argument for zero covid. It ignores the risk of anesthesia and negative reactions to surgery. It assumes that the doctor's actions are always benevolent and the only chance (risk) is the risk of cancer. That is not the case.
You’re preaching to the choir. It really comes down to, or should come down to, the patient. Weigh the risks, benefits and alternatives. Make a decision from there. You seemed flummoxed that two clinicians would debate. I’ve explained why. In the end it’s your call.
I see your explanation about whether to act or not to act to remove small sign of cancer. That wasn't the case in my example. The mammography may have detected a micro lesion in 2008. The doctor then tried to confirm it with an ultrasound. (I was already freaking out. I needed him to say something like, "Don't worry we often find very tiny signals in mammography and we want to make very sure we are doing the absolute best for your health to determine whether they even deserve following up." )
But, instead, he calls over his student? to help show her how to read the ultrasound. Many doctors have asked me before doing this. Would it be OK if I have my student observe my exam?
The issue was does the ultrasound ALSO show a sign of cancer? Or does the ultrasound show that the mammography signal is not worthy of a biopsy or worthy of surgical intervention?
She was eager for the ultrasound to confirm the mammography--ignoring that confirming cancer would be devastating to me. They weren't arguing over whether or not a lesion was of major concern. They were arguing over whether or not the mammography had detected a lesion. I think he did counsel her not to jump to conclusions. But I felt abandoned.
MY CONCLUSION: The zeal to find cancer overrides all considerations of any other consequences. It's like the zeal to detect Covid and defeat it with mandatory vaccination, social distancing, lock downs, masks totally ignores all risks from such interventions. We are certain of our righteousness (along with our profits). Those who are harmed are few and can easily be ignored because the benefit outweighs the risk. I disagree. No suffering should be ignored. Make sure you create informed consent for your procedures and don't assume that every good intention results in equally good outcomes.
The doctor was training the assistant. He was showing her how to correctly interpret the ultrasound. I believe she was proud to detect cancer. I believe that she thought she would be doing me a favor because now I would be able to biopsy it and remove it surgically ASAP before it could kill me. I used to think she was without empathy. In a way, she was.
I wasn't flummoxed I was terrified and traumatized. How could they not care about me. As I wrote, I felt as though my body didn't belong to me. Instead it was their playing field. I'm less traumatized now after sharing my story. I'll review your explanation again.
That's fascinating. I listened to a YouTube video stating that mammography wasn't very effective. There are 3 types of cancers. 1. Turbo cancers finding these is not much help. They have already metastasized and grow so fast you won't be helped. Or maybe we can include in this category a cancer that you missed because you waited too long before you got screened. He called these like birds. They fly away before you can catch them. 2. Slow growing or non growing cancers. You found these, but it won't matter whether or not you treat them because they will never kill you. He called these like turtles. 3. Cancers that you can remove and prevent harm. I forget what he called these. He concluded that mammography wasn't worth the risk. Yes, over several decades mammography itself can cause cancer or raise the risk of it. Some doctors argue that the pressure of the machine could itself cause metastases. I don't think this is a great risk, myself. The biggest risk was false positives. A false positive test may lead to a biopsy--even surgery. Not to mention the trauma of believing you have cancer. Say no to mammography!
I was waiting before my mammography. Another woman was telling how they biopsed her breast after a suspicious mammography and were able to remove it so they prevented CANCER. She was so grateful. I shuddered. I think of her often. Was surgery really necessary? I understand most "cancers" detected by mammography are slow growing that would never kill you.
I got a mammogram although I was reluctant. I told the medical assistant of my reluctance. She disapproved. Do you ever fly in an airplane, she asked me. No I replied. Well the radiation from a mammography is far less than you would get from an airplane flight.
Ionizing radiation is cumulative
Techs wear little detectors to measure it
Years ago I spoke with one who participated in a study of techs re cancer occurrences
My brother was a rad tech; he died at 37 from astrocytoma of spine ; likely from accumulated “scatter”of radiation.
can of worms as I think the MDs clean the exam cameras and that can cause a problem. I recall that all patients must request a new cable and offer to pay up front as not that expensive, if I recall.
I would never pay to be sodomized by a doctor (or anyone else). To me this has always been an invention of sadists. Also mammograms cause cancer and are very painful and damage the tissue just like colonoscopies. The one thing the medical industry is good at treating is trauma injuries. I’ll give them that.
Good points all. Yes the medical profession is full of sadists but most don't know it because they think that torture is necessary to cure people. Most just want to zip things out of our bodies wholesale as though that's the only solution or give anti-biotics. Well what does that word mean? It means - anti life. That tells you everything.
Yes. That is exactly what antibiotic means!
It's like a fire sale. You will soon be going out of business! Get this wonderful chemotherapy and radiation before you die!
My brother got a full physical in Oct 2021 and was given a clean bill
Of health. He was diagnosed used with cancer 2 months later, got chemo, then was full of cancer. Chemo and the jab don’t mix.
The mRNAs appear to enhance prior commodities at this point. The chems alone are deadly. Lost is childhood neighbor friend super fast once chem-'therapy' entered the picture.
I think they say you've got nothing to begin with then when you go back they say you've got cancer. They win your trust then take you hostage. Once a patient is on that merry go round, they rarely get off. I knew a few people who got on it and they were never the same again and all they did was thank the medical profession for saving their lives. Oh the irony.
Yep, that is how they killed my husband. Diagnosed him with Prostate Cancer. Then tested him for HepC and said he was positive so his Union insurance had to pay $60,000 for a 3 month treatment of pills. Tell me, how in hell could he have HepC and we were married for 30 yrs and I tested negative for it?
They gave him Lupron shots at $1200 a pop every 3 mos. Told him he had 3 - 5 yrs max IF he took it, but only 1 yr if he didn't. That was the start of then end. 4 yrs later...I lost him.
So non dignified. That's what the medical profession is. They put "ports" in your body like you're some kind of gas tank.
nobody wants to believe this but it's been known for many years.
And for colorectal cancer, a bit of aspirin helps more than any screening method. Aspirin can reduce chances of colorectal by 70%.
Prostate and breast cancer and colon cancer screening are an industry where the provders make money and the patients are almost always worse off with vast over-diagnosis and over-treatment.
Speaking of cancer, eliminating these hyped fats can reduce chances of skin cancer:
Thanks for this link - great article! ?
If I test and find out I have aggressive cancer at going on 52 and I foolishly decide to get radio- or chemotherapy, I will be dead at 53 and the last year of my "life" will simply be hell.
If don't find out, and I am in fact terminal, I'd probably live another 3 or 4 years in blissful ignorance and then blow out like a punctured bicycle inner tube or a lazy lob.
I haven't been for a medical examination in say 20 years. I really don't want to know.
More dangerous than cancer is mental illness.
I wonder how many people in powerful positions in industry and govt would test for that. The answer surely is none.
Covid has shone a mirror to all these sick fuckers and their numbers are huge.
Talk about a plague of lowlife psycho's.
Is there perhaps an mRNA injection for that?
Something as cheap and simple as a urine fast can cure everything, including cancer:
Much respect to you, Dr. Alexander. Integrity runs high when one does not buckle under the pressure to deconstruct once highly prized and hard fought-for personal achievements and honors when faced with a hidden truth. While loudly slamming the door on the easy lure of dissonance. We now know that not many have cultured this backbone, sadly, and to our collective detriment. But those who have are also laying the foundation to the world we all beg to live in, one rock at a time. A radically prestigious achievement and assistance for those needing stable footing. Rock on, Doc.
Do we even trust them to believe this?? Isn't their goal to let people die??
There are solid American MDs. But I want to see more individual family doctors and reduce the corporation MDs. The problem starts at the top.
I am glad that I got my mammogram -caught it early enough so I am not disfigured. My hubby is battling stage 4 colon cancer- back again after 2 years-get screened if you have a history in your family -or at least a FIIT test!! (Stool) we are both in our 60s and not ready to go yet!
Sorry to hear about that but you don't know that those tests really found cancer and even if they did, the body gets cancers and cleans them away of its own accord. Lots of people live long lives and never go anywhere near doctors. I'm one of them.
As am I. I only use Dr.'s for emergency treatment; stitches, torn meniscus, torn muscles, etc. They are anti health otherwise. I am 59 and healthy, mainly because I don't use cleaning products (vinegar, baking soda or peroxide work great!), don't eat sugars, don't eat packaged food, don't drink tap water from town (I have my own 110 ft well into a pristine aquafer), or heavy metal laden bottled water. Your food really IS your medicine. I eat meat, and meat products mainly. Eggs, animal fats, absolutely no seed oils.
AFTER they rake in as much money as possible “treating” the purposely caused diseases.
I agree with most of this? However, my husband’s colon cancer 10 yrs ago was caught so early he never needed chemo or radiation. Same with my breast cancer last fall. Caught early enough I didn’t need all the other poisons. I declined a mammogram this year and insisted on only an ultrasound. They tried to tell me the night before my appointment, I HAD to have a mammo too and I told them I would take my business elsewhere. They called back ten minutes later and agreed to my terms if I signed a waiver saying I declined the recommended mammo 🤣 What idiots!
It’s why we need government OUT of healthcare, so we can put crappy cancer care and crappy covid care out of business
It's fraudulent! Based on money!
Ah, but they make $$$$$$
How many cancer sufferers wound up bankrupting their families with a result of a dead patient?
I disagree. We catch a lot of nasty precancerous and early cancer colon polyps with screening colonoscopy.
And a lot of those would go nowhere if just left alone. They are heavily "overdiagnosed", meaning that invasive and damaging procedures are often performed in cases where the tumor was not cancerous or likely to never become a problem. Many times "the cure is worse than the disease". Plus, screenings themselves can be highly injurious or even deadly. Mammograms and othe X-rays can cause cancer. Biopsies can spread cancers that may have never done anything. Cancers get misdiagnosed all the time— benign growths get called cancers when they are not, or are just somewhat questionable. Many unnecessary surgeries are performed every year— a huge "cash cow" for the medical industry!
But sigmoidoscopy screening WAS the one type that showed a slight benefit.
That said, high dose vitamins C and D supplementation, plus selenium, iodine, etc, will do a whole lot MORE to PREVENT all those cancers than any screenings!
Keep your mitochondria healthy and you will NEVER get cancer in the first place!
A quarter teaspoon of bicarbonate of soda in a glass of water daily helps to keep body alkaline, optimum for fighting off diseases.
But if there is stomach acid present, the bicarbonate just disappears— splits and becomes salt (sodium chloride) and carbon dioxide gas. When is the stomach ever completely free of acid? The body makes bicarbonate in the pancreas and dumps it into the duodenum when food is released from the stomach.
Medically, sodium bicarbonate is given intravenously.
Keep your mitochondria healthy ...
Do not, ever, take a genetic injection of any kind.
Wow! Thanks! That's a "brainful"! Too bad it's not in pdf. format for easy downloading.
Well if you can believe what they say. When you say "early" a lot of the time these things come and go so if you just left them alone they would go. The body knows how to clean itself and heal itself. But of course, that will never be studied so long as there is money to be made from sickness.
No. You say you catch them by fake diagnosis. They would probably never cause cancer if not disturbed.
Colonoscopy saved my life.
I refuse to get any more "life saving" medical tests at age 73. I'll try to keep my body functioning as well as I can and that's all I want to do. My wife's 83 year old brother has bone cancer and after almost a year of chemo, the drugs are losing. I have only known one or perhaps two people out of dozens who have survived cancer using radiation and chemo. No family member has ever survived cancer.
I keep getting notices in the mail to squish my tits. I won't endure it, and if I did have breast cancer, they would only be bursting it so it would spread (metastasize). I know how to screen myself. And they want to do a colonoscopy. No thanks! The pipes are working just fine!
IMO, it is fear mongering. Science proves that fear, and stress actually lowers your immune system, rendering it useless. It shuts down making you vulnerable to their suggestions to not eat meat, not eat salt, not eat healthy animal fats, wear a mask that will give you pneumonia, stay away from friends that will help build your immune system through normal exposure, etc. It was all lies!!
So, I don't live in fear. I don't get screened for anything. I know when there is something wrong with my body and I listen to it. I don't do what it tells me not to and I do what it tells me to. I like salt. I have always been told I would develop high blood pressure. I have low blood pressure, in fact, just in the normal range. They can stick their b.s. I never see the Dr.
I'm 59, recently widowed (Feb 2022) never been vaxed for anything other than tetanus 2 or maybe 3 times, since the only things I ever went to the walk in clinic for, was stitches, torn muscles, torn meniscus, that type of thing. 30 yrs as a sheep farmer, with 300 head.
The only thing wrong with me now is I have to lose 50 lbs, from the multiple significant stressful events of the last 3 yrs.
I am healthy, and fighting for a decent retired life that is free of this bankruptcy and enslavement they have been planning for us for a long time. The Central Banks need to be destroyed along with their 'usury' (interest). We paid 2.25% of the purchase price that the bank loaned us dammit! I managed to get the 25 yrs amortized mtg paid off in 20 yrs, so we became free in January 2022.
The taxation (THEFT) system needs to be eliminated, with nothing more than an 8% tax on new items only...once, nothing for used items. No income tax, no property tax (rent on a property you paid through the nose to own and continue to pay to maintain) and if you don't pay it for 2 years they steal your property! We are lucky if we retain 30% of our earned income. We are working slaves, that they have been poisoning with vaccines and toxins our whole lives. This meat suit we wear is self healing, if we only avoid the toxins (makeup, lotions, cleansers, additives and SUGAR) and feed it good healthy meat and meat products. Sugar is addictive and causes obesity that makes us all too fat and lazy to fight for our rights, and creates the perfect environment for illness. Carbs are what your body uses to create sugar! And sugar is even in the damned table salt for crying out loud! I've used Redmonds for 10 yrs.