As a 38 year breast cancer survivor, wish I’d known of this back then. I have raised show dogs even longer, and I’ve used fenbendazole routinely as a dewormer.

I’ve never had a dog with an adverse reaction. We buy it on Amazon in liquid form sold as a goat dewormer. It’s off-label for dogs, but the ingredient is the same. (The goat product is quite a lot cheaper than the ones specifically marketed for dogs.)

The connection between Big Pharma, the FDA and the CDC must be broken up. It is rife with corruption and payoff.

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Big Pharma will get rid of these low cost effective treatments. Stock up now

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That’s because cancer isn’t a disease...it’s a business

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I think that both Fenbendazole and ivermectin look promising for treatment of cancer. Also, it is my understanding that these drugs are way more effective at treating cancer if the person taking them also significantly cuts carbs and sugar from their diet.

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Fenbendazole and ivermectin are miracle drugs ignored by the cancer profit center medical establishment.

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As I’ve said it’s because cancer isn’t a disease...it’s a business

A cash cow the medical cartel and the pharmafia will hold on to for as long as it can...it has so far for over 100 years...

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Fenbendazole Can Cure Cancer


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I’m a PharmD. I think we need to look at cancer from a different perspective outside of drugs -- since ALL drugs have side effects: https://unorthodoxy.substack.com/p/the-dark-side-of-medicine-see-no

Dr. Thomas Cowan (who has appeared on Dr. Mercola’s interviews) has a really good idea of viewing cancer:


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Oct 9, 2023·edited Oct 9, 2023

If we reduced our consumption of natural sweeteners (cane sugar, honey, maple syrup) by 10X and our consumption of artificial sweeteners by 100X, and our consumption of seed oils by 10X, and increased our consumption of nutrient-rich grass-fed/pasture-raised animal products by 2X, I expect we'd reduce cancer by 10X.

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Maybe for brain cancers? The Joe Tippens protocol says to take the fb with olive oil to increase bioavailability. Many have had great success using fenben. And good luck getting a doctor to prescribe mebendozole.

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you can order mebendazole from India... very in expensive

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Usually confiscated and discarded by Customs in Australia.

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Thanks! But I’m sticking with what worked for Joe and for those in my FB groups. If I had brain cancer I might consider India.

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Great article. All the scientific rationale is great but does fenbendazole cure cancer in humans? Yes! Read the detailed Case Reports here https://fenbendazole.substack.com

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I have a friend who used it to recover from stage-4 cancer, but it was in combination with several other supplements. I think the reason why we are being gaslighted on HCQ and IVM for covid (yeah, like in 2023 there are still people that think HCQ can treat covid, can you believe this shit, what the f is wrong with these antivax idiots), is because they have been doing the exact same thing for cancer and who knows what else for several decades already. And I am concerned they could get away with it, at least in the public opinion arena.

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Aren’t you due for your booster?

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Yes, 2 shots and 6 boosters. I am overdue on all of them. However, I do have two proud middle fingers that are fully armed and operational.

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Good boy, your mommy must be so proud!

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Thank you. If a 50 year old dude like me can be flattered in this way at my age, I will take that as a compliment.

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I currently have two people in my life who have been diagnosed with stage 3 aggressive colon cancer. One had a colon resection followed by iV chemo infusion one week, then 3 weeks of chemo pills, then infusion..for 3 month rotation. The other person has a permanent colostomy bag and received the same chemo regimen. I’m wondering if they should add this to their arsenal?!?! I was also told I had colon cancer in September, however, the tubular adenomas that were removed and did look cancerous (I am a endoscopy technician) were said to contain NO cancer cells. My GI MD and myself were shocked it was negative to be honest. I return for another colonoscopy this coming February to recheck. We are all unfortunately Covid vaccinated but no boosters. None of us have a family history of colon cancers. Would I benefit as a preventative possibly 🤔?

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I’ve been taking FB for about 2 months to hopefully keep my breast cancer from returning. I am unjabbed thankfully, and imo anyone who has had these shots should take this prophylactically. I follow the Joe Tippens Protocol. It includes other supplements that work with the fenben. No side effect.

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Thank you!🙏 for you to heal completely!!

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What else can Fenbendazole be used for?

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