I would add hospital administrators, heads of er and other departments. Without them doing the dirty work and murdering through withholding life saving drugs and doling out bad ones none of the others would have mattered. Without The people implementing on the ground level the others would never had been able to carry this out on their own. Imo those implementing played the critical role, the other were bit players

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Fauci is a foot soldier, a scientific mediocrity and a low-level munchkin. His job is to be a salesman for the pharma/medical cartel and the product he promotes is fear. In that regard he is one of a kind, the perfect man for the job with his aw-shucks avuncular presentation. He even has a Brooklyn accent. So the media promoted him as "America's doctor" even though he has never once seen a patient during his long and sordid career. Little Tony is as well a silver-tongued devil, able to speak truth but in such a way that it is perceived as the opposite. The Powers always tell us exactly what they are up to and in that way the consequences are on us. For instance Fauci at the beginning stated that, re: COVID-19, "We don't have an actual virus 'in hand' ". Also "Mortality from this virus is likely to be in the range of 0.01 to 0.10 percent, about the same as seasonal flu." And "We have always associated corona viruses with the common cold." No big deal in other words so he can say "Hey, I told you the truth so if you want to get injected with experimental DNA-altering toxic swill that's up to you. But don't forget to wear your submission muzzle - better make it two. No, three - so that you can be properly humiliated and depersonalized. I went off script there, I wasn't supposed to say that. But hey, I'm untouchable, friends in high places and all that." I have never been a social media-type, no use for FB etc., but when the Great Global Shitshow began a friend of mine started a FB group called COVID Truth. So I joined up to put in my two cents and I posted the Fauci quotes above, verbatim, along with data taken from the CDC website, all without comment. I'm not an "expert" after all. Within 48 hours FB disabled my account permanently for "violating community standards". No FB jail, no appeal, nothing. Thus ended my FB "career" :). Once again, there is nothing "they" hate more than truth

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Who was the ‘tortured’ US journalist who died in Ukrainian captivity, while the corrupt Biden Department of State did nothing?


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Gonzalo Lira reported the truth about the situation in Ukraine from the very beginning, particularly on the utter corruption of the little dwarf and his media billionaire patron Igor Molinoisky. Some estimates suggest that 60 percent of the multi-billions of our money given to the Nazi Ukraine regime was skimmed and ended up in "someones" pockets. It was inevitable that Gonzalo would be a tortured and killed. A state department official when asked about him replied "no comment"

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Fraudci is just one if hundreds of thousands necessary to pull off Crimes Against Humanity. Many others deserve to be charged, tried, convicted and sentenced for their part in mass murder globally. 17,000,000 dead and counting.

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Haha! Love the bat pic of Fraudci.

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He is one of almost 500,000 names on a list to be removed from life in the very near future. The white hats have been busy. Unfortunately many people had to die because they want the whole swamp, which is very deep.

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Well number one good doctor, they do not believe in any oath, so you can put them under oath again, but they broke their first oath years ago by lying and selling out.. So they will just LIE again under oath. The only oath they believe in and its not the constitution, they believe in the OATHS they take in PRIVATE, not in Public, that is what we all need to understand.. Their allegiance is not to the people and the constitution or to GOD.. If you do not believe that, just look at their ACTIONS, not their WORDS.. Wake Up!!!!!!!

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yes put him jail!

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This goes soo muck dealer than Fauci...unfortunately no one is going to go after the D.OD. or the Military Industrial Complex....everyone else were just Money & Power Hungry willing participants/Useful idiots & Scapegoats....they were paid well and I suspect part of those incentives were for them taking the heat....the “safe & effective” vaccines START with the D.O.D and DARPA...everyone in DC wants this to just “go away”....and for all of us to just “move on”..........🤔kinda hard when your small business was deliberately targeted during Covid and shut down Never to return....I hope Justice prevails....but as each passing day goes by....It just seems “less than likely” ....anyone involved will face any real sanctions, fines or jail/prison time....and here in Australia it’s even worse as basically 98% of the Politicians will even admit there was a problem and don’t want to do a thing about it....all in an effort to “protect” those in the highest echelons of Gogeenment/power.

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Oh, jeez. Yet again missing the central point of it ALL.

The means of introducing foreign genes into a cell existed for a long time and was used all around the world before Malone got the idea of using it therapeutically.

The fact that some completely insane folks used those cell transfection reagents as means of infecting healthy cells with viral genes has nothing to do with Malone’s work to supply missing gene products to counter disease.


Because viral RNA products do not counter genetic disease, they aren’t therapeutic. And because introducing viral genes to healthy cells causes those cells to signal the innate immune system to kill them, they are nothing more than artificial viruses that cause disease.

How long have people known this?

Since before they were ever created.

How do we know?

Because AstraZeneca claimed that their cell transfection reagent, a replication-disabled chimpanzee adenovirus, was safer than the others because it was limited to entering only cells expressing a particular cell surface receptor and Pfizer, Moderna, and Johnson&Johnson used cell transfection reagents that would enter ANY cell they came into contact with, meaning they would generate indiscriminate innate immune inflammatory attacks on cells in multiple organ systems.

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I always called him a 👿🐀b@stard

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