Nice photos. I see that you are very proud of them. My thought……President Trump can NOT save the USA. No one can. We will have to save ourselves. Governor Ron DeSantis was our best option to facilitate our personal efforts to save ourselves. He was rejected for whatever the reasons. We will come to regret that decision.

We know what President Trump’s record was on the Covid-19 pandemic and response. It was NOT good because he could NOT control the deep state within his own administration. They created a catastrophe during his re-election year and he lost. Many people paid the price for that catastrophe with their lives. Others paid with their health which was damaged. Still others paid with their livelihood. It is NOT a good report card. We are still paying.

Regarding a different essential topic, what is President Trump’s position on Central Bank Digital Currency? Is he for it? Is he against it? Does he know what it is? Will it be implemented on his watch? What will that mean for our personal sovereignty?

Yet another topic, will the WHO treaty be enacted? What will that mean for the sovereignty of our country? How can it be stopped? What can President Trump do to prevent it long term?

The powers that be say that all the pieces are in place for the great reset? They say

that NOTHING will stop it. What does President Trump say? What do you say?

Lastly, it was unfortunate that neither you nor Dr. Peter McCullough participated in Senator Ron Johnson’s round table yesterday 2/26/24. What a missed opportunity!

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Ron was not good and is being played by an actor.

Trump’s Covid Response- There were two vaccines- Trump’s and Biden’s. Only Biden’s had the MRNA. Only Biden mandated vaccines. Trump’s vaccine had in it everything he talked about and saved lives. Trump told you that Covid had a 95% Survival Rate.

Trump was asked to run by the Military. For the last 8 years the US WhiteHats and the Global Military Alliance have been talking down this corruption. Trump gave the Military Control. Remember GITMO?

Trump is the CIG. They are taking down the Cabal’s Federal Reserve. You will find out all this information by reading all of President Trump’s Executive Orders, reading the Law of War Manual, going on the other apps- like GAB, Rumble, Telegram, Truth Social.

You have a great day!

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Jesus is the only one who can stop any of this now. We are past the point of no return. No human is going to save America or the world.

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I vote for God

IM not voting for any of these wicket globalists


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Both are correct ... Centuries of this corruption is severe ... good guys are fight back

but can not undo all the devil's works in play ... Jesus is coming back soon to judge and rule ! Those who fight on the Lord's side should be supported, not dismissed.

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Excellent and insightful analysis and you ask the most important questions!

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I see a lot of people complaining about Trump and OWS... What many don't get is that Trump was up against a decades old cabal of evil. Remember, it was the obama administration with biden that eased funding on gain of function research just 11 days before they left office, why?

In Dec 2016, the obama administration ended informed consent, why?

Why is the administrative state working so hard to get rid of Trump? The fake russia collusion investigation started by actual traitors, 2 impeachments, and 4 indictments along with many civil suits.

All you people have to make a choice.

Vote for Trump and pray he can take down the deep state, or vote for biden and strengthen the deep state to the point it can never be defeated.

I hear people say why didn't he lock hillary up... Trump or any other president is not a dictator king. We have a clown in office now who thinks he is. I could go into great detail about all the unconstitutional and illegal actions biden is undertaking to remove Trump from the picture.

Do we want Trump to act the same way? Are we a Republic or a monarchy?

In the past 8 years what have we learned? What has been exposed about the massive corruption within our own government?

Without Trump we may have never known the depth of their treason.

I'll give you an example:


July 2018: Former Director of National Intelligence (DNI) James Clapper admitted in a CNN interview that former President

Obama instigated the ongoing investigations into Donald Trump and those in his orbit.

Speaking with CNN's Anderson Cooper, Clapper let slip:

If it weren’t for President Obama we might not have done the intelligence community assessment that we did that

set up a whole sequence of events which are still unfolding today including Special Counsel Mueller’s investigation.

President Obama is responsible for that. It was he who tasked us to do that intelligence community assessment in the

first place.

Remember the text from page to strzok...."potus wants to know everything we are doing".




“According to his handwritten notes, former Central Intelligence Agency Director Brennan subsequently briefed President Obama and other

senior national security officials on the intelligence, including the ‘alleged approval by Hillary Clinton on July 26, 2016 of a proposal

from one of her foreign policy advisors to vilify Donald Trump by stirring up a scandal claiming interference by Russian security services.’”

“On 07 September 2016, U.S. intelligence officials forwarded an investigative referral to FBI Director James Comey and Deputy Assistant

Director of Counterintelligence Peter Strzok regarding ‘U.S. Presidential candidate Hillary Clinton's approval of a plan concerning U.S.

Presidential candidate Donald Trump and Russian hackers hampering U.S. elections as a means of distracting the public from her use of a private mail server.’”

Keep in mind that 5 days after obama and biden were briefed on hillary's plan to use russian disinfo to 'vilify' Trump, obama ordered a counter intel investigation into the Trump campaign.

As for covid, this is in part what obama/biden did before leaving office:


A ruling issued last week by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration — to implement a provision of the 21st Century Cures Act, signed into law in

December 2016 — makes it legal for clinical researchers to conduct research on human subjects without obtaining informed consent when the research poses “no more than minimal risk.”


Nine days before President Trump took office……Did Fauci already have the PLANdemic in progress?


With people beginning to recognize that U.S. government officials and the intelligence community have been less than honest, and in some cases

downright lying, surrounding the origin of the SARS-CoV-2 virus; and when we overlay the political motives in the background of mass narrative

deflection from media and other institutions; and when we consider the known lengths that people inside the U.S. government were willing to go in

their efforts to eliminate President Trump; discovering that President Obama’s administration technically authorized the restart of “gain of

function” research (biological weaponization of SARS virus) just days before President Trump took office… is way more than alarming. My hunch is

this link might even disappear.

An even larger backstory. Eleven Days before leaving office President Obama’s administration re-authorized funding for the creation of biological

weapons using SARS viruses. However, essentially this re-authorization was only kickstarting funding within the U.S. because the funding of

weaponization of SARS-CoV-2 never actually stopped in 2014. The media reporting on this is misleading, if not downright false.

In the original pdf guidance for the 2014 research pause of into weaponization of SARS viruses there was a footnote that everyone seems to have

missed: https://www.phe.gov/s3/dualuse/Documents/gain-of-function.pdf Page 2...


JANUARY 9, 2017 AT 9:06 AM ET BY .

Today, the White House Office of Science and Technology Policy (OSTP) is releasing “Recommended Policy Guidance for Departmental

Development of Review Mechanisms for Potential Pandemic Pathogen Care and Oversight (P3CO).” Adoption of these recommendations will

satisfy the requirements for lifting the current moratorium on certain life sciences research that could enhance a pathogen’s

virulence and/or transmissibility to produce a potential pandemic pathogen (an enhanced PPP).

Issuance of this policy guidance concludes the deliberative process launched in October 2014 by OSTP and the Department of Health

and Human Services (HHS). At that time, OSTP and HHS asked the National Science Advisory Board for Biosecurity (NSABB), as informed

by feedback from the National Research Council of the National Academy of Sciences, to provide recommendations to help shape the development and adoption of a new United States Government policy governing the funding and conduct of this category of research.

While NSABB deliberated, such projects were placed on pause.

I could write a book on all the crap obama/biden did to damage the incoming Trump presidency.

We have 2 choices, biden and mandates and corruption or Trump and a chance at fixing this BULLSHIT!

Choose wisely!!!

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Other than the usual talking, I have not heard from Trump any believable assurances to the American people that taking down the criminals will be Trump's priority. NEVER FORGET: thousands of times we heard Trump chant, "Lock her up!!" during his campaigning for 2016. Trump won and shortly after his inauguration we got this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xs1BwGhjZ98

I remember when I watched that event. I said to myself, "We're screwed!" Four years went by and, sure enough, Trump did NOTHING to "lock her up". The first time is on Trump, the second time would make ME the idiot. Unless Trump comes out firing both barrels, I'm not buying his yap. You do as you wish.

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Respectfully, download a flight app and filter it to Military. Look at all the Military Planes that have the Call Signs GITMO. Read the Law of War Manual. Read all of His Executive Orders. Look at the Military that surrounded him at his inauguration. Look at all the security surrounding him when he flies. For the last 8 years the US has been under COG. He gave the White Hats Military Control. He is their CIG. He’s been standing and fighting for America and the World even before he got on the elevator. He was asked to run for President by the Military. Yes, he legitimately won all of the elections. As people are arrested they are told they must work with the Military ( as more corrupt people are arrested). Some are sent to GITMO right away. Some are replaced with actors/actresses.

Even President Trump has doubles for security reasons. There have been at least 16 assassination attempts. You call it ‘Yap’, you think he is having fun ?

Absolutely not. A lot of his time he is at Cheyenne Military Base. We are being shown how bad the corruption is worldwide. The WhiteHats are working with the Global Military Alliance. Remember all the places he visited when he first was inaugurated? Remember the red file he carried? Remember the soccer ball Putin gave him? He had the corruption on every country in the world. It is massive. I know that if it wasn’t for the White House Hats Military Canada ( where I live ), would have been invaded by 50,000 Chinese Troops and they were stopped. So I am very grateful for them taking down this corruption worldwide, rescuing children from the D.U.M,B.S. etc.

I am not selling you anything. You can go on the other apps- Rumble, GAB, Telegram, Truth Social, etc and find out all this information.

Take care.

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With all due respect, this is quite an incredible departure from my view of reality.

COG? 50K Chinese troops invading Canada? Verifiable on sites such as Rumble, GAB, Telegram, Truth Social, etc? I have my doubts.

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One more thing - if American falls the whole world falls.

My reality in Canada is that our Government is wanting to pass a Bill - Disguised as Hate Crime, that if we criticize the Government, praise oil and gas sectors, we are charged and can go to prison for life.

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I agree with your initial statement 100%. It is clear there are those who most fervently hope for this, of that there is no doubt. They are very close to making it a reality.

Yes, I knew way back when they went after Mark Steyn, with their little Star Chamber bullshit, that you guys were in for a world of hurt when it came to free speech. Yet somehow Trudeau got reelected. Can people really not see the writing on the wall?

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We had fraudulent elections like the USA and many other countries. The Truckers Convoy Tried to Stand Up for Our Freedoms. Many of their bank accounts were frozen and some are still sitting in jail.

You take care!

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I live in Canada. I also don’t lie. Our corrupt PM tried to assassinate Trump and Canada is involved in the US Election Fraud. Go on Telegram and follow Agent A1. He is working with the White Hats and helping to take down the child trafficking and corruption in Canada. Do you do any research? I am on all of those apps. I follow politics worldwide. I have read the Law of War Manual, Trump’s Executive Orders. I also have a flight app and follow all of the Military Planes. Go on Truth Social and follow the Patriots on there.

Nothing more that I can say other than I wish you all the best.

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Yeah, that luncheon where Trump is honoring the Clinton’s is pretty f’n sick! People have such short memories. WTH??? They’re directly involved in his takedown shenanigans. What’s he gonna do about them if he gets another 4 years? Anything? If he’s truly serious about eliminating corruption, he’ll start with the Clinton’s & their Foundation! Which is a main front for all sorts of money laundering schemes & human/child trafficking. And he knows about all this. What’s Trump gonna DO about George Soros & his family’s corruption? How bout his buddy Bill Gates? Or Obama? Or the Bushes? Or so many others? The list is endless. I hope he’s got one started!

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The majority of it is already completed.

Do you remember who expanded GITMO?


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You got it, Denise. Most people are fanatics, blindly living in Hopium Land. I *wish* Trump was the 'real deal' -- I just won't delude myself into believing it. Trump's record against REAL criminals is pathetic.

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It is much too late for any politician to save our country. I hope to be able to survive and help to rebuild. Chainsaw Javier Milei is what we need.

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Milei definitely talks a great talk. It's too early to know if he's the REAL DEAL. We should know this sometime in 2024. Then again, Milei may be 'taken out' by the Globalist psychos.

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His elimination would be the line to bet on. With the corrupt systems we have now we are doomed to a nasty reset of some sort.

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We really need some TRUE accountability. The justice and court systems have failed the people. The law-fare that is being used against certain people is illegal, irresponsible, yet still being allowed to happen. Where is the SCOTUS and why are they allowing it???? Our once safe border and country is being destroyed with no consequences.

I took an oath years ago when serving in the USAF to defend my country against enemies to the country….both FOREIGN and DOMESTIC. Where are those who also took same oath and are currently serving today when it comes to defending this country? Why are they allowing the destruction?

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Well said!

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I wish I had your optimism, Dr. Paul, when it comes to Trump. IF - and that's a big IF - he manages to gain the presidency, I do not believe for one second he will do any of those things. I think we've crossed the Rubicon and there's no going back. I also don't believe we will see "fair" elections ever again in my lifetime. The machine is too powerful.

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There were two vaccines. Trump’s and Biden’s. Only Biden’s had the MRNA.

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Prove it.

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Hmm- Well I am certainly not in any cult. I am not American, so I cannot vote in your elections.

You are welcome to follow me on Truth Social. I have 17,000 posts. It is JLynnDarAGirlNotABot or I have Notes on Substack which I post occasionally. ‘JDLynn’.

Nice chatting with you.

You take care!

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Ha..trump cult has faith in him. His word is truth. No proof necessary

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Go on Truth Social and follow Tommymac171.

Your welcome.

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So some random guy on TS is the only one who has proof, only one who has ever come out to even mention there was more than one vaccine? Please. It’s more likely that since Trump was lied to and tricked and can’t ever humble himself to say he made a mistake and apologize and then make it right, and so many blindly follow as though he can do no wrong, that someone made up a story about “another” vaccine that wasn’t bad.

First of all, they’re ALL bad. Pharma doesn’t make safe vaccines. They admitted themselves that all vaccines are “unavoidably unsafe” but the unavoidably isn’t true. It’s just cheaper not to try to make them safe.

Secondly, NO vaccine can be properly tested in a short period of time; it takes years to determine so called safety and discover all the adverse reactions so they can be listed on the full vaccine inserts that no one is ever informed of before they get the vaccines anyway.

Third, they tried making vaccines for corona viruses before and every single time ALL the animals in the study died, so they stopped trying. Until now. This time they skipped animal trials and went straight to humans. Because they know. And because it was intentional, to kill humans. And they timed it during Trump’s term on purpose so people would turn against him, so he would be blamed. And many have turned away because of this. They didn’t count on him refusing to mandate it, but they went around that initially and then they had OBiden to force it for them. That’s the only reason it wasn’t worse for Trump.

So...There is no “other vaccine” and they don’t EVER make safe vaccines, and they’ve never been able to make a corona virus vaccine that isn’t extremely harmful if not deadly.

I haven’t discounted Trump completely, personally, but I’m still waiting for the apology tour. I don’t follow anyone blindly. I don’t believe any of the Q BS that so many still cling to. I don’t believe in fairy tales. The globalists are powerful, they are everywhere, and I don’t completely trust ANYONE. No one should.

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Trump was told constantly to stop shots. He was killing people. He follows his death cult masters so he continued

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I just checked, I have that account on TS blocked. 🤣

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So trump's shot was safe?

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Lots of good points here. And many may be totally valid. But that does not change the fact that this country is going down fast if we have 4 more years with a Biden/Obummer administration.

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He’s never going to tell what he’ll do differently, because he’s not going to do anything differently. Why should he? People follow him blindly and don’t hold him accountable.

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While I’ll probably reluctantly vote for Trump, because there is literally no one else, I’m not confident he’ll do what the people want him to do. He’s still making mistakes around who he endorses, he still blindly believes in the “vaccines”(while his entire base knows the vaccine industry is a bio weapons industry), & he & his family are close with Netanyahu. He is elderly, narcissistic, & bull headed. He doesn’t admit his wrong think or course correct when necessary. I will not hold my breath for a second Trump term. I can try to maintain some hope, but I am worried he will make bad choices that aid in the globalist’s takedown of our once beautiful country. I hope I am wrong, & hope is all we have right now.

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Dr. A - You've very obviously NOT watched the video I dropped in a comment to another of your posts PROVING that TRUMP IS OWNED BY THE BANKERS - YES, THE VERY SAME BANKERS WHO WANT TO OWN/CONTROL EVERYTHING. So he is NOT going to do anything they don't want him to do.


WE THE PEOPLE ARE THE ONLY ONES W/ THE POWER TO TAKE THIS COUNTRY BACK. We are the only ones, and that's how it's always been.


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MALONE READ SASHAs post! Excellent and insightful. Tears farmer boy Malone apart!


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Please. Trump will not even admit his COVID incompetence and errors. How then can he possibly be trusted?

Not here pushing a particular candidate, but by comparison factoring knowledge and competence, he is like night while this candidate is day. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RnNm-x7M-gQ

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RFK Jr? You gotta be kidding me!? "Like day"? His lifetime has been lived in the swamp, rubbing elbows with swamp creatures. And you think he's like day? Bright and clean and transparent? Just b/c he has taken a stand against vaccines, that doesn't make him not 'more of the same'.

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I understand, but that may equip him better to deal with the swamp creatures--like perceiving when he is being lied to. Which Trump seems incapable of vis a vis COVID.

If you watch the video, his intelligence and COVID savvy is way beyond Trump.

It seems we should use the fake "pandemic" as a test for leadership.

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