I got very sick in 2016. I thought that it is a flu. Three long weeks I had fever , no taste and smell and a cough what disappeared after several month. At a dinner table, a friend, MD in cardio pulmonology asked me to have an X ray. All my friends were annoyed by my persistent cough. There was not showing anything on the x ray. The cough went away after a long time. I do not take medication of any kind so I treated myself as I used to in my native country, and with Chinese tonic food cooked by my spouse. After a short while my husband got sick, but not as bad as I was. Later, when Covid started all the symptoms described matched with what I had. Was it Covid or something else, I don’t know, but did not look to be something new. In 2022 I got a very mild flu while Omicron circulated, but kind of similar symptoms. It went away… I could not buy the pandemic story, but yes, I am NOT a medical -professional and never had a PCR test.

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Hum.... I remember this wave. It was one of the worst I passed through. Pretty much like whooping cough, everyone around sick as dogs and very long-lasting. I was on chest decongestants for 3 weeks non-stop for the worst part, but hauled it for 3 months. My husband after a few months got an chest Xray showing a buildup of water on his lungs and got a course of diuretics. Bro-in-law had his health serverly declining, long after antibiotics, much like a long hauling thing...

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The original “variant” was the sickest I’ve ever been in my life. And the last time I was sick was 2009. Yes now it’s a nothing burger for most. But 2-3 yrs ago it SUCKED. And it was no flu. Flu has never left me with microclots and tachycardia. I was 100% in a few months, but it took much longer than any illness I’ve had ever.

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Exactly. One hundred percent on-target. There was an engineered virus out there with extraordinary symptoms that, like all virulent viruses, came out of the box hard, killing mostly the old then tapering off becoming more infectious but less deadly until it finally turned benign. Except perhaps for those that took the magic shots that screwed up their immunity.

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I was in Costa Rica 2009-2018,, moved back to NC in June 2018. Not much of a social life and shared a house with my stepdaughter. Both hips replaced in early 2020, one spinal procedure in mid-2021, and two surgical procedures in early 2022. Had to get Covid tested before every hospital entry. So, five negative tests even though the PCR CT was extremely high. What are the odds? Well, the odds aren't so high if my being in Costa Rica kept me from being exposed to whatever you suspect was being circulated at a low level here in USA. (OK, now I won't assume all of my good luck got used up in passing those five PCR tests. Maybe I'll go buy a Powerball ticket tomorrow...if I hit it big, I'll be in touch for suggestions about how to invest some of the money in our collective good future.)

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Yep, you got it Dr. Paul. That's what they did.

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If you haven’t already, check out Dr. David Martin. He’s followed the patents. He directly implicates Ralph Baruch, of the University of NC, Chapel Hill, in the gain of function research. Under Anthony Fauci, it was then transferred to Wuhan, China.


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Dr. David Martin@ UVA is amazing. Followed him from the beginning of the plandemic, he too was so vocal warning people. There’s so many videos, so many interviews where you can see him explain everything, and the sequence of events....his last speech that he gave at the European Parliament laid it all out and he had warned them prior...to listen to him give all of the data is remarkable...he needs no notes in order to give you a history on the injustice done, and the planned genocide.

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Dr. David and Kim Martin are two impeccable Aces fighting global terrorists…

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Yes, he IS amazing. He also is also a bit egotistical. However, he’s earned his chops.

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Feb 15, 2024
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It’s still relevant. David Martin will be the guest speaker at The Arlington Institute in April. He has always been on top of this.

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Above all, I wish someone told me for 💯 if viruses exist. I am tired of this all. I heard Dr. Rancourt state he doesn’t think viruses exist. Many others invite those who believe in viruses to debate, but no one is taking the offer to prove the viruses exist. What is this?

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It doesn't really hold up in my opinion. Many people, including young and healthy people, got very sick without ever setting foot in a hospital. I know of a 1000 members church 1000 members of which 30 people died soon after a convention. I also doubt that there killed by the hospital.

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could not be healthy people...ages? underlying conditions...??? I am not doubting you but we need ALL of the details.

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I know of a young (in his 30ies) and healthy black man who got seriously sick but didn't go to the hospital. The pastor as well got very sick (he is 55 years old). I think he had to go to the hospital. I wish I had more details. A different point: I doubt that Dr McCullough would say there was no covid and no sick people. However, a French expert statistician, Pierre Chaillot, showed, using official data, that 2020 had one of the lowest mortality rate in French modern history.

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Name the church and town etc with date of event when all took ill! Thank you!

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La Porte Ouverte, in Mulhouse, France. Very famous story in France, the church being in February 2020 accused to have fostered the pandemic, as Macron himself was shaking hands nearby.

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Please look at video and have a think and if you think it is worth it please share it-----https://rumble.com/v42r0pe-11223-dr-david-cartland-doc-malik.html

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The main thing was people not being treated on time, at the first symptoms. And then still being refused proper treatment when you were admitted to the hospital. FYI: Last month a man I know couldn't shake off a bad bout of pneumonia/bronchitis but was able to get a medical apointment over the phone with his Doctor. Guess what? if his PCR test showed positive the doctor could not have written him an antibiotics prescription!!!! Concerning China escaped virus, I do believe there was a man made sh... released , as they would let people leave China at the onset of the bug, that is, in all parts of the world where Chinese work -yes even Italy- but halted incoming planes). There you go for the spread.

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i think it is possible.... i know someone that went to the doctor earlier... like November December..... first time diagnosed with shingles.... second time with a cold.....

both times no lab work. no testing.... two different doctors.

years before covid lockdown... had diagnosed with the flu more then likely a different doctor... even though the flu test came back negative for both flu a and flu b... they said it was a possibility of false negatives.

how do they know it is shingles or a cold or flu without a lab identifying a specific virus???

if it was a virus.

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Covid Red Flag Alerts

Posted By The White Rose UK On 14/11/2021

By Roy R M McIntosh

Yes, red is very appropriate as it seems to have kicked off in ‘red’ China. People falling dead in the street and over publicised emergency hospitals being built. But it fooled the masses, and I was also taken in for a short spell. But I knew that the politicians/establishment could be evil but at time, just did not realise how evil!

Early on though I saw things that did not add up and also read a book called Web of Deceit by Mark Curtis, and boy, did that spell out the evil in the politicians, and they were aided in many cases by the media. Red flag flapping and alarm bells ringing!

The first thing that made me uneasy was the fact that they were taking people from hospitals to care homes, which just did not seem right. Then when I started going out after the first week, I saw police driving around in vans. They were out walking in twos and threes and more or less holding hands. I was going to some shop and none of the staff were dropping dead. All the drunks, junkies and homeless wonders were housed in various hostels and hotels and one was right in the middle of Princes Street, Edinburgh. Now, if this ‘covid’ was so dangerous and contagious would you be housing them right in the middle of a city? I shall add that a good few times I passed, they were out drinking and police vans were there. There were a few places that drunks etc. congregated, and they were not dropping like the Chinese.

On one occasion, closer to home, there was a body lying on the ground near to the local Co-op and the store was open. I do not have a mobile, so when I got home, I phoned the police. Now, I would think that the calls are recorded. I was told I was wasting police time and then asked if I could go and have a look at the body. I said: ‘Are you flipping joking? You are asking me to go and check, and this is meant to be so dangerous.’ I asked: ‘Are we just being told a load of crap?’ At that the person said I shall get the police to go and check it out. I gave it an hour and phoned Co-op. Was told by a person at Co-op that the police came but said they could do nothing about it! More like they could not be bothered…

Another flap of the red flag was the sudden decision to open emergency hospitals – Nightingale Hospitals. Now two points in this. We know that the NHS is struggling for qualified staff, so where were they going to get the staff? Were the politicians going to pull them from their rectums, the rectums they are? The other point and bigger in my eyes: If this ‘covid’ was so dangerous, would you build an emergency hospital right in the middle of the biggest city? Plenty more obvious and safer options like a military base or get ships anchored at sea or in Clyde etc. Shall end this part with would you put people with the most dangerous virus ever in hospitals beside other people?

Regarding the deaths of the elderly, it is common knowledge to some that DNR (Do Not Resuscitate) was used, but ask the average Joe or Jessie in the street and they do not have a scooby about that. Mention Midazolam or Remdesivir and 90% have never heard of it. Those are points that need to be brought out into the public arena!

Now on a personal note I had a nurse visit my home. A couple of my sons go to raves, or what ever you call them, and they have various friends. One of them is a nurse of about 40 years old and works in the Western General in Edinburgh. In first lockdown I played the game of painting shells and stones for the NHS. Now I paint stones all the time, so it broadened my wee childish hobby. I said to Lauren in conversation, and she said, oh, she would like them. So after her shift one evening she said she would come and get them. Now I was not frightened of the ‘Chinese Wizard Covid’ so, said: ‘Yes, come and get them!’

What happened was a real big flap, wave of the red flag and drums were banging! When the nurse arrived at my flat I opened the door and I said: ‘Come in!’ Thinking, she would say: ‘Oh no, I cannot do that,’ but she just walked right in! Now I wished I had a tape recording of what was said. The nurse said that the Western General was very quiet and so was the St John’s, I am sure she said. Now I stand by that, as for on social media, she had another story saying: ‘Oh it is real…’ What was real, the lies and bull crap?

But there were lots of other red flags like the royals still travelling about, politicians and advisors cheating on the public and their partner in one case and that is only the ones we found out about!

So what was it all about – a virus, pharma or bankers cracking the whip, or a plan for world control? Make your mind up folks and enjoy your future of facial recognition. Two or three pokes from the pharma every year, Universal Basic Income, Build Back Better, a cashless society.

Now that would take the shine of your ginger bread – but so many are just walking right into it with a big smile!---------A song that sums up the covid-shenanigans and free coffee break entertainment--https://youtu.be/9tJyO90iGko?si=DqriDyTrdE33BFUU

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I would believe the entire charade was 100% PCR generated had I and my unvaxxed family not become sickened by a respiratory malady with extraordinary symptoms that ultimately ran its course through society exactly like every bad virus does.

There have been influenza viruses that hit the young hardest. Others the old. This one hit the old hardest. The younger you were the more benign the symptoms. Unless you took a bunch of the magic serum that compromised immunity. That foolishness aside, like every virus it ran its course becoming more infectious but less deadly over time ultimately becoming not much to worry about particularly for the unvaxxed.

That said it should be recognized there is no history of mass PCR testing for Covid prior to 2020. So there’s no way of knowing if Covid-19 would’ve been detected before then. Maybe years before. Who knows?

I think it’s plain to see PCR was definitely utilized to keep case counts at the forefront way longer than necessary to extend the plandemic way past its expiration date.

But the real crime is, PCR testing doesn’t discern if Covid is what’s actually making you sick. So, if you had influenza, bronchitis or pneumonia but had a positive PCR test, you got treated for Covid. That’s why other respiratory infections supposedly disappeared.

Covid ran its course like a virus but wasn’t consistent throughout the world and hit the old the hardest. It behaved like influenza with oddball symptoms attached. Perhaps that is why the media came down hard whenever anyone said Covid was analogous to the flu. That really got their dander up almost as bad as comparing the woke to Nazis. Both were correct analogies that hit too close to home.

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Get-together by same guys who jacked off to "12 Monkeys" ..this is their Jerk Circle Reunion

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