it is hell now in New York State and NY city is rape capital of USA now...its hell

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Harris and Biden did this flying in these 3rd world scum and busing them and flooding them

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I give partial blame to WEF member, governor Greg Abbott. Abbott helped spread them all over the USA when they should've been sent back across the border. Did you read about the Venezuelans taking over in Colorado? Outrageous.

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I love what Abbott did, send them to demoncrat areas, if you remember Harris and Biden sent illegals ONLY TO REPUBLICAN STATES, so Abbott made it even! Boy, did all those demoncrats squeal about the invasion, NOT IN MY BACK YARD! I say, good for ABBOTT AND DESANTIS!

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Problem is they flew them at night into red states as well. Tennessee being just one. They're now in backyards everywhere.

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Years ago I used to go to a small town close to Syracuse where there was a barber I liked. His shop was a maelstrom of righteous hate and veterans would come in to pontificate. This was when times were good both there and Canuckistan. I enjoyed the boys there but last trip decades ago I drove into the parking lot and the building was empty. I expect the barber became too old and retired or deceased. I miss that safe harbor and the times I enjoyed there. Never went back. Too poignant. One of my favorite memories I will take to my death.

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Sad isn't ?

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The real estate in the burbs/exurbs around the city is some of the hottest around. Well maintained homes getting 30-40 offers consistently. No more articles about people leaving the city. It's been interesting watching the blue team flee.

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They get what they deserve, considering who they voted for! 😩

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Good illegals. They are illegals period.

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When someone tells me that "no person is illegal" I agree and promise to call such people CRIMINAL ALIENS instead, because it is literally true. Breaking the law makes them criminals, and they are aliens, not citizens.

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Dear Dr Alexander:

This is the Army you will have to deal with.

If Trump, wins or loses .

They will not go home peacefully.

Maybe the 'brown Latinos' will help.

As they are a threat to them as well.

Those Latinos with Llghter skin like me,can help, but we already know the Elite in Mexico are eager to get their land back.

The Native Tribes will fight to keep their land, and most likely gain land in the fight.

It won't take long to start the fire.

Perhaps a provocatietier pretending to be a Trump enthustis going active,and going postal.

You can imagine the Chaos,and the call to ban guns.

But you cannot comprehend the riots and violence that would follow.

Plan carefully, and remember, we also love the USA.

Why? Because this is our home.

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Exactly. Add today Harris was campaigning and said in her first 100 days as president she would issue an executive order and confiscate all guns unless Congress did it. Guessing there 2nd amendment and our constitution will be tossed. Many people commented, "come get it". This will get violent quickly if they keep her as the candidate and steal the election.

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Harris must already have found an elite adulterer to utilize as another sex toy.

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You hit the nail on the head,Judy.

She can do it by Excutive Order, but it will stick a lot better if they have a black flag event and blame it on a White Supeamest.

The folks that say 'Come and take them' mean well.

But 70% have no real combat experience. They won't bug out in time to save themselves.

Once the law is passed, do yourself a favor grab your family and guns and go to a place you've already prepared.

Have it stocked so you can stay there for a few months if posable.

Thanks for responding, be safe.

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Adams can say whatever he likes because Harris is on track for victory.

This may be the "Vance effect."

In a Bloomberg/Morning Consult poll conducted July 1-5, Trump was ahead of Biden in Arizona by 3 percentage points; in Georgia by 1 point; in Nevada by 3 points; in North Carolina by 3 points; and in Pennsylvania by 7 points. Biden led in Michigan by 5 points and in Wisconsin by 3 points, the poll showed.

A new poll - conducted online from July 24-28 - shows Harris leading Trump in Michigan by 11 percentage points, while in Arizona, Wisconsin and Nevada, she has a 2-point advantage. Trump is ahead of Harris in Pennsylvania by 4 points and in North Carolina by 2 points. They are on equal footing in Georgia.

We can hpe the polls are rigged but hope is not a strategy.

The polls previously had Trump ahead.

It's looking like a 2024 victory is likely for Harris-Vance and the illegals.

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polls may be rigged but I agree, Vance IMO has not helped Trump...like it or not.

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Just a setup, there will be vote pops in Trumps favor(Palantir) and this will be highlighted this time by MSM. Riots and martial law on deck. The Red team never riots, they just defend their porches.

Really got to hand it to these writers, it's quite a show.

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Eric Adams could give AOC a run for stupidity.

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it will be a tall order...she is special stupid...matched only by Kamala

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Could Trump Be Turning Deep-Blue New York Red?

I mean, after all, "you're better off Red than Dead."

Now, ain't that the truth?

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we hoped....but right now he has to tamp down the media onslaught on Vance and people need get heads out the ass...this was a victory so we got to get it back there...I support the ticket but do not wish for it to lose

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Let's see if the NY voter rubber meets the road.

If NYC and NY state have become hell holes, with unchecked illegals committing crimes and overrunning their resources and communities, then New Yorkers sure as hell better vote for Trump and any local politicians running on a closed border agenda. They are the only ones, who're going to stem this flood across the border and into your neighborhoods.

You idiot dem New Yorkers, helped do this to yourselves and the rest of the country, with this ridiculous sanctuary city crap and voting for open border dems politicians over and over.

Here's your chance - stop voting for dems, higher crime rates, open borders and the resultant rapes and murders.

However, if you vote for any dems from this point forward, then STFU. You deserve everything you're getting and will get, to include the rapes and murders. You are asking for it with your votes to allow them.

For those of you who aren't dems or didn't vote dems, you better slap some sense into your idiot, libtard neighbors or they're going to sell you down the river, with more dems policies and more dem politicians.

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As I keep repeating: Expect more, MUCH more and worse.

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They wanted the migrants there in New York let them eat ice cream, donuts and fruitcake too. Nuts: peanuts, pistachio, Brazil nuts. If i forgot a nut please forgive me still running murphy monday. They always begin with taking away 2nd any where in the world whether communistic, dictator, socialism. They start with vax agendas, then start tightening the noose restrictions, take away your animals and homes camps then led to labor camp life or death is your choice now. Failure to do action may mean your own death or another family member or loved one while they sit back then it may be themself next.

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Lol, karma is a bitch.

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388 Cons in Congress are responsible for all of this. They all voted NAY to a 10 day pause to investigate over 100 reports of voter fraud by members of Congress on both sides of the aisle. Those 388 Traitor Cons are responsible for 3X to 4X fuel prices ever since their sitting puppet traitor joe was like a toilet, installed against the will of the Majority of The American People. #FuckTheDeepState #ArrowsInNancysQuiver #POTUSmustBeNaturalBornCitizen

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Biden’s administration flew illegals at night into many, many red states! Not Abbott, or DeSantis, they flew into New York, Martha’s Vineyard and assorted other blue states, in answer to biden’s trying to destroy red states, make them blue( illegals are going to vote, mark my words) ! They already have them on voter rolls in Washington DC!

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Adams is just the NYC muppet installed to take the public criticism while the Deep State continues is goal of tearing the US down to remake in its own image. Doesn't matter what Adams thinks.

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I love these sanctuary towns, they claim they are till the illegals start arriving. Of course, the demoncrats do not want them in their cities, and immediately cry FOUL! But, they declared sanctuary so tough titties! Adam was the most vocal, crying over and over, he needed more money and then mass exodus of New Yorkers moved out to sunnier and less expensive areas. He must have gotten a hell of a lot more money because he shut up pretty quick!

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The GOP has enough on Adams to turn NYC RED

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