Is The Pope Catholic?

Wait -

That Was A Bad Example.

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Everything the the current pope says is papal bull____

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The current pope is the black pope from the Jesuits.

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I'm pretty sure the Vatican is still hoarding toilet paper...maybe some of it is gold leafed for the mighiest of bung holes. And, what quantifies a 'mighty bunghole'? I'm going to guess...it 'Whistles Diixie and Zippety doo da"...on a mission for a Moose.

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I would like to share this with my neighbor but as I showed her all the Rumble videos showing women in various states of reaction and she said “WOW, I won’t be getting that!” and then her Jehovah’s Witness friends told her THEY KNEW people and that I and all those women were liars and SHE had to get it because she had heart problems and autoimmune issues. She rushed to get it and had cancer within three months and has had it yet again since.

She told me she wanted me to make sure not to talk to her about it again because SHE KNOWS people.

Well...those people sure don’t care about her. I am MORE than positive she is STILL lining up and rolling up her sleeve for her DOUBLE dose.

God help her. 🤦🏼‍♀️

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The Masonic evil penetrated all religions a long time ago - says it all.

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My take is that those who are not affected by their vaccines are suitable for body conversion as planned by the US Department Of Defense and other Countries DOD's, all working in harmony with each other. Those who are injured or have died, or will do so eventually have bodies not suitable for conversion, so exterminating them makes every sense to those behind this - or if computers, well, units are units and what cares about them.

Computer modified humans = Super Soldiers - it has been theorized that we have progressed as a race as far as we can, as we are and the next stage of our development is as a computer/human ;programmed and controlled by 5G - read my latest post on that in my substack

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Their "Defense" Wil Be:

"But Look What We Did".

However, The Cover-Up Is Always About

- What They Did Not Do.

Example:.. The Doctor Did This, And This, And This.

"Sounds Good"

Except The Malpractice Is Always

- In What They Did Not Do.

Everyone Is Focused On What They Did.

Be The Guy That Exposes What They Did Not Do.

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All the jabbies die early.

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I guess no one is reading the FOIA facts that have been released by Pfizer! It very clearly states that Pfizer knew about heart irritation substance that was in vax and after it became noticeable to the public, Pfizer stated they removed heart irritation and replaced it with CARCINOGENS! But, never informed FDA, I guess no one read that but me? I REALLY THINK THAT PEOPLE ARE STILL IGNORING THE FACT THAT THIS VACCINE(POISON) is out to kill people! PEOPLE REALLY DO NOT CARE THAT THEIR CHILDREN ARE DYING!

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Malone said he got his mRNA transfection after he had Covid which is very strange position for an insider w vast DARPA experience & originally contacted by CIA friend to "spin up his team to go to Wuhan" at the outset but now claiming CIA ran the show. More holes in his story than Swiss cheese.. really want to like the guy but too many anomolies in his shifting positions to erase nagging doubts about controlled opposition as trite as those accusations often seem.

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