and/or assassinate him....I am telling you, these beasts, these leftist devils with the evil RINOs and deepstate with swamp DC media are exposing 45, they know how they are colluding to kill him
You want to see violence go into the stratosphere? Wait until these putrid fuckwads try force masking the population. This could be the breaking point.
OMG. Gross. I wonder if you could have found any evidence in it?
His poor wife, can you imagine? Even her parents are smart enough to hate him. You probably heard they moved out of californication to Fl. not too long ago.
Newscum, Pelosi, Schiff, and Jerry Brown are all part of the same family. All thieving and corrupt elitists who are draining California and the rest of the country dry.
If you need help getting out of there to a place of like minded people and 0 income tax I am happy to help. Let me know. It WAS a beautiful state, but times change, unfortunately.
That is EXACTLY what I would have said to. her, because I've said it to others that have moved here. They don't appreciate it. I don't care. (I've said it to people from Florida, too. Not a fan.)
Yes it’s so easy to just get out when you have unlimited funds. But those people who left will just make the place they move to similar to the shithole from which they escaped. They’re crazy.
When we all go shit crazy, we have to find a way to protest against them directly not with pointless vandalism and looting. It’s the majority of us versus a very few fucktards The towns, homes, shops, schools are ours, not theirs. Start by getting to know your police officers now when things are calm. Go to a local meeting and buy then beers afterward. Go hunting fishing with them. We all need to build the connections and influence from the bottom up. States where made for many reasons, one being to prevent the federal gov from getting out of hand. We need to leverage the state’s powers to make this place what we want it to be. Buckle up, the future can change but only if we start now.
I’m so glad to hear that. Thank you for correcting me.
Yes, it was really red, right? Just think how lovely it was. I listen to victor Davis Hanson. He lives in Selma. (Spelling?). He says outside of LA and Silicon Valley, everyone is pretty conservative. It’s always the very few that ruin it, right?!
In early 2020 I got some bumper stickers that said "Just Say No To Mask Tyranny". I left one on until last year. I have another one. I may have to put it on.
I pray that you are right. The people that complied last time caused more problems than if they had had the guts to say NO to the tyranny. If they comply again, I will really lose my shit at those people. I just scowled at them or laughed at them before, but this time, they will get a tongue lashing as well!
Sadly, I believe this. It doesn't have to be FJB! It can be any of the fascists running. Just throw out all the ballots for any, even sorta, sane person and replace with illegal's and dead people's ballots 💨 POOF! 💨 slime elected.
Roger that. Remote controlled Dominion changer machines. Changed so many elections around the world and ours for the last few. I think it makes it much easier to cheat then in the past. Did you see the NSA contractor man who says he wrote the software that does this for the Dominion machines? He came clean and admitted it publicly. Good of him, wouldn't you say? Why do we not see this reposted everywhere? If you need a link I can find one. Duck Duck go search engine or the one that starts with a....Y ? ( not yahoo )
Yes, I think that is it. You did better then I did, you remembered the name! 😀
I read this very interesting commentary from a big leaker of the H#$A#A%R$P Electrical grid that they are going to use to fry us and control us. He showed pics etc. He said that they obviously knew he was leaking what was happening and the only reason he could think of that he was not being killed was that they were ok with a slow trickle leak. He rationalized that the slow trickle was actually a good think the Evils thought because if everyone woke up at once you could imagine all the reactions, with everyone running around feeding off each other like a swarm of bees whose hive just got jostled. Then we could/would possibly rise up, revolt and hunt them, the Evils, down and overturn. This is normal human behavior and evident through history.
Slow leaks let off the steam in a pressure boiler so it does not explode.
Yeah, we're pretty f'd, because of all the dangerous infrastructure they've built everywhere...and denied building ...denied it's existence ...denied the capabilities of even having such a thing existing. 🤮
Getting anyone to know/believe about that is a huge undertaking, because of all the lies listed above. You KNOW we can't control the weather! 🙄
If these people really wanted to kill Trump he would be dead. They want him to keep playing the game to turn American citizens against each other to ensure their victory. That’s why they put him in the White House to begin with. MAGA is the highest degree in the church of Satan. All of this is a staged play to fool the public. Good cop, bad cop. It’s been used for centuries and it always works. I hope to God people will finally see the truth. We are running out of time.
Look it up? on the internet? Why would you trust info about satan that you find on the internet, especially now, when what’s written about satanists is lies written by satanists. It would be like trusting what you find on the internet to find out what high level Freemasons do and who they really worship.
These murdering criminals have no choice but to continue their depopulation plans, to stop now would cause more people to wonder why they stopped if the so-called virus is so deadly. In Canada I still don't hear much from government admitting how wrong they were and are about how deadly the gene jabs are. I will celebrate when the truth is made known, when to the arrests start? I hope they start with media and then government and so on.
FJB... No way are we putting up with that Demented POS. He doesn't own us. JOEBAMA just wants to provoke a Revolution. Then they will TRY to declare martial law. GOOD LUCK....
The states themselves should have taken out Antifa and BLM, it was in their areas of jurisdiction. Trump would have been called a “dictator” by the media and Nancy Pelosi and all the demoncrats.
President Trump offered the National Guard to the Governors to put down the maniacal BLM and Antifa riots, looting, fires, assaults, etc., but the blue states seemed to welcome the bedlam with that fictional disclaimer of "mostly peaceful."
Right. That's why the Leftists States wouldn't do anything. Now, JOE thinks he's going to control what States do. Why, because his name is LYIN JOE BIDEN.
Yes. But was it really not martial law? I’m not sure there’s a difference in what would be done in either case. But I will say, those emergency order MUST be taken away from these govt hacks. They never give you back your freedom. You must fight to get it back. Those orders cannot be rescinded by anyone but the one who instituted the orders. That’s beyond dangerous. Look at New York. That crazy hochul and her gulags for the unclean. Sicko. She’s up to it again, I hear.
They took away every single right (God given. They have no authority to have done that ) except the right to keep and bear arms. Even going so far as to forbid church Svs. First time since Christ has risen that there was no Mass on Easter Sunday. I’m still enraged.
Thank you for saying that. I feel like I’m going crazy. Like, why isn’t everyone demanding accountability?! I won’t feel the least bit better until these criminals are held to account. Mass murder. They’re so evil.
Question re the eua. It was given for the “cominarty” formulation. But no one in this country ever received that bcuz it was not available here. How do they get away with that? An empty ingredients sheet with the vials. This cannot be legal. They should be able to be sued to high heaven. No? Curious if you know.
EUA had to be authorized for any of the mRNA experimental drugs, Pfizer and Moderna, J and J , since they never went through normal trials. It was expected the drugs would be removed once EUA expired, but there was a slight of hand dirty trick they used to keep those drugs, and they're still pushing them. Another law says EUA in not to be permitted if there already exists drugs that fight the disease, like Ivermectin and Hydroxychloroquine. So they had to lie and say those drugs didn't work, in order to get the EUA. They're all crooks, evil to the core. I think they lied to Trump as well.
The pharmaceutical companies who created the shots were under D.O.D contracts. There was never any testing done on these shots, none. The EUA can be continued for ever at the discretion of the head of HHS. There doesn’t have to be any data to back up their decision. The government and the D.O.D are waging war on the American people using bio weapons.
This is a dip of the toe i to the water for the totalitarians. They pick a small segment where the Feds control almost the whole thing [air transportation] and they put in stupid mandates. They expect most will comply because people don't want to be on a no fly list. The only question is will the feckless McCarthy and McConnell final grow back a pair, and unite Republicans to stand in unison saying "no". That anyone who wants to wear a mask can, but no government mandates will be tolerated. Republicans need to write into any spending bills language that prohibits the Feds from masking, locking down, etc anything until after the next election. But Republicans rarely ever play handball.....
I might get fired from my job this time. Managed to fly under the radar last time. But they are all Covidiots and if they dare try any vaccine, testing or mask mandates I will not comply.
The great tragedy will be how many complain but then comply. Make no mistake, compliance will open the door to digital IDs and social credit scores, their ultimate goal for controlling the populace.
In addition to agreeing with your comment, I was quite interested to learn about the handsome man from another century in your profile photograph. Imagine my surprise and amusement when I googled his name.
You want to see violence go into the stratosphere? Wait until these putrid fuckwads try force masking the population. This could be the breaking point.
I lost my shit three years ago. It’s on like Donkey Kong...bring it bitches.
I found my shit in the safe havens of Florida, but I'm sure I can lose it again....serious shit.
I’m at “ground zero” for Libtard, whack job, fools, in Commifornia. These sheep are insane!
You have to leave before you loose your mind or hilliary's hurricane wipes you out! Or G.Gruson's hair grease does.😂
Mrs. Clinton must be fuming over a threatening hurricane sharing her name.
She insisted it be named after her! To finally throw her weight around and be noticed. 🤮
She wants the hurricane indicted.
“NEWSCUM tried to sell me a used car last weekend.” He’s a pushy little fucker.
OMG. Gross. I wonder if you could have found any evidence in it?
His poor wife, can you imagine? Even her parents are smart enough to hate him. You probably heard they moved out of californication to Fl. not too long ago.
Newscum, Pelosi, Schiff, and Jerry Brown are all part of the same family. All thieving and corrupt elitists who are draining California and the rest of the country dry.
If you need help getting out of there to a place of like minded people and 0 income tax I am happy to help. Let me know. It WAS a beautiful state, but times change, unfortunately.
Ugh....where the possessed go to mingle. My condolences.
That’s too funny. A few weeks ago I met someone who said she was from California. It was just a reflex, I said: I’m so sorry about that.
I thought it was funny. I don’t think she thought so. Which made it even funnier for me. 😊
My buddy who moved to Wyoming recently, took his plates off his truck and put a FJB sticker on it-lol!
✋<--- Me giving you a high five.
That is EXACTLY what I would have said to. her, because I've said it to others that have moved here. They don't appreciate it. I don't care. (I've said it to people from Florida, too. Not a fan.)
Alicia I’ve been in Commifornia my entire life. It tweaked right before my very eyes. Commies play the long game. Evil MFers…
I accept your condolences. I’ve been trying to get the hell out of here. Easier said than done!
You know I'm praying for you and rooting for you to get out.
Yes it’s so easy to just get out when you have unlimited funds. But those people who left will just make the place they move to similar to the shithole from which they escaped. They’re crazy.
When we all go shit crazy, we have to find a way to protest against them directly not with pointless vandalism and looting. It’s the majority of us versus a very few fucktards The towns, homes, shops, schools are ours, not theirs. Start by getting to know your police officers now when things are calm. Go to a local meeting and buy then beers afterward. Go hunting fishing with them. We all need to build the connections and influence from the bottom up. States where made for many reasons, one being to prevent the federal gov from getting out of hand. We need to leverage the state’s powers to make this place what we want it to be. Buckle up, the future can change but only if we start now.
Shhhhh. 😊
I’m so glad to hear that. Thank you for correcting me.
Yes, it was really red, right? Just think how lovely it was. I listen to victor Davis Hanson. He lives in Selma. (Spelling?). He says outside of LA and Silicon Valley, everyone is pretty conservative. It’s always the very few that ruin it, right?!
Do. Not. Comply.
Amen to that, Cyn!
In early 2020 I got some bumper stickers that said "Just Say No To Mask Tyranny". I left one on until last year. I have another one. I may have to put it on.
Good one - mine was Faith Over Fear
Always good.
Hope you’re correct. I really hope you are.
I never wore a mask to begin with; never got the jab and they can't make me mask-up this time.
I pray that you are right. The people that complied last time caused more problems than if they had had the guts to say NO to the tyranny. If they comply again, I will really lose my shit at those people. I just scowled at them or laughed at them before, but this time, they will get a tongue lashing as well!
I will not comply!!!!
We must, as a country, resist with everything we’ve got! We cannot let it happen again!!!
They never stop. They’re like demons. Nonstop and no time constraints
Just like the Nazis they never stopped , until they were stopped.
That’s what I’m afraid of.
One thing you can always count on when it comes to leftist scum. They never, ever give up. And they count on the fact that everyone else will.
If Biden does this, then he's nailed shut the lid on his election. Even if he doesn't do this, no way will he be reelected.
Yes, way. Same way as before.
His body double will just sit in his basement and give the finger to the American public 💁♀️
Sadly, I believe this. It doesn't have to be FJB! It can be any of the fascists running. Just throw out all the ballots for any, even sorta, sane person and replace with illegal's and dead people's ballots 💨 POOF! 💨 slime elected.
Roger that. Remote controlled Dominion changer machines. Changed so many elections around the world and ours for the last few. I think it makes it much easier to cheat then in the past. Did you see the NSA contractor man who says he wrote the software that does this for the Dominion machines? He came clean and admitted it publicly. Good of him, wouldn't you say? Why do we not see this reposted everywhere? If you need a link I can find one. Duck Duck go search engine or the one that starts with a....Y ? ( not yahoo )
I read about him on a substack, too. You know "they" can't have that coming out. You think they'll let him live?
Yandex? I haven't used any other than Duckduckgo, because I can never remember the names. 🙄
Brave is great! Try it.
Use it also. Thanks
Yes, I think that is it. You did better then I did, you remembered the name! 😀
I read this very interesting commentary from a big leaker of the H#$A#A%R$P Electrical grid that they are going to use to fry us and control us. He showed pics etc. He said that they obviously knew he was leaking what was happening and the only reason he could think of that he was not being killed was that they were ok with a slow trickle leak. He rationalized that the slow trickle was actually a good think the Evils thought because if everyone woke up at once you could imagine all the reactions, with everyone running around feeding off each other like a swarm of bees whose hive just got jostled. Then we could/would possibly rise up, revolt and hunt them, the Evils, down and overturn. This is normal human behavior and evident through history.
Slow leaks let off the steam in a pressure boiler so it does not explode.
Yeah, we're pretty f'd, because of all the dangerous infrastructure they've built everywhere...and denied building ...denied it's existence ...denied the capabilities of even having such a thing existing. 🤮
Getting anyone to know/believe about that is a huge undertaking, because of all the lies listed above. You KNOW we can't control the weather! 🙄
I’ve had good luck with Brave
The Dummy has been pretending to work from inside a coffin. He is that close to his justifiable end.
If these people really wanted to kill Trump he would be dead. They want him to keep playing the game to turn American citizens against each other to ensure their victory. That’s why they put him in the White House to begin with. MAGA is the highest degree in the church of Satan. All of this is a staged play to fool the public. Good cop, bad cop. It’s been used for centuries and it always works. I hope to God people will finally see the truth. We are running out of time.
Exactly. Trump is in on it.
“MAGA is the highest degree in the church of satan” sounds like something old “Lucy”himself would say
Look it up if you want the truth. IF
Look it up? on the internet? Why would you trust info about satan that you find on the internet, especially now, when what’s written about satanists is lies written by satanists. It would be like trusting what you find on the internet to find out what high level Freemasons do and who they really worship.
Book of Job - satan has no power of his own. The power is yours. See Genesis 4:7
Trump derangement syndrome goes two ways
Bang on
These murdering criminals have no choice but to continue their depopulation plans, to stop now would cause more people to wonder why they stopped if the so-called virus is so deadly. In Canada I still don't hear much from government admitting how wrong they were and are about how deadly the gene jabs are. I will celebrate when the truth is made known, when to the arrests start? I hope they start with media and then government and so on.
FJB... No way are we putting up with that Demented POS. He doesn't own us. JOEBAMA just wants to provoke a Revolution. Then they will TRY to declare martial law. GOOD LUCK....
I think they never rescinded the martial law that trump put us under I. March 2020. For a “virus”
Martial Law should have been implemented during the ANTIFA and BLACK LIVES MATTER
riots. But, States said we will take care of things. They sure did. Why does:
The states themselves should have taken out Antifa and BLM, it was in their areas of jurisdiction. Trump would have been called a “dictator” by the media and Nancy Pelosi and all the demoncrats.
President Trump offered the National Guard to the Governors to put down the maniacal BLM and Antifa riots, looting, fires, assaults, etc., but the blue states seemed to welcome the bedlam with that fictional disclaimer of "mostly peaceful."
Right. That's why the Leftists States wouldn't do anything. Now, JOE thinks he's going to control what States do. Why, because his name is LYIN JOE BIDEN.
I think NOT! still go to the White House?
Do you mean the fraudulent 'state of (non-)emergency'?
We were never under martial law -- although it felt like it.
Yes. But was it really not martial law? I’m not sure there’s a difference in what would be done in either case. But I will say, those emergency order MUST be taken away from these govt hacks. They never give you back your freedom. You must fight to get it back. Those orders cannot be rescinded by anyone but the one who instituted the orders. That’s beyond dangerous. Look at New York. That crazy hochul and her gulags for the unclean. Sicko. She’s up to it again, I hear.
They took away every single right (God given. They have no authority to have done that ) except the right to keep and bear arms. Even going so far as to forbid church Svs. First time since Christ has risen that there was no Mass on Easter Sunday. I’m still enraged.
I share your anger.
Thank you for saying that. I feel like I’m going crazy. Like, why isn’t everyone demanding accountability?! I won’t feel the least bit better until these criminals are held to account. Mass murder. They’re so evil.
That law expired. They used a dirty trick to keep the EUA for the clot shots.
Did it? I didn’t realize.
Question re the eua. It was given for the “cominarty” formulation. But no one in this country ever received that bcuz it was not available here. How do they get away with that? An empty ingredients sheet with the vials. This cannot be legal. They should be able to be sued to high heaven. No? Curious if you know.
EUA had to be authorized for any of the mRNA experimental drugs, Pfizer and Moderna, J and J , since they never went through normal trials. It was expected the drugs would be removed once EUA expired, but there was a slight of hand dirty trick they used to keep those drugs, and they're still pushing them. Another law says EUA in not to be permitted if there already exists drugs that fight the disease, like Ivermectin and Hydroxychloroquine. So they had to lie and say those drugs didn't work, in order to get the EUA. They're all crooks, evil to the core. I think they lied to Trump as well.
Now saying: Oh, Ivermectin works all of a sudden!
Sometimes when you get a text or comment, it’s hard to tell how the sender meant it. So much nicer if we could speak like normal. That’s all.
How true
The pharmaceutical companies who created the shots were under D.O.D contracts. There was never any testing done on these shots, none. The EUA can be continued for ever at the discretion of the head of HHS. There doesn’t have to be any data to back up their decision. The government and the D.O.D are waging war on the American people using bio weapons.
Right on American Soil no less!
Really. How do you like that. DEVILS!
Are you teasing? Or for real?
What do you mean? They are DEVILS.
Lol I totally agree! I thought you were teasing me because I said they’re like demons (they never stop). Sorry. It was in a different comment.
Omg. Totally on the same page. Devils. they’re disgusting
Trump also wants civil war.
Why do you think that? He stated he doesn't want war.
One of Trump’s main tasks for the globalists was to widen the divide between left and right.
Looks to me like it's the so called Un-American Uniparty that's doing that up just right.
There now is a far right party now, too.
One of Trump's main tasks for the globalists? Am I missing something here?
This is a dip of the toe i to the water for the totalitarians. They pick a small segment where the Feds control almost the whole thing [air transportation] and they put in stupid mandates. They expect most will comply because people don't want to be on a no fly list. The only question is will the feckless McCarthy and McConnell final grow back a pair, and unite Republicans to stand in unison saying "no". That anyone who wants to wear a mask can, but no government mandates will be tolerated. Republicans need to write into any spending bills language that prohibits the Feds from masking, locking down, etc anything until after the next election. But Republicans rarely ever play handball.....
Softball, or. Should we say NerfBall?
“COVID numbers…..”
“ what can we do to mask the vaccine injuries?”
I will not comply
This from 1971 for the first Mrna and rDNA. Couldn't help but recall 30% of vials contain plasmids and Dna found.
Very interesting. Much appreciated.
Thank you.
I might get fired from my job this time. Managed to fly under the radar last time. But they are all Covidiots and if they dare try any vaccine, testing or mask mandates I will not comply.
The great tragedy will be how many complain but then comply. Make no mistake, compliance will open the door to digital IDs and social credit scores, their ultimate goal for controlling the populace.
"Dr. Davis":
In addition to agreeing with your comment, I was quite interested to learn about the handsome man from another century in your profile photograph. Imagine my surprise and amusement when I googled his name.
That way Biden can stay in his basement during the campaign again.