In almost every death certificate that identifies a covid vaccine as a cause of death, the CDC committed data fraud by not assigning the ICD 10 code for vaccine side effects to the causes of death
Yup! My mostly healthy fully vaxxed and boosted 71yo T1 diabetic brother in law died in March 23’ with 4 clogged arteries. His diabetes was well controlled and he saw his endo a couple of times a year. You know darn well those shots were never mentioned as contributing to his death. My guess is he is one of thousands in the same scenario.
thank you for sharing I am not stunned by this as they have been liars since the beginning of the plandemic.
Do you also use the pseudonym "Gram"?
Yup! My mostly healthy fully vaxxed and boosted 71yo T1 diabetic brother in law died in March 23’ with 4 clogged arteries. His diabetes was well controlled and he saw his endo a couple of times a year. You know darn well those shots were never mentioned as contributing to his death. My guess is he is one of thousands in the same scenario.
Thank you for reporting this.
Thank you Dr Alexander :)
It's also on substack -
The CDC responded -
We should hopefully have a rebuttal article up tomorrow
For those having trouble getting into Twitter, as I did, Ashmedai clarifies the CDC's response, as follows:
"The CDC is actually claiming that the only deaths linked to the covid vaccines are the 9 J&J deaths (!!!)"
Did you READ it? They say vaccines cannot cause death and therefore there is no code for it.
The Communist Death Center lying?
Say it ain’t so!
Why wouldn't the CDC be in cahoots with big pharma and the DoD?
Center For Death and Corruption
How can they be any more evil?!!! 😞😡 a world wide tyranny through our municipalities explained.
Right down to the condo level. Its like a disease.
Has this been posted on Twitter? I hope the independent news shows carry this to spread far and wide ( no hope for mainstream).
we need a member of congress to sign off on arrest warrants for the entire board of directors of Pfizer and Maoderna- LIKE NOW1111
My understanding is that there is no ICD code for a C19 vax injury. There is for other vax injuries.