These shots are destroying natural immunity. Thanks Bill Gates!

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Actually...fuck bill gates!

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What ISN'T attributed to the Covid " Vaccines"? A Witches Brew, so many Sheep believed the Govt. BS about " Safe & Effective", now suffering, some immediately, others a huge ??

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Download before it’s deleted, he has done videos you can find them online.


July 29, 2022



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Got it! Thank you!

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....episodes of Lipschütz ulcer temporally associated with COVID-19 (N = 18) or an immunization against SARS-CoV-2 (N = 21).

Were all the cases temporally associated with COVID-19 also unjabbed? Put another way, if a jabbed woman had these symptoms whilst suffering from covid, which group would she be put in?

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It says associated with the "vaccine", not Covid

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It says associated with covid-19 OR an 'immunization', does it not?

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Just to clarify, I read again and yes, it say Covid 19 vaccination.

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But I believe it's implying about the jabs, guess the doctor will have to answer.

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Why do you write "she"? Nowadays it could also be a he, ze, they... [Actually I loathe the whole concept of chosen pronouns.]

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What about hpv injections possibly, also. I don't know, just though of that though.

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Genital warts and more… brought to you by Pfizer … and all big Pharma mRNA bioweapons

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I knew someone who developed those ulcers.

That is how I know she took the shot.

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