Commercial flights have a pilot and a co-pilot, so in mid-air there is little risk even if the main pilot gets a debilitating stroke. But the moments of take-off and landing are the main risk if the pilot should get a stroke at those moments (also aggravated by some stress at these moments).
It is no coincidence that the WEF attendants flying to Davos in their private jets only wanted unvaccinated pilots to fly them there.
What were the knuckleheads thinking who cooked up this whole covid farce? That people would not figure it out? Probably because they have some choice new disaster waiting to come down on us. But can they do anything right? They are inbred and deranged and anyone who upholds their feckless laws are just as deranged. Especially anyone who will fight a war for them which is the little surprise they have in store for us should this farce become clear. As long as nobody fights their wars, their little plot will go nowhere. And everyone has to stop funding them as they are criminals and funding them means you're colluding with criminals and will be culpable of that.
What were they thinking? Take the money and run. IMHO. Most likely those in the inner circle (cone of silence) take the NSS shot and or have the anecdote readily available.
I have the antidote and it is so simple that those behind this should see their efforts to exterminate us or robot us go up in smoke - I'd post the whole thing here but your substack won't let me: my last paragraph is my overall conclusion as a taster: Just think - so many tries to successfully exterminate us, at the costs of billions of tax payers dollars and political nudging and it all comes down to, probably, is my simple free salt water cure for all viruses and bacteria, so you can't get Covid ever and my one second 12 volt DC electric shock to kill off their injected nanotechnology, which would make 5G robots of all the vaccinated, that "they" did not kill first by 5G command (Android looking for Bluetooth to discover your vaccine injected nanotechnology number) FAIL Moderna, Pfizer, all other vaccine makers, Politicians, The Elite and all. Much Laughter!!
Over 60% did not figure it out. Why the constant drum beat for the precursor to communism, DEMOCRACY? Because it is mob rule, which is what we see happening. An International Clique, led by bankers and potentates, leveraging the morbid stupidity of the ass end of the IQ distributions, to control their only known enemy, us!
Yes that's right. Everyone is on the same conveyor belt and this is the problem. The idea that we all have the same holidays, the same work hours, the same political system, the same money system - this is the problem. We need to decentralize massively. The whole world is not meant to all be the same. The notion of globalization was wrong from the start, now we have to diffuse into local enclaves and get away from all being the same.
Well said. Have spent a significant amount of time in white, postage stamp, Baltic ethno-states who escaped the murderous, Bolshevik desire to put disparate people together, and call it the Soviet Union. How happy they were to recapture their own culture.
Well, the Tribe that did that to them, now owns The West's media and money supply. Same lineage, for example bug eyed Adam Schiff's great, great grandfather Jacob Schiff financed Trotsky (Bronstein).
To think a group of 2% is only happy when 98% are unhappy, and are constantly telling us to all be the same.
Aye, so far, they are correct! But, war is coming. Militaries will be split, some with conscious will fight with us. I won't fire the first shots, but I will get off 100,000's of rounds before it ends.
I think much of what we see re injuries and deaths is the tip of the iceberg Dr Alexander.... Take for example this heart transplant story from Australia, to be working in Western Australia this girl is almost certainly vaxxed... The doctors only discovered what had caused this young girls heart to suddenly fail after they removed it, her immune system was attacking the heart due to a "previous infection"... ?? I may have it wrong but I suspect this is a classic covid vaccine injury... Swept under the carpet deliberately or through cognitive dissonance... I'll allow a one in one million chance this was a real "infection"... But given her age and the sudden onset this seems very sus
Absolutely 100%. The poor young woman! The ABC is a world leader among the MSM in covering up vax injuries and death and in promoting mRNA vaccine uptake and a propaganda narrative. I hope you bring this to the attention also of Steve Kirsch and Igor Chudov.
Haven't flown in 40 years and have no intention to ever fly again. While it may be true there are fewer crashes and mishaps than 20-30-50 years ago, I don't blame anyone for being concerned about the pilot problem.
I am right there with you! Knowing what I know about the pilots, I refuse to take a flight anywhere. Home sweet home is where I’ll stay! It was about 7 years ago since I’ve flown. I don’t miss it. Yes, a beach would be nice in the dreary Ohio winters but I don’t want to go through this nightmare of wondering when our pilot might drop dead. The fact the FAA changed the heart requirements and hid it says it loud and clear, plus the WEF monsters want unvaxxed pilots!!!! They all knew what these jabs would do and they are still walking free!
Mercifully the odds of both pilot and co-pilot doing the Big Pharma myocarditis dance concurrently remain low, and the onboard navigation could in theory land us.
My respect to the pilots who walked off the job, and refused this jab.
For those with Telegram, a nice little 2 minute video, showing the disdain the medical profession (large swaths) showed for us all:
One hopes the aircraft maintenance engineers and air traffic controllers are on the ball and not suffering from diminished job performance due to neurocognitive manifestations of jab injuries. It's disturbing ito contemplate that air traffic controllers could be lining up arriving and departing aircraft on the same flight path and that the engineers or their supervisors could be missing things that compromise safety.
Injuring pilots is a two-fer. A plane crash depopulates 100-200 at a time while the fear-inducing crash convinces more and more people to mind their Vax passport.
FAA ought to be renamed -> FAA-AOC -> Fed Aviation Admin-Absolutely Out of Control. Funny how those three letters together, AOC,, always seem to stand for insanity and wild-eyed wokeness & self-destruct tendencies
After the vaccine rolled out, the FAA secretly widened the EKG parameter range for pilots so they wouldn't be grounded. It looks like the vax gave at least 50M Americans heart damage.
I haven’t been on commercial flight since September 2019. The avoidance of air travel is not out of fear; it is prudence. All pilots were forced to get jabs and boosters, and they could die suddenly. Risk outweighs benefit for air travel for me. It never was enjoyable in the first place to take a prison torpedo anywhere.
There is no cause for alarm, it is only when your pilot decides to land the aircraft on its nose, rather fast, that you might have cause for concern - to Just Russ - if at first you don't succeed try and try again, presumably you have to fly home again afterwards - I gather young Philippine girls are rather yummy, otherwise, why fly there and take the risks involved, to which you refer.
Have a great holiday and one to remember for years to cum.
I just flew from Australia to the Philippines. Three flights and I was shitting myself on every one of them. Thank God I arrived in one piece.
Commercial flights have a pilot and a co-pilot, so in mid-air there is little risk even if the main pilot gets a debilitating stroke. But the moments of take-off and landing are the main risk if the pilot should get a stroke at those moments (also aggravated by some stress at these moments).
It is no coincidence that the WEF attendants flying to Davos in their private jets only wanted unvaccinated pilots to fly them there.
What were the knuckleheads thinking who cooked up this whole covid farce? That people would not figure it out? Probably because they have some choice new disaster waiting to come down on us. But can they do anything right? They are inbred and deranged and anyone who upholds their feckless laws are just as deranged. Especially anyone who will fight a war for them which is the little surprise they have in store for us should this farce become clear. As long as nobody fights their wars, their little plot will go nowhere. And everyone has to stop funding them as they are criminals and funding them means you're colluding with criminals and will be culpable of that.
What were they thinking? Take the money and run. IMHO. Most likely those in the inner circle (cone of silence) take the NSS shot and or have the anecdote readily available.
I have the antidote and it is so simple that those behind this should see their efforts to exterminate us or robot us go up in smoke - I'd post the whole thing here but your substack won't let me: my last paragraph is my overall conclusion as a taster: Just think - so many tries to successfully exterminate us, at the costs of billions of tax payers dollars and political nudging and it all comes down to, probably, is my simple free salt water cure for all viruses and bacteria, so you can't get Covid ever and my one second 12 volt DC electric shock to kill off their injected nanotechnology, which would make 5G robots of all the vaccinated, that "they" did not kill first by 5G command (Android looking for Bluetooth to discover your vaccine injected nanotechnology number) FAIL Moderna, Pfizer, all other vaccine makers, Politicians, The Elite and all. Much Laughter!!
There is no “antidote”, just lame internet scammers and douche bags. All the jabbed are doomed; it was designed to kill them several ways.
Over 60% did not figure it out. Why the constant drum beat for the precursor to communism, DEMOCRACY? Because it is mob rule, which is what we see happening. An International Clique, led by bankers and potentates, leveraging the morbid stupidity of the ass end of the IQ distributions, to control their only known enemy, us!
Yes that's right. Everyone is on the same conveyor belt and this is the problem. The idea that we all have the same holidays, the same work hours, the same political system, the same money system - this is the problem. We need to decentralize massively. The whole world is not meant to all be the same. The notion of globalization was wrong from the start, now we have to diffuse into local enclaves and get away from all being the same.
Well said. Have spent a significant amount of time in white, postage stamp, Baltic ethno-states who escaped the murderous, Bolshevik desire to put disparate people together, and call it the Soviet Union. How happy they were to recapture their own culture.
Well, the Tribe that did that to them, now owns The West's media and money supply. Same lineage, for example bug eyed Adam Schiff's great, great grandfather Jacob Schiff financed Trotsky (Bronstein).
To think a group of 2% is only happy when 98% are unhappy, and are constantly telling us to all be the same.
They were thinking (correctly) that even if/WHEN we figured it out - we wouldn’t do shit about to.
Aye, so far, they are correct! But, war is coming. Militaries will be split, some with conscious will fight with us. I won't fire the first shots, but I will get off 100,000's of rounds before it ends.
I think much of what we see re injuries and deaths is the tip of the iceberg Dr Alexander.... Take for example this heart transplant story from Australia, to be working in Western Australia this girl is almost certainly vaxxed... The doctors only discovered what had caused this young girls heart to suddenly fail after they removed it, her immune system was attacking the heart due to a "previous infection"... ?? I may have it wrong but I suspect this is a classic covid vaccine injury... Swept under the carpet deliberately or through cognitive dissonance... I'll allow a one in one million chance this was a real "infection"... But given her age and the sudden onset this seems very sus
Absolutely 100%. The poor young woman! The ABC is a world leader among the MSM in covering up vax injuries and death and in promoting mRNA vaccine uptake and a propaganda narrative. I hope you bring this to the attention also of Steve Kirsch and Igor Chudov.
Good idea, they do excellent work
Haven't flown in 40 years and have no intention to ever fly again. While it may be true there are fewer crashes and mishaps than 20-30-50 years ago, I don't blame anyone for being concerned about the pilot problem.
I am right there with you! Knowing what I know about the pilots, I refuse to take a flight anywhere. Home sweet home is where I’ll stay! It was about 7 years ago since I’ve flown. I don’t miss it. Yes, a beach would be nice in the dreary Ohio winters but I don’t want to go through this nightmare of wondering when our pilot might drop dead. The fact the FAA changed the heart requirements and hid it says it loud and clear, plus the WEF monsters want unvaxxed pilots!!!! They all knew what these jabs would do and they are still walking free!
Mercifully the odds of both pilot and co-pilot doing the Big Pharma myocarditis dance concurrently remain low, and the onboard navigation could in theory land us.
My respect to the pilots who walked off the job, and refused this jab.
For those with Telegram, a nice little 2 minute video, showing the disdain the medical profession (large swaths) showed for us all:
One hopes the aircraft maintenance engineers and air traffic controllers are on the ball and not suffering from diminished job performance due to neurocognitive manifestations of jab injuries. It's disturbing ito contemplate that air traffic controllers could be lining up arriving and departing aircraft on the same flight path and that the engineers or their supervisors could be missing things that compromise safety.
Which facet of aviation was lobbying to drop from a 2 person ( Pilot/copilot) to just a 1 Captain flight crew recently?
government agencies are captured
You aussies need to exterminate your entire political class. And their families, erase the bloodlines.
Injuring pilots is a two-fer. A plane crash depopulates 100-200 at a time while the fear-inducing crash convinces more and more people to mind their Vax passport.
I'm one of those people already afraid to fly. This just negates the possibility that I ever will again!
FAA ought to be renamed -> FAA-AOC -> Fed Aviation Admin-Absolutely Out of Control. Funny how those three letters together, AOC,, always seem to stand for insanity and wild-eyed wokeness & self-destruct tendencies
After the vaccine rolled out, the FAA secretly widened the EKG parameter range for pilots so they wouldn't be grounded. It looks like the vax gave at least 50M Americans heart damage.
I haven’t been on commercial flight since September 2019. The avoidance of air travel is not out of fear; it is prudence. All pilots were forced to get jabs and boosters, and they could die suddenly. Risk outweighs benefit for air travel for me. It never was enjoyable in the first place to take a prison torpedo anywhere.
I won’t fly if I don’t have to. And so far, I haven’t had to. I think things will just keep getting worse, like in Atlas Shrugged.
There is no cause for alarm, it is only when your pilot decides to land the aircraft on its nose, rather fast, that you might have cause for concern - to Just Russ - if at first you don't succeed try and try again, presumably you have to fly home again afterwards - I gather young Philippine girls are rather yummy, otherwise, why fly there and take the risks involved, to which you refer.
Have a great holiday and one to remember for years to cum.