The criminal syndicate is NOT going to arrest and try their own.
If Hillary Clinton would have been arrested for her email felonies, their never would have been justice for Obama and Biden and....
As we watch the circus acts now, even the dumbest of the dumb knows what a scam the US gubermint justice system is. We only have ONE NOT corrupt institution left and it is the one where the officers and men in uniform SWEAR their allegiance to the Constitution against enemies both foreign and domestic.
WHEN (and most would say IF and an unlikely IF) the military starts arrests for treason AND starts military tribunals for TREASON by the DEEP STATE, the peanut gallery will then say WHAT TOOK YA'LL SO LONG? These criminals will NOT get to have trials in NY or DC where they could never be convicted of anything, their trials will be in GITMO where a new court room was built a couple of years ago.
For the arrests to start, even the dumbest of the dumb have to see that we only have ONE way to get out of this mess. And the evidence to be used against Pelosi, Obama, Biden, Schummer.... has to be overwhelming and convincing. WE ONLY GET ONE CHANCE TO PUT THESE PEOPLE AWAY.
President Trump has said it has started. Stay tuned and pay attention, things will move a little faster now that it is definitely hitting the fan.
Sydney Powell is a lawyer who is qualified to deal with the military justice system. WHAT HAS SHE BEEN DOING SINCE THE 2020 election when she was VERY VISIBLE?
Take Note, Mr. Trump --- and Everyone Else: 27 USC 72.11
By Anna Von Reitz
All crimes have been "redefined" by this section of Federal (that is, Territorial) Code, 27 USC 72.11 so that all crimes --- so far as the British Territorial Government is concerned --- are commercial in nature.
Title 27 is a weird bit of code on a good day, governing the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, and Firearms (BATF) and Federal regulatory and enforcement powers over these "regulated substances" and those invoked under the interstate commerce clause.
This redefinition goes hand in hand with the prosecution of the second Municipal Corporation residing in the District of Columbia, and the "universal debtors" known as "citizens of the United States" referenced by the Fourteenth Amendment of the 1868 Corporate Constitution.
(further down in the article)
Remember: all crimes and indictments brought in Municipal Corporation Courts in the District of Columbia are brought against US PERSONS first and foremost, and these DEFENDANTS are prosecuted as Municipal Corporation franchises engaged in interstate commerce.
From a woman and team that has won court cases against the Vatican and British Territorial/ganster banksters in the ICC.
The FBI are now in the same class as the FDA and CDC...completely useless.
The truth can't be hidden from the population much longer if it is now. My question is why are there no arrests for these criminals?
The criminal syndicate is NOT going to arrest and try their own.
If Hillary Clinton would have been arrested for her email felonies, their never would have been justice for Obama and Biden and....
As we watch the circus acts now, even the dumbest of the dumb knows what a scam the US gubermint justice system is. We only have ONE NOT corrupt institution left and it is the one where the officers and men in uniform SWEAR their allegiance to the Constitution against enemies both foreign and domestic.
WHEN (and most would say IF and an unlikely IF) the military starts arrests for treason AND starts military tribunals for TREASON by the DEEP STATE, the peanut gallery will then say WHAT TOOK YA'LL SO LONG? These criminals will NOT get to have trials in NY or DC where they could never be convicted of anything, their trials will be in GITMO where a new court room was built a couple of years ago.
For the arrests to start, even the dumbest of the dumb have to see that we only have ONE way to get out of this mess. And the evidence to be used against Pelosi, Obama, Biden, Schummer.... has to be overwhelming and convincing. WE ONLY GET ONE CHANCE TO PUT THESE PEOPLE AWAY.
President Trump has said it has started. Stay tuned and pay attention, things will move a little faster now that it is definitely hitting the fan.
Sydney Powell is a lawyer who is qualified to deal with the military justice system. WHAT HAS SHE BEEN DOING SINCE THE 2020 election when she was VERY VISIBLE?
That’s EXACTLY what the FBI exists for now
All I can do is pass the info along
Take Note, Mr. Trump --- and Everyone Else: 27 USC 72.11
By Anna Von Reitz
All crimes have been "redefined" by this section of Federal (that is, Territorial) Code, 27 USC 72.11 so that all crimes --- so far as the British Territorial Government is concerned --- are commercial in nature.
Title 27 is a weird bit of code on a good day, governing the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, and Firearms (BATF) and Federal regulatory and enforcement powers over these "regulated substances" and those invoked under the interstate commerce clause.
This redefinition goes hand in hand with the prosecution of the second Municipal Corporation residing in the District of Columbia, and the "universal debtors" known as "citizens of the United States" referenced by the Fourteenth Amendment of the 1868 Corporate Constitution.
(further down in the article)
Remember: all crimes and indictments brought in Municipal Corporation Courts in the District of Columbia are brought against US PERSONS first and foremost, and these DEFENDANTS are prosecuted as Municipal Corporation franchises engaged in interstate commerce.
From a woman and team that has won court cases against the Vatican and British Territorial/ganster banksters in the ICC.