This is a much bigger force than the surface components (religions and state structures) you are discussing. Everyone needs to open your minds to the fact that there is a parasitic hidden force that has controlled central banking, governments, education, medicine, etc. for at least hundreds of years or more.

Israel was created by two world wars. The Balfour Declaration laid everything out...in the midst of WWI. Most of the conflict was created by international banking, for their own benefit.

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UN another evil entity.

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FOOLISH moslum jihodios are still batteling the Crusades

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Delegitimize the UN?! WHEN was the UN EVER legitimate?!

We should have never been in the UN. The UN should NOT be located in our country. We need, and have always needed, to be out of the UN. They need escorted out of our country. Let some other country host them and their insanity!

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Everyone should read this book by Ilan Pappe, The Ethnic Cleansing of Palestine. Here it the real truth. Pappe was raised as a zionist and born in Palestine to parents the escaped Nazi Germany. Then he learned what really happened. How many westerners know the meaning of the "Nakba?"https://www.amazon.com/s?k=ilan+pappe+the+ethnic+cleansing+of+palestine&i=stripbooks&crid=2SLJL3V9A79L0&sprefix=ilan+p%2Cstripbooks%2C134&ref=nb_sb_ss_fb_1_6

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Brilliantly said, Dr Alexander. You speak like a statesmen, the kind we need urgently to lead our country.

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I have been saying for years that the Muslim brotherhood has waged war against Christians - especially White Male Christians and everything they represent including their families. And the proof is this idiotic black agenda being pushed on us on every level. All this agenda is doing is making us dislike blacks and it's a shame because most are not not board with this attempt at a radical power shift in the west.

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You are completly at lost here, Dr. Alexander. What do you think happens when prominent rabbis openly proclamate the Talmud saying "Gentiles exists only to serve Jews"?


Answer: Israeli soldiers becoming so blase´ in killing Non-Jews that it is thought of as nothing at all, see their behaviour, and answer me if you still support Israel:



Rabbis from Israeli state-funded Yeshivas explain that it is forbidden to save the Non-Jew from death and teaching Jews how to LIE about it:


while citing Judaism's holiest book which 5 times in only one chapter gives advice on how the Jew should LIE about it:



What is the end result?

The end result is that Jewish people in general become more prolific in the art of lying and deception than Non-Jewish people, and are then able to play Dr. Paul Alexander like a violin, to support their endevour of robbing and killing of indigenous people, making Dr. Alexander a fool of himself blaming the opressed supporting the colonizer who came 75-80 years ago.

What right have the Jews to expel, rob and murder indigenous Non-Jewish people, because allegedly God gave this land to the Jews, are you out of your mind?

Why do you support the colonialists instead of the indigenous people?

You are of course not recieving the complete picture by the Jewish owned mainstream media, they are not reporting that unarmed Non-Jewish people are killed every week all the year around.

Please follow the weekly field reports from human righrts organizations which are actually there


or if you believe Palestinian Moslems and Christians are liars, please go to the Israeli human rights groups "B'tselm" or "Breaking the Silence". I

f you want to find out about the crimes against humanity perpertrated by Israel in 1948, visit Zochrot to hear from veterans who tell stories about how they killed civilians

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How is peace obtainable when one party is guided by a religion that calls for the death of all that don't practice or convert to that religion? How do you get peace when one party takes money gifted to it by the US government and pays the families of terrorists that invade the other country to kill and maim? How to you obtain peace when one party teaches its children to hate the other, and trains them with guns as soon as they are old enough? The Arabs ("Palestinians") don't want peace. Peace is not profitable for them.

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I know this is off topic Dr Alexander but it is a wolf story you have been warning about

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Arafat received billions and kept much of it, his wife lives in Paris for years in a very expensive apartment in one of the most expensive neighbourhoods there, it takes up an entire floor at least. She never lived in "Palestine". Golda Meir always said the Arabs (Palestinians) are our cousins. How is it that whenever you see the so-called refugee areas, they always drive big Mercedes sedans and have cellphones and nice clothing? There are two sides to every story. The other Arabs have never reached out to help their brethren. Anyone who lives in Israel receives health care and many other benefits including good jobs and quality of life. Thank you Dr. Paul for posting this.

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I'll re-word it so it's easy to understand. Are the satanists (UN Lucis Trust worshippers of baphomet and lucifer the fallen angel) waging war against God's people (the Jewish people who worship God)? Now That's a Drfinite YES

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The UN has been anti-Israel for decades now

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There are countless Israeli cities of even good size that started as refugee camps for Jews driven out of Arab nations. But they aren't called refugee camps anymore as the tiny dwellings got enlarged by residents work and pay checks.and a larger city developed around it. Yet why are Arab towns called refugee camps still ? It should just now be towns and cities. Could it be the united nations and Arab rulers kept them in poverty on purpose ?

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Been this way for quite a while now.

Amped up with JoeMentia's (aka, Barry's) innate hostility towards Israel.

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