We need to be calling our Congressmen and Senators. We DON'T want our men and women going to their deaths anymore. What? for Homo Zelensky.

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Zelensky is a real gas,isn't he Lynn?

Look a little deeper. We are going into a big mess over this deportation plan. If all of the strong men and women are off to war whom will protect the homeland?

It's truly a dangerous time.

Don't be distracted with other threats.

The real problem we have is this :

The enemy is inside the gates.

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yes, illegals and possibly sent to fight for the tranny...

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This is true. It's so important for us to prepare for our gates to fall. The wall is not going to stop the fall of Rome, for our senate has sold us to the Goths and Vandals.

Now we must protect our wives and friends,and country.

If only Marcus Anthony would rise from the dead and make a speech.

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I just read where the Communist US Senators or whatever you call them are TRYING to start another investigation into TRUMP. SAY WHAT!

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That wouldn't surprise me, Lynn. Stay focused on your preparations for the long grid failure we've talked about. You can pray for Trump if that helps ease your mind. But the things discussed on this channel today are coming closer to being in your reality day and night.

These bad guys have been setting this up for decades. You'll have to be the one that wakes up your family and helps t hem get ready for a long and dangerous journey.

You've got it in you.

I know you're up to it..

💪 💪 💪 💪 💪 💪

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YOU bet we are. I know that you are, too :-)

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There is NO way the illegals are going to be sent. They will send our AMERCIAN

MEN and WOMEN. Then it will be easy for the Leftists to TRY and take us over.

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Same thing happened to Rome when they sent their soldiers thousands of miles away

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We old fucks with all the guns, will do what needs doing. I promise

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legally, civilly, good governance, peacefully but we use our weapons legally under the 2nd once life threatened...I am with Alan

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I agree legally and civil. But, don't say the Leftists word, PEACEFULLY. I am sick of that word ever since the Left came up with it. I can't stand peacefully and deplorables.

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Yes. And that's exactly what they want. With 15 million illegals inside the gates, It won't take long for us to be overthrown.

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I dont underestimate the American male and female...and our 2nd...you wont want to be an illegal if you push Americans too much further.

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This too much further is getting to the boiling point.

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Owning a gun is NOT the same as pulling the trigger. I don't see Americans forming vigilante groups for our upcoming civil war. Everything is being orchestrated by Commie Obama, Bidumb is a mere shell of a man now. That's why Americans need permits to buy guns and ammo. Preparation for a national draft shows American boys are smartening up to the fact that "hell no, we won't go". Recruiting is not going well as we speak, hence the "need" to reinstitute the draft. We are being prepared for our downfall, plain and simple. All talk so far, no indications we are preparing for war on our shores.

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He sure is at that! That's why we must stop this insanity before it starts. Our men and women don't need to go off and start another 20 year war. I heard on a podcast somewhere the similar thing. The men were gone from the country and nobody was

guarding the oil.

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Keep fighting it Lynn !!

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boom, not for this cross dressing tranny, I agree...we have our nation to deal with and fix...

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It's going to be hard to repopulate if the population of women of childbearing age is decimated. Nuclear missiles will rain down across the US From coast to coast if the North Atlantic Terrorist Organization attacks Russia.

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You can call all you want. It won't do any good. And you all will be fighting for Satan.

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We still must call. Tie up their phones all day. Leave messages galore.

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The idiots think they can scam us again like they did in Iraq, Afghanistan, and Vietnam. Middle and lower class sons slaughtered for profits for the elites who never have enough money or power. Fighting useless endless wars is not patriotic.

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I agree but this will get messy

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There is one war we need to fight, and that’s the one against the current crop of ne’er do well’s occupying the positions of power. Kill them, and world peace. Fucked up, isn’t it?

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we need to get 45 in

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A better way to make things equal is to ABOLISH THE DRAFT

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War is a racket, as, general Butler said, MIC keeps on profiting on them, Our boys from kindergarten are trained to be good soldiers (a patriotic duty, and to die is an honor.

Now they call girls to join this imperialistic/genocidal scam? Depopulation in full swing!

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The lives of American men don't matter because one man can impregnate an endless number of women from adolescence through to one age. Women can't do the same thing in reverse. There is, however, a good argument for sending feminists, transwomen, homosexuals, pedophiles, Democrats, RINOS and disgusting creatures of all types to the front line.

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I'm not sure where Deborah Birx belong to, a Democrat?

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She's a former Army Colonel who is VERY close to Mike Pence. Pence referred to her as "my right hand."

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yes, nice sharing

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We don’t want a draft or war in Ukraine but if we get a draft as much as I love women I want them drafted. Maybe the concern about being aborted as adults will make most of them wake up about the Democrats.

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They have to draft women so the men can’t identify as women to get out of going.

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Than you go

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Ricardo they are the ones voting Democrat. You good with that ?

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Send demoncrats and especially Republicans in the house too go fight for fucking Ukraine. Don't try that Ukraine shit where you just snatch people from street.

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When Biden makes the “dreamers” citizens, they will, of course, be automatically registered for the draft. Kind of like snatching except they can choose to hide or go back home to their own country.

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You are assuming the illegals will fight for us. Don't be so sure they aren't here to take part in sabotage and murder against us.

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I’m not making any assumptions whatsoever. I think you are perhaps making assumptions that all illegals are drug dealer, rapists, or invaders sent here to take over. My point is that illegals have many advantages over Americans. Remember, illegals were invited by Biden and Mayorkas to come to Amerika.

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That's exactly the plan. Where have you been? The plan is called "Scissor Strategy." Russia and China and their friends are coming here to kill us. Go check out Redacted on YT. They recently had a show where there are government contracts to put dissenters in camps.

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That has been going around the internet for a few years. They are going to have a very difficult time pulling it off when even Leftists own guns. Roosevelt put 117,000 Japanese Americans in Concentration Camps, but that is a very small number of people compared to millions of conservatives. Yep, there are several people out there pushing the idea that dissidents are the target. I think they can’t see the forest for the trees. The fact is that the elites behind all the tumult want to reduce the world population so they can manage the ones that they consider are essential workers.

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I'm old fashioned. I don't think women should be forced to submit to a military draft.

Our fertility rates have plummeted as is. We're not producing enough new children to

replace those who die each year. We're dying off.

So in what world does drafting women make sense?

Incidently, I came out of the Vietnam era, and I don't think anyone should be drafted.

Especially not with the out of control Endless Wars we've been having since WW II, one after the other. All were meaningless. We didn't really win any of them. Lots of military contractors and Congresspeople made tons of money.

"War is a racket."

-- General Smedley Butler, decorated WW I veteran

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Ed, we are brothers in this...I like your thinking.

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Many military jobs can readily and easily be done by females. They don't have to be drafted to be front line soldiers. Railing against women in the draft is not some noble pursuit. If you ever served in the military, you'd realize there IS a place in the military for women.

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Thank you, Dr. Alexander. I'm honored to stand with you in this.

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Killing will be required of us, but it’s here at home that it must be done. If that’s hard to understand, open a real history book.

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How about registering mad maxine the freako machine who is not very clean and quite obscene with the brain of a bean. Or moochelle the Clydesdale? How about Hellery?

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Jun 18·edited Jun 18

Lyndsey Graham’s statement made weeks ago is a lie to pull on heart strings to continue funding the Ukraine war. In reality corrupt politicians would allow China access to resources in Ukraine anyways. China has mines, manufacturing facilities, businesses, in lots of countries.

The USA left Afghanistan (lithium) to allow China to move in making deals with the taliban. China owns mining companies everywhere!!!! This is why corrupt governments are obsessed with the Ukraine war…. We are fighting to get China in there!!

Bonus points if they oust Putin and get a WEF puppet leader in. Then the globalists can shut down Russia oil to drive the price up. Then the world will be begging for China EVs.

They will stop at nothing to continue this Ukraine farce and that’s why globalists are going hard to shut down different narratives. We are ruining our economies to fight/fund a war to benefit China!!!!!

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Trump said will stop Ukraine shit day one...

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Trump is a lowlife while telling us he's a great American even though he's a member of the Tribe. He's got chapped lips from kissing the Wailing Wall so many times.

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Lithium is plentiful in Oregon and Nevada. We don’t need Afghanistan. There is more to this than the US needing any crap from anywhere! https://www.techspot.com/news/100117-potentially-world-largest-lithium-deposit-has-found-us.html

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Jun 18·edited Jun 18

You missed the point. Nothing to do with lithium.

It’s about oil and China. And funding Ukraine.

I blocked you a long time ago. Obviously some kind of back door in? A bot? Government paid troll?

It’s like an AI answer that is irrelevant to my comment.

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Jun 18·edited Jun 18

Goodbye and go away.

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In Europe they are sender out call up papers for men aged up to 59. The WEF Un plan on wars famine and pandemics to cull the population of the world. Do not comply.

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this is happening for they are taking us to WW III...as we sit back. I hope you understand why 45 is critical in Nov

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45 still thinks the vaccines are God's gift to humanity. Enough said, the man has some distorted views on reality.

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Nothing like culling the herd for the sake of saving a “dying” planet. </s>

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Alexander you may not be old enough to know this but the USA has in law that women can be drafted just like men since the 1940's.

When I served in the US Navy, I asked my commander if I could be sent to the front lines and his answere was yes, and that if needed women could be drafted. So some years later I looked it up online and it is in law already. So people need to know it's been done years ago but never used because it was never needed.

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now needed by the democrats...lets see what 45 will do...and say...this is a huge deal, lots of debate this last day on this

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They didn’t automatically register women. This bill automatically registers them for the draft. They are making a list of names, addresses, birthdates, etc. Much more likely drafting women will occur.

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Do you actually think that they don't have this information already? There was also another obscure bill that was passed saying that they could activate all retired doctors and nurses if needed. That bill was enacted some 10 to 12 years or so ago. I m absolutely sure that those names and addresses are already on some list in the government somewhere. Don't think you're safe because you are retired. Just saying!

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They have the information, but now they have the law backing that information to be used to fill positions in the military. It is Congress doting the I’s and crossing the T’s so there is less likelihood of lawsuits being brought.

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Retired? What’s that?

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As I stated before. There has been law on the books that says women can be drafted if needed. It's in black and white. I found it so can you. The trouble is that no one in government does good research anymore or their to lazy to do it....so just write a new law right!

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Maybe you need to run for congress and tell them how to do it?

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That would not be the answer. Our educational system should be teaching how to do good research especially at the University level.

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What are they dying for?

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One threoy that makes since , is they draft the young,and conscript the rest to help in the war effort..I heard this a lot last year and more pressing issues like the cost of food kept coming to the top of the list.

Right now this is just a list for people from. 18 to 26.

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these people are serious

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And they won't stop until they've won.I was reading today on Defense News that Ukraine is feilding LBGTQ+ people into battle positions. And the trannies are happy about it.

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I think this will make them want to vote.

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Yes it will. If they won't vote to end tyranny, maybe they'll vote to save themselves form the draft.

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Well, if women are eqaul to men, shouldn't they carry half the burden of war? Hahahaha

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You are saying that because you probaly don't have daughters

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Oh, you mean women aren't equal to men? My, My!

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Send the men who think they're women, probably solved

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Now I would support such a measure.

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We would lose for sure then!

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Of course not

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Jun 18·edited Jun 18

I suspect Ricardo failed to appreciate my sarcasm.

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