It has been like 10 months since. Although it should be easy to find or excluse this sequence in the DNA from biopsies or from the deceased. Nothing - no biopsie and no autopsies on this were published. This shows the level of censorship we live in globaly.

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To someone (myself) who paid close attention during sophomore year biology class at an excellent girls' private Catholic prep school, I was pleased to read this study when it came out. The conclusion should come as no surprise to an educated lay person and as a SLAP IN THE FACE to every medical "professional," "scientist," and politician who advocated, promoted, or mandated these deadly covid shots.

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A few things come to mind for me. 1. Since the injected are getting a patented product and if that product reverse transcribes the DNA of the injected, does big pharma own the injected person? 2. Will this stop the gaslighting of "NUT UH - There is NO WAY the shot can change your DNA." The amount of gaslighting in order to follow the narrative makes me sick. My guess is that it will not change the narrative, because the narrative does not need truth to survive :-(. 3. Will it slap the medical professionals in the face, or will they keep following the narrative? We live in very interesting times.

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In response to question 1: Monsanto owns a patent on their GMO seed. If the wind blows just right and their GMO corn pollen is “injected” into the plant of a nearby non-gmo corn field, Monsanto can sue that other farmer for patent infringement. They now own his field.

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They can sue what they want.

I have not yet seen judge dumb or corrupt enough to accept involuntary taking of property as legally valid.

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1) That’s like reconstruction company that has screwed reconstruction of the entire city would have now owned the city just because they had patented the plan to screw the city in the first place. I don’t say there is no judge dumb or corrupt enough to take that argument, but basically this can be based either upon stupidity or corruption.

2) No, since this too is based on stupidity and/or corruption.

3) Indeed.

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It was certainly a surprise to me, although I knew from the very start, that the fear from this kind of transcription was the reason to exclude pregnancies from the clinical trials to prevent transcription into the fetal DNA. It was not discussed 3 months later when they suddenly decided to give it to pregnant women.


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Read also this then: https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/35627104/

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Thank you for this link abstraktername.

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The genocide is obvious.

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Judy Mikovitz was the first person to bring attention to the ability of mRNA jabs to incur reverse transcriptase. She highlighted this in an interview in early 2020 and she also discussed the high probability of protein misfolding, leading to CJD type disease, and this has indeed come to light.

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They continue to lie, hide the adr data and create great harm and there is little leadership in medicine and/or politics that has the guts to stand up and say STOP! Those that understand are not allowed mainstream voice! Madmen in medicine believe they can cure man's ills by reprograming cellular function and interfereing with the DNA. They will destroy humanity if this is not stopped.

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Isn't that the plan? Too many of us useless eaters. AI doesn't need food.

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What is the risk that some sort of shedding from the vaccinated can infect the unvaxxed and begin this process in us as well??

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No one really knows. There are just anecdotes. The lots differ. Prople differ. What You can do is to keep right levels of vitamins, minerals, take quercetin and curcumin, relax and pray to the Creator of the universe.

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Neither the spike protein nor the modRNA nor the J&J adenovirus reproduces itself in the body.

So any exposure to them is just like any other toxin.

And you don't have to worry about getting sick when the person next to you drinks a bottle of whiskey.

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The difference here is that the spike protein is actually produced in the transfected body and through bodily fluids the vaccine may actually to a lesser extent get even into another body. This may be especially important for significant other and even more for babies of 💉 mothers. The key is not to panic, but at the same time still be careful enough.

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How big is a million? If you start counting, and count one number every second, it would take you one year and two months to count to a million, if you spent 16 hours a day doing it.

Dosage makes the poison. A millionth of an effective dose of a medication will not be noticed.

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How did you come up with a million? Breast fed babies lick essentially all their fluids and nutrition from their mother. Their intestines are not a real barrier between them and the experimental shots.

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Dec 21, 2022·edited Dec 21, 2022

People are freaking out over being *around* vaccinated people and having a few micrograms of dandruff land on them.

Nursing babies is another matter entirely and may be potentially dangerous.

My point is that 'shedding' - unwanted exposure from people around you, is negligible. Because the dose makes the poison, and neither spike nor gene-jab will reproduce in you.

If a few particles land on you. Or if someone coughs a bit of aerosolized saliva around you, you will get on the order of a millionth of what's in one syringe.

And you can do the math yourself if you're not innumerate.

Take an estimate of the mass of an average person.

Take as given that in worst case, the modrna spreads perfectly evenly all throughout body.

Find the mass of a drop of sweat.

Divide the mass of a drop of sweat by the mass of the body.

That's the portion of the jab you'd get, at most, from consuming one drop of sweat from someone near you.

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That is a distinction without a difference.

Again it's not reproducing in you.

You're only getting one millionth of a 'dose' from licking someone.

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I have some relatives that took the J&J vaccine and thought they were safe from DNA tampering and I keep telling them it still changes the DNA but using an Adenovirus vector and the end result is much the same. The information is somewhat hard to find and of course if you don't dig deep enough the answer, they claim is that it is false.

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The thing is as far as I know nobody tried this with J&J.

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I know the Moderna poison my sister took is changing her as she is batshit crazy so it has caused issues with the brain. They even said they could upload an operating system to those injected with it. As she goes to the hospital with issues she gets more crazier. They must have uploaded her with evil batshit crazy persona. It isn't even the same person who I grew up with. Brother that is J&J'ed isn't much different he is a quieter evil asshole now.

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Just look at FLCCC protocols and find a doctor that can check her immune system for allergies, self-antibodies, spike protein in blood.



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Try NEWSTARGET newstarget.com mRNA injections causing some recipients to experience personality changes: WHY? Well, briefly, the spike protein lipid nanoparticles crosses the blood brain barrier. Sucharit Bhakdi and more. Most comprehensive. Please be patient with your sister, how bad was her batch?

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It must have been bad as she is always going to the hospital with issues, but she will never claim it is from the vaccines nor will her doctor. After she screamed at me over the phone like a raving lunatic she basically stopped talking too me altogether. I sure didn't need that crap at the time of losing my job (due to mandates) and my mother in the same week. She accused me of killing my mother who was living with her at the time.

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I’ve been through the same crap and I expect it’s not over yet. It’s now water off a duck’s back. I will not allow it to intrude and freeload in my thoughts. Sorry to hear about your Mum and job loss. You have many friends here. Just quietly rise above it - unfortunately for your sister she must be hurting bad to behave like that. You have peace about what you do, have a joyful and peaceful Christmas, you’ll be right. Love from the Possums.

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TRANSHUMANISM is a downgrade from the original intelligent design. It will fail, as all of the demonic schemes do, after great tribulation. Only our discernment can save us.

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What matters is retroposition though, for which reverse transcription is a prerequisite: Check out this paper, it describes really well how the genetic agents are probably interfering with the human god-given DNA: https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/35627104/

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Thank you, abstraktername.

I just read the abstract you linked: mRNA Vaccines: Why Is the Biology of Retroposition Ignored? by

Tomislav Domazet-Lošo. Genes (Basel). 2022.

Critical information and advice that continues to be ignored despite being readily accessible on the NIH site.

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I don't trust anything big pharma says or sells.

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Although this in vitro study raises serious concerns about vaxx genetic safety (OUR genetic safety), it is 10 months old. By now there should have been government-funded research to confirm or deny IN VIVO vaxx-induced genetic alteration in humans.

However, there is no such study available. Most humans are truly stupid. Our rulers (governments and corporations) are malign. A dangerous combination of circumstances.

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Your (nucleotide) base are belong to us. See the Myriad Genetics case.

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Even if the mRNA didn't change the DNA like it does, shouldn't there have been a big worry in using this technology based on the concept of Epigenetics?

This link from (coincidentally) the CDC website explains the concept.


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Mrs. Dawson flunked me in biology but I must have paid attention in religion class at my once but no longer excellent private Catholic girls prep school, because I recognized the plan as evil as it unfolded: the cruel deprivation of human interaction, a sin against charity; the covering of the face made in the image of God, a rejection of His creation; the denial of effective treatments, murder; the mandating of morally illicit gene injections, corruptive of soul and body.

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Susan: Your comment deserves more than just a "like." It's very sensitive and affecting.

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What a funny coincidence! And just when the most famous gene-transfection tools that deliver gene cargo past cell walls and into the nucleus also happened to magically show up in the Spike!




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