Thank you Dr. Alexander for displaying his actions. It’s like Bilbo’s Bitch states “Judge a man by his actions not by his words”

That makes a lot of sense. Malone has questions from people who would like answered...but what does he do.....SUE! 🤣😂

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Bob took saline.

Him and all the big kahunas in the know.

Every head of state, govt minister.

Every king of industry.

Everyone who was anyone.

They all took saline.

Like a porn actress taking the moneyshot on her chin, and feigning that disconnect between being a slut and worrying someone would tell her mommy how she really pays her own way.

Happy holidays to all.

Much love,


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Whatever! It is IMO sad when people such as Malone rather better themselves than help humanity! I’ve spoken my piece about this man enough and I will finally put to bed one nagging problem I have with him. How could he have been

“Injection-Injured” and have a solution which reverses and or helps fix his injury so damn quickly? One minute Malone is taking, not one, but two shots and the next video I watched is him promoting a reversal and or therapy to un-do what the shots did to him? Something doesn’t add up. At least Dr McCullough clearly stated that the mRNA shots “are not safe for human consumption”! So I wonder why anyone who helped develop this technology, way back when and knew an “inflammation” issue existed, would then roll up his sleeve, with a stupid and useless mask on? Give me a break! Inflammatory problems can wreak havoc on the human body! He knows this and I know this as well as millions of non-medical professionals! “Houston, We Have A Problem” is an understatement! I don’t, I haven’t and nor will I ever condemn anyone for doing what they believe is right for their health. But please don’t tell me those droplets falling on my head is rain! And stop pissing in the wind please and own up to the truth! That goes for everyone “toeing the line” or “carrying the water” to make a buck! May God Bless America and The Entire World!


PS: I refuse to call these “FRANKENSHOTS” a vaccine)! They’re not! Gene therapy and or Gene Modification is more like it!Just because the CDC changes the definition of what a vaccine is to throw the masses off doesn’t mean a thing! Again, another lie! Lie, lie, lie and more lies! When will the world know or learn the “true-truth? When?

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Why do some people take pictures of themselves getting the injection? That’s so damn weird. It’s like he wants the world to know he’s been injected.

That’s just strange.🤔

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Along with everything else, I do not like what he did to Dr. Peter Breggin.

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Thanks! Different people, doctors keep exposing him. Something got to do with Kennedy running for President and Steve Kirsch? All are orchestrated.

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Everything seems to be getting scrubbed from the Internet regarding Covid. I've tried to look up past comments by people, or pictures, and they are all gone. It seems to be happening on all the platforms and it's very creepy.

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Notice he's rocking a mask. You'd think a smart guy like that would've been schooling everyone on the uselessness of masks in the transmission of viruses.

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Especially at the beginning of this plandemic, it was difficult to know the players. Some emerged as voices to listen to -- You, Dr. Alexander, and the other notables I discovered, Dr. Kory, Dr. McCullough, Dr. Cole and Kirsch. And also Robert Malone. But he always made me queasy when I listened to him. The others seemed to wear their hearts on their sleeves -- their passions and their beliefs were inseparable. When he sued the Breggins, that was all I needed to know. I have followed Dr. Breggin for years because of his amazing maverick treatise on psychiatric malpractice Toxic Psychiatry that gave me the strength to resist having my child put on an anti-depressants. On this platform, there is an attempt to disqualify others on my hero list as false prophets as well. It is disconcerting. I'm still a believer in the heroes that gave me the fortitude to say no to the vaxx and to masking, i.e., those who ripped the propaganda veil from my eyes. I thank you for helping us find our way -- we are so easily blinded and misdirected, the true signposts are hard to find and it is easy to not be blinded by the neon bright signs intended to lead us astray.

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Maybe this could have been titled ...

“Malone’$ IMproper-ganda ?”

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Malone STATED he took the shot unaware of any adverse reactions. STATED the shots gave him super high blood pressure. Every 6 months I keep asking if his adverse reaction is ok now with no response.

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There are pictures of Trump and Ivanka with Klaus Schwab at the WEF , but are their any pics of their clotshot injections?

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Can you say Snake in the Grass?

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Thank you, Paul, for covering this.

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