Last time it took me about 2 years into his first term to realize that Trump was never going to stop the Chemtrails.

Or the lobotomizing childrens vaxxines. Or provide an unredacted JFK assassination report. Or prosecute his cousin Hilary. Or unseal classified UFO documents.

And those were things TRUMP TOLD US he was going to do.

Has Trump EVER given any indication that the vaxxines are dangerous and should be discontinued?

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"Has Trump EVER given any indication that the vaxxines are dangerous and should be discontinued?"

If someone was married to Aileen Wuornos you would think that once it was clear what she was like it would make sense to acknowledge they were in danger and be thinking about how to divorce her, as opposed to wanting to stay with her and to keep banging her because she's so attractive and beautiful and has a lovely personality.

When Trump speaks about the vaxxines he looks as if he's thinking they're smokin' hot and his heart is pounding and he has a stiffie .

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Bonus points for creativity.

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I don't know. But, mind you, in their corrupt world, why would it be otherwise?

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The question nobody wants to ask, Luc, is: Is there a country where the shots that were rolled out were purportedly the same in other countries but really weren't?

Did any country begin a mass vaccination program with the rapid rollout of the Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 BNT162b2 vaccine for adults but despite a responsibility under international law to combat the spread of contagious diseases and epidemics in territory under its control refuse to distribute it to the occupants of those territories?

Is there a country where there are pronounced discriminatory attitudes towards those who are not of the dominant ethno-religous group and even towards those within that ethno-religous group who are not at the peak of the racial or class system within that dominant group, and did the "lesser" races or classes within and outside that group get the same vaccines as those of the ruling class or racial group?

Did the ruling class of that country receive the same vaccines as Americans?

Given ethical concerns about procedures that could potentially cause harm even to rats, and an abundance of Americans, was a decision made to give saline to the ruling class and to give the real vaccine to the "lesser" races and sub-races and to Americans in order to gather data from the results of the human experimentation while protecting those who, rather than a Wuhan lab or the US DoD, actually created both the virus and the shots?

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and if said group has great antipathy for the Europeans and their descendant nationalities?. so would desire to concentrate the distribution in those countries?

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Yes. I've heard from too many that saline batches were prepared for selected employees of Rx entities, politicians, executives of studio system, and selected employees of security sensitive entities. Have no evidence; no proof, but have heard this too often to doubt it.

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I don't know if this claim is true. But let me ask some alternate questions:

Is it *inconceivable* that these psycho-monsters would do something like this? Alternatively, would these creatures of evil do such a thing? I think the answer to those questions is crystal clear, don't you?

Furthermore, let's employ some basic logic here. If *EVERY* jab administered had been a death jab, what would that do to "plausible deniability"? It would rip it to sheds, right? So there *HAD* to be jabs that weren't going to cause injury or death, so they could say, "See, all these people got jabbed and they're okay! So your accusations are garbage!" They are evil, but they aren't stupid. They're going to give themselves an OUT. Don't you agree?

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A 62 yea old German man got 217 shots years ago after the shots first came out. There were no discernible side effects except perhaps addiction and a hunger for more shots.

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I heard that story before but I never bought it. 217 shots of just about anything is likely to cause adverse effects of some kind. Besides, what imbecile would roll up his sleeve 217 times? How about take 217 aspirin or drink 217 glasses of water? Doesn't pass the sniff test.

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He was supposedly running a little scam, getting the shots himself to get vaxx cards and then selling them.

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Clever. Not *moral*, but clever.

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If this story is true, then all he got was placebos. Too much spike otherwise. One might buy this story with say 10 shots, but not with more than 100.

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Hi Paul

That was Australian One Nation Senator Malcolm Roberts questioning two bureaucrats who also argued that all Australians were given a choice to take the jab and denied any and all coercion. Australian government and bureaucracy is captured. Malcolm along with Senators Gerard Rennick, Alex Antic, Ralph Babet have been fighting the hardest to expose the lies, harm and deceit perpetrated against the Australian people.

I am the co-host of The Daily Australian show on Substack with my co host Nicola Charles aka The White Rabbit @allbitenobark88 on X.

We do a daily radio show published on Substack, X and Rumble and are both ex TNT Radio amongst others.

We are open to discuss this and any other topics you may be interested in.

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Come to of it. Has there been any of the so called batch recipients became ill after their shots? That would prove theirs was different than the general population.

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All "batches" of shot (aka lots) must have a unique identifier, the shot "ingredients" so-to-speak must be documented, and must be logged by manufacturer (thats how the previous "hot lots" were found).

Either the story is fake or Pfizer is hiding info from FDA.

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Let's pray Paxton will get a lot of this information via DISCLOSURE in the current court case 🙏

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In all reality, Pfizer knew early on that the shots were deadly. So why wouldn't they do something like this

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A German took 217 of the very beautiful, absolutely gorgeous, smokin' hot and sexy Trump-Malone mRNA pfizzer and murderna shots and he's reportedly still fit and healthy and kickin' ass.

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That's A.I. artificial intelligence.

Means it is not REAL!

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As I recall, Pfizer never denied giving their employees a dedicated batch of covid jabs, separate from those administered to the general public. Pretty suspicious, isn't it?

But they never admitted it was less toxic than the formula foisted upon the general population by their doctors and governments.

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This is actually old news. I don't know who reported that the pfizer employees got a different batch but it has been talked about. Maybe a year or more ago. It might have come for James O'Keefe's videos when he calls out these employees of pfizer.

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The new and improved, very beautiful and smokin' hot Trump-Malone mRNA shots that - Praise the Lord and Bill Gates! - you are about to be inoculated with are new Milton.

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I DONT THINK SO UNLESS THEY ARE PREPARED TO LEAVE MY PRESENCE “ ON THE HORIZONTAL FEET FIRST WITH A TOE TAG--( i hope they bring enough body bags-a lot of us have enough ammo to ntake down a battallion-)

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I heard yesterday that likely 1/3 of batches were saline and mixed in with the others so as to not trigger clusters of adverse events that would be noticed or reported. That’s wheat I’d have done if I were a thug.

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I think that would be hard for them to do - it would be naked fraud.

More likely that manufacturing and storage/delivery systems caused the discrepancies. They used massive vats of shit bacteria to make the crap, and there were different densities on the the top than bottom. If the vials were shaken, or not kept at the correct very low temperatures, a lot of the mRNA (+ DNA contamination) would be neutralised.

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True about the handling, but if you think naked fraud bothers these criminals you need to read more. It’s a feature of this whole affair, not a bug!

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Pharmacies kept this crap in regular refrigerators and injected them loonngg past their expiration date. I worked in a pharmacy in 2022 and was shocked by the handling of the vax. Although RNA is very temperature sensitive, the PEG and LNP protect it. But all of it was pig poop.

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IIRC they did have their own batch, but it wasn't proven that it was different than the one given to the public. (This would obviously be very difficult to prove after the fact.)

If I was Pfizer, though, those "employee" batches would be saline.

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Somebody needs a special batch…

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Not sure but i do know "They" were exempted. A was congress and a few other special groups including the illegals who's entry into this country they facilitated.

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Was there not a rumour when Joe Biden was given the jab in public, that they did not show the needle penetrating his arm? Anyway, not one Chinese took the mRNA-jab, but nobody seems to care.

Nobody is talking about the strange new bloodclots that the embalmers find in 25 to 50% of the dead bodies since the covid-jabs were distributed: why not? See the testimonies of some brave embalmers.

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Why would the Chinese take the mRNA shot? They're not stupid. Even in the US, where the people are retards according to Elon Musk, the least likely educational attainment level to take the shots was people with PhDs.

Of course nobody is talking about the bloodclots. If word of that got out not even Americans would take the shots.

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I heard there were 3 batches: 1. Placebo, 2. Dis-order, 3. Death. How else could they confuse the world as to what they were seeing with their own eyes? Israel was fully vaxxed, weren't they? They didn't all die, did they?

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