Yes, Dr. Alexander I listened to this the other day and I am so glad that you’re writing about it. It made me sick thinking that something this horrific could ever take place. That these mad scientists would destroy human life in this manner. We who are unvaxxed are always trying to spread knowledge so that people refrain from getting the gene therapy or shall I call it what it is a bioweapon. Immediately what came to my mind is how many people will suffer and die. If this is so, one very important thing that that can be done is check their phones and where it is marked 5G in their settings switch it to LTE, the speed won’t be any different but that’s just one simple thing that can be done. As most of us have heard October 4th is the day that the Biden administration will be testing the EBS system here in the states. After seeing this video I was advised by a tech specialist to keep my phone off that day, I don’t know about TVs but supposedly it’s around 2 o’clock in the afternoon on October 4 that they are going to test the EBS system and they have this on the .gov site. Sadly after all the things that have happened I have no trust and would not put it past them. Deep state,globalists, Biden et al, all of the members of the “Death Cult” have decided who should live & who should die. There are more of us than them, and we have no more time to waste. No more handholding, everybody has got to wake up and stand up and be prepared. In my heart I hope none of this occurs, but we must be realists.
On Oct. 4th it will be biden's EAS Emergency Alert System. Trump has control of the EBS Emergency Broadcast System. And yes, it would be wise to turn off your phones and probably unplug tvs for a couple of hours between about 1:00-3:00pm EST on that day. We don't want to pay any attention to them because they are the dark side trying to take control...and maybe triangulate where people are, or something of the sort.
I’m beginning to lean more towards these theories... remember they knew all along and have orchestrated this entire situation. Even with the most brilliant minds putting their heads together, we’re still playing catch up. So who really knows.. just about anything is up for grabs ..
My concern is that similar to climate change there are many many top scientists on the other side of the standard government BS. What I mean is that as it relates to 5G there are a lot of scientists saying that there needs to be a lot more research on the electromagnetic waves and the possible radiation, but they are being looked at as being quacks. I don’t know if Marburg will show up, but I do know a lot of scientists are very uncomfortable with the rollout and the cracking up of the power of 5G and weak, Pathetic politicians are not raising their hands and saying hey, let’s study this a little bit more because these super smart people have some real concerns.
It seems the quacks and conspiracy theorists are the ones who keep ringing true. I have heard that the milimeter waves are microwaves which cook things from the inside out...i've heard that putting more magnets on them can render them harmless and even healing...and the other option would be to tear them all down. I would tend to listen to scientists on the good side...not those wanting to control , harm and kill people for the death cult.
meh. This Todd Callender guy claimed all kinds of things, without any basis in reality.
Where does he even come from?
Marburg virus is NOT a viable bioweapon candidate. For obvious reasons.
I've not seen a single piece of evidence this is in the injections.
Personally, I think this is a psyops, to direct us into some dead end, like the snake venom thing, and paint every critical thinker black. Because THAT is next. Sweeping, systemwide censorship. So pls. be vigilant and dilligent.
Funny thing about the snake venom thing though is that according to Bryan Ardis, when people with long covid chew some nicorette gum for I think he said 10 minutes, it heals the people and they start feeling way better. Something about the nicotine receptors... He did say if you chew the gum and it makes you feel pukey, then instead use the 2mg nicotine patch is a quick tik tok video
I believe Dr. Ardis on that one. The symptoms that sent people to the hospital weren't flu symptoms, but dyspnea and weakness. They could be relieved by nicotine, ivermectin, vitamin C, vitamin D, etc., but the hospitals took it from there and murdered as many as they could.
Ardis claimed snake venom was being put in the public water supplies. Snake venom doesn't do anything to you if you ingest it. Botulinum in water is a problem, though.
Yeah, I don't know what evil people do to try to kill people... they are the poison snakes slithering on the ground...(and I always chop their heads off when I see one) it's only a matter of time.
Also - about the snake venom thing and Dr. Ardis- Monoclonal antibodies were somewhat available if you could get a DR to order it - it helped with bad covid - guess what else Monoclonal antibodies are used for? Snake bites - yep. just saying. And we have no idea what is in the spray of the aerosolized chem trails we see almost every day. ???? It was speculation - but stating that is how they may have spread the virus in 2020
Yep any hobby snake keeper knows this!! Odd isnt it? Snake venom affects the bloods clotting abilities. Some venom thins it so u bleed out and some thickens the blood too much! Coronavirus was studied basically as a carrier for toxic proteins. Scientist did succeed on sticking poisonous proteins onto the coronavirus body.
He was at one point implying that a genetic deletion birth defect was occurring in adults because it was listed first on the Pfizer adverse effect list. The thing is, the list was alphabetical, and the syndrome started with a number, so it went first. Had nothing to do with prevalence.
We should look for data to confirm ideas, not just authority or the fact that someone's online signal has been amplified.
Those of who are concerned about covid policies and the failure/abuse public policy on many fronts are just as vulnerable to being fooled and manipulated as those who were played and manipulated into supporting the failure/abuse. Watch out for the need to play "oneupmanship" on issues...
What do you think, Dr. Paul? You're a Doctor. What has your study of the tech -- both nano-encapsulated drug delivery, and 5G tell you? It seems this is possible, no? Tell us your thoughts. Is he right?
If Marburg is real and so deadly, then how come as a pandemic it has always failed? There are too many unknowns for me to accept this although I believe the elite retards are out to murder the planet.
doesn't spread through casual contact. have to have exchange of bodily fluids. but, if it is a real virus or whatever like Ebola, and you injected it in your body, in a nano lipid particle, which would dissolve and release the virus under certain conditions, then you are dead meat when those conditions occur. I believe that's how it was explained in the video
Marburg, Nipah, or what else have they put in the vaccines, ebola? They can release them at will now, , they control the situation, the timing, the location, everything.
They had to artfully whip up a fake pandemic by using existing resporatory illnesses and just whipping the fear up in ordervto get everubodybto take jabscwhich contain the real diseases in order to get the illusion of a really deadly pandemic with the dead bodies as proof. Once they accomplished this they only need to wait to and then evetybody willmlock down and will do as they say. Then they have full control. It makes perfect sense that they had to start out with something mild and only with the jabs they can actually have a dangerous looking effect in many young and old.
Not necessary to put any of them in the vaccine. Taking enough doses tanks your immune system, and a single environmental release would be harmful to many.
The navy did a study saying colloidal silver could stop the ebola virus. I probably saw it in about 2014, it has been removed from the internet by them, but a couple of the cs sellers seem to still have it.
Favipirivir (T-705) takes care of Covid-19, Ebola and looks like it is very helpful for Nipah and some other things, as well. Might have to give it at higher dosing. Excellent safety profile.
The Marburg/5G activation scenario is being broadcast by many besides Mr. Callender and when I see this, I always step back and wonder why so many saying the same thing at the same time?
It's not only MSM that is in on the game of media manipulation, it's also "alt" media. I'm not saying Todd is bought and sold. There are many useful tools in the shed and not many of them are conscious of what they're used for.
I'm not saying Todd is a tool. I'm saying stand back and think. If Marburg is wrapped inside LNP (lipid nano particles) and will be released by a 5G pulse or some other frequency, what is anyone going to do about it? What can anyone do about it? NOTHING.
When I see so-called information being spread that everyone is powerless to prevent, I think about what the real product of this is - FEAR MONGERING. That's this particular information's only use at this point. To invoke fear.
So, for now, I'm waiting to see what may be hidden behind the fear mongering that they don't want anyone to notice. I also pray Marburg is a nothing burger. God Bless.
Yes, Dr. Alexander I listened to this the other day and I am so glad that you’re writing about it. It made me sick thinking that something this horrific could ever take place. That these mad scientists would destroy human life in this manner. We who are unvaxxed are always trying to spread knowledge so that people refrain from getting the gene therapy or shall I call it what it is a bioweapon. Immediately what came to my mind is how many people will suffer and die. If this is so, one very important thing that that can be done is check their phones and where it is marked 5G in their settings switch it to LTE, the speed won’t be any different but that’s just one simple thing that can be done. As most of us have heard October 4th is the day that the Biden administration will be testing the EBS system here in the states. After seeing this video I was advised by a tech specialist to keep my phone off that day, I don’t know about TVs but supposedly it’s around 2 o’clock in the afternoon on October 4 that they are going to test the EBS system and they have this on the .gov site. Sadly after all the things that have happened I have no trust and would not put it past them. Deep state,globalists, Biden et al, all of the members of the “Death Cult” have decided who should live & who should die. There are more of us than them, and we have no more time to waste. No more handholding, everybody has got to wake up and stand up and be prepared. In my heart I hope none of this occurs, but we must be realists.
On Oct. 4th it will be biden's EAS Emergency Alert System. Trump has control of the EBS Emergency Broadcast System. And yes, it would be wise to turn off your phones and probably unplug tvs for a couple of hours between about 1:00-3:00pm EST on that day. We don't want to pay any attention to them because they are the dark side trying to take control...and maybe triangulate where people are, or something of the sort.
Yes, it is just technology
I’m beginning to lean more towards these theories... remember they knew all along and have orchestrated this entire situation. Even with the most brilliant minds putting their heads together, we’re still playing catch up. So who really knows.. just about anything is up for grabs ..
Look at Nipah instead. They have admitted they made Nipah/mixed with other stuff infectious clones.
And Moderna has an Mnra vax for it ready to go.
And Daszak, Shi ZhengLi, and the Winnipeg lab were all involved in Nipah/Henipah research.
My concern is that similar to climate change there are many many top scientists on the other side of the standard government BS. What I mean is that as it relates to 5G there are a lot of scientists saying that there needs to be a lot more research on the electromagnetic waves and the possible radiation, but they are being looked at as being quacks. I don’t know if Marburg will show up, but I do know a lot of scientists are very uncomfortable with the rollout and the cracking up of the power of 5G and weak, Pathetic politicians are not raising their hands and saying hey, let’s study this a little bit more because these super smart people have some real concerns.
It seems the quacks and conspiracy theorists are the ones who keep ringing true. I have heard that the milimeter waves are microwaves which cook things from the inside out...i've heard that putting more magnets on them can render them harmless and even healing...and the other option would be to tear them all down. I would tend to listen to scientists on the good side...not those wanting to control , harm and kill people for the death cult.
meh. This Todd Callender guy claimed all kinds of things, without any basis in reality.
Where does he even come from?
Marburg virus is NOT a viable bioweapon candidate. For obvious reasons.
I've not seen a single piece of evidence this is in the injections.
Personally, I think this is a psyops, to direct us into some dead end, like the snake venom thing, and paint every critical thinker black. Because THAT is next. Sweeping, systemwide censorship. So pls. be vigilant and dilligent.
Funny thing about the snake venom thing though is that according to Bryan Ardis, when people with long covid chew some nicorette gum for I think he said 10 minutes, it heals the people and they start feeling way better. Something about the nicotine receptors... He did say if you chew the gum and it makes you feel pukey, then instead use the 2mg nicotine patch is a quick tik tok video
I believe Dr. Ardis on that one. The symptoms that sent people to the hospital weren't flu symptoms, but dyspnea and weakness. They could be relieved by nicotine, ivermectin, vitamin C, vitamin D, etc., but the hospitals took it from there and murdered as many as they could.
Ardis claimed snake venom was being put in the public water supplies. Snake venom doesn't do anything to you if you ingest it. Botulinum in water is a problem, though.
Yeah, I don't know what evil people do to try to kill people... they are the poison snakes slithering on the ground...(and I always chop their heads off when I see one) it's only a matter of time.
Also - about the snake venom thing and Dr. Ardis- Monoclonal antibodies were somewhat available if you could get a DR to order it - it helped with bad covid - guess what else Monoclonal antibodies are used for? Snake bites - yep. just saying. And we have no idea what is in the spray of the aerosolized chem trails we see almost every day. ???? It was speculation - but stating that is how they may have spread the virus in 2020
Yep any hobby snake keeper knows this!! Odd isnt it? Snake venom affects the bloods clotting abilities. Some venom thins it so u bleed out and some thickens the blood too much! Coronavirus was studied basically as a carrier for toxic proteins. Scientist did succeed on sticking poisonous proteins onto the coronavirus body.
I don't know what they're spraying. Some ppl. have pointed at a very high amount of free Aluminium in the top of the soil.
I think they're controlling the weather, but that's a guess.
There are hundreds of monoclonal antibodies. They do not all work the same. The "monoclonal" part refers to how they are produced.
He's an attorney, not a scientist.
He was at one point implying that a genetic deletion birth defect was occurring in adults because it was listed first on the Pfizer adverse effect list. The thing is, the list was alphabetical, and the syndrome started with a number, so it went first. Had nothing to do with prevalence.
We should look for data to confirm ideas, not just authority or the fact that someone's online signal has been amplified.
Those of who are concerned about covid policies and the failure/abuse public policy on many fronts are just as vulnerable to being fooled and manipulated as those who were played and manipulated into supporting the failure/abuse. Watch out for the need to play "oneupmanship" on issues...
What do you think, Dr. Paul? You're a Doctor. What has your study of the tech -- both nano-encapsulated drug delivery, and 5G tell you? It seems this is possible, no? Tell us your thoughts. Is he right?
We need to break the cycle of pandemic viral transmission by removing the vectors--also know as the Horsemen of the Apocalypse
If Marburg is real and so deadly, then how come as a pandemic it has always failed? There are too many unknowns for me to accept this although I believe the elite retards are out to murder the planet.
I am wondering if it is deadly just to the vaxxed. Listen to the clip again.
doesn't spread through casual contact. have to have exchange of bodily fluids. but, if it is a real virus or whatever like Ebola, and you injected it in your body, in a nano lipid particle, which would dissolve and release the virus under certain conditions, then you are dead meat when those conditions occur. I believe that's how it was explained in the video
Although it has a high fatality rate, it does not spread well.
Marburg, Nipah, or what else have they put in the vaccines, ebola? They can release them at will now, , they control the situation, the timing, the location, everything.
We have more power than we think... what would happen if people tore them down? Seems it would change everything...
We're dealing with lunaticks , eugenecists, and murderers.
They had to artfully whip up a fake pandemic by using existing resporatory illnesses and just whipping the fear up in ordervto get everubodybto take jabscwhich contain the real diseases in order to get the illusion of a really deadly pandemic with the dead bodies as proof. Once they accomplished this they only need to wait to and then evetybody willmlock down and will do as they say. Then they have full control. It makes perfect sense that they had to start out with something mild and only with the jabs they can actually have a dangerous looking effect in many young and old.
Except for us unvaccinated. We ain't going to do shit for them, and then shit really does hit the fan.
I had shedding issues. Unjabbed.
& apparently it’s going to be put into our food supply in March 2023.
Not necessary to put any of them in the vaccine. Taking enough doses tanks your immune system, and a single environmental release would be harmful to many.
Yes! They got us now.
Thanks for sharing this Dr. Alexander.
Imagine if it does happen it will be absolute madness.
The navy did a study saying colloidal silver could stop the ebola virus. I probably saw it in about 2014, it has been removed from the internet by them, but a couple of the cs sellers seem to still have it.
Favipirivir (T-705) takes care of Covid-19, Ebola and looks like it is very helpful for Nipah and some other things, as well. Might have to give it at higher dosing. Excellent safety profile.
5g activation of bio weapon a Backup plan to prevent trumps 2nd term?
The Marburg/5G activation scenario is being broadcast by many besides Mr. Callender and when I see this, I always step back and wonder why so many saying the same thing at the same time?
It's not only MSM that is in on the game of media manipulation, it's also "alt" media. I'm not saying Todd is bought and sold. There are many useful tools in the shed and not many of them are conscious of what they're used for.
I'm not saying Todd is a tool. I'm saying stand back and think. If Marburg is wrapped inside LNP (lipid nano particles) and will be released by a 5G pulse or some other frequency, what is anyone going to do about it? What can anyone do about it? NOTHING.
When I see so-called information being spread that everyone is powerless to prevent, I think about what the real product of this is - FEAR MONGERING. That's this particular information's only use at this point. To invoke fear.
So, for now, I'm waiting to see what may be hidden behind the fear mongering that they don't want anyone to notice. I also pray Marburg is a nothing burger. God Bless.
Yes, he's right
NAC and Humic/Fulvic acid degrades the graphene component of this bio hack.
I believe it! They had this well planned & in advance! 😡