Good to see you call Rachel, HE.

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My solution? Turn hunter into huntress, full monte. All surgeries to make him a her. Would save a lot of women, and she could go after men.

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The reek of shit from "her" artificial vagina would be a powerful impediment to the libido, I should think... 🙄

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The fact Richard Levine and pooch-violator Sam Brinton could be sent to represent America at France's Bastille Day celebrations tells you all you need to know about the Democratic Party. Why America -- and Canada.. and France.. and Germany.. and Holland.. and Australia/New Zealand, in fact the entire West, isn't in open violent revolution against the WEF, the WHO, the UN and their puppets, is frankly astonishing.

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I wonder how many years this bs has been shoved down the throats of little kids. Mass media is brainwashing and addictive. Do parents oversee what the kids watch? Then add in the teacher's union and other groups...

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Although he doesn't speak about The Frankfurt School as such (and he should have, consider what Saul Alinsky alone accomplished with "Rules for Radicals"), Jordan Peterson in this presentation talks about the nature of the rot, the catastrophic damage inflicted by people as well like Jacques Derrida, Michel Foucault and Jean-Paul Satre: "Postmodernism and Cultural Marxism" https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wLoG9zBvvLQ&t=2354s. I'm astonished YouTube didn't censor it long ago. Meanwhile you can give yourself an enormous boost with these three books:

"The Abolition of Man" - CS Lewis

"A Guide for the Perplexed" - Erich Schumacher

"The Emperor's Handbook" - Marcus Aurelius

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Thanks so much for the information. Will follow up.

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You're welcome. A bonus? All these books are quite short. 😘 What they say however, is priceless.

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Even the priests of Moloch had more tact than this... thing

Levine should be held criminally liable for every single kid that is physically and psychologically mutilated as a result of his demented evil actions/policies/advice

Physical mutilation of a minor should be a capital crime

In the good old days, if someone would so much as suggest this sort of depravity, if they were really really lucky they'd be run out of town, cuz they wouldn't survive 15 minutes in the stockade physically 'intact' (or even alive necessarily)

Levine is the demented face of modern evil

May G-D NOT have mercy on his soul (or whatever is left of it)

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Sounds like this is the initial BIG LIE...

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Where do you begin counting, and where do you end? Absolutely, BIG LIE, so many of them. Truth is like rare earth

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OMG, thank you for the article and video. Yet we're pushing forward with this insanity ? I'll be sharing this.

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Too bad the boy in question eventually suicided..

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Since it goes against the narrative pushed by Levine and the administration, I'm actually shocked the FDA issued a warning about gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH) agonists. Are they suddenly caring about the health of Americans or trying to regain some trust?

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Either they are trying to regain some trust or the left hand is unaware of what the right hand does. Neither likelihood is comforting.

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Thankful, I have no children who need help and guidance in this mixed up narrative.

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Woke filth + corrupt Pharma = (mass murder)^2

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The larger threat is the fact that the Biden team is crushing the American financial system and the main-stream news is not reporting it...See today's article in the Russian News..."Wall Street is collapsing – NYC mayor" - RT.COM The US has entered a recession, New York Mayor Eric Adams said on Thursday, contradicting earlier claims by President Joe Biden that the economy is “on the right path.” -

“We are in a financial crisis like you can never imagine…Wall Street is collapsing; we are in a recession,” Adams said at a New York event hosted by nonprofit Project Hospitality, as cited by Hamodia news outlet...“You tell me what to take off the plate if you want me to put something else on the plate. I’m coming to you as a city and saying, ‘This is how much we have, that’s it,” he proclaimed...IMF and World Bank made a determination years ago: When GDP falls in 2 concurrent quarters then there's a recession. Biden is wrong. He wants to call it ' Putin’s Recession'!!!

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Where to begin? What is not a threat now? I'd love to know who is/are actually running the show. Brain ded bye den can't even come in out of the rain on his own cognition. The bigger problem to me is that he will be blamed, give him an ice cream cone, and he'll do/say whatever. in HOWEVER the evil doers will walk. Can't prove a thing.

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You've got it RIGHT...Lazy Americans will let this country go down in ashes...They all believe everyone else should take care of the corruption that is taking place...The police are corrupt...The 3-letter branches of government that are supposed to be protecting us are as corrupt and evil as possible...!

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Yup! Wish it was possible to refute even 1 word. Sadly, no. How did we get here?

My assessment is education. What goes in to the teaching "profession" these days???

Who raises kids? No who any more, but what. Do parents even bother to evaluate the programs? Honesty does NOT pay.

I remember pictures of brain ded bye den in Nam. Disgusting draft dodger representing our country in a time of war?

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Figures...as the whole of public health institutions, captured the world over, having been inundated with these criminal butchers that act as fixers for the big money investors and preferred stock holders that operate big pharma. The whole of public health needs to be cleaned out top to bottom and most of these people acting there should be; no must be put on trial and if the death penalty fits so be it.

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Need a barf bucket. Is 'it' a full she or a half she? The medical professionals who agree are the ones doing the surgeries, administering lifetime medications, rendering psych help, big pharma employees? Probably

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But Paul... the U.S "has come so far"...

Why stop now?


Who issued that suit? "Enquiring minds want to know."

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The fact that twisted freak -- or that pooch-violator Sam Brinton -- could be in the positions they are in -- warns you of the advanced moral decay of the entire West, but certainly of the Devil-worshippers that comprise the inner circle of the Demoncratic Party. The question is, what are we, as individuals without any power or control over any of this at all, to do about it?

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Wasn't this person part of the demise of seniors in one of the states, I think Michigan? Except he moved his mother to a hotel to keep her safe.

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Jul 30, 2022·edited Jul 30, 2022

Is there any argument against kids drinking, smoking, vaping, smoking pot, owning firearms, driving, voting, enlisting, having sex with adults or getting married?

There’s your argument against puberty blockers.

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Dr. Alexander ! Can hardly read through your detailed post on this subject without tears. Cannot believe we are at this point when the sanctity of a child's health and well being is not upheld to the highest degree. Will we see an end to this monstrous pathway to misery they set these children upon soon...God I hope so. Thank you every day for pointing out the evil pervading so that we may be aware and work to inform others. A friend I spoke to yesterday had never even heard about puberty blockers ! I forward your newsletters around as I'm sure many do.....your efforts are not in vain.

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