slaves; Rotherham UK, home of devastating sex slavery, rapes; Grooming gangs are not like paedophile rings; raped over 100 times. I was called a “white slag” and “white c***” as the islamists beat me.
We've known these facts for quite some time now, yet we seem entirely powerless to stop this agenda. Why is that? We know exactly who these criminals are, but none of them are being indicted or prosecuted, even in the midst of the ongoing genocide. When will Mr. Gates donate his own body to science?
Muslim Brotherhood Infiltrates Obama Administration ...The radical Muslim Brotherhood is often dismissed in the media as a distant threat. In fact, this sworn U.S. enemy isn't just overseas. It's inside the gates of the White House.
At least six American Islamist activists who work closely with the Obama administration are Muslim Brotherhood operatives who enjoy strong influence over U.S. policy, according to the Investigative Project on Terrorism and the Center for Security Policy in Washington.
The Muslim Brotherhood, founded in 1928, was significantly influenced by Nazi ideology in the 1930s and 1940s. They gained traction in Egypt following World War II. Nasser suppressed the Brotherhood in the 1950s, and in 1981, a splinter group was involved in the assassination of President Anwar Sadat.
Amazing how disgustingly silent our lying good for nothing MSM & supposed Leftist women’s rights activists are all silent about the illegal Islamic terrorists that are doing this everywhere they go in USA & every other country they are allowed to invade???
Why are they protected by all of the elite tyrants???
because of money...muslim brother hood etc. that had an office if you may in Obama's administration...just wait, what will happen in USA will shock you....yes, Obama vowed to transform US and he is doing it via seems different people have different motives...Biden et al. are money whores and want to stay out of jail, folk like Obama INC. hate USA...want to convert it
Excellent question. How many can be bought ? Congress appears to be on sale to the highest bidder. Those who do not go along are attacked. Sex seems to be a frequent modus operandi to use. Hmmm.
" A country is what it stands for when standing for something is most difficult." (Judgment at Nuremberg) ; a country that has forsaken its own children and refused to stand up for them is no longer a country deserving of any respect; this includes BOTH the U.K. and the U.S and history will never forget it!
Rise and Fall of the Empire... read it.. Gibbons. States what we see around us.. fall of an Empire that became corrupt to its CORE while its citizens slept.
Yep. One of the last things Maya Angelou said before her death was, “If we don’t stand up for the children around the world & protect them from atrocities, it will come home to roost.” And it has. And it will. I never forgot her words. Riveting.
Not only that Sir Queer Starmer (like it) is building entire housing complexes to accomodate even more migrant men who have actually admitted that if a young girl goes out on her own in their country and she is not covered up she can expect to be raped!!!
boom, they tell you, infidel non muslim girls WILL be raped, they must expect it...being infidel and non-believer...COVID quieted it down for even the 6th century medieval beast gets scared of contagion...but is now coming alive again...and what Obama and Biden and Kamala did, you sit will weep for our American girls
Nobody voted for the bastard. Starmer and Labour got elected only because the Tory (UK RINO)vote collapsed, not because the British people wanted Starmer and Labour. Yes, some of the muslims compare Western women who don't wear a burka to uncovered meat. They say if you put out uncovered meat and cats eat it then you can't blame the cats. It's the fault of those who put out the uncovered meat.
Sadly, the Tory haters have voted for him and Labour. I have just been trying to explain what is going to happen under Labour and the Labour lovers are laughing at me. They are so brainwashed by him and his goody two shoes rhetoric that they are literally laughing at me. They are lost and beyond hope. Sadly, so are we if this is allowed to continue. I am in the UK.
Labour didn't wim. The Tories lost. The Tories committed suicide. Fewer people voted for Labour under Starmer than voted for Labour under Jeremy Corbyn in 2019.. it was a vote against Rishi Sunak, the disgusting Liz Truss and Bojo, not a vote for Labour. There was a big vote for Farage and Reform. If the UK had ranked choice / preferential voting Farage would be Prime Minister.
Tommy Robinson got imprisoned for exposing these Pakistani Muslim grooming gangs and Tony Blair’s told the Police to keep it quiet so these evil perpetrators got away with murder for the sake of votes
boom, you hit nail on the head...ask ow much money Blair got from all of the sickness and suffering they cause, its about money to the politicians, even in US...our congress and senate people will sell their own mothers for the right price
Under the Koran, a female is sexually active before her firsr period or under 10 years of age, which is why Muslim men love young girls, especially Western ones who have not been cicumcised, like their girls are and there are lots more underaged girls of all of the colours of the rainbow in America to enjoy, more than in England, so it makes sense they would want to go to America and enjoy the pleasures to be found there - invited over by their Muslim brothers with more than 4 wives, to sample the offerings readily available, I expect.
Lot more room in America too - empty England sounds like a great idea.
you raise something very troubling but the fact...again, its a numbers game...what is here now will do lots of has begun and why this election is so pivotal. al must be reversed.
I agree and RFK Junior is the only man to do it, he does not need Trump as President, more like Trump in some other capacity where RFK is President and can pull Trump's strings and make Trump jump.
Read that Biden is refusing to give RFK any protection - RFK has to provide his own - I don't get Biden politics, I thought that the procedutre to gain the next Presiency was based on fairness to all - well, after Trump nailed Clinton's wife, shortly before the Presidency numbers were drawn, by telling a lie about her, she could not recover from in time and Trump got the swing voters Hillary would have got, which is how Trump got his Presidency first time around - no sportsmanship there and not from Biden either it seems - I quite understand Biden's perspective, he wants his second term, just like sleazy Trump did - must be galling that black man Obama who I really liked, had no problem getting his second term, easy.
"You" don't like my posts, especially when I return your comments about posts I've made, by being specific against you. If you can't take it, then you should not hand it out, in the expectation I won't retalliate against you. I'm an old hand at this sort of Cow Dung and I'm more than willing to give as good as I take and since my substack is free, I'm not screwing you for your money, to read mine.
On the subject of my posts, if you don't like them, why have you not blocked me, so that you don't "have" to read them anymore?
You can't speak for what others think, they, unlike you, have minds of their own and hopefully they used them to not get vaccinated, like me - if you are, nobody can help you with your life or future now anyway. Latest blurb, onset death about 2 years after vaccines shot for many - that you?
At least in the USA parents have guns and can defend their teenage children from being raped and groomed In the UK they have no guns and can go to Jail for being a racist if the complain and offend the Muslim groomers/rapists/traffickers
thats the key, people dont realize it is the US 2nd that holds the ensure it is legal your daughters have legal guns, know how to use it and do use it once life is threatened and she thinks it is...use maximal force on the barbarian medieval animal. no matter where he comes from, colour, religion...use it
Yup, and my friend's 12 year old grand daughter is enrolled in a martial arts class. She has just gained her first belt. This should be a requirement and all schools should offer it as an extra curricular activity.
Boy or girl makes no difference. Marry a 6 year old girl as cover. What do they call when they pass a 6 year old boy to his Uncles and cousins, besides sick. Remember when some American Special Forces tuned up a police chief who had a young old boy chained up and was abusing him. President Zero punished them.
All demonic roads lead to TREASONOUS Obama💯 a bastard, inbred mutt, a being NOT human!
So twisted, perverse, dangerous is he/she or it- Americas Patriot Dictionary: Obama a disease 🦠 manufactured in a bio lab in a far away country installed in America politics to destroy Gods people and replace them with satanic aliens!
These Islamic creatures are Obama’s laboratory animals period WE THE PEOPLE must not be afraid! We must be armed and equipped to fight against them!
SHARE THIS‼️Share every single one of Dr.A’s SUBSTACKS! They are all honest gut punching wake the hell up backed up by real evidence Substacks. Put them on every single social platform you have! EVEN THE LIBS ONES LIKE-
Nextdoor (you’ll get banned but fuck ND) these posts are to wake up your sleepyhead neighbors who don’t think any harm will ever come to them. PLEASE THINK AGAIN FOLKS.
The ONLY saving grace is in the US we got those GUNS and alot of GIRLS know how to pack and use down South, (hey in the 50s there were gun clubs in the high schools) so maybe.. they aren't going to be QUITE as successful as they think, but it is coming and there alot of impressionable ones out there... and stupid parents to boot....
what they did to the young UK girls was monstrous and police were part of it too...follow the money...young girls and money.
We've known these facts for quite some time now, yet we seem entirely powerless to stop this agenda. Why is that? We know exactly who these criminals are, but none of them are being indicted or prosecuted, even in the midst of the ongoing genocide. When will Mr. Gates donate his own body to science?
Muslim Brotherhood Infiltrates Obama Administration ...The radical Muslim Brotherhood is often dismissed in the media as a distant threat. In fact, this sworn U.S. enemy isn't just overseas. It's inside the gates of the White House.
At least six American Islamist activists who work closely with the Obama administration are Muslim Brotherhood operatives who enjoy strong influence over U.S. policy, according to the Investigative Project on Terrorism and the Center for Security Policy in Washington.
Americans have no clue what Obama did and has done via Biden...they will find out, sadly, already are
The Muslim Brotherhood, founded in 1928, was significantly influenced by Nazi ideology in the 1930s and 1940s. They gained traction in Egypt following World War II. Nasser suppressed the Brotherhood in the 1950s, and in 1981, a splinter group was involved in the assassination of President Anwar Sadat.
Are we surprised? We shouldn’t be, but, we are surprised. Anyone who blindly voted for that POS is guilty.
Mr Hope and Change. Well, he’s done a bang up job on the ONCE great America…Oh, and continues…
correct Luc...and the invasion at US border will now allow it to play out in USA...Bataclan is coming.
More like burning at the stake starting at the feet 😂😱😂
Amazing how disgustingly silent our lying good for nothing MSM & supposed Leftist women’s rights activists are all silent about the illegal Islamic terrorists that are doing this everywhere they go in USA & every other country they are allowed to invade???
Why are they protected by all of the elite tyrants???
because of money...muslim brother hood etc. that had an office if you may in Obama's administration...just wait, what will happen in USA will shock you....yes, Obama vowed to transform US and he is doing it via seems different people have different motives...Biden et al. are money whores and want to stay out of jail, folk like Obama INC. hate USA...want to convert it
They’re all pedophiles and minion’s for Satan. They’re willing to bring down the entire west for their greed and sadistic behavior.
Excellent question. How many can be bought ? Congress appears to be on sale to the highest bidder. Those who do not go along are attacked. Sex seems to be a frequent modus operandi to use. Hmmm.
" A country is what it stands for when standing for something is most difficult." (Judgment at Nuremberg) ; a country that has forsaken its own children and refused to stand up for them is no longer a country deserving of any respect; this includes BOTH the U.K. and the U.S and history will never forget it!
boom...we the parents must protect our own and teach our own to protect themselves....thank you for this
Rise and Fall of the Empire... read it.. Gibbons. States what we see around us.. fall of an Empire that became corrupt to its CORE while its citizens slept.
Yep. One of the last things Maya Angelou said before her death was, “If we don’t stand up for the children around the world & protect them from atrocities, it will come home to roost.” And it has. And it will. I never forgot her words. Riveting.
because he got money...follow the money
Not only that Sir Queer Starmer (like it) is building entire housing complexes to accomodate even more migrant men who have actually admitted that if a young girl goes out on her own in their country and she is not covered up she can expect to be raped!!!
boom, they tell you, infidel non muslim girls WILL be raped, they must expect it...being infidel and non-believer...COVID quieted it down for even the 6th century medieval beast gets scared of contagion...but is now coming alive again...and what Obama and Biden and Kamala did, you sit will weep for our American girls
It’s happening now.
Nobody voted for the bastard. Starmer and Labour got elected only because the Tory (UK RINO)vote collapsed, not because the British people wanted Starmer and Labour. Yes, some of the muslims compare Western women who don't wear a burka to uncovered meat. They say if you put out uncovered meat and cats eat it then you can't blame the cats. It's the fault of those who put out the uncovered meat.
Sadly, the Tory haters have voted for him and Labour. I have just been trying to explain what is going to happen under Labour and the Labour lovers are laughing at me. They are so brainwashed by him and his goody two shoes rhetoric that they are literally laughing at me. They are lost and beyond hope. Sadly, so are we if this is allowed to continue. I am in the UK.
Labour didn't wim. The Tories lost. The Tories committed suicide. Fewer people voted for Labour under Starmer than voted for Labour under Jeremy Corbyn in 2019.. it was a vote against Rishi Sunak, the disgusting Liz Truss and Bojo, not a vote for Labour. There was a big vote for Farage and Reform. If the UK had ranked choice / preferential voting Farage would be Prime Minister.
Yes. Farage came second almost everywhere and has only been given 5 seats. 80% of the electorate did not even vote for Starmer yet he won!!!
Tommy Robinson has been talking about this problem in England. They've tried their best to stop him:
he has, they have gone after him...the law....Brits are a unique bunch, lit their own funeral pyres and now there are no go zones in UK
Tommy Robinson got imprisoned for exposing these Pakistani Muslim grooming gangs and Tony Blair’s told the Police to keep it quiet so these evil perpetrators got away with murder for the sake of votes
boom, you hit nail on the head...ask ow much money Blair got from all of the sickness and suffering they cause, its about money to the politicians, even in US...our congress and senate people will sell their own mothers for the right price
Under the Koran, a female is sexually active before her firsr period or under 10 years of age, which is why Muslim men love young girls, especially Western ones who have not been cicumcised, like their girls are and there are lots more underaged girls of all of the colours of the rainbow in America to enjoy, more than in England, so it makes sense they would want to go to America and enjoy the pleasures to be found there - invited over by their Muslim brothers with more than 4 wives, to sample the offerings readily available, I expect.
Lot more room in America too - empty England sounds like a great idea.
you raise something very troubling but the fact...again, its a numbers game...what is here now will do lots of has begun and why this election is so pivotal. al must be reversed.
I agree and RFK Junior is the only man to do it, he does not need Trump as President, more like Trump in some other capacity where RFK is President and can pull Trump's strings and make Trump jump.
Read that Biden is refusing to give RFK any protection - RFK has to provide his own - I don't get Biden politics, I thought that the procedutre to gain the next Presiency was based on fairness to all - well, after Trump nailed Clinton's wife, shortly before the Presidency numbers were drawn, by telling a lie about her, she could not recover from in time and Trump got the swing voters Hillary would have got, which is how Trump got his Presidency first time around - no sportsmanship there and not from Biden either it seems - I quite understand Biden's perspective, he wants his second term, just like sleazy Trump did - must be galling that black man Obama who I really liked, had no problem getting his second term, easy.
You "really liked Obama" and support weak RFK Jr?
Explains a lot.
Your vote is just one vote and counts for nothing really - my opinion hopefully, will count for many more votes than your one vote is worth.
You must be joking!
No one ever "likes" your posts. Why would anyone take your advice on voting?
"You" don't like my posts, especially when I return your comments about posts I've made, by being specific against you. If you can't take it, then you should not hand it out, in the expectation I won't retalliate against you. I'm an old hand at this sort of Cow Dung and I'm more than willing to give as good as I take and since my substack is free, I'm not screwing you for your money, to read mine.
On the subject of my posts, if you don't like them, why have you not blocked me, so that you don't "have" to read them anymore?
You can't speak for what others think, they, unlike you, have minds of their own and hopefully they used them to not get vaccinated, like me - if you are, nobody can help you with your life or future now anyway. Latest blurb, onset death about 2 years after vaccines shot for many - that you?
At least in the USA parents have guns and can defend their teenage children from being raped and groomed In the UK they have no guns and can go to Jail for being a racist if the complain and offend the Muslim groomers/rapists/traffickers
thats the key, people dont realize it is the US 2nd that holds the ensure it is legal your daughters have legal guns, know how to use it and do use it once life is threatened and she thinks it is...use maximal force on the barbarian medieval animal. no matter where he comes from, colour, religion...use it
Yup, and my friend's 12 year old grand daughter is enrolled in a martial arts class. She has just gained her first belt. This should be a requirement and all schools should offer it as an extra curricular activity.
Boy or girl makes no difference. Marry a 6 year old girl as cover. What do they call when they pass a 6 year old boy to his Uncles and cousins, besides sick. Remember when some American Special Forces tuned up a police chief who had a young old boy chained up and was abusing him. President Zero punished them.
Scary sh!t‼️
All demonic roads lead to TREASONOUS Obama💯 a bastard, inbred mutt, a being NOT human!
So twisted, perverse, dangerous is he/she or it- Americas Patriot Dictionary: Obama a disease 🦠 manufactured in a bio lab in a far away country installed in America politics to destroy Gods people and replace them with satanic aliens!
These Islamic creatures are Obama’s laboratory animals period WE THE PEOPLE must not be afraid! We must be armed and equipped to fight against them!
SHARE THIS‼️Share every single one of Dr.A’s SUBSTACKS! They are all honest gut punching wake the hell up backed up by real evidence Substacks. Put them on every single social platform you have! EVEN THE LIBS ONES LIKE-
Nextdoor (you’ll get banned but fuck ND) these posts are to wake up your sleepyhead neighbors who don’t think any harm will ever come to them. PLEASE THINK AGAIN FOLKS.
“Value your life like God intended”!
The ONLY saving grace is in the US we got those GUNS and alot of GIRLS know how to pack and use down South, (hey in the 50s there were gun clubs in the high schools) so maybe.. they aren't going to be QUITE as successful as they think, but it is coming and there alot of impressionable ones out there... and stupid parents to boot....