They have to erase Covid fiasco & deaths from people's minds. What better than WW3?

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That’s funny because the head of the Hamas snake lives openly and at complete liberty in Qatar. And until Israel takes him out, there is no reason to believe any of the rest of its theatrical bleating.

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The cabal won't be happy until WW3

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The Muslims ALSO WANT Armageddon to usher in the return of their Madi.

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23=two three's (33)

But "three three" and "thirty-three" DO NOT!

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I couldn't care less about the Freemasons!

You might have found more fulfilling, useful, or worthwhile things to do with your life.

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Some Jews also want an excuse to blow up the Al Aqsa mosque so they can get it out of their way and rebuild their Temple.

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You are completely ignorant about the Jewish faith. They rejected Jesus as the messiah and have nothing to do with the New Testament. The only thing you are correct about is the Temple Mount and only in that the temple must be rebuilt prior to the return of Christ. The rest of your rant is just the typical antisimitic stuff you post on telegram. I would tell you to read the Bible but without the Holy Spirit to teach you, the natural man doesn’t understand spiritual truth.

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Hmmm . . let's "unpack" your rant:

"They rejected Jesus . . . ".

So YOU are NOT "completely ignorant about the Jewish faith"?

" . . . and have nothing to do with the New Testament."

What does that have to do with the conversation?

" . . . just the typical antisimitic stuff you post on telegram."

The word is "antisemitic".

I don't "post on Telegram". I did respond to one person's post on it.

You are the one who sounds Antisemitic with your " They rejected . . . ".

It's funny how unsophisticated people like to toss that term around these days— not very original.

And I have been attending Bible Study at my church for quite a long time, thank you, and I suspect that I am more connected with the Holy Spirit than you, considering your level of vitriol! God doesn't approve of your nastiness. "Judge not, lest ye be judged", remember?

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That’s exactly what you are doing. Take the log out of your own eye.

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Lol! You can't be real. Must be another bot!

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You are completely ignorant about the Jewish religion. They don’t believe in the New Testament.

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Wow. You’re sadly mistaken. Gravely,mistaken. Repent while you have the chance.

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He’s such a liar. Stop the lies Not buying any of there crap. I do believe that people were killed. But I don’t believe who they said did it.

It was done on purpose just like Maui,911,COVID the poison jab it’s about controlling

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Oh what a wicked game is being played. Notice the rhetoric from netanyahu and his generals - calling the people of Gaza human animals. Not all the people that live there are terrorists. Typical dehumanization of the enemy to justify horrific acts. What a perfect drama to take attention away from the unraveling covid and vaccine debacle - amongst other things. We must pray for peace and we must demand it from our governments.

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Empty bullshit threats. After being humbled by Hezbollah several years ago you'd think the IDF know better than to mouth off.

It's only because we have two Air craft carriers parked next door so suddenly Israel feels "strong".

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They also have a whole lot of nukes!

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Who gives a shit. If they date use it it will be their end. Open up that panoras box and expect Pakistan to become a 1st world country selling nukes and nuke know how to the rich sheikhs ...

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I see that same lost antisemitic rants are being posted as on telegram. God is sovereign over all and His will cannot be thwarted. Israel will never be defeated no matter how many enemies surround her. Get right with God - or don’t.

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Israel ought use flame throwers, and napalm in the tunnels, it would fry the scumbags -medium well


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The world is run by psychopaths!!!

NOBODY will win a nuclear war, but that is exactly what this mess is heading towards. Some smart people think that Iran already has nukes. But whether they do or don't may be moot. China backs Iran and THEY have nukes, including on some of their warships on the way to the Middle East already.

*Hamas attacks Israel

*Israel attacks Gaza

*Hezbollah attacks Israel

*Israel attacks Lebanon

*Iran attacks Israel

*Israel attacks Iran

*China attacks Israel

*China attacks Taiwan

*North Korea attacks the U.S.

*China attacks the U.S.— Power grid down

*The U.S. attacks North Korea and China

*Russia attacks the U.S. and NATO

Nuclear power plants' cooling ponds fail with no fuel for pumps. Stored spent fuel rods combust and resulting radiation clouds spread worldwide, adding to the radiation from bombs.

Nuclear Winter begins.

COG and Globalists and Russians retreat to their bunkers and underground cities.

No crops growable for three years or so and seven+ billion people starve to death.


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Yeah, I bet Israel is really afraid. They are already attacking both Lebanon and Syria, and doing despicable things to the Palestinians on the West Bank. You say they are going to cut the head off the snake ? Better look in the mirror. The NWO is in control of the Israeli Gov't just like they are in all the former western democracies. Even China is coming to the Party...

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Netanyahu is a Globalist member of the WEF "Club".

"Birds of a feather . . . "

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That is rediculous!

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Wrong. Abraham lied, and he was called the friend of God. God understands our faults and frailties but uses even our sinful behavior for His purposes and glory.

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If you believe the Bible, all humans are descended from incest. Eve was derived from Adam, and therefore is genetically identical. They produced children= incest.

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Most groups CLAIM to be against incest, but the practice is still virtually universal in all ethnic groups. The greater the taboo, the better it is hidden.

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Apparently you don't know any Jews.

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