And their solution is to vax harder. When will this madness end??

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And it could be so bad that nature takes over and eliminates the hosts of the virus until more un-vaxed are alive than vaxed. That would also be considered herd immunity, by destroying the zombie hosts untill they are a minority.

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The truth would come out about whether or not the "important" people were vaxxed or not if this happened. The remaining vaxxed might not like what they saw. 🤔🤨

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2200 Celebrities And Politicians Got FAKE JAB #Saline #Spain / Hugo Talks


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All options are on the table.

Play dice with mother nature at your own risk!

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When pigs start flying...

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They are probably already working on that as we speak....probably a lab in Wuhan....

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Jun 19, 2022Edited
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I have stopped eating pork over 15 years ago....but still hopefully not.....🐷

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when humanity is on the verge of dying off Jesus will return prior to this, but if you read the book of Revelation, you will read compelling items of what we are seeing talking about current day: boils all over the skin that people would rather die, global identification on the body on pain of death for not having, horrific pestilence and famines. Really hard times are coming for the world. If you are a follower of Jesus the Messiah we are promised deliverance out of Egypt.

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Your scripture and your projection are in error.

Hard times? Yes.

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read the book of Revelations. it declares at the very least 1/4 of the worlds population is expunged and the rest of humanity will have a really bad 7 years. James its not enough to say "you are in error" and to walk away without citing the errors. Man up to your disagreements. God bless you.

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It ends when all massvaxists are removed from decision-making positions across the world.

It ends when the media presents stories on how massvax inaction using the leaky experimental gene transfer therapy injections are resulting never attaining herd immunity.

It ends when significant numbers of people beat down doors and melt the phones of their elected leaders to remove all mandates at the local, state and frderal levels.

It ends when medi-crats start to promote early treatment protocols instead of experimental gene transfer therapy injections.

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Hundreds of thousands of people marched week after week in Europe, do you remember? It didn’t stop them at the time. Look what happened in Canada, it brought the wrath of Trudeau & his WEF banking person down on the Truckers. It either will take blood flowing in the streets or all of us SAYING “WE WILL NOT COMPLY.” I don’t know which it should be.

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My approach was an attempt to take the high road and work within the established governmental systems and you are 100% correct that to date, that approach has failed when tried. We can’t give up hope though. Successful implementation of “WE WILL NOT COMPLY” and what I outlined do have the ability to co-exist as long as the public can stay motivated. That’s the big problem. Unfortunately, to obtain the necessary attention span to rid the world of Massvaxists, it’s looking like it probably requires dead bodies piling up in the street.

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Jun 19, 2022
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I can’t watch Mike Adam’s anymore. He’s too over the top. I have to try to keep my sanity.

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When they get their much sought after Devil Covid and the Die - Off begins

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.... ‘actively encourage herd immunity among the vulnerable’....

How is that possible when quackcination has made herd immunity impossible to achieve?

All quackcinated are immune compromised now and the government should be held accountable for its crimes against humanity.

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Jun 19, 2022
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You're right...

1. They changed the definition of "vaccine"

2. They changed the definition of herd immunity

..See CDC website.

The new jargon is designed to fool the population.

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This is exactly what I was terrified of when I first heard that Israel was going to be the First Nation to be experimented on. As a Jewish person who has family there & who has spent a lot of time there & once considered moving there permanently, I was horrified that the government would even consider this. First of all the deaths per population were low at the time it was approximately 6500 out of over 9 million. It certainly wasn’t anything to put half of the world’s Jewish population at risk over. Considering the history of my people, the Holocaust in recent memory, I still can’t understand what possessed the government to do this. Still today the death count is 10,896. According to the Worldometer. What will the future hold for my people, G-d only knows.

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It was Albert Bourla (Schizer CEO) and his friend Netanyahu who concocted the deal in private to use Israelis as guinea pigs. The contract is not being made public and Israelis have no clue of what they've been sold.

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Something else for me to somehow process & accept. I always thought Netanyahu was a great man who loved his people and his country. That belief does not make sense anymore considering the monstrous agreement that he made, I would really like to hear his reasoning. I can’t imagine him coming up with a believable answer.

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I started this online crusade in July 2020 and researched the quackcines that were being "developed" for early December. When I heard that Israel was the first in line for the trials, that's when I knew that Netanyahu was a personal friend of Bourla and the plot got thicker and ticker... There is something else that those two men know that's not been revealed.

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I am deeply disappointed in Netanyahu being involved in this betrayal of our people. Deeply disappointed is an epic understatement.

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Well, it's a fact that a major witness to 'yahoos's corruption trial fell out of the sky in their airplane shortly there after he signed up with Pfizer ( Who in 2009 was levied the biggest fraud fine in the history of ALL mankind). Oh well, IMHO, this is just NAtional ZIonism on full display.

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Do you even know the definition of Zionism? It is simply that the Jewish people are entitled to return to their ancestral homeland. Nothing more, nothing less. So I don’t know what you are talking about National Zionism on full display.

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By "something else," do you mean the details of the Pfizer contract?

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1. How did they come up with the idea that Israel should become the "Lab of the world" (Bourla)

2. The original contract, what does it stipulate?

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Answer = $$$$?

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The world has been trying to get rid of the Jews for 2,000 years. IMHO this is the latest attempt. Bourla is a JINO. He cares nothing for the Jewish people. He’s just like Soros. Netanyahu on the other hand is an epic disappointment. I guess $$$ talks.

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Jun 19, 2022Edited
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Quackcination started in early December 2020 and it's the original contract that should tell you what this program was about.

The above agreement is a purchase agreement only intended to supply more toxins to kill the guinea pigs.

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Jun 19, 2022
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If you really want to know what's happening in Israel, there are many ladies who testified at the

Reiner Fuellmich Grand Jury Trial (aka Nuremberg 2.). All is online.

These are activists who have a lot of information that is not published anywhere by the government.

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I remember someone explained nicely why Israel is the first country to experiment on: people there trust government a lot , especially during military conflicts. As someone, who lived there 20 years I think it makes sense.

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If you lived there 20 years then you know what joyful, happy, hardworking people Israeli’s are. And yes, trusting of their government. What an epic betrayal.

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I am very curious how it will continue in Israel, will they push for 5th booster, or finally wake up? Right now everything is open and no restrictions anywhere. It looks like US is getting more insane now with approval of jabs for infants and college and military mandates. My dad, who is visiting us in US had to get second Pfizer shot in order to enter US. In Israel and probably in all European countries he was considered fully vaccinated with one jab and COVID recovery.

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Yes, it seems the United States is the most insane. However, no mandates at the moment just ridiculous approvals for more EUA’S. for now the youngest of population. It is my fervent hope that parents will ignore these approvals & they will have throw out millions of doses of these pediatric jabs & it will be a huge embarrassment for them.

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The problem is college and military .

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Yes, that is a problem. If I’m a college student, I say wait until this changes, get a job instead. Your health isn’t worth it. And you don’t really know if your degree will be worth anything in 4 years anyway. Military is a real problem. It’s a security risk to have an understaffed Military but is it worth your life to volunteer for a country that doesn’t care about your health? I say wait until this illegitimate administration is gone.

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That explanation also makes sense in Canadastan (Socialist - Castrudeau - Young Global Leader cultist - 83% quackcinated), New Zealand (Communist! - CovidArdern - Young Global Leader cultist - 80% quackcinated ) and Australia (socialist - 94% quackcinated).

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The government since Netanyahu was replaced has been terrible and is getting worse, I’m not so sure the people are so trusting of it anymore. So many elections, bad coalitions, it’s a mess.

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My thoughts exactly. "What were they thinking?!"

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This kind of puts a spanner in the works of that hair-brained theory that the Jews are the Zionist scumfuck lab-rats behind the virus' genesis/Kill Bill treatment...I mean why kill your own - unless of course the Israeli govt are themselves WW2 Nazi progeny in disguise? But that's a stretch too far, even for the most meth'ed out conspiracy theorist out there. I can say all this because I'm Jewish. Just like black people have poetic licence to use the "N" word.

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Dr Alexander, the way my brain is adding up the pieces, is it appropriate to say that the vxxed are a factory for producing the covid variants inside their own bodies? they are basically getting themselves sick and can spread it to both the vaxxed and unvxxed.

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I have had ‘ shedding’ problems being around vaccinated elderly family. Scary. My job to help them when needed.

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I caught c-19 from from a vxxed individual who attended a large gathering of vxxed people only 3 days prior. a number of them within days after the event got sick. and then I caught it from the person I was with for several days of close interactions. If this analysis is incorrect, someone let me know but it seems like the vxxed have become human biowarfare factories and cannot keep themselves from falling from their own contagion.

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A friend went to a big strawberry festival in early March 2020. We babysat later that week. We got sick, I gave it to my husband. No tests available the first 2 weeks of lockdown. The chil was diagnosed with Strep , we didn’t have that. Back then” children didn’t get COVID “ . So we had natural immunity right away. Shedding from second shot, elderly family had blood pressure swings and falling. We were helping. I have been in ( early)menopause a decade & had bleeding, headache and runny nose and stiff neck. I took ivermectin every week for almost 2 years. Recently stopped taking it. My dr said no reason to continue, especially with natural immunity and no further apparent symptoms of shedding.

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"MSN Quietly Deleted a Story Revealing That Severe COVID-19 is Rarely Found in the Unvaccinated." https://thenationalpulse.com/2022/06/16/severe-covid-19-uncommon-in-unvaccinated-individuals-survey-finds/

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"Herd immunity.."??? From leaky, wuhan-spike oriented 'vaccines'?

In the words of Inigo Montoya (from Princess Bride):

"You keep using that word, I do not think it means what you think it means."

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You lived there 20 years, then you must know what wonderful joyful hardworking people Israeli’s are. And you are right, trusting of their government. What an epic betrayal.

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When 6 billion useless eaters are dead

According to scwaub the murdering cunt, will answer to his major part in this genocide.

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100% agreed all governments and media companies should be held accountable for crimes against humanity charged removed from office when found guilty the punishment should be death. Immediately

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Check data from Portugal. We have one of the highest vaxx rates, higher than Israel. 96% of the population is vaccinated. 87% according to their definition full vaccinated with boosters. We currently have the 3rd highest infections and 5th highest death rates in the world in the middle of plain summer. Because of these idiots our chances of getting infected are also increasing day by day. I am so pissed off. What scares me even more is WHO pandemic treaty.

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No idea who this character Nosferatu is but clearly he hasn’t looked at Portugal too closely. Apparently the data is being ignored.




Seeing early indications we may have started a "summer wave". This is a direct result of irresponsible government actions and BA.5.

Once again we have priceless data from other countries that we ignore.

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Jun 19, 2022
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I don’t think China was the main source, I think Fauci, Baric, N. Carolina, Ukraine, & China we’re all in it together. No mistake, on purpose. But the jabs are the real bio weapon. IMHO.

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