It is a worldwide Holocaust. Israel is no more guilty than we are and all the other Western countries who push the deadly protocols and fought hard against early treatment. I refuse the booster for my 95 year old mother who lives in a nursing home. They were shocked at my refusal but I saw my mother's reaction to the first injection and it was horrible. But now 2 years later almost the entire boosted nursing home, workers and residents had covid at one point or another but mom and her sitter stayed healthy. They remain on once a week iver prophylaxis that I do privately. It works well.

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Surely a small price to pay for the granduer of Israel leading the World in the adoption of cutting edge medical technology?

In one fowl swoop Israel has gone from the country that does the most to protect it's citizens, to the country that has done the most to harm it's citizens.

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Well, at least the most people understood finally MOH is not on their side. Still there are countries that messed up even more. But yeah, this is a disgrace even to certain rabbis, who promoted the jabs.

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Australia: 96% of the over 18yo population double vaxxed... The insanity is global.

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Yes Google suddenly died, the list is endless every day. The jabbies cannot contemplate its the vaccines. It’s coming but they don’t know when, 1 day, 1 week, 2, 3, or however many months. Our friends mum died 6 weeks back funeral 2 weeks ago, father dropped dead today. Both in their early 80s so they’ll say it’s just their age. This is going to get worse and those that did this will say oh we was just following the science and we didn’t know what to do. I told everyone in my family not to take it but they just laughed and I’ve had people say oh no you’re not an anti vaxer are you and a flat earther.

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Oct 6, 2022·edited Oct 6, 2022

". . . oh no you’re not an anti vaxer are you and a flat earther."

They left out the "tinfoil hat"!

In the end it will become painfully obvious even to the vaxxed survivors (the few remaining) that THEY are the flat earthers/tinfoil hat crowd who brainlessly swallowed the Kool-aid.

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Perhaps that tinfoil hat would even protect a bit from 5G, but I would suggest EMP shielding material ;))

I laughed about 5G-CoV connection until I more and more saw the reports of people connecting hotspots of 5G testing sites to cancer COV and much more.

Tinfoil is so ... unmagnetic and not really highly conductive.

Some sports clothing have silver threads woven-in, perhaps, who knows...

And graphene would be cool, but a real toxicity and waste problem.

We shall watch out how EMF resisting the new police crowd control suites are, you can deduce the weapons used in 5G warfare of tomorrow.

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But without their shots, it "could have been worse!"

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Which is a testament to the dangerous power of brainwashing and going along with the herd. Seldom do such behaviors produce a good outcome. Just think—if soldiers always refused to follow orders to kill, there would be no more wars! The politicians would never go out on the battlefield and do it themselves!!! Much too dangerous!

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Some but not most, have admitted they were wrong.

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Oct 6, 2022·edited Oct 6, 2022

(FYI: Mangled metaphore there: the term is "fell swoop", referring to the death ["fell"] dive of the falcon when it attacks and kills its prey bird right out of the air. Very old falconry term.)

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Interesting origin of that metaphor. I did kinda like the "fowl swoop" phrasing

also, in alternatively interpreting how they really "fowled things up" for the citizens.😒

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Or probably more accurately, "fouled" things up....🙄

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.... with their "cutting edge"....😒

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.. of razor-like graphene oxide?

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Israel was the biggest experiment worldwide, to the best of my knowledge.


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What about South Korea? Still, bad enough.

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The danger was published in advance by several Israeli researchers based on Pfizer reports concerning the technology (both medical and o stock exchange) and previous experiences with mRNA therapeutic vaccines and data publiched in EUA Memorandum, that has shown poor efficacy and questionable safety profile. In the report on 8th of March Israeli MOH published (and later retracted), that 0.2% of the first 2.4 million receivers did not survive to get the second shot three weeks later. Youngsters got the shots before the army and there was increased mortality among them as if there was a war (even after deduction of Meron stampede). In short, there were many warning signs, that were ignored. Now Israeli MOH understands, the trust is gone, even rabbis that promoted the jabs understand that. There is silence. Dissenting professors have formed a political party. The mortality is growing by approximately 6 percent annualy in 2021 and in 2022, but not in 2020.

It is a disgrace.

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Early warning signs?

Pfizer's trial resulted in a 23% higher mortality in the vaccinated cohort over the control group at the 28 day mark. They the stopped recording, and vaccinated the control group - problem solved!

What is playing out in Israel, and globally, was evident from the beginning.

A disgrace, and an abhorrent crime against humanity.

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Oct 6, 2022·edited Oct 6, 2022

Israel is but a microcosm of the worldwide scientific mind control project to exterminate 7+ billion human beings. What is especially sick is that a predominantly Jewish cohort was the focus of such an especially intensive attack with the deadly shots in the mass extermination effort. Very Satanic that they have been made to suffer a literal "Holocaust 2.0"!

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But this was published only in July 2021.

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Pfizer, the FDA, and I suspect, the Israel MoH had (or should have obtained) this information.

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It is a betrayal of epic proportions on moral & ethical grounds especially to a people with a history of tragedy & the Holocaust of WWII in recent memory. As an American Jew deeply connected to the country, the moment I heard about this ‘experiment’ that Israel was going to become I was horrified. The numbers of people sick never justified the actions taken. I will never understand how this happened to a country full of brilliant scientists & a government populated with at least some generations who were brought up learned in the Torah. Netanyahu, who I always admired, was PM during this time. He signed the agreement with Bourla, who should be tried for Crimes Against Humanity. He should never be allowed to govern the country again.

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Bourla is a Jew himself! His parents fled Greece to escape Nazis.

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Jew in name only. IMO his parents would be ashamed of him.

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“This is a new Holocaust.” Yes. Yes it is. When will Nuremberg 2 begin?

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Much as we like to refer to Nuremberg as an example of the bad guys getting justice, that isn't the reality. The Nuremberg trials were really just for show to appease the conscience of the masses while tens of thousands of NAZI war criminals every bit as evil as those few they hung were brought to the United States (Operation Paperclip) and given new identities and placed in positions of influence to metastasize the Evil to here. A lot of their influence is why we have such a serious problem today with the above-the-law Deep State. Remember, it was primarily Americans (John D. Rockefeller, Prescot Bush, etc.) who funded and promoted Hitler.

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While I don’t directly blame Bibi for agreeing to turn Israel into Pfizrael (according to Zelenko, he and his family were threatened), I imagine he was in the same position as Trump. Someone who got very bad and corrupt advice from those around him.

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Still, the trials were done in US, Germany and Argentina, Netanyahu "only" listened to other nations blindly. Bad enough. A pattern followed from ancient times, that once again reappeared.

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Oct 6, 2022·edited Oct 6, 2022

It was worse. Alternative treatment information was actively suppressed much more efficiently than in the US. Modi sent Israel a warehouse full of HCQ that was never distributed as per the Pfizer contract. I had relatives that visited last summer that had no clue what IVR or HCQ was.

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So the great Netanyahu put his entire country at risk because he was threatened? Pfizer was threatening countries in the very beginning? Sorry, if Netanyahu came out publicly about being threatened this would have stopped all this from happening. I don’t buy it.

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I'm just relaying what Zelenko said. A leader is responsible for his nation. If it means falling on your sword to potentially prevent a catastrophe, then that's what has to be done.

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Which is exactly what Netanyahu did NOT do, if Zelenko was correct & Netanyahu was threatened.

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Netanyahu is just old. He has no more capacity to understand this.

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That’s ridiculous.

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How long before the Israeli Ministry of Health bureaucrats are dragged out to the street and held to account for their crimes?

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Fauci knew it would kill.

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And every video of him taking the murder shot is fake.

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Yes, he got saline.

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The last video was a complete joke, he was supposedly getting the bivalent & it was so fast that it would have been impossible for it to be real. They really think that we are stupid.

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Hopefully at some point in the future we can believe pfizer and moderna when they lie about mRNA gene altering injections being totally safe and effective. Maybe it takes 5 years and 20 injections before they are good enough to save your life form non-existent covid.

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Oct 6, 2022·edited Oct 6, 2022

To say ". . . non-existent covid" IS misinformation.

One can argue all day about what COVID (and the SARS-CoV-2) actually IS, but the fact is that it is very REAL and definitely not just some flu. They were not playing games over there at the Wuhan Institute of Virology! They succeeded in creating a very nasty bioweapon with long-term consequences in the people (particularly elders) whose immune systems did not quickly clear it. Everyone who ended up with long COVID or other persistent aftereffects needs to research using Ivermectin and other therapeutics to mitigate the damage to the mitochondria, etc.

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Ivermectin taken too late does not work.

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Actually, Ivermectin is very helpful at ALL stages of COVID because its modes of action comprise more than twenty mechanisms. Its anti-inflammatory action is particularly beneficial during the inflammatory/cytokine storm later phase. But the very best outcomes are obtained using a targetted multi-drug (including nutraceuticals, of course!) treatment approach. When I had the first (and by far the most serious variant) bout with COVID, I hit it with Ivermectin, high-dose vitamin C, NAC, zinc, quercetin, selenium, melatonin, and a bunch of other things (and my vitamin D level was already very high). My oxygen saturation never dropped below 98%, socall of it obviously was working. High risk people simply cannot treat COVID with just one drug unless that is all they can get.

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I agree that multi drugs are preferable, but I have a son who is proof that Ivermectin alone, even with multiple supplements when taken too late does not work. There are cases that don’t fit the the pattern. He’s a Stage 4 Lymphoma survivor so everyone is different.

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Ouch! Did he go through chemo that messed up his immune system?

With newly emerging variants probably going to be continual challenges, a very simple and effective first treatment strategy is nebulization with a dilute hydrogen peroxide solution, starting at FIRST symptom onset. Suggest he gets a nebulizer if he doesn't have one yet. I hear the prices have gone up but maybe you can get a used one. Amazon has new tubing/nebulizing cups. Diluted to half strength with distilled water to which a teaspoon of kosher or pickling salt per pint has been added to make a normal saline solution works very well to knock out the virus trying to replicate in the nasopharanx.

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I’m afraid his problems are far beyond that. But thank you. Of course he underwent chemo therapy. Actually twice because he had a relapse. That was in 2013 & 2014. Up until he became ill he was super healthy.

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I heard it was 25 jabs but OK.

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Bill Gates is smiling! OK Bill Gates is smirking….😏

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Bill Gates doesn't smile, he smirks...

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Bill Gates deserves to hang.

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Er no, why allow him to get away that easily?

Lock him up and use him to test any new drugs and vaccines on him and the gnome man as well.

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Good thinking.

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Not just him, I have been watching documentaries a lot lately and I have noticed that the more somebody smirks, the more evil their actions are.

Almost like they are laughing at screwing people over.

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Oct 6, 2022·edited Oct 6, 2022

My father is a psychopath. I recall his smirks all the way back to my childhood - though I didn't understand the significance or implications at the time.

Later in life, his smirk would be most prominant when he believed he was at his 'check mate' moment - when he had finalised his deceptive plan. Up until that point he 'smiled'. Such was the sinister craft of his psychopathy.

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Dr Z pleaded with the conservative Jews to stop

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He pleaded with everyone.

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Watching members of his community being murdered by the COVID shot ghouls must have been pretty depressing, and that is definitely BAD for the immune system and someone fighting cancer!

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I wonder if they're saying this now after the data was exposed to the world. Their "holocaust" is sadly worldwide, not just in their country.

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Comment on Matias Desmet substack

Joel W. Hay, PhD

Writes Joel’s Newsletter

2 min ago

I was a founding BOD member of the Intl Society for Pharmacoeconomics and Outcomes Research and founding editor-in-chief of their peer-reviewed scientific journal Value in Health. I appointed both Lieven Annemans and Karl Lauterbach (German MOH) to my editorial board in the early 00s along with others prominent in the field.


99.9% of "scientists" in the field of pharmacoeconomics have been bought and saddled by big Pharma, so it is no suprize that Liv is attacking you now. Karl is using silly Pharmaphluff phiction to push masks and new vaccine mandates on the German people.

Because of my Covid views I have been deplatformed by all social media, my university and even the controlled Covid opposition. I understand your frustrations, but at least you can get published and on the mainstream media these days. I haven't been invited on Tucker Carlson or any MSM outlets since summer 2020.

I appreciate your enthusiasm for the position that all viewpoints (not encouraging violence) on important public policy issues should be uncensored and undeplatformed. So why is it that the "controlled opposition" to the Covid orthdoxy (e.g., Malone, Kirsch, Crawford, Rose, etc.) refuse to discuss the increasing evidence about self-assembling graphene nanobots in the poison shots? Why does Paul Alexander, who is a courageous hero in every other respect, ignore substack posts like those by Ana Mihalcea MD, PhD? https://anamihalceamdphd.substack.com/p/i-just-followed-my-own-advice-and

I guess it's ok to be critical of the orthodoxy, and to be so far out there that you get cancelled by youtube, but don't say anything too far out there, or even the conspiracy theorists will deplatform you.

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Lets examine the benign innocent explanation for suppressing this study.....THERE IS NONE!!!

Lets examine who BENEFITS from suppressing this study?.....PHARMA, Bill Gates-WHO psychopaths

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There is NEVER any reason to suppress a study like this.

In fact, real scientists would be open to all and any criticism of their research.

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Oct 6, 2022·edited Oct 6, 2022

Sadly, many (but not all) scientists are too beholden to those from whom they take grant money. It is quite incestuous. If they go against the official narrative they are basically put out of business.

So "science" as we normally understand it is long dead.

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That number is wrong, only because it's not over yet! More are dying everyday, and now with this iseless untested shot, it will be unimagineable death.

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Bravo, Bravo on your recent intvw with Stew Peters. We have all been far far too indulgent of the guilty bio-weapon perps and their public health enablers. Indict, prosecute, convict and sentence.

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