If what they experienced under the covid tyranny, hasn't started to wake them up to the fact their government is like most all other governments across the globe, and has little to no concern about them, they'd better start to realize quick.

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hahahahaha … “they better start to realize quick”? they are onto their 6th covid shot … all going according to plan. unfortunately, Israelis are no different to the rest of the world … the whole “chosen people” bible story is just a story meant to get others to treat them special (i don’t know, maybe the biblical - Sephardi - jews were special but the zionists sure aren’t playing nice in Israel … special kind of apartheid loving tribe they are). even the arabs in Israel have a lower covid “vaccine” uptake than the Israeli jews … problem is most people just follow like sheep! Israel wasn’t called Pfizer’s lab for no reason.

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Boy, do I disagree with you. You are playing right into the Biden/Obama want to be take. Blame someone other than those that are really at fault. Your response would make not only Hamas and the other such terrorist groups, including Iran and even those really to blame like the CCP and the Obama/Biden government very happy. This "apartheid" thing is inaccurate and your dislike for Jewish people is showing. Very sad and disappointing that you would make such accusations that are misplaced.

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well, we all have a right to disagree and i respect your opinion. i’ll just say that i lived in Israel, have family there and Israel is an APARTHEID STATE. the jewish blood line runs deep in my family and i could list many examples of why i feel this way about the State of Israel but the simple one is this:

most (christian) followers believe that Israel is the land of the chosen people of Judea … and hence it’s only natural for them to be helped/repatriated back to their ancient land … seems pretty reasonable right? i mean after all the pogroms, the diaspora, the holocaust … what humans beings wouldn’t want them to have a home? that’s just the “right” thing to do.

first off, the biblical jews are the Sephardi jews … they are not the zionists Ashkenazi jews that hijacked the judaic religion and played it to their advantage! the Ashkenazi jews were not around at the time the Torah was written … look them up, they came from Asia Minor and have ZERO historical claim to the land! Sephardi jews have been pushed out of government in Israel and are considered undesirable … don’t believe me? you don’t have to, go to Israel yourself and ask about them … better yet ask Bibi about his “some” Sephardi roots just so he can still fit in with the biblical story … all for show!

as far as people without a land goes … what about Gypsies … Kurds … Polynesians … Australian Aborigines … Aztecs … Mayans … Sioux … etc. how come none of THOSE peoples are getting any help to establish their OWN lands? don’t you think it ironic? i guess Balfour couldn’t help everyone …

i also lived in South Africa (briefly) at the end of the De Klerk government and into the Mandela transition (whom i met in person). when i say APARTHEID STATE i mean it. i’m sorry you think i’m playing into the Obama/Biden fiasco … i support Trump!

Bibi has betrayed the people of Israel … first by forcing the covid vaccine /gene therapy on the population and second by ignoring warnings from Egypt and Russia about the impending Hamas atrocity.

my accusations may seem misplaced to you, but i appreciate you saying that my accusations are misplaced … most people would just say i’m antisemitic without knowing my background! that’s ok, no offence taken. i’m sure you have valid points and they are likely influenced by your perspective (as are mine).

i grew up in communism … I’m also not a fan of China … the real dark horse of the future!

just out of curiosity, how would my response make Hamas happy? because i criticize Bibi?

Hamas committed atrocities and broke the laws of the Quran … this i left out … mutilating bodies and hurting children and women and elderly/sick goes against the teachings of their holly book … and i’m not a fan of Islam either, but am not a stranger to their teachings.

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The idea that Jews walked into Palestine during the Holocaust is pure propaganda, along with the Ashkenazi rubbish. Learn to research instead of swallowing lies without discernment there is no apartheid in Israel.

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i am Ashkenazi … maybe you need to stop spreading zionist propaganda. jews and arabs and christians lived on that land for hundreds of years in relative peace until Islam fundamentalists started to stir things up in the early 1900’s. that’s a fact.

not sure where i stated that jews walked into palestine after the holocaust … plenty were there all along and many more were settled by the UN after the UK couldn’t enact the Balfour treaty … i wander why that is?

Israel was created in 1948 … wanna teach me some real history for a change instead of typing up a rebuttal without any proof?

your claim that there is no apartheid in Israel is based on what? you living there as an Israeli citizen with full rights like i did?

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What are you talking about? I am making the same argument you are, which is what is meant by "they didn't just walk into Palestine following the holocaust

As for apartheid, I know many Israeli Jews and non-Jews have full and equal rights in the Israeli territories. Perhaps it's you who needs to do some research. And incidentally if you had lived in South Africa during that time you would have known who was responsible, along with Winnie, for the necklacing atrocities. Mandela was a terrorist. Why else do you think the West lauded him. Hope you've learned some history there, and also learned to respond a bit more respectfully in a discussion.

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Oct 15, 2023·edited Oct 15, 2023

I don't even know where to begin Renny.

You must know that in this time when the world is in turmoil, what you have posted Renny, only encourages anti Jewish and anti Israel sentiment.

In these times, those Hamas, Heszbollah and others, would kill ALL JEWS, regardless of where they came from, ALL CHRISTIANS, and any that do are not following their beliefs.

You apparently accuse your own, and your verbal attack in the way you have phrased it, is no different than those in other countries of the world that spew hatred.

Like those in the USA that are anti-America, and the foolish uninformed, students, BLM, Antifa, that join the pro- Palestinian and anti-Jewish & Israel protests celebrating the mutilation of babies.

Your claim of an "apartheid" State of Israel, with the ignored fact, that Palestinians living within Israel have it better than any other place. in thee region and certainly in Gaza. There are Palestinians that are Israeli citizens, they hold jobs and are even in the Knesset,.

Your posts sadly demonstrate, you are an angry confused person, that is doing more harm with your posts than good. I am ashamed of you and fear that you are nothing more than a kapo.

This is not the time, for any of those of us of the Judaic Christian faith, to speak ill of the Israeli people and judge at this time, what failures occurred in their government or among their leaders.

Right now, it is a time of mourning for those innocent who lost their lives, the captives, who are either already dead, or being tortured.

The inhuman, violent, uncivilized, barbaric massacre that took place in Israel is the fault of many and possibly the worst crime, comes from the USA current regime!

Begun by the Obama Administration, (did not exist during the Trump Administration which brokered peace in the historic violent Middle East), and continued in a warp speed downward spiral leading to this newest holocaust, by the Biden'/Obama Administration.

Concentrate on those that empowered these barbaric actions by all of these terrorists. Because, it is coming to all of us!

If you don't realize that Israel is the "canary in the coalmine" than you have your head in the sand.

We need to unite and concentrate on the true villains who created this world chaos and uncontrolled violence and death.

It appears that Obama & Biden (who are Globalists), have aided the CCP to create a war on 4 fronts (as per Joshua Phillip of the Epoch Times when he was recently on Steve Bannon's War Room).

Concentrate on the real enemies here, not those who have just been savagely victimized.

The rest of this, is just Bull sh-- and foolish!

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i agree with many of your points and i think organizations like Hamas, Hezbollah, Taliban, ISIS should be destroyed. there is no honour in killing innocent civilians. those monsters don’t belong among human beings. what Hamas is doing now, the PLO did in the past.

i do not support any fanatics. i’m just pointing out that lies are everywhere and the truth hurts but lies cause endless suffering.

that’s all i’ll say.

ongoing massacres of innocent Israelis is unforgivable … that’s for sure. this will only escalate with more deaths on all sides … is that what people want? constant war?

China hasn’t even started their war machine … Taiwan will be next.

i don’t think the future will be good for anyone. that’s my take. everyone has theirs. best of luck

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Oct 15, 2023·edited Oct 15, 2023

Well you certainly have a leg in the game, but why laugh at the your people, I wont call them Jews as you know the history, though it's what they know.

You also know they have been propagandized longer as a people than most any other, and led to believe their sacrifices are for the greater good, though not knowing it's never been for their greater good, as they've merely been the scapegoats used as fodder by the the Phoenician/Venetian cabal that sits in the shadows, even behind the Vatican and gangster bankers over the crown, US, and most of the world for that matter.

You'd have to admit they are waking up to many things, and probably why the they became the petri dish for pfizer.

I should add that those of shepharic lineage would likely be of the tribe of judah, unlike the ashkenazi's who would have no more claim to Israel than being from the lost 10 tribes, like any of the rest of us with no way of tracing our lineage to it.

Of course I'm speaking of the Black Nobility being hidden in the shadows., who has direct links to the history of popes, and royalty around the world, unlike the gangster bankers who have no claim to nobility, and merely a front group.

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Oct 15, 2023·edited Oct 15, 2023

i’m not laughing at my “own” people … i don’t own anyone! the “hahahahaha” was in response to the original statement that “they’d better start to realize it quick”. the people living in Israel, for the most part took the shots like people in most countries in the west, japan, saudi arabia, etc. there are plenty of vaccine fanatics there as well … i had to test myself and my family to be allowed to an extended family dinner … that’s the reality!

nobody’s waking up unfortunately. those who took the shots and got off without adverse events believe they did “the right thing” … and if their friends or family members get sick or die suddenly (like Yonatan Erlichman to use one example) they will just find some other reason to blame. talking about the quaccine in vaccine fanatic circles is a no-no.

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Did I say "OWN"? but why laugh at the your people

Not sure why I added the "the"?

Anyway you obviously have first hand knowledge regarding the vaccine in Jerusalem. I defer.

It just seems Jewish people are questioning more about the government and their actions. Maybe I'm wrong, it seems I've heard lots of protesting over there regarding many issues.

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Couldn't agree with you more.

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Thank you Marjory.

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Especially when if at any time you dare question them, they call you anti semitic. Reminds me of the pedophilic cluster B left here in the US, everyone who challenges them is either a racist, homophobe, transphobe, the usual terms to shut people up

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This is very good news. Of course a super-power like Israel let Hamas in, even a blind person can see that. Netanyahu has to go. Although none are good because we've grown up now - we don't need these men to babysit us.

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Oct 15, 2023·edited Oct 15, 2023

Respectfully disagree. Netanyahu is Israel's Deep State's Trump. Listen to what I posted and see if you don't change your mind. That goes for everyone here that has posted and condemned Israel, when the fault squarely lays on the shoulders of Obama & Biden.

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He was facing corruption charges and possible jail time. So this obvious FALSE flag backfired big time

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Rombios, so is our Greatest of All Time President Donald J. Trump. We know that it is all set up to smear DJT and to oust him or make the American people turn against him. Why do you think it might be any different for Netanyahu. He is Israel's Trump type personality. Think about it.

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Netayahu has been attacking West bank and Gaza for a long time. His previous administration is replete with war crime violations.

He is a joke

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Watch the video I have posted several times. Think you have swallowed the Palestinian and the left's propaganda. Not true. So, you think that the attacks on Israel that have been done for years, means that people have no right to defend themselves? There were no war crimes. The Hamas uses the Palestinians, who allow it, as human shields and they reward Palestinians for taking Israeli lives. You are so misinformed it is sad. I wish you would learn the truth and it will help you understand why Israel has the right to defend itself. It is no joke. When Gaza was returned so that the Palestinians could set up a successful life, it was beautiful. The Palestinians turned it back to a desert and did nothing to better themselves. They attack Israel and even sacrifice their lives, so that they are rewarded or their family is for every Jewish life taken. You need to learn the truth instead of listening to Dem, Squad propaganda. Really. You would understand how serious this is. As serious as it will be when it comes to the USA, which it will, because Biden/Obama have welcomed it.

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I didn't believe our government was 'surprised' on 9/11, and I don't believe Israel was 'surprised' by Hamas. Especially when Israel is calling this their 9/11 moment. They needed something major to happen so us American people would support their never ending wars in the middle east. Keeping the towers upright would not have done the trick, they were brought down for a reason

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Here is what an IDF veteran has to say about this matter.

We know Egypt warned Israel many days in advance which means Israel chose to ignore it because they wanted it to happen.

There are broader objectives that need to be achieved and this "event" will pave the way for it

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Trump is deep state and so is Netanyahu.

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We don’t know what happened. Bibi could be innocent. Look what the deep state has done to Trump.

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Bibi innocent? … i respectfully disagree. Bibi has been playing politics for a long time … longer than Trump. he also backstabbed Trump on Iran’s general Soleiman situation … have you heard what Trump said about it? look into it

please. Bibi is a lying piece of shit

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Not innocent by a long shot. You dont stay "innocent" for long in politics. Including Israeli coalition government politics. As a head of a modern state, Bibi plays the political game of collusion with those from whom he takes orders: a little delegated authority is a dangerous thing, in more ways than one. Once he has taken the bait that contains the hook, he is expected to do what they tell him and if for some reason things start to go sideways.....because nefarious activity always has its equally unpleasant and ugly consequences, he will be the fall guy, the built in scapegoat and the disgraced lightening rod for the people's anger. There is much corrupt treason in history, but there is a big blot beside the name of the person who sold out his country and TRULY INNOCENT people to evil

Woe to that person.


Disbelieve in God at your own risk. God is going to sort this out......

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I didn't mean for one minute to give the impression that Bibi could have been the only one, undoubtedly he had a LOT of HELP. God Almighty knows who they are, and THEY know who they are, or will shortly.

With the assistance of the media, lame excuses of pleading ignorance were trotted out: "distracted and preoccuppied, we meant well but the west bank violence and the Judicial reform issues were our priority just before October 6th."

BIBI denies hearing what the Egyptian Intelligence head had to say about the plans Hamas apparently had for SOMETHING BIG slated to occur in the very near future?

Excuses aplenty but still no solid explanation as to how apparently the entire, multilayered defense system failed ( ?) and there was no warning set off by this(?) to alert those humans (?) monitoring the defense and security system (?) that a major hack and breach was taking place.....how much of this is run by AI with minimal human oversight? I'm asking, because all we're hearing are excuses

Well I guess that their multi billion dollar state of the tech art defense system isn't quite as infallible as it needs to be....

Just because people have turned their backs on God doesn't mean for a minute that He doesnt exist and that He does not see and will not be judging the evil that is committed or that He buys lying excuses made by guilty man.

Time to repent and turn back to Him. Only with Him in control will there be peace at last in mankind's heart and soul...

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Bibi stokes up a conflict every time he is in trouble. The Israeli people are awake up to him. In any conflict between Bibi and Trump, it would be wise to believe Trump. Trump is honest and has no time for con men.

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Perfectly expressed SoCalGal!! I agree 200%!!

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It’s worse than that. Dig in. Former IDF all over the place saying there’s no way it took hours to respond to this. Israelis are calling their government out for funding Hamas all these years as a tool. A lot of them don’t believe they were this flat-footed. I recommend the Bret Weinstein interview in particular if you haven’t seen it.

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Not good enough. You don't even understand the strategy. Neither do the people you get your information from. And the IDF are merely describing what they see, and heard, with more questions than answers. Most of the IDF are young, younger than it used to be. They don't have the history every 10 years, it gets 10 years longer - common sense - and they don't go back far enough. But your is true, on its surface.

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Oct 15, 2023·edited Oct 15, 2023

I think the IDF is in a culture war with Netanyahu and the Israeli Right, as we saw in the battle over Netanyahu's judicial overhaul to curb overreach by the unelected judges. From what I can gather the IDF did see signals of impending attack, such as the Egyptian intel warning. But they either withheld it from Netanyahu or dropped the ball. In addition, there may be some incompetence as well; this is not the famed IDF of previous wars. This IDF also was very slow to respond to the barbaric terror attacks near the Gaza border on civilians.

U.S. intel agencies also fumbled this one, perhaps because these days they're more focused on going after political enemies and pursuing "Woke" agendas. You don't find what you're not looking for.

Reportedly Arabic terrorists are usually loquacious, and talk about everything--including impending attacks. But that didn't happen this time, and everything was carried out with military precision and planning--suggesting oversight and training by Iran and others.

Netanyahu has his flaws, but I think the blame for this intel failure lies elsewhere.

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I totally agree with you Ed!! We all have flaws and that is what makes us human. I think this response is spot on. Thank you for presenting it so clearly and honestly.

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This is a USA led war like all the others.

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You got it with that statement Paddy. Spot on who is really at fault right now. Please read my latest response to Remmy. On this, we are on the same page.

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Oct 15, 2023·edited Oct 15, 2023

Bibi is an Agenda 2030 puppet. he IS NOT responsible for the Hamas atrocities … that’s all on Hamas. Bibi is all to happy to sacrifice ANYONE if it serves his purpose … his own mother included but he didn’t commit the atrocities himself.

Bibi turned Israel into the Pfizer lab … happily signed up Israelis for nano-tracking hour.

Bibi understood events like Pearl Harbour and 9/11 well and then … applied that way of thinking in Israel for geopolitical gain.

Bibi Netanyahu is a piece of shit!

sacrificed “a few” of his own people to achieve the ethnic cleansing goal!

he’s done well for his agenda … will likely get rewarded for it and retire comfortably!

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This was the point. US and Iran backed take down of Bibi and the government. Not that he doesn’t deserve it. But he’s hated by the JoeBama administration (Barry 3.0) who prefer Iran as the regional superpower and eliminating Israel. Look at the whole picture. 6B to Iran. 148M to the Palestinian pretend people. Connect the dots.

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you left out 8B yearly donation to Israel … was that an honest omission?

Israel also got the A-bomb courtesy of the US (Dreyfus affair).

didn’t Biden advocate for the necessity of Israel in the Middle East when he was a Senator? … as a necessary balancing agent in there for the US … “the best 3B spent”? look it up

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6B was Iranian foriegn reserves held under sanctions. It was THEIR money

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To be spent on "humanitarian" causes like oh, funding Hamas and Hezbollah.

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1) you dont getbto tell anyone what their momey is to be spent on

2) what PROOF do you have that they spent it on hamas and hezbollah?

3) you have a hardon for Iran. you should contact your doctor if it persists beyond 4 hours

4) here is what an IDF veteran has to say about this obvious FALS FLAG


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I like everything you said Green Hornet, except one thing. Why does Bibi deserve it? Does President Trump deserve what he is going through. There is an ironic similarity. Listen to the video and you should as I do, not be so easy to say that, anymore than those who say something similar about our Greatest of All Time President Trump. Just saying

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Funny you should mention that.

Yes, they do have a lot in common.

Especially as they pushed death jabs on their people.

It doesn't matter if they were manipulated or not. Or took money from big pharma (Trump did)

Nether has the balls or humility to admit they were wrong and acknowledge the carnage.

That's a problem.

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Ooo. No. Trump did NOT push the jabs on Americans. Big pharma/FDA delayed approval until Joe took office so he could ride the victory lap. Bibi made a deal w Pfizer making all Israelis lab rats. (Bibi did interview discussing his medical goals for Israel and it’s scary!). Uncle Joe President Peter’s admin tried to mandate all Americans to take the death jabs. Trump spoke up about alternative Covid treatments to which the media, FDA, CDC all condemned and made sure were unavailable to doctors. Please do not conflate Bibi with Trump in this regard. Bibi seriously is questionable in my mind purely based on the secret Pfizer deal he made. There was definitely no informed consent given to Israelis and since the holocaust it is just unfathomable they would consider such an agreement!!! And with Pfizer? Hello?! Trump dropped red tape on testing to roll out a vaccine which action is seriously questionable. However, I’m pretty sure US intelligence agencies already had the vaccine. It was 100% a military operation. Trump was played. (And I’m sure he will never own that fact fully.)

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Splitting hairs. Same result.

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Now, I get it, Green Hornet, you are a Trump hater.

I see that you, in that case, blame the wrong person for the jab being forced on the American people. That was entirely the Biden Regime, since the day he took office. In fact, the jab did not come out until after the stolen election.

President Trump NEVER pushed us to be jabbed!

He was in an impossible position, since he tried to get Ivermectin and all the other real cures first and was attacked by the Dems, ridiculed by the US State Globalist propaganda mainstream media and, misinformed by Dr. Fauci/Dr. Death who is long, long time, Deep State & entrenched in our government (unelected of course).

Dr. Death Fauci and Dr. Birx were in cahoots with the hate Trump Deep State, Big Pharma & the CCP.

Trump was trying desperately to save lives with at that time, the unknown virus and to get our country and economy opened up and back to its successes.

Trump did not do what you accuse him of.

As for Netanyahu, the Israeli people were manipulated because as they did not know, they were used as test cases by Big Pharma and sadly the CEO who did this to them was Jewish. Not even sure Netanyahu was the Prime Minister when they made this tragic mistake with the jabs.

In that regard Trump and who ever was the Prime Minister of Israel at that time, (Remember, in Israel, the Prime Minister does not have the Executive Power that our US President does. Their liberal Courts had more power than their Prime Minister. That was why when Netanyahu got his position back, he tried to reform them).

Your facts are skewed on this subject Green Hornet.

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I'm not even going to read this past the first comment. I voted for Trump. Open your eyes. Would I again? Dunno.

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I wonder if asking simple questions while Trump was in office, such as:

Why did he sign the cares act?

Why did he get the death jabs rolling along with operation warp speed? Why did he shut down someone in the crowd during an interview like how dare you question the jabs?

Why did he let all the rioting to go on and on, only to stand down here in Oregon to the dumbest and most corrupt governor in Oregons history? Why did he scream election fraud and do nothing such as invoke the insurrection act?

I voted for him twice, yet he still doesn't seem to wanna criticize anything significant during his time in office, specifically those policies.

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Kinds makes you wonder, right?

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Stop comparing bibi to trump. They are not the same. The former is a cold calculating megalomaniac

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Your opinion. Do you know anything about Bibi? Listen to the video and see if others have not compared the two. Not exactly the same, but there are some similarities. Easy to condemn, not as easy as doing your homework first and try to be objective so that you can possibly see something you might not have seen before. Try it.

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If previous PM's had taken a hard stance against these palestinian terrorists, similar to what Netanyahu wants, Israel wouldn't be attacked by its enemies within its own country because they'd have been thrown out a very long, long time ago. Savages cannot live among civilized people because it's their mission to destroy them, brutally, barbarically and demonically, including babies, children and pregnant women. It's what Mohammad told them to do. It's what they've been doing for over a thousand years. Israelis will never be safe (from surprises) until the palestinians & hamas are gone and its borders fortifide. Peace, on the other hand, is still not possible. But its leaders MUST take a hard stand to protect its people because those who want to kill them will always want to kill them. Nothing, not money, not a peace treaty, not a promise or exchange will change them - as history shows. Bibi was desperate and I don't blame him.

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Thank you Marlene, for your common sense answer. Well done and makes perfect sense.

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Information has come from a source not vetted, that the Israelis knew about the attack three days prior--i have my doubts about this source

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Yes I would too. These terrorists could have sent a non-believable source to spread this, knowing they can later blame Israel for knowing about it in advance, causing Netanyahu to lose credibility, as well as support for his hard line, which Israel so desperately needs.

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Totally in agreement with you Marlene. Welcome your calm reasonable responses thus far.

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Agreed Milton. I also have my doubts about the source. Sadly, not only is the US CIA involved in this, but just as we have learned not to trust all the supposed leaks and news media, this is no different.

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Dr. Alexander, I find your substack quite interesting. Love your rants too. Think that this video that was posted on Truth Social a few days ago by General Michael Flynn, might give you and others another interesting perspective to consider.

This confirms a part of what I thought was going on. Hard to hear. Very low, but well worth listening to. Put out by General Flynn. Backed by the US, the Biden Administration was attempting a color revolution in Israel to rid them of Netanyahu, their President Trump. Listen and see if you agree.

Isn't it sad, that what the Biden Administration has worked so hard to accomplish, now might be successful?

Think about it, what happened in Israel, might be a canary in the coal mine, not only for these same type of massacres here all around the USA, due to the fact that the millions of illegal aliens, many of military age men, terrorists, criminals among them, are likely being sent to do this when deployed all around the USA and possibly with all the attempts to have a color revolution, if they don't do these massacres before or during the election, they may do it after and let Trump take the blame, much like Netanyahu.

What do you think of that? It comes in low, but stick with this to the end. It is well worth it.


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I think when the war is over, so will the Israeli government be over. This is nothing but pure evil, with evil fruit everywhere. God help the Israeli government to show supernatural wisdom and mercy as they proceed.

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What Hamas has done is pure evil, yes! This was all because of Biden/Obama and planned for a very long time. If the Israeli government is over, as you suggest. It will empower Iran, and China. There is more that caused this horrific massacre than blaming Israel. Check out the video I posted and you will have another interesting and revealing perspective to consider.

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Where can I view the video at?

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Be careful. A lot of the videos in support of Israel and dehumanizing Arabs are propaganda. You dont know who is behind those masks

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Oct 15, 2023·edited Oct 15, 2023

I posted it below with my comment. I was posting it for Dr. Alexander and anyone who follow him. Janet, look to that post as you scroll down under the original substack that he wrote. It is at the bottom of what I wrote to Dr. A and it is a rumble link that should work if you click on it.

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Please repost here If poss. Tx

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Is this what you wanted?

Dr. Alexander, I find your substack quite interesting. Love your rants too. Think that this video that was posted on Truth Social a few days ago by General Michael Flynn, might give you and others another interesting perspective to consider.

This confirms a part of what I thought was going on. Hard to hear. Very low, but well worth listening to. Put out by General Flynn. Backed by the US, the Biden Administration was attempting a color revolution in Israel to rid them of Netanyahu, their President Trump. Listen and see if you agree.

Isn't it sad, that what the Biden Administration has worked so hard to accomplish, now might be successful?

Think about it, what happened in Israel, might be a canary in the coal mine, not only for these same type of massacres here all around the USA, due to the fact that the millions of illegal aliens, many of military age men, terrorists, criminals among them, are likely being sent to do this when deployed all around the USA and possibly with all the attempts to have a color revolution, if they don't do these massacres before or during the election, they may do it after and let Trump take the blame, much like Netanyahu.

What do you think of that? It comes in low, but stick with this to the end. It is well worth it.


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Repost what exactly Jimychanga. What I posted to Dr. Alexander with the link?

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I can't find the link to the video you mentioned. 😔

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Wonderful News!!! Haven’t trusted him.. since 9/11. He needs to be Prosecuted!

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Trusted Netanyahu since 9/11? You can not be saying that can you? Are you implying what I think you are? I hope not.

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Listen to the video and you will see another perspective. Yes, there was a failure, no doubt, but maybe there were additional reasons why that are not obvious and you did not consider, rombios. Look into all possibilities before you draw any conclusions. Please. Condemnation is easy, but research is a necessary thing to do before you make any decisions. A respectful suggestion to you.

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Cui Bono?

Who benefits? That will be answered in a few days and that will tell us ehy this was allowed to happen.

Watch for a change in the Israeli government (adpotion of much protested Judicial Reforms) or settlement expansion

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Some, but definitely NOT ALL Israelis are angry, confused, and scared, so much so without thinking it through, they blame their PM for the diabolical behavior of their enemies, which Netanyahu doesn't there. And I agree with him. These same Israelis probably also believe if the PM kissed their enemies' ass and gave them everything they wanted, they'd suddenly become peaceful. History proves without a question of a doubt, THAT WON'T HAPPEN. Abbas won everything he asked for and still refused to sign one of the peace treaties. They don't want peace and not one treaty was ever followed - the palestinian leaders always in every case violated the treaty and began again to attack and murder Israelis. They just can't help themselves. So after 70 years, today's generation of young Jews still hand on to that thought, though it's a wish divinely to be grated.

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Very insightful, Marlene and interesting response. Makes perfect sense too.

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Perhaps a hopeful sign, maybe the Israelis themselves will not rush right off the cliff that their incompetent leader urges? I guess we will see.

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Do the people really have a choice in what there government will ultimately do?

Sure ain't happening here or in any other country, even those trying to fight back, though it does seem to set them back and make them reassess when the people actually do fight back. Mostly buying the governments time to work around it, like Canada for example. US adjusted after the Trucker protest there, and before it took off here, to avoid the fallout.

The fact they're waking up more and more to the truth, like seems to be happening in more countries around the world. Maybe not to the bigger picture, but you have to start somewhere.

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Most of the world except the decadent USA and Europe are urging that Israel abide by the 1948 and 1967 boundary demarcations. Israel is the invader and genocide nation, persistently attacking and killing the Palestinians. The horrors will never end with Israel not abiding by International Treaties and ignoring human rights.

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Those boundaries were arbitrary and at first, non-binding. The real granting of Israel to the Jewish people came before, from river to river, but England gave in to the rabid arabs who threatened war and to stop sending oil unless England gave the land back to those who don't belong there in the first place. Once the arabss got their way (oil being more important than the Jewish homeland), Syria threw out those people who became the palestinians when Israel gave them jobs and housing. And now, no arab country wants them. The palestians MUST go because THEY ignore and have to desire to embrace "human rights" for the Israeli people. So either you're ignorant, or just an anti-Semite, or both.

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Thank you, Marlene, your response to the above hateful person is perfect. Appreciate your getting involved in this off the rails responses by some. I started last night, but more and more of some of those comments and others like it keep coming. Now, I can take a break and confidently let you respond to those types of comments. Appreciate your knowledgeable common sense responses on this topic.

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You are misinformed and that is a shame. You, are blaming the victims and ignoring the atrocities that just occurred. I wonder what your goal of responding that way is? Your words written here reflect misinformation and hatred. You sound like the squad. You sadly are showing you are like those Jew hating protestors and appear to be trolling us on this substack to spread your misinformation and hatred. Marlene's response to you is absolutely correct and shows knowledge, unlike your hateful response.

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