The zionists have been stealing land since 1948, and committing war crimes on a constant basis. The Nakba has been ongoing for 75 yrs, and the plan was at that time, and has not changed, to eliminate all Palestinians from the land. Of course the Israeli-US propaganda has been ongoing for at least 60 yrs, misleading everyone they can. The origins of Hamas was that it was initially a weak offshoot (splinter group) of the Egyptian Brotherhood, and then in about 1982 the Mossad funded them to help divide and conquer the Palestinians that was initially composed of the PLO. The Israelis had hoped that the more religious Hamas would be more peaceful compared to the PLO. But given the relentless crimes against humanity and war crimes by the zionist regime the Hamas has done all it can to defend themselves and all Palestinians. Of course these details are neglected in the news coverage. So who are the terrorist and who are the freedom fighters?

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A very complex and complicating history with conflicting religions and societies. The Jewish people who were on these lands thousands of years ago, do not have an ideology of eliminating people. They have defended themselves, such as in 1967, and as a result gained some territory from their aggressors. The Israelis want peace, the Arabs want the destruction of Israel. If Gaza, which is controlled by Hamas, funded by Iran, disarmed they would have their own country tomorrow, living in peace. The term Palestine is from the Romans signifying an administrative area and as by British as Mandatory Palestine. There is no singular Palestine demographic group, Gaza is Egyptian and the West Bank is Syrian. Yasser Arafat was Egyptian. Meanwhile Lebanon is controlled by Hezbollah, also funded by Iran.

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Read the book by Ilan Pappe and educate yourself about the relevant history here, and especially the Nakba and Plan Dalet (The Ethnic Cleansing of Palestine) https://www.amazon.com/Ethnic-Cleansing-Palestine-Ilan-Pappe/dp/1851685553/ref=sr_1_1?crid=19KX2P5QWI1K4&keywords=ilan+pappe+the+ethnic+cleansing+of+palestine&qid=1696880452&sprefix=ilan+pappe%2Caps%2C145&sr=8-1

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One who starts off by saying educate yourself and points to one dubious source is not to be taken seriously.

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Understandably, emotions and frustrations are running high and it is regrettable, if civil discourse is to be had, that unfortunate terms are used. Personally, I side with DSK. I do this after having read the Balfour Declaration, Douglas Reeds excellent book, The Controversy of Zion, in which Josef Kastein an ardent and passionate Zionist in his work “History and destiny of the Jews” (1933) agreed with many important points of Reed, the Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion (I understand that Wikipedia has classed them as fictional but then, we know how Wikipedia has been corrupted and looked after truth seekers over at least the past four years). And we also see that the protocols are indeed being played out. The continuing atrocities perpetrated by the IDF, etc etc and on, and on. Was it in 1947 Moshé Dyan razed a Palestinian village to the ground killing nearly 300 men, women and children for no real reason other than to present to the world the Zionists intent of dispossessing and smiting the Palestinians (who, I understand were the original Caanonites, the original tribe of Israel which prior to 460 BC disowned the tribe of Judea in their moving towards the idea of one deity, and which the Books at that time being written of the new Jewish faith expressed destruction and death even then. Of course this is grist for the mill and will be argued. Nevertheless, the needless brutality of the IDF towards Palestinians is legendary if one cares to lift the rocks and peek underneath. As fortune favours the bold, Money favours the Zionist. Palestine, in deference to the Balfour Declaration has, in effect been stolen. The charade we will now see unfold will be one of ‘poor bugger me’ played by the Zionists.

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Regarding, "The Jewish people who were on these lands thousands of years ago..." I recommend 'The Invention of the Jewish People' by Shlomo Sand. Here is a review that covers some of his claims...


I also suggest that you look into how the French and the British drew the map of the Middle East following the first world war.

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Yes I agree, and the same thing occurred after WW 2 with the allies cobbling together, without the input of Russia, what is now the Ukraine. I think, as with all areas of millennia of human habitation, history is complex, incomplete, strewn with landmines of emotion, differing ideologies, cultures, grievances and different recollections. Generalizations are not adequate, however history does remember remnants of tribes, clans, families, and even “peoples”. That these remnants were forced, coerced, or wandered away does not take away from their historical callings and desires. I think this likely applies to all such areas, be it in Mayan/Aztec/Inca Americas, Mesopotamia, or the Slavic Balkans. Yes the modern Jewish state was cobbled together after W2 by the western allies for a number of reasons, some rather dubious. Six Arab nations then launched war on this new state and there has been conflict ever since. It still seems that one side wants to live in peace and the other wants the destruction of that group. No answers here.

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The conflict seems to have begun with the British occupation of Palestine and the intent of using the territory to create a Jewish homeland. Both sides have blood on their hands.

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It appears that the Jewish people are facing great persecution in the middle east where they are surrounded by enemies. This seems unlikely to change. It might have been better if the UN had carved out a Jewish state in Ukraine, where Khazaria, the ancient homeland of many of the Jewish people previously existed. But there too they would have been surrounded by enemies and would have faced persecution. A new approach is needed. Although it would be a massive undertaking, perhaps Israel should be relocated to, or a second Jewish homeland should be created by the UN, in the US. Parts of several adjoining US states could be combined to create a new country. The problem of the US having to deploy aircraft carriers and other resources around the globe at short notice to defend Israel would no longer exist. Even if Israel continues in the middle east, it would be good for the Jewish people to not be expected to have "all their eggs in one basket" and to have a second independent Jewish state far from the problems of Europe and the middle east. The US would be the ideal location for such a second, or new alternative, Jewish state.

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Baloney. Israel was formed by international agreement in 1948. There were few Arabs there at the time. Israel has bent over backwards to help the Palestinians, who are mistreated by their own leadership, who refuse elections, and are filthy rich from abusing their own citizens. The Palestinians have refused to negotiate, have insisted on the destruction of Israel and only commit cowardly terrorist acts.

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Although a lot about this is still disputed, and evidence that the Arabs left from orders of their own leaders, there are no Israeli's today that had any involvement with this situation of 1947-49. This is like blaming todays Americans for the Indian wars, and the horrible way they were treated, or blaming American citizens for slavery, no one alive today is responsible. The savage butchery of Israeli's and other nationalities by these terrorists can't be justified in any way, not even bringing up sordid examples of past tragedies.

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The Nakba that started in 1947-8 with Plan Dalet is still active today but with a somewhat diluted program, unless of course we include the near yearly intermittent bombing of Gaza, and of course the near-starvation policies for what is allowed in Gaza, the prevention of adequate hospital care, etc. Then in the West Bank you have the continuous theft of land, the destruction of houses, destruction of farms and wells, and the brutality and imprisonment of children, the target practice with those in Gaza, and this is just a very short list of the crimes against humanity and war crimes. You really need to read Ilan Pappe's book published in 2006 "The Ethnic Cleansing of Palestine." The news in the US is essentially not much more than propaganda and lies. So, the people alive and in control are essentially no different than the agents responsible for the Nakba where 750,000 Palestinians were pushed out of their homes, and the savage murders of the people.

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Sure illustrate Israeli wrong doing, but completely ignore the 1000 times worse Arab-Muslim wrong doing. Most of your list is Israel defending itself after Muslim attacks and violence.

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Sorry Duane, if you believe that then you have been misled. A better thing for you to do to get a balanced view is to at least read the books, the names of which I have previously presented. But if you have a irreconcilable soul that’s not able to objectively research, then all the reading and research certainly won’t allow the tolerance needed to see that it’s not the density of population of the rightful occupants but the fact that the land did not belong to the Zionist. Lord Balfour made it abundantly clear over 100 years ago. Moshè Dyan, murdering nearly 300 unarmed Palestinian men, woman and children in 1947 started this avalanche of hatred that now exists. In owning acreage, if someone third party who has no business with the ownership gave his permission for non entitled people to settle on that land then you can see that it won’t work and be agreeable to the land owner. It’s that simple, only politics and old money will tell you different. All of the emotive statements made in your argument are those borne of feeding from the MSM. The Jewish people are simply being used as pawns.

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The Babylonians were the first to conquer the the area and take it away from the Jews.

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I know history, much of the land that the Jews acquired they actually paid for it. You won't find that in any of your Muslim propaganda. Consider Israel, a tiny sliver of land, microscopic, among the millions of square miles of Islamic Arab land. Jordan, Egypt, Syria, Saudi Arabia. The Arabs, owning 99% to Israels 1% aren't satisfied, they want 100%. How fair is that? The Jews were there during King David and Solomon, hundreds of years before any Arab set foot there.

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Absolute rubbish.

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The Koran itself asks Muslims to kill, murder, rape and plunder

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As does the Old Testament of the Christian. As does the Torah.

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Never seen the Torah, but I'm quite sure I'd remember if the Bible commanded Christians to "strike at their necks", or kill the non believer. How about some reference? At any rate, there are few Christians who actively murder Muslims. Yet Muslims, on a daily basis, somewhere in the world are murdering innocent people all the time. And by the score. In Nigeria, they're killing dozens at a time. Pamala Geller keeps score of the Muslim murders each Ramadan, it always numbers in the thousands. Witness video's on line today of Palestinian children chanting that they want to stab a Jew. Many Muslims are brain washed from birth to hate Jews and that to kill them is Godly, in praise of their Allah. How many Christian children are brainwashed to hate Muslims and kill them?? You have no comparison. Islam is a prehistoric death cult that should have no place in our modern world today.

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Who’s standing up for the USA taxpayers ??

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No one. We're the ATM of the world don't you know??

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All of what is happening could have been avoided if israel had been created on USA land rather than in the middle east. As explained in the well referenced Wikipedia article at the first link below, there was at one stage a plan to use part of Australia to create a Jewish homeland. The USA would have been a better location. Alternatively, or in addition, part of Europe could have been used. It would have made sense for the Allies to have carved out parts of Germany and Austria to create a Jewish state. Another option would have been for the UN to create it in modern day Ukraine, where Khazaria, the ancestral homeland of many of the Jewish people previously existed. See the article at the second link. But the best location of all would have been in the USA. There would then have been no need to deploy aircraft carriers across the globe. Ready assistance and funding could always be close at hand. The antagonism being experienced in the middle east would not exist.

"The Kimberley Plan, was a failed plan by the Freeland League to resettle Jewish refugees from Europe in northern Australia before and during the Holocaust.

With rampant anti-Semitism in Europe, the Freeland League for Jewish Territorial Colonization was formed in London in July 1935,[1] to search for a potential Jewish homeland and haven. The League was a non-Zionist organisation and was led by Isaac Nachman Steinberg. In late 1938 or early 1939, the pastoral firm of Michael Durack in Australia offered the League about 16,500 square kilometres (6,400 sq mi) in the Kimberley region in Australia, stretching from the north of Western Australia into the Northern Territory. The League sent a Yiddish poet and essayist Melech Ravitch to the Northern Territory in the 1930s to investigate the region and to collect data on topography and climate ..."


Khazaria: A Forgotten Jewish Empire

Nicholas Soteri reflects on the early religious controversies of Eastern Europe, focusing in particular on an often overlooked kingdom, the Khazar.


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We’re on our own

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Leave to where? Gaza is an open air prison surrounded on all sides of walls, barbed-wire, remote-controlled machine guns, and surveillance systems. It is one of the most densely populated places on Earth. When Israel uses 21st century precision-guided missiles & bombs on trapped, innocent and defenseless civilians, they have nowhere to escape to.

Don’t be under the illusion the IDF is civilized. It isn’t.


Who murdered Hadar Goldin? The IDF. “Never forget.”

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Here you are continuing your anti-Semitic diatribe. No wonder Israel is surrounded by barbed wire, guns, and surveillance. If not, the terrorists would be killing innocent Israeli's by the score every day. All of the aggression, all of it, 100% is always from the Palestinians.

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No, not every day. If the Zionists abided by the Balfour Declaration then there possibly would not be this mess we see now. Palestine has been literally stolen. It’s quite simple really. Has anyone ventured off the MSM narrative and seen what barbarous actions perpetrated by the Israeli Zionist. Makes the Palestinian positively peaceful. For instance here is a link for you all: https://ifamericansknew.org

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Sure there's issues between the Arabs and Jews, but at each and every step of the way, the Arabs, (Muslims) use terror, murder, rape, destruction, whereas the Jews try to use logic, reasoning, until they're forced to defend themselves. Hamas is now asking for truce, because they know what's coming. There is no such thing as a peaceful Palestinian.

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Who spawned these murderers.

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Generations of Zionists: liars and murderers from the beginning. Then, if you trap, torment & torture any living things for 75 years, that brings out the worst in people.

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You don't sound very objective at all, just very biased. I do realize that both sides are not completely innocent, but the Israelis seem to show some restraint whereas the Palestinians behave more like rabid dogs.

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You talked as though this was proof. There's not even the photo of him giving her water. Just some " journalist said" this happened. I see American "journalists" lie all day every day on American TV. You've got nothing here.

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Don't be too quick to defend Israel. They aren't innocent victims in this. They've harassed Palestinians since before they were given that land illegally. Someday when the TRUTH finally emerges about all the wars in recent history, you'll see who is behind almost all of them. And it sure isn't Palestine

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There is no such thing as Palestinians since there is no. Nor has there ever been a country named Palestine. They are Arabs.

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Never said there was a country named Palestine but there is a group of people who identify as such. Regardless, Israel has some of the most advanced intelligence/defense yet hamas was able to penetrate their borders? I don't buy it for one second. Israel wants this war because the "leaders" aka globalist cabal for the NWO couldn't care less about their own citizens about as much as they care about their neighbors.

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By your standards there are no such "things" as Iraqis, Syrians, Jordanians and so on. Those nations did not exist until after the partitioning of the Ottoman Empire began with the Treaty of Sèvres, and neither did Israel.

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Ridiculous. There has been Iraq, Syria, and Jordan, but never "Palestine"

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They were territories ceded by the Ottoman Empire to the UK and France in 1920. So was Palestine. In fact, Jordan was originally a part of Palestine. The creation of Jordan... or Transjordan, as it was called at the time... was a result of the first two-state solution to hostilities between Jewish immigrants from Europe and the native population of Palestine.

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There has never been the country of Palestine. It's an area of Israel called Judia and Samaria. The Ottoman Empire was the result of Muslim conquests, and in of itself was illegitimate.

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Countries come and countries go. Once there was a country called Yugoslavia. It no longer exists. Same with Czechoslovakia. Or Prussia.

Currently, Palestine is considered a sovereign state. Before that it was a territory.

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All of what is happening could have been avoided if israel had been created on USA land rather than in the middle east. As explained in the well referenced Wikipedia article at the first link below, there was at one stage a plan to use part of Australia to create a Jewish homeland. The USA would have been a better location. Alternatively, or in addition, part of Europe could have been used. It would have made sense for the Allies to have carved out parts of Germany and Austria to create a Jewish state. Another option would have been for the UN to create it in modern day Ukraine, where Khazaria, the ancestral homeland of many of the Jewish people previously existed. See the article at the second link. But the best location of all would have been in the USA. There would then have been no need to deploy aircraft carriers across the globe. Ready assistance and funding could always be close at hand. The antagonism being experienced in the middle east would not exist.

"The Kimberley Plan, was a failed plan by the Freeland League to resettle Jewish refugees from Europe in northern Australia before and during the Holocaust.

With rampant anti-Semitism in Europe, the Freeland League for Jewish Territorial Colonization was formed in London in July 1935,[1] to search for a potential Jewish homeland and haven. The League was a non-Zionist organisation and was led by Isaac Nachman Steinberg. In late 1938 or early 1939, the pastoral firm of Michael Durack in Australia offered the League about 16,500 square kilometres (6,400 sq mi) in the Kimberley region in Australia, stretching from the north of Western Australia into the Northern Territory. The League sent a Yiddish poet and essayist Melech Ravitch to the Northern Territory in the 1930s to investigate the region and to collect data on topography and climate ..."


Khazaria: A Forgotten Jewish Empire

Nicholas Soteri reflects on the early religious controversies of Eastern Europe, focusing in particular on an often overlooked kingdom, the Khazar.


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They are innocent victims, all the aggression is always from the Palestinians.

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That's not true. Either you're a bot or you don't know true history.

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As soon as Biden resumed payments to the Palestinians, (ended by Trump), the first thing they did was fire rockets by the hundreds into Israel. If that isn't aggression then what is? The attack this time was initiated by Hamas, a constant record of aggression against Israel. Don't you see the constant diatribe from Hamas, Hezbolla, Iran, for the destruction of Israel? You'd have to be dumb, deaf and blind not to see it.

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It must be nice to always wear "Rose colored glasses"!

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My glasses are crystal clear

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this whole pile of BULLSHIT stinks like 9/11...SAME PLAYBOOK eh? as if they didn't know this was coming...what a JOKE. I hope the jews wake up to the DEMOCIDE that just happened TO THEM

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How about Biden leaving 86 bln worth of highest class equipment in Afghanistan that made its way to the middle east?

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• Smuggling and moving thousands of missiles into launch position…

• Hundreds of paragliders...

• Hundreds of fighters without repeal...

• No warning to civilians about the wall and air breach...

How is it possible that Israel intel didn’t prevent that?

False flag psy-op? Is this a directed event to escalate it into WW3 and destroy Israel, one of the objectives of the globalists, as proven by the Holocaust or the Pfizer-haccine-caust targeted to Israel… considering Netanyahu signed the exclusive deal with Pfizer to cull Israel through the injection of the bioweapon🤔

Rep Ritchie: “the largest single-day mass murder of Jews since the Holocaust.” The largest mass murder of Jews since the Holocaust, single day or not, is definitely the Pfizer-caust !!! Millions killed or handicapped with myocarditis, clots, turbo cancer...


“At least 300 Hamas terrorists breached the border fence in multiple places completely unimpeded… infiltrated a significant number of dryland outposts as well as a naval infiltration point in Zikim. As we speak, Israel is actively engaged in combat in n 22 outposts. This is from the IDF (Israel Defense Forces) statement.

A year ago there was a military operation in Gaza to prepare for such events, and ongoingly there are trainings for these kinds of scenarios. This raises serious questions about Israeli intelligence.

Two years ago there was a successful deployment of underground barriers in with sensors - to alert terrorists breaches. Israel has one of the most advanced and high tech armies, how come there was zero response to the border and fence breaching?

I served in the IDF, 25 years ago in the intelligence forces. There’s no way, in my view, that Israel did not know what’s coming. A cat moving alongside the fence is triggering all forces. So this?

What happened to the “strongest army in the world”? How come border crossings were wide open?? Something is VERY WRONG HERE.”


“How did the iron dome fail in Israel and allow all those rockets through? How did so many Hamas soldiers get past the most militarized and protected border in the world to slaughter innocent civilians? Israel is incredibly advanced with some of the best military and surveillance technologies in the world.

Is there any chance this is like operation northwoods and the attack was orchestrated or allowed to justify an escalation of war? Could forces above both the US, Israel, and Palestine be manipulating them both for an agenda ahead of the elections?

There are levels and complexities to what's happening right now, and you all have to start thinking like they do with strategy and special interests in mind. You can't just immediately accept the narrative being spoonfed to you by governments, intelligence agencies, and MSM like it's the only objective truth that you accept without question.

Have none of you learned your lesson in the past few years with COVID?

THEY ALL LIE CONSTANTLY. All governments. All militaries. All news organizations. They all lie as a point of baseline policy and have worked in lockstep together throughout the entire pandemic psyop, but now that it involves war and conflict in Israel, we just forget all that and go back to believing them?”

I'm not falling for this charade again. I learned this lesson years ago investigating 9/11.”


Just in case you still don’t know about the truth of the false flag psy-op 9/11 and the lies of the narrative, watch amazing short and more evidence here:


Nothing condones killing innocent victims on either side. NOTHING! Yet, it's true that Israel denies a 2 state solution, backed by the vote of almost all nations in the world.

If you want peace you need to seek justice first.

Palestinians don't deserve Israeli occupation and slow-mo extermination. Don't get me wrong: nothing justifies terrorism.

Yet, we need to understand that severe injustice makes Palestinians claim that they are fighting for freedom not revenge! A 2 state solution would bring peace and leave Hamas without a narrative for terrorism! Why is Israel refusing peace? If Hamas doesn’t appear to be strong and very threatening, the Israeli government has a hard time keeping their support to oppress and kill Palestinians.

Please read:


According to UN documents, Palestinians have a right under international law to armed struggle against Israeli colonialism, just as South Africans did against apartheid. Gaza suffers under an Israeli blockade that even a British PM admitted is a "prison camp".


Please pray for the innocent victims on either side and for the end of the global digi-tatorship:


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Both sides are guilty in this, just like Ukraine and Russia. The ones to suffer will be the civilians on all sides. That’s always the way it is in war. Why can’t we just settle this by putting all leaders in these conflicts into a ring and letting them deck it out? Instead they sit in their comfy chairs and and play their War Games and never pay a price.

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Might want to read up on what NATO promised Putin and then lied.

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Link please =)

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Well aware. I still don’t take sides on this. I blame our government and their corrupt dealings in the region.

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I have sides I instinctively would side with in both conflicts. But if I’ve learned anything in the last 3 years, it’s trust neither side, because nothing is as it seems and we are being lied to about everything.

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Watch the map of Palestine since WWII. That would show you which side is more guilty!

• Smuggling and moving thousands of missiles into launch position…

• Hundreds of paragliders...

• Hundreds of fighters without repeal...

• No warning to civilians about the wall and air breach...

How is it possible that Israel intel didn’t prevent that?

False flag psy-op? Is this a directed event to escalate it into WW3 and destroy Israel, one of the objectives of the globalists, as proven by the Holocaust or the Pfizer-haccine-caust targeted to Israel… considering Netanyahu signed the exclusive deal with Pfizer to cull Israel through the injection of the bioweapon🤔

Rep Ritchie: “the largest single-day mass murder of Jews since the Holocaust.” The largest mass murder of Jews since the Holocaust, single day or not, is definitely the Pfizer-caust !!! Millions killed or handicapped with myocarditis, clots, turbo cancer...


“At least 300 Hamas terrorists breached the border fence in multiple places completely unimpeded… infiltrated a significant number of dryland outposts as well as a naval infiltration point in Zikim. As we speak, Israel is actively engaged in combat in n 22 outposts. This is from the IDF (Israel Defense Forces) statement.

A year ago there was a military operation in Gaza to prepare for such events, and ongoingly there are trainings for these kinds of scenarios. This raises serious questions about Israeli intelligence.

Two years ago there was a successful deployment of underground barriers in with sensors - to alert terrorists breaches. Israel has one of the most advanced and high tech armies, how come there was zero response to the border and fence breaching?

I served in the IDF, 25 years ago in the intelligence forces. There’s no way, in my view, that Israel did not know what’s coming. A cat moving alongside the fence is triggering all forces. So this?

What happened to the “strongest army in the world”? How come border crossings were wide open?? Something is VERY WRONG HERE.”


“How did the iron dome fail in Israel and allow all those rockets through? How did so many Hamas soldiers get past the most militarized and protected border in the world to slaughter innocent civilians? Israel is incredibly advanced with some of the best military and surveillance technologies in the world.

Is there any chance this is like operation northwoods and the attack was orchestrated or allowed to justify an escalation of war? Could forces above both the US, Israel, and Palestine be manipulating them both for an agenda ahead of the elections?

There are levels and complexities to what's happening right now, and you all have to start thinking like they do with strategy and special interests in mind. You can't just immediately accept the narrative being spoonfed to you by governments, intelligence agencies, and MSM like it's the only objective truth that you accept without question.

Have none of you learned your lesson in the past few years with COVID?

THEY ALL LIE CONSTANTLY. All governments. All militaries. All news organizations. They all lie as a point of baseline policy and have worked in lockstep together throughout the entire pandemic psyop, but now that it involves war and conflict in Israel, we just forget all that and go back to believing them?”

I'm not falling for this charade again. I learned this lesson years ago investigating 9/11.”


Just in case you still don’t know about the truth of the false flag psy-op 9/11 and the lies of the narrative, watch amazing short and more evidence here:


Nothing condones killing innocent victims on either side. NOTHING! Yet, it's true that Israel denies a 2 state solution, backed by the vote of almost all nations in the world.

If you want peace you need to seek justice first.

Palestinians don't deserve Israeli occupation and slow-mo extermination. Don't get me wrong: nothing justifies terrorism.

Yet, we need to understand that severe injustice makes Palestinians claim that they are fighting for freedom not revenge! A 2 state solution would bring peace and leave Hamas without a narrative for terrorism! Why is Israel refusing peace? If Hamas doesn’t appear to be strong and very threatening, the Israeli government has a hard time keeping their support to oppress and kill Palestinians.

Please read:


According to UN documents, Palestinians have a right under international law to armed struggle against Israeli colonialism, just as South Africans did against apartheid. Gaza suffers under an Israeli blockade that even a British PM admitted is a "prison camp".


Please pray for the innocent victims on either side and for the end of the global digi-tatorship:


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Can you say "another " false flag event like 911!

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Russia is not guilty for an act of aggression they’ve been warning the west NOT to due since the 1990’s. I speak of NATO expansion.

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I agree. I just think we should have stayed out of that conflict, but of course, since we were funding bio labs and money laundering in Ukraine we had to jump right in there. In my ideal world, I’d rather keep our hands out of other country’s affairs.

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Not at all, all of the blame is the terrorist Palestinians. Years of attempting negotiations only to be repeatedly turned down by the Palestinians. All acts of aggression are initiated by the Palestinians, over and over. Israel only defends itself. When one side will only be happy with the complete destruction of the other side, how do you resolve this?

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The US killed one million Iraqi’s after 9/11.

I wonder if Israel will follow the US example.

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No Iraqi had anything to do with 9/11. Not one. But since Israel uses the US to attack Israel’s intended victims, Zionist media lied to Americans to make them think Iraq did have something to do with 9/11.

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The Military Industrial Complex’s Media. They’re happy to wage war wherever they can.

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Sorry. Your anti-semitism is wrong. The global elite wanted to start a war and would sacrifice anyone for it.

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Why is criticizing Israel or Zionism antisemitism?? The truth is anti anything; it stands on its own merit.

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Isn't not is.

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Who are the global elite?

Who bosses Israel around? No one.


Cenk Uygar on Ehud Olmert, W Bush

Mark Bruzonsky


MJ Rosenberg


Stephanie Schriock


Glenn Greenwald


General Wesley Clark



French Foreign Minister Roland Dumas


Gonzalo Lira on Vicki Nuland


We are all Palestinians…


Lawrence Wilkerson on the dread lobby


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Why do people not understand this but I’m going to be straight up with you:

1. What Hamas did was evil

2. What Israel is doing to the Palestinians is evil

3. Both think each other are the terrorists

4. One is in an open air prison

5. The other has a right to defend itself but acts like they are attacked for no reason but hate (just look at Gaza, it’s a freaking slum prison)

6. It’s not our fight & regardless or what Niki Haley says, it’s not our responsibility to solve this problem

7. Islamic extremism is terrible & Hamas is no friend to the USA (actually enemies)

8. Israel isn’t our greatest ally and together with the USA they’ve destroyed the stability of the entire Middle East making enemies out of people that could have been avoided

9. Religious & ethnic extremism is at the cause of this, radical Islam & Arab ethnic issues against radical Zionism and Jewish ethnic issues

10. War was always inevitable as Israel doesn’t want the Palestinians there and Palestinians don’t want Israel there. It’s just going to be a blood bath & I hate seeing innocent people suffer on both sides. Life is war with a few moments of peace.

Hundreds of Israelis died and thousands of Palestinian will be killed in retaliation. I don’t have solution and neither do you. But I can still hate seeing war mongers get excited about this conflict. That is all.

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"limit loss of innocent life on either side...but Israel must respond, I pray they give innocent people time to leave."

Why? They didn't give the people they killed time to leave.

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Max Igan offers this video on the situation...

Gaza 2023


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Who’s going to protect the USA while your kids are fighting for every shithole’s democracy https://open.substack.com/pub/dailynewsfromaolf/p/americas-eventual-suicide-joe-bidens?r=ykqw5&utm_campaign=post&utm_medium=web

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Jews will kill us all. Fight is on. Jews show their true evil nature. Evil will destroy itself.

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Trump has no power to do anything. Really need to stop with the god worship of Trump.

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There's one thing we agree on. Trump isn't a savior; he's just playing his part. I really hope we're wrong but my guts tell me otherwise.

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The religious and rabid regimes of Hamas knew very well that there would be a strike of huge retribution and yet these rat bastards were willing to sacrifice their very own peoples to gain a position which they were offered in peace ARAFAT many years ago and which they refused-

in defiance of that offering these same rabid bastards declared war on israel and lost their asses

now what they could not gain by negotiation , infiltration, subterfuge, they attempt to re-establish

their dominance by the rape of women and the murder of children--IF I WERE ISRAEL IRAN WOULD

DISAPPEAR FROM THE FACE OF THIS EARTH --Their treatment of their own women is a fucking

disgrace - and uncondonable in any instance -a faith riddled in a violent 7th century obcene cult

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And the Zionists haven't sacrificed their own people? Seems to me that all groups have their own "rat bastards". We certainly have more than a few "rat bastards" in the USA and some of those "rat bastards" have dual citizenship.

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I lived in the Middle East for a decade. They don’t value human life the same way Westerners do and they especially don’t value women’s lives! I’m not on either side, they both suck and both sides are complicit, so don’t jump down my throat, folks! I’m just pointing out that they will willingly sacrifice themselves and anyone else in the name of their cause. And often in the most brutal of ways.

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Just like US sacrificed own on 9/11 to attack Iraq.

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Fully understand ms Judy, and i guess that is what life is in the middle east there is no reason to jump down someones throat who has been there and knows the lay of the land

appreciate your input-thank you

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Stern Gang.

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Exactly right.

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