sacrifices too! These arte among the greatest Americans! We forget, we must not! Someone brought this to my attention and I thank them! Set aside your views on war & the like, these are heroes.
There are high rates of trauma exposure among female veterans, high rates of PTSD and high rates of suicide. Female veterans are vulnerable not only to combat related trauma but also to sexual assault by Commanders. The VA needs to do far more to assist them and not just pay lip service to doing so.
The “Aurora” Study and specific aspects of the suspiciously named “All of Us research Program” (aka: the precision medicine initiative cohort) are targeting populations that have typically been “underserved” by the medical community: women & children and people who are anything OTHER than Caucasian.
The research programs are receiving billions of taxpayer dollars to perform what they’re inappropriately calling “longitudinal observational research”.
Meaning: they watch and take notes.
And they make databases. And they use algorithms to help them predict outcomes related to mental health, disease susceptibility, disease progression, resilience and aging.
As if the trauma that causes PTSD is not enough to cope with, these programs monitor our every move via our personal devices and wearable technologies - whether we agree to such surveillance OR NOT.
Nothing they’re doing is helpful. In fact they’re passively harming us by letting disease take it’s toll; simply watching and predicting what happens next!!!
And in some cases they’re actively harming people with “challenge tasks” with the intent to measure both resilience and susceptibility to mental/physical illness associated with chronic stress and sleep disturbances.
This is hardly “observational” in nature and these researchers should be held accountable.
The ethics review board / central IRB members will be held accountable for crimes against humanity when the public realizes that these monsters are PROPOSING AND APPROVING THEIR OWN STUDIES.
Unfortunately, there are many victims that won't get justice because there are many more that charge and prosecute SA wrongly. The case rate is sky high and many are not legitimate. As one friend who is an NCIS agent put it, many are cases of "buyers remorse" where in the alleged victim files charges based on a scorned or poor relationship. This increase in case load eats up resources that could be used to prosecute real perps, and there are many.
Bravo. Such a sacrifice and all for what is proving to be a corrupt administrative state. These brave women, as do all veterans, deserve better. Much Better
If you really care to help us veterans, y’all will prevent the Department of Veterans Affairs from including us in covert experimentation and overt research programs like the MVP to which some of us have been “consented” against our will. Thanks!
Doing my part to honor all veterans & - ironically- this is the first episode of a retired woman U.S. Navy Chief Petty Officer with over 20 yrs service. This is her first episode, she has @ least seven more on the way:
There are high rates of trauma exposure among female veterans, high rates of PTSD and high rates of suicide. Female veterans are vulnerable not only to combat related trauma but also to sexual assault by Commanders. The VA needs to do far more to assist them and not just pay lip service to doing so.
A few years back, there was a female veteran who committed suicide in the parking lot of VA Heinz facility in Pittsburgh.
She had served in Afghanistan.
That's terrible. I have little doubt there are many more cases that do not come to public attention.
Just a few weeks ago another veteran killed himself in the same VA hospital.
VA headquarters in DC refused to answer media inquiries.
That man's life was important.
Shocking and very sad.
The “Aurora” Study and specific aspects of the suspiciously named “All of Us research Program” (aka: the precision medicine initiative cohort) are targeting populations that have typically been “underserved” by the medical community: women & children and people who are anything OTHER than Caucasian.
The research programs are receiving billions of taxpayer dollars to perform what they’re inappropriately calling “longitudinal observational research”.
Meaning: they watch and take notes.
And they make databases. And they use algorithms to help them predict outcomes related to mental health, disease susceptibility, disease progression, resilience and aging.
As if the trauma that causes PTSD is not enough to cope with, these programs monitor our every move via our personal devices and wearable technologies - whether we agree to such surveillance OR NOT.
Nothing they’re doing is helpful. In fact they’re passively harming us by letting disease take it’s toll; simply watching and predicting what happens next!!!
And in some cases they’re actively harming people with “challenge tasks” with the intent to measure both resilience and susceptibility to mental/physical illness associated with chronic stress and sleep disturbances.
This is hardly “observational” in nature and these researchers should be held accountable.
The ethics review board / central IRB members will be held accountable for crimes against humanity when the public realizes that these monsters are PROPOSING AND APPROVING THEIR OWN STUDIES.
Unfortunately, there are many victims that won't get justice because there are many more that charge and prosecute SA wrongly. The case rate is sky high and many are not legitimate. As one friend who is an NCIS agent put it, many are cases of "buyers remorse" where in the alleged victim files charges based on a scorned or poor relationship. This increase in case load eats up resources that could be used to prosecute real perps, and there are many.
Bravo. Such a sacrifice and all for what is proving to be a corrupt administrative state. These brave women, as do all veterans, deserve better. Much Better
If you really care to help us veterans, y’all will prevent the Department of Veterans Affairs from including us in covert experimentation and overt research programs like the MVP to which some of us have been “consented” against our will. Thanks!
Doing my part to honor all veterans & - ironically- this is the first episode of a retired woman U.S. Navy Chief Petty Officer with over 20 yrs service. This is her first episode, she has @ least seven more on the way: