If Geert's predictions come to pass...(he was wrong about this past summer...but maybe only by a time factor)...if he is correct, then this winter may become the dark winter of promise.

It certainly will for Europe regardless of covid, due to their insane bowing to the US.

With Ukraine power now largely hit...Europe will not be able to rely on any electricity purchases this winter.

Things can only get worse as the insanity ramps up from governments fully under demonic control.

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Friend’s pediatric work place having an onslaught of kids sick. She is out sick from work too.

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Geert was correct this past summer. Covid hospitalizations and deaths in Japan and Europe have soared.

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I agree...but not to the extent I understood Geert to suggest.

Regardless...the attrocities are real regardless of % variances.

I read alot of obits lately...spurred on by Mark Crispin Miller I suspect. It is unreal how many sudden and unexpected deaths are listed.

If there was a way to be fully exposed to these numbers...like a central reporting site...I think the depth of the reality would be significant. The info is too fragmented so we only each see small pieces...not the whole.

All cause mortality stats help...but are they also being massaged?

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Same is Aussie and here in NZ... and remember - we started on the Injections much later than the northern kingdoms...


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I see they are going to exacerbate the issue with more injectable toxins.

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Ugh, mRNA vaccines are making more variants and I can tell you that those who got jabbed got breakthrough infections not just once but MANY TIMES OVER. Whereas I got one really bad Covid and got over it and now my body will be ready to do battle against it. I got a minor cold that tested positive for Covid because those damn tests can’t tell the difference between corona viruses. I got over it quickly.

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Just follow the the flccc guidance. Don’t take anymore shots if you had one and don’t take one if you haven’t had one. Lose weight, eat Whole Foods, exercise and above all, trust God. The Democrat agenda is a bigger threat than covid.

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And if you have been so unfortunate tonnage taken the experimental gene therapy injection, get your hands on some aunties-viral medications like IVM and/or HCL.

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I have both. IVM works to halt the spike protein. I don’t think getting a jab is the end of the world and people should not despair. Just don’t continue boosters and don’t get the jab if you haven’t. 🙏

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What can we do? Stop blindly trusting big pharma, the medical mafia, the CDC, FDA and medical autocratic authorities. The medical community has no clue as to what has happened or what is happening or what will happen as the result of mRNA medical tyranny...so do not expect any of them to have an answer.

There is so much we do not know about the mRNA gene altering injections either because the trials were faked or because all the informational documents (assuming they are true) have not been released. And it goes without question that we will never be told by big pharma what exactly these poisons contain and what exactly are they designed to do. If you still trust big pharma after this debacle, you deserve the death and maiming they will gladly provide to you...for a fee of course, always a fee.

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Would ivermectin help?

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The thing is ... nearly 6 billion humans have had one or more shots...

Most people dismiss IM as a horse drug. They won't take it.

If a large number of these CovIDIOTS dies or are hospitalized... the global supply chain will stop.

We will starve.

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Re the anti-virals, Coffee & Covid made an interesting connection:

The Biden Admin Just Bought $290M Worth of Anti-Radiation Drugs for Nuclear Emergencies. Specifically, BARDA said it bought Amgen’s Nplate drug, which can be used to “combat the effects of acute radiation sickness.”

But guess what ELSE Nplate treats? I checked Amgen’s website. Oddly, I didn’t find anything on the Nplate page about treating radiation sickness. Nplate’s primary approved use is to treat “immune thrombocytopenia.”“Immune thrombocytopenia” sounded familiar.

On a hunch, I hopped over to PubMed and searched the journals for the keywords “vaccine immune thrombocytopenia.” Guess what? It returned NINE HUNDRED AND SIX hits.

One of the 2021 studies explains:

Cases of apparent secondary immune thrombocytopenia (ITP) after SARS‐CoV‐2 vaccination with both the Pfizer and Moderna versions have been reported and reached public attention. Public alarm was heightened following the death of the first identified patient from an intracranial hemorrhage, which was reported on the Internet, then in USA Today and then in The New York Times. Described below, we have collected a series of cases of very low platelet counts occurring within 2 weeks of vaccination in order to enhance our understanding of the possible relationship[.]

It’s not going away, either. Just six days ago, the journal Vaccines published a brand new study titled, “A Systematic Review of Reported Cases of Immune Thrombocytopenia after COVID-19 Vaccination.” In its conclusion, the authors noted:

Although vaccine-related ITP is rarely a cause of death, it significantly hampers patients’ quality of life owing to the fatigue and adverse effects of therapeutic interventions, making it a critical pathology to understand in the context of accelerated global vaccination efforts.

Fatigue… Sounds a lot like “long covid,” doesn’t it?

I bet you’re wondering what causes ITP. According to the NIH’s website, it’s VACCINES:

While causes of ITP include do viral infections, in such cases the ITP occurs DURING the infection, and the treatment for those cases is to treat the underlying infection. So it’s not covid.

I know this sounds like a mad conspiracy theory, but try to follow me here. HHS just bought an historic amount of drugs approved to treat a vaccine-induced blood disorder, a vaccine-induced disorder linked to the most widely-used vaccine in history, a vaccine-induced disorder easily diagnosed by a standard blood test.

If ITP is widespread, it will be impossible to hide, once doctors start looking for it.

HHS said the Nplate is for treating radiation burns. That might be true, but radiation injuries are nowhere on the list of approved uses — on the drug’s own website. HHS made its drug-buying announcement right at the exact same time Joe Biden announced that “Putin is serious” about nuclear war.

They wouldn’t provoke a nuclear war just to cover up a vaccine-induced disaster, would they?


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Well.. that's what he says.. Christine Massey, M.Sc on the other hand stoutly maintains the existence of the Sars-Cov-2 virus has never been proved, probably doesn't exist.


I'd hazard her credentials and work experience are comparable to Vanden Bossche's -- as far as mere mortals such as myself are concerned, equipped to judge their assessments as I am with a degree in music performance -- and her perspective and Vanden Bossche's are just two in a myriad of educated opinions, none of which seem to come to any kind of a conclusion, let alone a point. Thus, what am I supposed to believe, beyond the awareness that in 30+ months of unrelenting bullshit and terror-mongering, I have yet to encounter ONE credible case, of "Covid-19" ... 🙄💩

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Either way, the vax should be pulled from the market.

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I would argue that Geert absolutely comes to a point, and a solution. Regardless, if we can get beyond the virus v non virus dispute, and look at solutions in these dystopic times, Geert’s proposed solution is clearly beneficial. I mean, what’s wrong with encouraging healthy lifestyle and, when indicated, the use of safe ( I know, that word doesn’t mean what it used to) and PROVEN antivirals? And if there’s no virus, if you’re vaxxed choose ivermectin, at least you won’t get River blindness.

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I was saying collectively, they don't come to a point... 🤔

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Isn’t his point simply stop mass vaccination and distribute anti-viral medication as much as aid needed to achieve herd immunity?

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And now they are trying to limit access to supplements that boost natural immunuty! We are being systematically exterminated!

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So, in the northern hemisphere this winter populations will be facing: Covid 19 catastrophe; energy crisis; financial crises (inflation, depletion of savings due to Covid response etc); supply shortages (particularly food), and; global unrest. ALL the result of either unbelievably incompetent, or, atrociously nefarious governments, and global institutions.

Quibble over which it is, but the result will be the same.

In the resulting chaos, it will be these same governments, and global institutions, that will put themselves forward as the only ones capable of fixing the problem. The problem they created!

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Thank you for the summary of how Vaccines can Enhance Disease and on how Vaccines increase the Natural Selection Pressure for viruses to Mutate (Vaccine Enhanced Disease). As you note, there is a lot more to say on how this works and the future damages to happen.

I would like to comment that None of This is New. I was involved in many trials of medications for Hepatitis C (another RNA virus). They made many attempts at making an Effective Vaccine. Note the word "Effective". They made many vaccines, but they were actually studied before they were released on the general population. None of these vaccines worked mostly because of these non-neutralizing antibodies - antigenic sin - variant creation via mutations, etc.... The Public and many so-called Experts were played concerning this SARSCOV2 vaccine. It is only bc of my experience and knowledge about another RNA virus (Hep C) that I knew from the beginning that there was a problem. From the very start I had difficulty with and was confused because I could never believe that the CDC and NIH would blatantly Lie to us about the origin of the virus, the virus wasn't easily transmitted via respiratory, the Lockdowns, and everything about the vaccines. The vaccines were known by them from the start they would not prevent transmission, prevent disease, would cause mutants, Massively trigger Autoimmune Systemic Diseases, were transmitted through the Blood Brain Barrier, Transmitted through the Placenta and Breast Milk, Was Systemic in distribution, had a prolonged effect lasting months for cells making Spike Protein instead of days like they told us, and so on and so on.

The last comment is on the hospitalization of the vaccinated and them being admitted with worse SARSCOV2 disease and complications of the vaccines. To prove my point that the CDC and the NIH knew all of this in advance, Months ago the CDC/NIH blocked the collection of the data as to whether or not someone is vaccinated when they are admitted to the hospital. Why would they do that? It is something all of us want to know. The only logical reason for them to no longer want to know vaccine status is for them to cover their tracks.

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"The White Coats are coming! the White Coats are coming!"

One if by injection, two if by aerosol..........

This morning I was informed by the head OB nurse at our hospital that she had just left a medical conference on AI being implemented in all medical facilities because the healthcare system is so over run at the moment.

(I can't imagine why!)

So they didn't need the good doctors and nurses they cruelly fired last year -the ones who were "separated".

I suppose they'll need the injected automaton docs and nurses though to be the servants of the AI.


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To answer Geert's question of "WHY" "THEY" are blinded by science... the AI - Artificial Intelligence take over has been coming by increments in the western medical corporate model for years.

Now its here.

Human doctors and nurses with functioning hearts, minds and souls are no longer necessary. Any remaining medical personnel will be the servants of the AI.

Hence my above comment which really did just happen.


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We have been vaccinating like crazy.

The virus is undiminished, and continues to mutate - entirely due to mass vaccination with non-sterilizing vaccines.

Herd immunity cannot be achieved.

Eventually, it is highly probable the virus will mutate into more virulent strains.

GVB believes that mutation will occur sooner, rather than later.

If/when that occurs, those people with a vaccine specific immune response will be highly susceptible to severe disease.

The only way to avoid this is to cease vaccination, and instigate widespread antiviral dosing until viral spread/infectious pressure is eliminated.

At the very least, everyone hearing this should adopt the precautionary principle, and avail themselves of some antivirals.

If not, they will be wholly reliant upon their government to get it 'right'. The same government that has got it so very wrong every step of the way to date.

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Omicron was never a threat to anyone - it had too many stalks, or whatever you call them, to attach itself to the cells and it defeated itself, so that it gave everyone who had it a bad cold, but that was about it and it protected everyone who had it from later serious infections, from future variants that came along - but following vaccines trend, the vaccines have solved nothing and in actual fact, everyone who has them will have an immunity value in the minuses of around, or up to -192% against their next Covid infection.

Alternatively do this and never get another Covid infection, ever and thus never need those vaccines either: Common Sense vs Big Pharma. 1) Kill viruses. 2) Kill injected nanotechnology?

"Basically" there are only 2 ways that we can get an external infection:

A) Virus B) Bite - like a mosquito for example. C) If you inherited Genes from a relative, then you have whatever/however they impact on your body and that is par for the course and bad luck.

1) So, why wait for a virus, to infect your nasal passages in your head and cause an illness in your body, which was completely avoidable from the outset, by "wasting" 3 minutes of your time to get the job done?

2) Don't tell me, you want to try out Pfizer's and other vaccine makers undisclosed Genetic Therapies, to see if they work, or do nothing, or do something else completely different to your body, which you cannot stop from occurring!! like Duh!!

If vaccinated Richard Noakes estimates a probable baseline of 2.22% per second for life, of you getting a 5G signal to the vaccinated injected nanotechnology in your body which orders your brain to have a heart attack which kills you or injures you, until the next time you get the signal - which then kills you.

1) 3 minutes from preparation to job done!!

Everything else you have read, or heard, is totally irrelevant - how simple is that?

Covid Crusher: Mix one heaped teaspoon of Iodine table salt in a mug of warm clean water, cup a hand and sniff or snort the entire mugful up your nose, spitting out anything which comes down into your mouth. If sore, then you have a virus, so continue morning noon and night, or more often if you want, until the soreness goes away (2-3 minutes) then blow out your nose and flush away, washing your hands afterwards, until when you do my simple cure, you don't have any soreness at all, when you flush - job done. Also swallow a couple of mouthfuls of salt water and if you have burning in your lungs, salt killing virus and pneumonia, there too.

My simple salt water cure, kills all Coronaviruses and viruses, as soon as you think you have an infection, or while self isolating, before the viruses mutate into the disease in your head and body, for which there is no cure - that is, after you have been out shopping, or mixing with people with potentially, Omicron or Delta viruses, or any other unrelated virus.

It washes behind the eyes, the brain bulb, brain stem (Long Covid), The Escutcheon Tubes to the inner ears and the top of the throat which is at a point roughly level with half way up your ears and not where your mouth is and down the back of your throat, when sore.

I have been doing this simple cure for over 29 years and I am and others, never sick from viruses and there is no reason why any of you should be either. I have never had a vaccine, I never had the yearly Flu shots (8%) effective.

Sure I get viruses, I had one a couple of days ago - a quick salt water sniffle/snort, killed it off really quickly.

Simply put, if the inside of your nose is dry and crusty, you are OK, if your nose is runny, or you sneeze more often than usual, you really need to do a salt water sniffle as quickly as possible and monitor the results, to see if further salt water sniffles are necessary, but a couple of hours later - so far - I remain immune from potential Covid infections, by doing just this.

Nobody has been injured or killed by my above salt water cure. Obviously if you are allergic to salt, don't do it. In the articles referenced below, they use a weaker mix of the solution which I suggest above, thus my salt water cure is probably 50% more effective than theirs - I have been pushing this on the internet for the past 3 years or so - note me 29 years never ill to external viruses.

Richard Noakes

Now confirmed by Steve Kirsch, A simple nasal wash with mild saline water can help prevent hospitalisation and deaths from COVID-19, according to research. Copyright: Rillke (CC BY-SA 3.0). This image has been cropped.

Speed read

· Nasal washes with saline water flush viruses out of the sinuses

· COVID-19 viruses can cause lasting damage on entering the lungs

· Technique originated with Indian yoga practices and is easy to use

By: Sanjeet Bagcchi

[NEW DELHI] Simple nasal washes with mild saline water can prevent hospitalisation and deaths from COVID-19, if applied twice daily following a positive diagnosis, according to research led by the US-based Augusta University.

Reducing the amount of virus entering the body cuts the severity of the disease, says the study published September in the Ear, Nose & Throat Journal. It found that nasal washes conducted within 24 hours of diagnosis can prevent the virus from entering the lungs and possibly causing permanent or fatal damage to patients.

Amy Baxter, corresponding author of the study affiliated with the department of emergency medicine at Augusta University, says that extra hydration of the sinuses makes them function better. “If you have a contaminant, the more you flush it out, the better you are able to get rid of dirt, viruses and anything else,” she explained.

Posted on by me C

You want Part 2 - ask me for it here.

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I'm sick of dealing with vacinologists, how about quoting immunologists for a change of pace?

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Here is how to cure all infectious diseases https://www.allforyou2020.org/post/how-to-create-effective-vaccines

Your welcome #smartestmantoexist

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Good luck call me if you have any questions 7579498864

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I’ll try to send you an email

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Some countries/states ( Australia, Demark, Florida) are saying that the under 50s shouldn't/can't get the jab- is this change of heart (pun intended) due to the rise in unexplained deaths or a "not to be admitted to" realisation that the jabs are driving OAS/HAS?

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