It is clear, human breast milk maintains the COVID gene injection vaccine from the mother, the mRNA & contents for over 40 hours post jab; what are implications to new born? this can be catastrophic!
Of 11 lactating individuals enrolled, trace amounts of BNT162b2 and mRNA-1273 COVID-19 mRNA vaccines were detected in 7 samples from 5 different participants at various times up to 45 hours postvaxx.
Our key issue is that the spike protein could damage the new born but importantly, the vaccinal antibodies induced could sideline and subvert the innate antibodies in the newborns from training and educating the innate immune system, natural killer cells etc. This could damage the child’s ability to defend against the virus it is confronting, handling (eliminating) other glycosylated viruses, and being able to differentiate self from non-self components in the child, as well as developing young person (mitigating auto-immune disease).
In other words, the child’s innate immune system can be a victim even passively via the mother’s breast milk. In other words the child can be vaccinated indirectly via breast milk. This was not studied or ‘excluded’ by the vaccine developers. This is potentially very serious.
“Of 11 lactating individuals enrolled, trace amounts of BNT162b2 and mRNA-1273 COVID-19 mRNA vaccines were detected in 7 samples from 5 different participants at various times up to 45 hours postvaccination…
These data demonstrate for the first time to our knowledge the biodistribution of COVID-19 vaccine mRNA to mammary cells and the potential ability of tissue EVs to package the vaccine mRNA that can be transported to distant cells.”
“Lactating individuals”??? Are you KIDDING me? It’s WOMEN. LACTATING WOMEN. I couldn’t even finish reading, I was so offended. What is WRONG with people? Women and ONLY WOMEN are born with mammary glands. Not men. Not “individuals”. WOMEN...ONLY WOMEN Breastfeed.
Do you not see what an insult it is to breastfeeding women, to refer to them as genderless, neutral humans? Women give birth and women breastfeed. Why do you want to diminish the role of the female gender?
It’s inhumane...the most innocent and vulnerable being experimented on. This is another reason why laws need to be enacted for the unborn who NEED A VOICE!!
Naomi Wolf exposed the “missing data and missing participants” of the “pregnant women COVID jabbed study” when Pfizer was legally forced to release the data. The study was therefore inconclusive. Regardless, pregnant women should never be subjects of any science experiment, especially “experimental drug experiments.” Many laws in science were obviously sidelined due to EUA by the criminal Biden regime.
Hasn’t this and past drug use in pregnant women (especially in the 60’s) shown how science and big pharma have gone ultra rogue in creating and pushing extremely controversial boundaries...infiltrating the most sacred and vulnerable space...a woman’s womb?
“Hell hath no a woman scorned!”