Of 11 lactating individuals enrolled, trace amounts of BNT162b2 and mRNA-1273 COVID-19 mRNA vaccines were detected in 7 samples from 5 different participants at various times up to 45 hours postvaxx.
“Lactating individuals”??? Are you KIDDING me? It’s WOMEN. LACTATING WOMEN. I couldn’t even finish reading, I was so offended. What is WRONG with people? Women and ONLY WOMEN are born with mammary glands. Not men. Not “individuals”. WOMEN...ONLY WOMEN Breastfeed.
Do you not see what an insult it is to breastfeeding women, to refer to them as genderless, neutral humans? Women give birth and women breastfeed. Why do you want to diminish the role of the female gender?
It’s inhumane...the most innocent and vulnerable being experimented on. This is another reason why laws need to be enacted for the unborn who NEED A VOICE!!
Naomi Wolf exposed the “missing data and missing participants” of the “pregnant women COVID jabbed study” when Pfizer was legally forced to release the data. The study was therefore inconclusive. Regardless, pregnant women should never be subjects of any science experiment, especially “experimental drug experiments.” Many laws in science were obviously sidelined due to EUA by the criminal Biden regime.
Hasn’t this and past drug use in pregnant women (especially in the 60’s) shown how science and big pharma have gone ultra rogue in creating and pushing extremely controversial boundaries...infiltrating the most sacred and vulnerable space...a woman’s womb?
Evil is on the loose. Especially because one year ago a study showed no mRNA in the breastmilk ( that study was fundet by Bill and Mels Foundation) see Igor Chudors substack. But this means that shedding is a fact, and mRNA might be everywhere - in sputum, semen and so on. The so called vax works like a virus. Does this mean, that the vaxed continously produce mRNAs?
I can’t fathom what OBGYN Docs were thinking, how could they in good conscience tell expectant mothers Covid gene therapy was safe and look at themselves in the mirror? I am especially disturbed when 1 of those expectant mothers my niece almost died when she developed thrombocytopenia in the last few weeks of her pregnancy. Her Dr did and emergency c-section and she almost bled out during the procedure. And of course she was told it was safe to breast feed after the fact. Her 1 y/o baby appears to be developing fine. As she has since discovered, the shot did not stop coved either, as her family has been infected more than once. When she told me her pediatrician was trying to get her to vax her kids she asked what I thought. I told her they don’t need it , I would never. I asked her to do a gut check on that one.
“Lactating individuals”??? Are you KIDDING me? It’s WOMEN. LACTATING WOMEN. I couldn’t even finish reading, I was so offended. What is WRONG with people? Women and ONLY WOMEN are born with mammary glands. Not men. Not “individuals”. WOMEN...ONLY WOMEN Breastfeed.
Do you not see what an insult it is to breastfeeding women, to refer to them as genderless, neutral humans? Women give birth and women breastfeed. Why do you want to diminish the role of the female gender?
It’s inhumane...the most innocent and vulnerable being experimented on. This is another reason why laws need to be enacted for the unborn who NEED A VOICE!!
Naomi Wolf exposed the “missing data and missing participants” of the “pregnant women COVID jabbed study” when Pfizer was legally forced to release the data. The study was therefore inconclusive. Regardless, pregnant women should never be subjects of any science experiment, especially “experimental drug experiments.” Many laws in science were obviously sidelined due to EUA by the criminal Biden regime.
Hasn’t this and past drug use in pregnant women (especially in the 60’s) shown how science and big pharma have gone ultra rogue in creating and pushing extremely controversial boundaries...infiltrating the most sacred and vulnerable space...a woman’s womb?
“Hell hath no fury...like a woman scorned!”
What I want to know is how did they deem this safe? How do they know infants are safe with that amount in their system?
Thanks for more good work Dr Alexander
Evil is on the loose. Especially because one year ago a study showed no mRNA in the breastmilk ( that study was fundet by Bill and Mels Foundation) see Igor Chudors substack. But this means that shedding is a fact, and mRNA might be everywhere - in sputum, semen and so on. The so called vax works like a virus. Does this mean, that the vaxed continously produce mRNAs?
I recall this video:
I can’t fathom what OBGYN Docs were thinking, how could they in good conscience tell expectant mothers Covid gene therapy was safe and look at themselves in the mirror? I am especially disturbed when 1 of those expectant mothers my niece almost died when she developed thrombocytopenia in the last few weeks of her pregnancy. Her Dr did and emergency c-section and she almost bled out during the procedure. And of course she was told it was safe to breast feed after the fact. Her 1 y/o baby appears to be developing fine. As she has since discovered, the shot did not stop coved either, as her family has been infected more than once. When she told me her pediatrician was trying to get her to vax her kids she asked what I thought. I told her they don’t need it , I would never. I asked her to do a gut check on that one.
What the hell is wrong with these women???? Do they think babies grow on trees?