You sound like a zenophobe. Islamic Jihadists aren't the problem. A rogue Administration that has taken away our freedom is. After 9/11, I was curious what was in the Quran. Though I'm a Christian, I was surrprrised to learn that Islam is a very pacifistic religion. Mohammed believed in the teachings of Jesus. He didn't see him the way we do but he did feel that Jesus was from God and believed in his teachings. On the other hand, Pilot did not want to kill Jesus. He put it to the Jews and offered to instead execute a murderer but the Jews who were there (not the Appostles or Jesus's followers) wanted Jesus dead and so Pilot abided by their wishes. There arre a great many wonderful Jews. Zionists are mostly NOT Jews and they have slaughtered more than 10,000 innocent children. As far as I can tell the Governments of Israel and U.S. are the biggest threat the American people have faced.

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Wow, but wow, are you completely changing what the Qur'an says. Muhammad led or was behind 75 raids to slaughter, torture, steal from innocent people. Qur'an 9.5: Fight and kill the disbelievers wherever you find them, take them captive, harass them, lie in wait and ambush them using every stratagem of war" Doesn't sound like "Jesus" to me. As far as your comment about 10,000 innocent children, anyone can lie like that.

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The Quran requires that if someone is attacking you and stops, then you cannot attack as revenge is not allowed. The Old Testament is full of revenge killings: raping the wives of the conquered and killing the wives and children and babies of the conquered. And incest is totally allowed in the Old Testament. Everything the Israelis are doing was opposed by Jesus and Israel's murder of thousands of babies and over 15,000 children in Gaza is a direct attack Jesus, himself. You should read what Jesus said about children. But Israel's leadership are not Jewish. Real Jews despise what Israel is doing. Every bomb that lands in Gaza, every word in support of the genocide is a direct attack on Jesus.

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IDF does everything possible to protect civilians. Hamas does everything possible to kill as many civilians as possible.

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Qur'an 2:193 Fight them until there is no more Fitnah, (disbelief) and religion is only for Allah" The only time the attacks stop is when the infidels convert to Islam and swear allegiance to Allah. If there is any "murder" of babies or children in Gaza, it's because Hamas uses them as human shields, puts their military in schools, hospitals and playgrounds. The more martyrs the better is Hamas goal. If you believe Hamas propaganda, (15,000 children), then you're an idiot and not brilliant. At this point 95% of Israeli's support the war.

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delusional... evidently, you know even less about Islam than you do about Judaism or the Bible.

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I grew up in a family of Bible Scholars but from your comment it looks like you have never studied the Bible at all, but I understand they are paying people to post comments like yours online. You aren't even familiar with the Sermon on the Mount, and you clearly don't know anything at all about the Quran or about the Talmud.

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This is exactly what the globalists want. The “useless” idiots killing each other. They don’t care what side you’re on. Or what your Spiritual beliefs are, nor where in the world you live. They just want to create chaos then sit back while the people go beserk & kill. That’s what they’re aiming for worldwide. We have to work to keep our frequencies high above the sh_tshow. By keeping as healthy as possible, givin they’re poisoning everything. Detoxing regularly, taking high quality supplements, keeping weight in check, exercising, practicing empowering skills like self defense & faith in God, finding your like minded tribe, holding family sacred, teaching kids morals & values, seeking out natural healthcare instead of the sick care industry, & turning off the tv. This is how we can fight back against evil.👍🏻🥳

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Alternatively Milton, couldn't they just watch footage of Muhamnad Ali and Mike Tyson demolishing their inferiors in the ring, or watch footage of Trump praising them? Neither of these devout black American muslims ever beheaded anyone although Tyson did take a mouthful of Evander Holyfield's ear.

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And you're a fed.

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Have you see the Holy War in Maluku island back in January 19, 1999?

We the Christian Moluccan defence ourselves from the jihadist monster (Indonesian military, police and civilian jihadist. 📸 Look at this post on Facebook https://www.facebook.com/paul.souisa/videos/10207124137852454/?d=n&mibextid=qC1gEa

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Of course the jihadists are killing black Christians. They kill Chinese Christians too, and Indian Christians. The tie between these groups is the FACT that all who accept Jesus as Lord and Saviour ARE GRAFFED IN TO THE COMMONWEALTH OF ISRAEL, AND ARE BECOME GOD'S CHOSEN PEOPLE, with no differentiation between race, colour, gender, or age. Praise God, thank you Jesus, for your wonderful gift of eternal life to all who believe, and a sure judgement against those who harm even one of His little ones. All who fear God, from any nation, are acceptable to God, and acceptance of Jesus Christ is the ONLY WAY TO ETERNAL LIFE...no man comes to Jesus unless God brings him, and no man comes to God unless through Jesus Christ. Who has kept these jihadists from learning to read the truth of the Bible? Let me guess...Justin Trudeau? Bill Gates? Anthony Fauci? Klaus Schwabb? Ralph Baric? Gee, I just do not know enough I guess. Maybe it was their boss...you know...what's his name...

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That was also a war crime when IDF snipers shot and wounded a Christian Palestinian Mother in a Gaza Catholic Church courtyard, and then when her Daughter tried to rescue her the IDF sniper killed them both, on December 17th, 2023.

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What pretext did the IDF gunman use to shoot the Christian mom and then to shhot both the daughter and the mom when the daughter tried to rescue her? Was either of the Christian ladies armed? If so, what were the Christian ladies armed with? How many rounds, if any, did they fire before they were gunned down? If they were unarmed, were they shot and killed because they were perceived to follow an inferior religion and/or because they were perceived to be of an inferior race or for some other reason? I presume the killer will either be given a slap on the wrist and then promoted or the IDF will investigate and exonerate themselves.

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Evolutionary zoologist Richard Dawkins is no moral philosopher but I think he was close to correct when he said islam is the greatest force for evil in the world today, or words to that effect. However, trafficking kids is pretty evil too and I don't think it's muslims that dominate that trade. Who was Jeffrey Epstein? Wasn't he an American? Who set up Pedo Island? Wasn't that Americans? I don't think there were many if any muslims on the flight logs for the Lolita Express. Weren't those logs full of the names of Americans? Didn't a US president fly on the Lolita Express more than 20 times? Who was Ehud Barak? Wasn't he an America? Didn't he lead the US?

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That's a poor illustration to use one man, Epstein, to try and paint Americans as just as evil as Muslims. There are deviants in every group, race, country, religion. The difference is that Islam demands Muslims to murder, torture, rape, kill every Jew and Infidel. It's all in the Qur'an. Like Dawkins said, Islam is the greatest force for evil in the world. A close second would be homicidal maniacs like Putin, Pol Pot, Mao, Lenin, Stalin, etc.

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Muhammad Ali and Mike Tyson are prominent US muslims who disagree with you that islam demands that criminality. I think only fundamentalists believe that it does. Most muslims ignore those sections of the Qur'an just like most Christians and Jews ignore the sections in the Old Testament and Torah that command followers to slay non-Jews. My point with regard to Epstein is that he was not one man. He was American but he was a representative of Israel. His allegiance was to evil. F*cking kids IS evil Duane. I'm sorry to see you appear to have swallowed the Kool-Aid about conservative Christian Putin distributed by the cross-dressing non-Christian pervert from Ukraine who plays piano with his penis.

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There are hundreds of non stop verses in the Qur'an that demand Muslims commit the atrocities. There's one verse in particular that describes in detail exactly what the Hamas terrorists did to Israeli's (as described by the eye witness report below, a Muslim woman) . Muhammad describes Muslims who refuse to fight, murder, torture, "as the most vilest animals" While it's true that most Muslims aren't engaged in this horror, the radicalized ones are. Take a look at the polling of Muslims, where 80% approve of the Oct 7 attack. They're simply not innocent. Saying that Epstein a representative of Israel is like saying Ted Bundy a representative of America. That's nuts to even bring him up in this conversation. And yes, I stand by Putin being a homicidal maniac, the deaths of thousands of Russians and Ukrainians means nothing to him, he's a psycho devoted to bringing back the entire Soviet Union, regardless of how many lives it takes. Putin wrote his long manifesto and this is what he exactly says. Zelensky may have been a stand up comedian at one time, but he's risen to the Russian threat to defend his homeland.

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,"Saying that Epstein a representative of Israel is like saying Ted Bundy a representative of America. That's nuts to even bring him up in this conversation." Not exactly, Duane. Bundy wss a Republican andcdelegate to the Republican National Convention but he never worked forthe US government. Epstein worked for the Israeli government. The Israelis apoear to have created Pedo Island,:

Jake Shields - former UFC/MMA fighter 5 time world champion

Nov 28

"Epstein Island was a creation of Mossad to Blackmail politicians and celebrates. When the FBI raided Epstein’s house they found it was full of 100’s of hidden cameras and a control room In the safe was binders full of disc with names on them The discs disappeared and his Clint list was never released."

"Random Fun Fact: I was SWATTED 7 hours after sharing this post: 'Ex-Mossad agent Ari Ben-Menashe stated Jeffrey Epstein and Ghislaine Maxwell worked for the government of Israel to blackmail American politicians with recorded child abuse.' "


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Very skeptical that Mossad "created" Epstein. He was a billionaire, why would he "work" for anyone? Also no evidence that the Mossad successfully black mailed any politician. The one politician that did the most for Israel was Trump.

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This is a different matter, you were using Epstein as example of American evil. I reject that America is evil, even though yes there are evil people in the world and every country on earth. Like the examples I mention, evil governments are Iran, 30,000 executed. Russia, North Korea, Red communist China. Sure some evil Americans have done some bad stuff, but our government has for the most part, not been evil.

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I sccept that Hamas could have committed the atrocities attributed to them. They need to be tried in the ICC. Their defense is spparently that Israel slaughtered their own for propaganda purposes. Let that defense be tested. One can't just believe whatever Israel says. Israel.has been committing atrocities since 1949. Reports by survivors of Nazi-like atrocities committed against civilians by Israelis in the Palestinian fishing village of Tantura in 1948 were long derided by Israeli so called authorities. However, forensic archaeologists this year confirmed mass graves in Tantura.

Executions and Mass Graves in Tantura, 23 May 1948  


New report on Israel's 1948 Tantura massacre finds uncharted mass graves  


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There are always atrocities and atrocities on both sides. But in these current days we never see Christian Jihadists, or suicide bombers, we never see Christian attacks on African villages. Even in the United States, we see violent pro Hamas protests, and illegal blocking of roads. The Christians and Jews are non violent, and call out for peace. The IDF has bent over backwards to protect civilians, (see attachment), whereas Hamas deliberately sends rockets into civilian areas, and the Oct 7 attack was directed at civilians, not the IDF specifically. See the attachments of current Muslim atrocities.

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I added article describing Muslims being brainwashed to hate. Israeli's aren't taught from birth to hate and want every Arab or Muslim killed. Or why are there Arabs peacefully living in Israel, Arabs in the Israeli government, why did Israeli's have Palestinian workers come in? I can see that there were atrocities in 1948, but the level of atrocities committed by Christians and Jews is insignificant today in comparison to the daily atrocities committed by Muslims world wide. Consider that Iran executed 30,000 of their fellow Iranians, there is no Christian or Jewish country on earth that has ever committed that level of atrocity, even going to the horrible inquisition.

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But murdered Christians doesn’t fit the “religion of peace and love” narrative. Plus white liberals give a shit about murdered black people.

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I care about killed black people...I care about all people...I know you do too...we do...we keep educating and informing and even if we change one heart, we wuld have won.

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Islam is a Borg sex cult. Resistance is futile. Surrender and join the collective on your knees worshiping Allah... or have your head chopped off.

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IDF soldier brags and laughs about killing 12 year old Palestinian girl

Funny you never cover stories like this.

P.S am neither Jew nor Arab that's why I can view this from an unbiased perspective

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I think you'll find that in Europe and the UK, intelligence services always have prior knowledge of the killers:

Could MI5 have stopped Lee Rigby's murder?

Security service faces scrutiny as it emerges Michael Adebolajo and Michael Adebowale were on its radar for years


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Dec 27, 2023
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The Torah and the Old Testament also command believers to kill the unbelievers and followers of other religions. Only nutjobs follow those commandments. It requires a brain abnormality or a pschosis. Of the followers of the three Abrahamic religions, it is only those who follow the New Testament who I' would possibly consider trusting. Look at ntorious modern day pedis. Are they muslims? Was Jeffrey Epstein a muslim? I don't think so. Wasn't he an American? Was he a Christian? Who set up Pedo Island? Wasn't that Americans? I don't think there were many if any muslims on the flight logs for the Lolita Express. It transported oerverts toPedo Island. Weren't those flight logs full of the names of Americans? Didn't a US president fly on the Lolita Express more than 20 times? Who was Ehud Barak? Wasn't he an America? I don't think he was a muslim. Was he a Christian? Didn't he lead the USA? Which country did he lead?

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@AwakeNotWoke Woke leftists like you are lousy liars. You lie without proofs. The commands recorded in the Old Testament to conquer the specific nations in Canaan were given to the Israelites at the specific moment in history. Yet you make up lies about Judaism and Christianity because you are the typical product of wokeism. Because you don’t even have the integrity to admit the brutal facts of Islam.

I would not be surprised that you have received brainwash from one of the top liberal colleges, and your worldviews are shaped by fake news published in New York Times and fake narratives in New Yorker Magazine.

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That's a joke coing from you Yang when your attitudes are so communistic that they place you well to the left of Chairman Mao. Sorry but the facts don't care about your feelings. I haven't made up any lies about Judaism or Christuanity. That's you. You, through the likes of Jacob Schiff,

funded the Bolshevization of Europe. You, through George Soros, are funding Biden's insurrection kn thesouthern border. It was Christian kids who were being trafficked on Epstein Island by the likes of you. You ignore that Epstein was an agent of Israel and that Ehud Barak was a leader of Israel. As for not admitting the brutal facts of islam, I have made itclear that I have nothing but contempt for islam. It's an Abrahamic religion, brutal and primitive. The only Abrahamic religion thst I hold in any esteem is Christianity.

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@AwakeNotWoke Well, you’d like to debate with evidence. Fine.

Then you are obligated to supply quotes from the Bible that support your arguments.

The Koran says unconditionally go after the infidels and kill them. Give me similar Bible verses to prove your point.

I will wait, but I know You can’t.

You are a piece of human garbage. When woke idiots like you open a lying mouth, it’s a tomb full of unclean corpses.

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AWN. We’ve been over this before. You never get it.

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Leslie Wexner of the Limited group was the money man behind Epstein.Ghislaine Maxwell's Father was a long term Mossad operative, until he got executed. Bill Barr's Father gave Epstein his first job, as a teacher, after NOT graduating from college.

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