
Fearing the nation could not withstand the depth of depravity of the islamic jihadists who savaged Bataclan patrons, France Suppressed Police Testimony About Torture in Bataclan Concert Hall

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'“The bodies have not been shown to the families because they are people who are decapitated, people who are bloated and people who have been disemboweled,” one police witness told officials, according to the transcript.

When Fenech asked if the mutilations would have been videotaped by the terrorists, the witness answered, “It seems to me.”

“There are people decapitated, swollen and disemboweled. There are signs of sexual acts committed against women and knife cuts to genitals. If I am not mistaken, some of the eyes of certain people have been removed,” the witness said.'

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The Islamic State terrorists who attacked the Bataclan theater in Paris last November not only killed scores of innocents — they also gouged out the eyes and sliced up the genitals of some of the victims, according to testimony in a disturbing French report.

Some victims’ bodies from the second floor of the theater had been beheaded, eviscerated and otherwise mutilated, according to two secondhand accounts reported to a parliamentary commission set up to investigate the attack.

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The father of one victim had told him that his son had been disemboweled and castrated, with his testicles found in his mouth.

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Obama and Biden gave us this

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what these islamic killers did to women, they stabbed them in their vaginas, cut out their, they reserved the worst for women on 2nd floor of Bataclan...coming to America.

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France Covered Up Torture and Mutilation of Bataclan Victims

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Sounds like the FBI has more to do than worry about people’s political persuasions, and I surely hope they’re doing it. Yikes.

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so right and I am worried they are not...

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The FBI major in murdering Davidian men, women and children and shooting dead a young unarmed woman at Ruby Ridge holding a baby in her arms.

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this was a very terrible stain on US history...so much we still do not know, like Mandalay killings.

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They were corrupted by the ovomit and moochelle and his band of ingrate dangers to freedom and justice.

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I agree with this

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Really awful what has happened. Yes, corrupted along with everything they’ve touched.

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911 was an inside job:


Having that in mind, and that the NSA listens to ALL digital conversations, do you believe dominant media?

They are just prepping you for a big terrorist attack the CIA is allowing, to push the USA in the middle east war...

Masons need a global war to justify their global government:


All we are saying is give peace a chance!

The USA has become ATM of foreign wars like Ukraine and Gaza: why?

Is it all a false flag operation as an excuse to genocide (40,000 Palestinians already, half children, killed by Israel’s raids), get the Gaza gasfield, and the canal head-port from northern Gaza to the Red Sea? Time will tell their true intentions, though it's clear that saving the lives of the hostages wasn’t and isn't the priority at all !!!


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I agree as to 911...once you wrap you head around Operation Northwoods, you then know it is entirely possible we attacked ourselves.

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Paul - I think you are greatly underestimating the danger the country is in from the invaders. While the Paris attack was a sin against man and God, its goal was different than the coming USA terrorist attacks.

The entire Covid Scam was a Cloward Piven event to confuse, terrify, and overwhelm citizens. CP events (a Democrat party expertise) are designed to break existing government systems by massively overwhelming them with more actors than the system can handle, causing systemic failures. This requires “massive, overwhelming” attacks.

One attack like Paris won’t do it. I think we will see simultaneous, multiple deadly “Paris” or worse attacks planned with military effectiveness, given they’ve had the entire Biden Administration to plan them. Since the goal is the US Presidency and control of the world, expect the CP event will be horrendous, proportionate to the prize. They may include weapons and destructive capabilities way beyond guns and knives.

Paris will seem like a cake walk. Pray for their attacks to fail. And prepare.

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Better get them catapults fired up quick!

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Of course this begs the question why import these people who are net liabilities and security risks? But of course, multicultism and DIEverSH*Tty are our strength according to turdo the grade five ample assed ASSistant drama teacher with the IQ of a bag of sheep turds and the appeal of a filled to overflowing barf bag.

All through the Koran can be found, "Kill the infidel wherever you find him," So tell me that we really have too many snaggle toothed taxi drivers. Dr P is correct, bringing vipers into one;s house will only end in death and tragedy.

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yes, no sane nation does this, its as if we lit our own funeral pyres. no sane nation lets thousands millions of unvetted military aged males in...never...will end in rape and killing

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Don't kid yourselves, the horror of Bataclan x 1000 is what's brewing in America.

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boom, thats what we are scared about...its a real threat and the numbers Obama and Biden let in are staggering and you can see them...these are not normal looking...males...

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something is wrong and we have to say it...I am saying it...

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Yes much is wrong, more so then right!

We were told that Russian isis was caught at the border! Russian isis! Hmm! So the terrorist group that Obama funded and armed are now Russians! Go figure. This sets the stage for terrorist attacks in the name of Russian Isis caliphate? However I do believe that Isis is no other than a strongman of the cabal/evil corrupt politicians. With not much talk about the Russian nuclear subs in the Havana Harbor I fear we are in for hard times before the election. God help us, we now know that nothing is beyond the scope of this machine/global cabal! Humanity be damned!

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Buy guns. Buy bullets. Practice! Practice! Practice!

When the time comes, dip those bullets in pigs blood.

It sends Muslims to Hell.

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