It is over for Biden, he is discussing how to leave, when DRUDGE writes its now Kamala's house, & Clyburn, bet your house that the DEMOCRATS are handing over the wheel to VP Giggles & Cackles
let the party begin and 45 MUST demand 2 debates; makes his VP pick very interesting for he will be called misogynist etc. so got to think now...Biden is stepping aside, its over! it is NOT up to him!
What Biden has is not a cold you can recover from, its downhill from here…there are variations on speed of decline but we will all face it…nothing shameful but you CANNOT be POTUS in that condition….CANNOT. You are not selling candy, you are running the most powerful important nation on earth…
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If the Democrats allow Kamala to be their nominee, they know for sure they can steal or cancel the election.
If they put cackles in, all I can say is, "Jesus take the wheel"