Absolutely, I am tired of the medical doctors getting a free pass in all of this. Similar to the opioid crisis, the individual physicians weren’t held accountable. They want to make the big dollars and be in an esteemed position but when it comes to responsibility they say they are just following the recommendations. Just watch, when this vaccine crisis finally is evident to everyone, they will try to weasel out of this.

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You are 100% correct!!!

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Correct. Even with all of the evidence to obvious and apparent, Biden still promotes the injection. It is EUA approved for 6 months and up! Insane! So IMO, the agenda is way more nefarious. COVID is the tool used (among many others) to take down America. First, division, unrest, undermine education systems, weaken the economy, destroy the US dollar, weaken our military, blatantly steal elections, destroy our judicial system, support monopoly businesses while destroying small, censor the truth in everything, the United States is the prize. The Globalist are in the process of burning the USA to the ground. Only then can they pick up the pieces for themselves. If they are capable of these atrocities, what is coming next? They certainly won't stop here.

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Actually I think they have proved themselves to be inept idiots by blindly submitting themselves to the transfection. Any rational thinking person would have taken the wait and see approach to study research and data. By the masses physicians just complied without question or even thought. Now, I do know a few with personal remorse but yet they are still practicing without acting as a whistleblower. ZERO respect for those idiots! I also am aware many high profile surgeons, dept. heads received exemptions because they did know, but still required staff to make the sacrifice plus patients. ZERO respect! Many need to be held criminally responsible. Only those putting their license, reputation and livelihoods on the line she be given respect, trust and a complete liability pass.

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For anyone that hasn't already, I strongly recommend watching "Uninformed Consent" which delves extensively into the facts including pfharma's role in all this. https://librti.com/view-video/uninformed-consent

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Follow the money. Mayo Methodist MD Andersen. All the CEO need to be investigated.

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And in the bought and paid for UK, who is ramping up the next round of poison come the autumn. All over 50’s will be offered a death shot

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I have to agree with Nancy P! I had a physical in 2021, my GP still in diapers. I mentioned the myocarditis issues with the vax, her exact words to me "well, we do not know what other drugs they were on?" really??. I ain't no MD (engineer who can think and who also works for the gov. so i know how risk averse they really are), got an article written in 2017 about these mNRA vaccines and the results - that was enough to tell me this was a NO GO. Things really did not make sense when the CAN gov started to push it - these people take no risk, so to push this, an experimental drug???, insane!!! So it would not surprise me a lot of docs are UNEDUCATED, lack thinking. HOWEVER 2yrs later to still keep this charade up - more denial, incompetence, just too damn comfortable. They think this will all go away - NO. The precedent has been set - that is what scares me most now. I fear in CAN we have had the LIBs in power too long -bailouts, handouts. People have become comfortable being comfortable - no one wants to be uncormfortable.

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I will use naturopathy for all illnesses. I will use a doctor or technician when I break a bone. If I need stitching up I will use a doctor or surgeon. I will never take any pharmaceutical products or vaccines ever again in my life.

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Dear Dr. Alexander, from your lips to God's ear. Soon. Please don't stop. We are trying to amplify

you as much as we can - this censorship needs to go.

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Somebody had to say it and you do it so well. My father, an old school physician, steered me away from medicine 50 years ago because he saw that just this kind of corruption would come about: doctors failing -or being prohibited-, to practice basic medicine; being coerced or bribed(?) into following protocols that are politically or financially motivated rather than being in the best interests of the patient.

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In the last 3 weeks at least 6 young doctors from Ontario/canada died suddenly from side effects of these injections. Should we really blame those for not standing up and warning the public about these poisonus injections? Would it not make more sense to asume that these doctors were as unsuspecting as the rest of us?

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. . . inter alia licensed, trusted professions, including many, many civilly/criminally liable persons.

Discern; discern the clear and certain distinction between being explained/understanding their positions on "having no real choice" to avoid committing, or omitting the duty not to participate in such egregious and barbaric, wholly deceptive and unprofessional behavior, or misconduct -- not to mention the shameful and unethical acceptance and promotion of the regulatorily unlawful regime, including, by definition alone, the impossibly "safe and effective" imprimatur, despite an FDA-unapproved, and only EUA'ed biological product -- and, under the common law, the unshakeable need and demand of plain justice to still hold such malfeasant licensees fully and highly accountable for their chosen, morally reprehensible (committed) actions or (un-omitted) inactions, leading too often to injury, mayhem, and death, for which, inter alia in government and industry, and by sure law, bear at least partial, but inescapable responsibility/guilt.

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I think it is very telling in that in my community in N.C. - the Doctors all sent their patients to the Pharmacies or to the public dispensing options to get the "JAB" rather than administer the "JAB" itself. But they continued to administer the pneumonia vaccine and others in office. Unbelievable but very telling.

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From a reanalysis of Pfizer’s and Moderna’s original trial data it appears that one was more likely to suffer a serious adverse event from the vaccine, than they ever were to be hospitalised from covid. This changes everything

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Greed Kills, Pharma Greed and this is nothing new, it's been around since I remember going way back to when I was a child, I only knew my father ill, doctors came to our home at all hours night and day, he was the ultimate guinea pig back in Switzerland, hence I learned to question who benefited the most, doctors or my ill father? as you can see almost 6 decades later, the doctors/pharma still kills for a living - sad but true

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