McConnell needs to step down voluntarily. So does Feinstein, she is not fit to serve in the Senate. Likewise, John Fetterman is vastly impaired mentally and should be forced to step down, but in his case his handlers installed him in an obvious rigged election.
Our country is being run by an illegitimate criminal regime that overthrew the government of the people. We are currently a nation occupied by the enemy.
And it has just come to light that the Brookings Institution was used to prepare the written cases for ALL FOUR indictments against Trump, and one of the authors is traitor Victoria Nuland, and one is the man who wrote the book on using "color revolutions" to overthrow governments, just like NULAND did in Ukraine for Obama in 2014.
Your tax money paid for the false and malicious prosecution of Trump, a political persecution.
I heard this yesterday on Chris Paul's podcast. He was quoting a thread on Twitter/X that went into detail about these Brookings Institution papers that were apparently the basis of the indictments. Chris reads this at about the 1:24:08 mark. The X user's name is canariesblue he said.
Hello. Yes, I forgot about that, but it is free to listen to after a few days I think. I have heard him say that. It is a lot of daily audios for the $5 a month I pay.
These duplicitous narcissists dont retire because they have nothing but their power jobs. they are weak, dim-witted, amoral walking egos..they dont make changes unless change is firced upon them
Look what happened when RBG hung on by her talons to her precious Supreme Court job - boom, goodbye Roe. God will let these people "gain the whole world" but will always turn good out of the hell these narcissistic people create.
Kentucky so I suspect Mitch's into some type of compromised activity, meaning, if his elections are not directly rigged, top Bilderberg cartels are funding him, visualize foreign agent Soros.
By Demcomunists standards he's more qualified for the office of president than the current dementia riddled baby sniffing child molesting traitorous POS.
F**K that f**king traitorous POS.
In fact F**k all those murderous mother f**kers.
But other than that I have no strong feelings on the matter.
that was either a mini-stroke (TIA) or an absent (petit mal) seizure. the way his eyes started deviating to the right is not a good sign … he’s already got 1 foot in the grave. thankfully he’s protected and boosted … won’t be long now. “could have been worse”. Fetterman and Feinstein are not doing much better either and Scalise just got diagnosed with blood cancer … so weird … safe and effective at work on the dummies!
I’m on the downhill slide to 70 and in great shape and health. That said, I’m sick of the career criminals over at the Washington wheeze and cough. Time’s overdue to purge the infirmary.
But he said the jabs were safe and effecitive. Now he's malfunctioning again? Is it adrenochrome withdrawals? He's Biden's closest ally in the senate. Lucky for Biden he's still got Mitt Romney and Chuck Schumer.
It's crystal clear McConnell is on some mind-altering psychotropic drug or drugs. I believe he has been placed on this drug or drugs for the purposes of being "handled" - like a puppet.
His actions and his "decisions" the past few years bear this out. He doesn't work in the best interests of his constituents or the US.
Biden has handlers, so does McConnell. No wonder the US is rapidly going down the path of totalitarianism, globalism and fascism.
He's on mRNA jabs and has been infected with SARS-CoV-2 which speeds up the aging process and is linked to neurodegenerative disorders including dementia. It's unlikely he's on any "smart drugs." He's on Spike Protein.
I've received training on recognizing the signs of being on different drugs, and he manifests clear signs he's on psychiatric medication of the mind-altering variety.
Besides being physically unfit for office, McConnell is nothing more than a Criminal in a Suit.
If he wore khakis and a turtleneck, he wouldn't be in a criminal in a Suit.
Good old Mitch is just there fro the money and power. He doesn't care about everyday Americans. Greed.
His Communist Chinese wife will keep Mitch in the Senate as her puppet as long as she can get away with pulling the strings.
Until he shits himself on public television. Mark my words it's coming
Thune is waiting to replace him and is even worse. Thune needs to take more boosters.
He doesn't care about America but he loves his country.
It's true. He loves China.
McConnell needs to step down voluntarily. So does Feinstein, she is not fit to serve in the Senate. Likewise, John Fetterman is vastly impaired mentally and should be forced to step down, but in his case his handlers installed him in an obvious rigged election.
Our country is being run by an illegitimate criminal regime that overthrew the government of the people. We are currently a nation occupied by the enemy.
And it has just come to light that the Brookings Institution was used to prepare the written cases for ALL FOUR indictments against Trump, and one of the authors is traitor Victoria Nuland, and one is the man who wrote the book on using "color revolutions" to overthrow governments, just like NULAND did in Ukraine for Obama in 2014.
Your tax money paid for the false and malicious prosecution of Trump, a political persecution.
The Deep State at work. This is disturbing. Outrageous. I hadn't heard this. Can you post a link?
I heard this yesterday on Chris Paul's podcast. He was quoting a thread on Twitter/X that went into detail about these Brookings Institution papers that were apparently the basis of the indictments. Chris reads this at about the 1:24:08 mark. The X user's name is canariesblue he said.
Thank you for the link. Unfortunately. it seems one needs to pay to listen.
Hello. Yes, I forgot about that, but it is free to listen to after a few days I think. I have heard him say that. It is a lot of daily audios for the $5 a month I pay.
Thank you, Dave.
If they die while in office, their family gets more money and benefits. Look it up.
Are you kidding? Why would that be? More insanity. Where do you look that up?
These duplicitous narcissists dont retire because they have nothing but their power jobs. they are weak, dim-witted, amoral walking egos..they dont make changes unless change is firced upon them
Look what happened when RBG hung on by her talons to her precious Supreme Court job - boom, goodbye Roe. God will let these people "gain the whole world" but will always turn good out of the hell these narcissistic people create.
Just who is Bitch's constituency?
Black Rock, China, WEF, etc
Kentucky so I suspect Mitch's into some type of compromised activity, meaning, if his elections are not directly rigged, top Bilderberg cartels are funding him, visualize foreign agent Soros.
His wife is daughter of an oligarch CCP billionaire family.
This is very difficult to witness. Indeed, it is past time. Imagine if this were to happen while driving or walking across a street.
It is happening while he (and Joe and Diane and Nancy and Fetterman...) are driving...driving the country over a cliff.
lol x 2
Don't worry. This was an aberration. Take comfort in knowing that he's fully jabbed and boosted. Does he have a pilot's license?
By Demcomunists standards he's more qualified for the office of president than the current dementia riddled baby sniffing child molesting traitorous POS.
F**K that f**king traitorous POS.
In fact F**k all those murderous mother f**kers.
But other than that I have no strong feelings on the matter.
that was either a mini-stroke (TIA) or an absent (petit mal) seizure. the way his eyes started deviating to the right is not a good sign … he’s already got 1 foot in the grave. thankfully he’s protected and boosted … won’t be long now. “could have been worse”. Fetterman and Feinstein are not doing much better either and Scalise just got diagnosed with blood cancer … so weird … safe and effective at work on the dummies!
I thought there were no mandates for them to get the shots. I would imagine his handlers know that the shots are what they are.
I don’t think the cockroach - sorry I meant turtle - thinks he’s past his “ Best By “ date
Not convinced he 'thinks' at all. The turtle's on pre-programmed auto-pilot.
not at this point, but this rino-rat is a solid deep state bureaucrat, so has a rap sheet. Haven't noticed anything up to now.
I’m on the downhill slide to 70 and in great shape and health. That said, I’m sick of the career criminals over at the Washington wheeze and cough. Time’s overdue to purge the infirmary.
Is the giant swampwater turtle an endangered species?
That's difficult to say.
But he said the jabs were safe and effecitive. Now he's malfunctioning again? Is it adrenochrome withdrawals? He's Biden's closest ally in the senate. Lucky for Biden he's still got Mitt Romney and Chuck Schumer.
There is something about having insane unmitigated power that drives the incapacitate3d to the edge of humanity.
Just like SCJ Ginsberg. She just wouldn't let go. Thank U for your service. I'm from Central Florida :-)
From central Florida and a native.
I'm a plant from SW PA. I couldn't stand the cold :-)
It's crystal clear McConnell is on some mind-altering psychotropic drug or drugs. I believe he has been placed on this drug or drugs for the purposes of being "handled" - like a puppet.
His actions and his "decisions" the past few years bear this out. He doesn't work in the best interests of his constituents or the US.
Biden has handlers, so does McConnell. No wonder the US is rapidly going down the path of totalitarianism, globalism and fascism.
Mitch's Communist Chinese wife is his handler.
He's on mRNA jabs and has been infected with SARS-CoV-2 which speeds up the aging process and is linked to neurodegenerative disorders including dementia. It's unlikely he's on any "smart drugs." He's on Spike Protein.
Your points are accurate.
But he's also on one or more psychotropic drugs.
I've received training on recognizing the signs of being on different drugs, and he manifests clear signs he's on psychiatric medication of the mind-altering variety.
I feel absolutely no compassion for this man.
He had a stroke when he fell or fell when he had a stroke
It would have been much worse if hadn't had the mRNA jabs.
Those spike proteins are like landing on soft pillows.
He has had two on TV. They are called TIAs
I thought the politicians got saline but I think he actually got one of the batches meant for the public.
Does that mean he’s had several in the past year
My mother had two TIA's and less than a year later had a massive stroke. He will have a big stroke soon.
His Ages old OS is experiencing stack failure and disk errors.
It's time for him to retire.
Thune would be worse.