As if being "under oath" will move the needle. Their oaths are to their manufactured narrative and they'll lie their asses off to keep promulgating it.

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100% in agreement with the sentiments expressed in this article.

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Wow absolutely honest. Thank you!

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We are ALL eager for accountability, but it's hard for me to imagine any of these people suspected of wrongdoing accepting an invitation to be interrogated; and, of course, neither The Highwire nor CHD has subpoena power, or anything but lots of MORAL authority at their command. And of that they have plenty ~ praise god in Her Infinite Mercy for them.

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I would like to know why EPPOCH and Del Bigtree are part of your story, I know EPPOCH removed an ad for Malone, but other than that what are they guilty of. As for Del, I have no clue what crime he committed, can you please elaborate Paul, thanks.

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Looking at how they avoid touching on the topic of graphene oxide, LNP and venom & Nicotine. Immediately we know they are not sincere.

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There’s nobody else out there like Dr. Paul Alexander! Unfortunately.... hence that is why we’re in this mess to begin with.

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Thank you for keeping us informed on all fronts, for your strong stand for justice and to keep asking for truth!

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Sir, I’m glad you tell us how you really feel! Couldn’t agree more!

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poly, meaning ‘many’ or ‘much.’

tick, a very small creature like an insect that lives on and sucks the blood of other animals.

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You need to stop being so vitriolic and divisive. Del Bigtree and RFKjr are noble men, not greedy profiteers

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RFK's Children's Health Defense has been very frank and accurate about the dangers of the jab and all the lies we've been told about Covid. I've been following it for years and have learned a lot! It's one of the best sources of info. about this subject. Del Bigtree's ICAN/Highwire is another.

Dr. Malone may have been wrong in the beginning, but he has redeemed himself over the past few years by speaking out. The Epoch Times also reports accurately on the jabs and vaccine lies, unlike the mainstream media.

I understand you want the truth revealed and respect your efforts to do so, but I think you're off base here. There are plenty of people and organizations to criticize about lying and manipulating people about Covid and the jab. Focus on them, not the ones who are trying to spread the truth.

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OK I get it now. I misread Paul's message. He's asking for Del, RFK Jr., Epoch to interview the offenders. Agree but doubt Fauci et al would agree to be interviewed.

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Good Call Dr. Paul, we all identify the names and go after them

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$$$ to NOT talk? Massive funds, do many things,buy silences, change Data,influence voting....

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