COVID mRNA technology Pfizer and Moderna gene based vaccines are, how catastrophic, how much harms have emerged and deaths & he must move to protect our children saying: NONE for them!
A little late- but better late than never! The longer it takes, the more suspicious it appears that he knew the intent of this bioweapon. Time to come clean.
I seriously don't believe he knew the intent. Those people surrounding him were not carrying out his orders. They were sabotaging his presidency. The most he is guilty for is being naive and trusting the wrong people.
That could be and I hope it’s true. But the fact that he continues to brag about the millions of people his vaccine has saved doesn’t sit right with all the folks that have been harmed, will continue to be harmed or died due to the toxicity of this vile injection. It’s a very sensitive topic. The handling of the pandemic has harmed so many most especially our children. It’s not something to be proud about...
He is not bragging about the vaccine....he was bragging about warp speed which was not the vaccines originally it was getting respirators built fast (which turned out to be deadly but he did not know) and getting hospital space which also turned out to be not needed......the thing is we don’t know what was going on and if he were lied to about the vaccine which i think is very probable....he was never ever getting good advice to his meaning our advantage....i have said this before.....but i certainly would not want to be accused and jailed of something before due process....these are very upsetting times but if we don’t remain level headed we only hurt our very own self mostly but others too.
I agree that Trump’s bragging about warp-speeding it more than the vax,and I’m sure Fauci didn’t tell him about previous coronavirus vax attempt failures that killed the trial animals. Even so, I would think that common sense should tell him that there’s absolutely NO substitute for TIME in a vaccine trial to see what the long-term side effects are, so warp-speed wasn’t a good idea. But I also understand the majority of frightened sheeple were clamoring for a vax, so he was compelled to get one for them. His arrogance is keeping him from acknowledging the safety & efficacy issues with the vaccine, and he needs to acknowledge it ASAP!
At least he never supported mandating it, which I gave him credit for, but he really needs to step up & call it out as this madness continues with another vax rollout this fall that Biden said every American needs to get. 🚫😵
Hi…I had to think hard on what you are saying….Trump has recently said he will make sure to help every single disease that is facing Americans….i believe he included vaccine side effects on this….i do see more humility in him after the last few years and more concern on more issues…..i do not know why he has not already addressed the vaccines…..but from what I can glean out of all the podcasts and videos with interviews of military people and Juan and Cassidy and more, there is a reason and it is mainly to get more people to see what is going on….one stat was that if at least 75% of the people do not become aware then the country is lost…so many hate T that if he came out with information that was cognitive dissonant to them then they would turn away……..and since another stat was that 1/3, 1/3, 1/3 are the numbers in groups we are not there yet…i apologize for seeming as if I am making excuses but the one thing I have learned is that the big picture is way bigger than the info we are fed from anywhere…..i think i mentioned that I am a T supporter …. But I also agree that if the people need something (information, apologies) and a politician or business man is for the people then it must be given though perhaps at a time when it would be most effective…….i know this is an intergalactic war….it is not simple politics….i know that the elite worship Satan and when I say I know I only mean that it is my belief… is true that right is right is right….but at this moment in time for me I am trusting that the White Hats know what they are doing…..i could be very wrong….though I hope not….Peace…
But now, JOEBAMA is coming after the children in public schools. He or should I say they are expanding OBAMACARE to include psychoanalyzing children 0-21. They will stop at nothing to control the medical health of children. This is a slippery slope.
The government is inching to control the medical health of your child. This spells trouble. The next thing will be to start prescribing medication. The parents won't even know that their child is taking medication. I hope the parents put an end to this or it might be the destruction of their children. This can open so many avenues of despair.
I highly doubt he new the intent....however that is what none of us accusing someone of something without due process or without any information is really quite anti-American......we have no information on this.....and if one has a heart that can feel others which we all do then it is quite obvious T would not be part of mass murder ..... not at what is most upsetting to me is accusing someone of anything before really have the data and the is anti anyone’s rights.
Absolutely - however we do know a helluva lot more today and he is still proud of this. Question is how to backpedal and I don’t think he’s come up with how (or even if) to do this. It’s a “yuge” problem and he seems unaware that it is. Notice Tucker asked not one question on this, I’m sure prearranged. Disturbing.
I can’t argue with what you say. Just I have a different feeling about all of it. We all listen and read a lot and put it together differently. And that’s a good thing.
Ralph, I agree there was no difference between the vaccines in regards to Trump and Biden jabs. The differences were dependent upon the lots and there have been many deaths associated with jabs dispensed during Trump’s presidency. To suggest the jabs administered during Trump’s presidency were not lethal is beyond wrong to all who were murdered and disabled by them.
Well that’s a new one! But even if that were true: 1) there are multiple components of the experimental gene altering injection that cause injury and 2) let President Trump come clean on the differences between his vax and Biden’s vax.
It is not his vax.....he did not develop it and everyone from the first day in office was sabotaging you think they even told him the truth about anything.....i have no proof but neither do you.
Oh, so you just tell people what you think is true? Who are YOU? Why don't you talk about JOEBAMA and the Leftists. Don't forget the UnRepublicans, too. You say
end of conversation, because you don't want to hear anyone else's views.
Read what I told Elizabeth and read the attached link I gave her. Do the research. Don’t attack people that have done the research. Have a nice day. End of conversation.
Time to stop making excuses for Trump. Tired of all the excuses and finger pointing to blame others when Trump had the final say. There is no denying the devastatingly, lethal jabs at this point yet he continues to support them and people continue to blame others.
Nonsense. RFK Jr is surging in New Hampshire and could go on from there to become the Dem nominee. Trump's strategy of campaigning as Champion of the Clot Shots will lead to Big Pharma and millions of Americans who believe in the shots and fear losing access to boosters throwing their support behind Trump if RFK Jr becomes the Dem nominee.
Important to also note.....Medicare denied reimbursement to unvaccinated docs and medical facilities. Unelected bureaucrats subverting congress and blackmailing, essentially, the “people” /taxpayers who actually fund Medicare! And yet many still don’t see the problem with digital currency...
It's long past time. If this dumb house-framer figured it out three years ago, then Mr. Type A, super smart, millionaire, business tycoon and former President of the USA should've saw it.
( uniparty) you’d never get the truth out of them. Maybe not all, but, the majority are not trustworthy. We need TERM LIMITS.
But, this is a little of topic. I have dear friend whose son-in-law has an attorney friend who represents a man in a stolen identity case that was denied to vote!
This attorney friend is one of the 18 indicted last week. Not sure if he is the same guy who is sitting in that rotten jail right now because he couldn’t cough up the bail! Yeah, if you didn’t know about that! This is a bad jail. I live in Georgia.The communist Fani Willis made sure it was a bad place to send these folks.
I imagine this fella is not the poor guy rotting right now because my friend would have told me that. Maybe the guy he’s representing is the poor guy in jail.
Anyway, the man who showed up to vote in person was turned away because he was told he already voted! He objected, but, was turned out to leave.
This poor guy hired my my friend’s son-in-laws friend to represent him in the law suit. The attorney friend represents this fella because he knew it wasn’t just!
Confusing right?
So my point here Trump isn’t helping any of the co-defendants…
Maybe he has a good reason. I don’t know, but, the whole things stinks.
I voted for the man and he did some good things, but, something doesn’t sit right with me . That’s my opinion and yeah I know “opinions are like a$$holez, everyone has one”…
Maybe Trump didn't know about how bad the jabs were in the beginning but I think he did. Anyways, he damn well knows now because people close to him have told him and shown him data, every day he stays silent another child is harmed or murdered, how many more will he let die because of his ego and the millions he took from Big Pharma. Keep pushing those jabs Trump.
If he doesn’t admit it, I will only vote for Trump as I am painted into a corner. Trump is the nominee on the R ticket, RFK is not the nominee on the D ticket, then and only then will Trump get my vote. If Trump is the R nominee and condemns the ENTIRE Covid response & RFK is the D nominee, then ai vote for Trump, otherwise RFK. Quite frankly at a medical worker with 32 years of experience, IM PISSED ABOUT THE COVID DEBACLE!!! PISSED AT TRUMP!!! And I gladly voted for him twice, BUT IM PISSED!!!
Are you also mad at the medical profession that you are part of? How do you explain the silence and cooperation of the medical community? Where were they? At my hospital, workers couldn’t wait to virtue signal their vaccinated status. Very very few spoke up. Even today, as colleagues are lost due to sudden death or disability, the medical profession is largely mute. If the medical profession had been honest, if those working in the profession had an ounce of integrity, none of the pandemic would have been possible.
One must be as wise as a serpent, innocent as a dove. Its the under the breath "what a load of garbage" The not see well eye roll. Looking at people wearing masks like they are idiots. If you are too bombastic about it, you will attract too much administrative attention. If anyone asks me about masks, I just say, "if you have research that demonstrates they work put it on my desk. Everything I have seen says they don't. My neighbor paints SWA jets for a living, I offered him a hospital face mask after work one day so he would be protected the next day from the paint. He said that they wear real masks at work. I asked him if he thought the hospital mask would protect him. He said "hell no"! I asked him, "What is bigger a paint particle or a virus?" Its this kind of thing. My boss tows the company line if asked. When it comes to enforcing face masks, he doesn't but he looks the part to the rest of us. But he does not enforce it unless you make a big stink, then he will. We all caught on and mostly do our own thing. Outside of work, I am very belligerent about face masks. I will say out loud at stores to the person I am with, "Those who wear face masks in public are idiots, they should shop at midnight."
Hospitals were always cutthroat, nefarious criminals who sacrificed patients for money. Disgusted with their henchmen doctors and nurses who were complicit in the jab murders.
This is exactly the strategy I've adopted. If Trump never admits it...and he must know, right? What then? Will he become president and keep pushing his "great" vaccine? I have major problems with RFK but at least he knows what's going on with the vaccines.
I would love to see DJT do this but I don't think he will. He was far too proud of the shots and went overboard trying to have OWS bring him approval and support. He MUST know better now but doesn't want to rile the masters of the universe. I want my vote going toward a strong leader who has the ability to stand up to globalist control freaks and mass murderers and expose the truth about the covid jabs.. I haven't seen that yet from Trump. Waiting.....
It's not "time" -- it is WAY PAST DUE TIME. Anyone not seeing that Trump's TRUE position is revealed by his lack of denouncing BY NAME the players, and demanding that they be taken down and severely punished, is blind and/or stupid and/or dishonest. Go ahead, try to refute me.
Furthermore, I’m pissed about all vaccines & all the crap surrounding the crummy data kept & the massive autism & massive disability & death surrounding them!
Re: WarpedSpeed BY Trump. DJTrumpet has ALREADY indicated “I don’t want to talk about it.” So, take your blinders off and REAL-EYES he was sElected to be a PART of the orchestrated “You’ve been Fool.d” poly-trick-all PROCE$$.
A little late- but better late than never! The longer it takes, the more suspicious it appears that he knew the intent of this bioweapon. Time to come clean.
I seriously don't believe he knew the intent. Those people surrounding him were not carrying out his orders. They were sabotaging his presidency. The most he is guilty for is being naive and trusting the wrong people.
That could be and I hope it’s true. But the fact that he continues to brag about the millions of people his vaccine has saved doesn’t sit right with all the folks that have been harmed, will continue to be harmed or died due to the toxicity of this vile injection. It’s a very sensitive topic. The handling of the pandemic has harmed so many most especially our children. It’s not something to be proud about...
He is not bragging about the vaccine....he was bragging about warp speed which was not the vaccines originally it was getting respirators built fast (which turned out to be deadly but he did not know) and getting hospital space which also turned out to be not needed......the thing is we don’t know what was going on and if he were lied to about the vaccine which i think is very probable....he was never ever getting good advice to his meaning our advantage....i have said this before.....but i certainly would not want to be accused and jailed of something before due process....these are very upsetting times but if we don’t remain level headed we only hurt our very own self mostly but others too.
I agree that Trump’s bragging about warp-speeding it more than the vax,and I’m sure Fauci didn’t tell him about previous coronavirus vax attempt failures that killed the trial animals. Even so, I would think that common sense should tell him that there’s absolutely NO substitute for TIME in a vaccine trial to see what the long-term side effects are, so warp-speed wasn’t a good idea. But I also understand the majority of frightened sheeple were clamoring for a vax, so he was compelled to get one for them. His arrogance is keeping him from acknowledging the safety & efficacy issues with the vaccine, and he needs to acknowledge it ASAP!
At least he never supported mandating it, which I gave him credit for, but he really needs to step up & call it out as this madness continues with another vax rollout this fall that Biden said every American needs to get. 🚫😵
Hi…I had to think hard on what you are saying….Trump has recently said he will make sure to help every single disease that is facing Americans….i believe he included vaccine side effects on this….i do see more humility in him after the last few years and more concern on more issues…..i do not know why he has not already addressed the vaccines…..but from what I can glean out of all the podcasts and videos with interviews of military people and Juan and Cassidy and more, there is a reason and it is mainly to get more people to see what is going on….one stat was that if at least 75% of the people do not become aware then the country is lost…so many hate T that if he came out with information that was cognitive dissonant to them then they would turn away……..and since another stat was that 1/3, 1/3, 1/3 are the numbers in groups we are not there yet…i apologize for seeming as if I am making excuses but the one thing I have learned is that the big picture is way bigger than the info we are fed from anywhere…..i think i mentioned that I am a T supporter …. But I also agree that if the people need something (information, apologies) and a politician or business man is for the people then it must be given though perhaps at a time when it would be most effective…….i know this is an intergalactic war….it is not simple politics….i know that the elite worship Satan and when I say I know I only mean that it is my belief… is true that right is right is right….but at this moment in time for me I am trusting that the White Hats know what they are doing…..i could be very wrong….though I hope not….Peace…
Thank YOU. I hope people try to understand what you are saying.
Thank you for your kind and supportive response….I so appreciate…..Blessing to you always…🙏
I so appreciate you and your words of wisdom. Blessings always to
you, also +
But now, JOEBAMA is coming after the children in public schools. He or should I say they are expanding OBAMACARE to include psychoanalyzing children 0-21. They will stop at nothing to control the medical health of children. This is a slippery slope.
The government is inching to control the medical health of your child. This spells trouble. The next thing will be to start prescribing medication. The parents won't even know that their child is taking medication. I hope the parents put an end to this or it might be the destruction of their children. This can open so many avenues of despair.
Correct.....every time he tried to tell us about alternative ways of handling the illness he got shut down....
That’s also known as FAILURES IN LEARDERSHIP. He’ll all ways cave to Big Money$.
I wish Dr. Alexander would see it your way.
I think you're right.
I highly doubt he new the intent....however that is what none of us accusing someone of something without due process or without any information is really quite anti-American......we have no information on this.....and if one has a heart that can feel others which we all do then it is quite obvious T would not be part of mass murder ..... not at what is most upsetting to me is accusing someone of anything before really have the data and the is anti anyone’s rights.
Absolutely - however we do know a helluva lot more today and he is still proud of this. Question is how to backpedal and I don’t think he’s come up with how (or even if) to do this. It’s a “yuge” problem and he seems unaware that it is. Notice Tucker asked not one question on this, I’m sure prearranged. Disturbing.
I can’t argue with what you say. Just I have a different feeling about all of it. We all listen and read a lot and put it together differently. And that’s a good thing.
Respectfully, I suggest you read
Then follow TommyMac171 on Truth Social. Only Biden’s vaccine had the MRNA.
The USWhiteHats & the Global Military Alliance are taking down the Deep State, the child sex traffickers, the D.U.M.B.S. down.
Where’s the EVIDENCEs ?
Ralph, I agree there was no difference between the vaccines in regards to Trump and Biden jabs. The differences were dependent upon the lots and there have been many deaths associated with jabs dispensed during Trump’s presidency. To suggest the jabs administered during Trump’s presidency were not lethal is beyond wrong to all who were murdered and disabled by them.
Read my reply to Elizabeth above your comment and the link below your comment.
Have a good evening!
Well that’s a new one! But even if that were true: 1) there are multiple components of the experimental gene altering injection that cause injury and 2) let President Trump come clean on the differences between his vax and Biden’s vax.
It is not his vax.....he did not develop it and everyone from the first day in office was sabotaging you think they even told him the truth about anything.....i have no proof but neither do you.
Oh yes I read some of the link content- enough to get the picture. Thanks for sharing.
Wow- Did you read the second part of my post with the link. I suggest you do.
Take care.
Oh, so you just tell people what you think is true? Who are YOU? Why don't you talk about JOEBAMA and the Leftists. Don't forget the UnRepublicans, too. You say
end of conversation, because you don't want to hear anyone else's views.
No, Lynn. It is because I don’t want to argue with people.
I told you to go look on Truth Social. You refused.
I told you to look at AMG News. You said it’s conspiracy theory.
Focus: We were talking about the CJab. I did talk about Biden.
You want to argue with people.
I don’t.
I am also busy. Going out to volunteer now.
Really. Tell us more. Where is the information on JOE's vaccine had the MRNA. I wonder what his new vaccine that he's pushing will contain.
Read what I told Elizabeth and read the attached link I gave her. Do the research. Don’t attack people that have done the research. Have a nice day. End of conversation.
Attack people? I looked up I read where they are located in
Romania (red flag). Also, said that website is filled with conspiracy theories.
My Husband came from Hungary. He doesn't put much trust in what they
have to say.
I did say ‘end of conversation’.
I know what research I have done all of my life.
I am also not a ‘Conspiracy Theorist’.
Take care. Be safe.
Time to stop making excuses for Trump. Tired of all the excuses and finger pointing to blame others when Trump had the final say. There is no denying the devastatingly, lethal jabs at this point yet he continues to support them and people continue to blame others.
Nonsense. RFK Jr is surging in New Hampshire and could go on from there to become the Dem nominee. Trump's strategy of campaigning as Champion of the Clot Shots will lead to Big Pharma and millions of Americans who believe in the shots and fear losing access to boosters throwing their support behind Trump if RFK Jr becomes the Dem nominee.
Have a nice evening!
I keep asking and nobody can answer ...what was sept 2019 EO all about?! Paul?
Excellent point. Just read through it. Just look at the so-called task force. If you were to “round up the usual suspects”, this would be it:
b) ...the Task Force shall consist of a senior official from the following executive branch departments, agencies, and offices:
(i) the Department of Defense (DOD);
(ii) the Department of Justice;
(iii) the Department of Agriculture;
(iv) the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA);
(v) the Department of Homeland Security;
(vi) the United States Food and Drug Administration;
(vii) the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention;
(viii) the National Institutes of Health (NIH);
(ix) the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS)
(x) the Biomedical Advanced Research and Development Authority (BARDA).
Important to also note.....Medicare denied reimbursement to unvaccinated docs and medical facilities. Unelected bureaucrats subverting congress and blackmailing, essentially, the “people” /taxpayers who actually fund Medicare! And yet many still don’t see the problem with digital currency...
Thanks for sharing this. Important question.
Wow 😮
I really wish he would have done that by now.
It's long past time. If this dumb house-framer figured it out three years ago, then Mr. Type A, super smart, millionaire, business tycoon and former President of the USA should've saw it.
Our Govt will never admit the truth to American citizens because they are afraid of the repercussions from all the other countries
Our government is so damn crooked
( uniparty) you’d never get the truth out of them. Maybe not all, but, the majority are not trustworthy. We need TERM LIMITS.
But, this is a little of topic. I have dear friend whose son-in-law has an attorney friend who represents a man in a stolen identity case that was denied to vote!
This attorney friend is one of the 18 indicted last week. Not sure if he is the same guy who is sitting in that rotten jail right now because he couldn’t cough up the bail! Yeah, if you didn’t know about that! This is a bad jail. I live in Georgia.The communist Fani Willis made sure it was a bad place to send these folks.
I imagine this fella is not the poor guy rotting right now because my friend would have told me that. Maybe the guy he’s representing is the poor guy in jail.
Anyway, the man who showed up to vote in person was turned away because he was told he already voted! He objected, but, was turned out to leave.
This poor guy hired my my friend’s son-in-laws friend to represent him in the law suit. The attorney friend represents this fella because he knew it wasn’t just!
Confusing right?
So my point here Trump isn’t helping any of the co-defendants…
Maybe he has a good reason. I don’t know, but, the whole things stinks.
I voted for the man and he did some good things, but, something doesn’t sit right with me . That’s my opinion and yeah I know “opinions are like a$$holez, everyone has one”…
Maybe Trump didn't know about how bad the jabs were in the beginning but I think he did. Anyways, he damn well knows now because people close to him have told him and shown him data, every day he stays silent another child is harmed or murdered, how many more will he let die because of his ego and the millions he took from Big Pharma. Keep pushing those jabs Trump.
If he doesn’t admit it, I will only vote for Trump as I am painted into a corner. Trump is the nominee on the R ticket, RFK is not the nominee on the D ticket, then and only then will Trump get my vote. If Trump is the R nominee and condemns the ENTIRE Covid response & RFK is the D nominee, then ai vote for Trump, otherwise RFK. Quite frankly at a medical worker with 32 years of experience, IM PISSED ABOUT THE COVID DEBACLE!!! PISSED AT TRUMP!!! And I gladly voted for him twice, BUT IM PISSED!!!
Are you also mad at the medical profession that you are part of? How do you explain the silence and cooperation of the medical community? Where were they? At my hospital, workers couldn’t wait to virtue signal their vaccinated status. Very very few spoke up. Even today, as colleagues are lost due to sudden death or disability, the medical profession is largely mute. If the medical profession had been honest, if those working in the profession had an ounce of integrity, none of the pandemic would have been possible.
One must be as wise as a serpent, innocent as a dove. Its the under the breath "what a load of garbage" The not see well eye roll. Looking at people wearing masks like they are idiots. If you are too bombastic about it, you will attract too much administrative attention. If anyone asks me about masks, I just say, "if you have research that demonstrates they work put it on my desk. Everything I have seen says they don't. My neighbor paints SWA jets for a living, I offered him a hospital face mask after work one day so he would be protected the next day from the paint. He said that they wear real masks at work. I asked him if he thought the hospital mask would protect him. He said "hell no"! I asked him, "What is bigger a paint particle or a virus?" Its this kind of thing. My boss tows the company line if asked. When it comes to enforcing face masks, he doesn't but he looks the part to the rest of us. But he does not enforce it unless you make a big stink, then he will. We all caught on and mostly do our own thing. Outside of work, I am very belligerent about face masks. I will say out loud at stores to the person I am with, "Those who wear face masks in public are idiots, they should shop at midnight."
Hospitals were always cutthroat, nefarious criminals who sacrificed patients for money. Disgusted with their henchmen doctors and nurses who were complicit in the jab murders.
This is exactly the strategy I've adopted. If Trump never admits it...and he must know, right? What then? Will he become president and keep pushing his "great" vaccine? I have major problems with RFK but at least he knows what's going on with the vaccines.
There is talk Trump will pick Vivek who is Mr. Lipid Nano Particle, that is how he created his wealth, look him up on Wikipedia.
I would love to see DJT do this but I don't think he will. He was far too proud of the shots and went overboard trying to have OWS bring him approval and support. He MUST know better now but doesn't want to rile the masters of the universe. I want my vote going toward a strong leader who has the ability to stand up to globalist control freaks and mass murderers and expose the truth about the covid jabs.. I haven't seen that yet from Trump. Waiting.....
Trump has way too much pride to ever admit his errors in judgement.
Unfortunately, I think you're right...
Is anybody advising him to step up and talk about the devastation of the CCP virus and all that it derived from it?
Maybe he will listen to you. Bring the receipts. He doesn't see it.
It's not "time" -- it is WAY PAST DUE TIME. Anyone not seeing that Trump's TRUE position is revealed by his lack of denouncing BY NAME the players, and demanding that they be taken down and severely punished, is blind and/or stupid and/or dishonest. Go ahead, try to refute me.
Cold day in hell before TRUMP admits to his criminal participation in the COVID crimes
"Never admit guilt" - trump
"Never admit Fault" -TRump
Fuck yes Trump knows the truth, after all he authorized the US-MIL OP
Caliing for him to admit guilt means they'll claw back the $100's of billion's of USD in COVID money his entire family made in 'trust fund' deals
No way in hell this will ever happen, just proof that "Alexander" is not of this earth, or has no idea about TRump or the COVID US-MIL OP
Furthermore, I’m pissed about all vaccines & all the crap surrounding the crummy data kept & the massive autism & massive disability & death surrounding them!
Re: WarpedSpeed BY Trump. DJTrumpet has ALREADY indicated “I don’t want to talk about it.” So, take your blinders off and REAL-EYES he was sElected to be a PART of the orchestrated “You’ve been Fool.d” poly-trick-all PROCE$$.
What to do when you believed Fake-Heroes ?
Go for :
Dr. SHIVA AYYADURAI for President 2024
- 4 MIT Engineering degrees !
Dr. Shiva’s Real-Deal, COMPETENT honesty is revealed through SYSTEMS Engineering @
”Get educated or stay a media-slave”