It’s a cDC/DOD/cia operation since day one!

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I get the impression that Ralph Baric at the Chapel Hill lab is the brains behind the creation of COVID. Though I don't think COVID was ever very deadly, and that the vaccines likely ended up killing way more people.

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That's the point, precisely. While us dogs are running around chasing our tails, the robbers are stealing the house.

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My take presently is that the "lab leak" is a Red Herring. After all, its being headlined by the establishment and that is a red hot clue its bullshit. Watch and see Fraudci won't serve a day in jail.

Its not only a cover for the poison needle toxic injections but will be used as further excuse to have the WHO/UN unsnarl it all, save the day, and take control of "emergency" powers. They want the ability to enforce medical procedures and climate "emergencies."

Yes. You bet. They fully intend to slowly transition climate into an emergency. Cleveland just announced they are joining the 15 Minute City bullshit and it is climate driven. Utah is lip servicing it too.

The perps are touting that the WHO will have legally enforceable power to dictate medical protocol to us. And enforce climate mitigation protocols. THIS IS THE NEXT BIG PLAY.

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Go for a walk or listen to Alexander Scourby read the Bible on YouTube.

Many people can’t accept that our own government made the bio weapon to be used on its own people!

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Easily done when they weave truth and fiction!

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Scandals to cover up scandals. On top of that the new Twitter is still canceling those who speak inconvenient truths.

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B.I.N.G.O. But you forgot the GOP fingers in that cauldron. None of this would be allowed to happen, and happen largely unchallenged if the very top of the "opposition" party wasn't in on it. The most treacherous of all foes.

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20, 000,000 dead already worldwide from the jabs and covid combined. All so the big guy could get his 10% and make Trump look bad and get installed in an election.

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Fort Detrick.

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Paul, you must be slipping. You left out Malone this time.

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Thank Mike Pence for hand selecting Jerome Adam’s, his pal from Indiana. As well as Fauci, Birx who Pence helped coverup for Bush/Cheney/Ashcroft Anthrax mailing

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It is everything 3 lettered with Soros, etc.

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All of the above.

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It's not over. They are finalizing WHO pandemic treaty and the forced RSV vaxx right now.

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