Anybody remember David Icke talking about this at the outset? He nailed all this from the very beginning. I realize he's a very controversial figure to some, but like him or hate him we owe him debt of gratitude for exposing this as it was leaving the docks.

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Covid is a fraud, but the injections a REAL! I know that because they murdered two of my family. THAT IS REAL!

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Dr. McCullough said recently up to 30% have sub-clinical Myocarditis but don’t know it yet! He is a Cardiologist and knows besides his advocacy to speak the truth from the start like Dr. Alexander! We do have some angels on Earth!!🙏🏻

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I have always disregarded the necessity for the shots. Nowhere NEAR enough research was done. Now the question is: 'WHAT WAS IT ALL FOR?" Greed for money will have played a HUGE part in this scam. I am NO scientist, by the way. I just relied on my intuition.

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"We need all federal and provincial and city government officials to be held to account, to be examined under oath." I absolutely concur 100%!!!!!!!!!

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Too bad people dismiss too quickly before thought or research.

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Dr Alexander im currently in quarantine for the next 13 days. Im not allowed out of the room or apartment. Im treated as a super spreader because Im unvaxxed. I got a $5000 infraction because my rapid antigen test that was done at a Mexican laboratory did not conform to Canada Health's formatting. I had a negative test too. I had trouble getting onto CanApp, I tried twice before entering to YUL. Health Canada official tried as well and it didnt work. I had to get a PCR test at the airport-it came back a positive result in approx 18 hours later but I was not sick at all!

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Need to understand this was not about Covid. It is about furthering the WEF Great Reset project which demands total control of the public. This requires frightening people into compliance. It is about priming them for losing all their civil liberties. We have seen the ongoing assaults on our freedom of speech. The Julian Assange case is all about terrorizing independent journalists and media in general from freely reporting information. Our freedom of movement has been attacked with the pushing of vaccine travel cards. Our freedom for bodily choice has been assaulted with the mandates that have now morphed into the illegal retrenchment of Roe v Wade. Our freedom to read and learn is being assaulted by right wing fundamentalism that makes it illegal to teach real history or have open conversations about issues of concern for people, especially our young ones. Teaching fear and control is becoming the core of education agenda and social issues are being used as wedge issues to keep people divided and ignorant.

While working on health issues may be one's focus it really needs to be done from the larger overarching umbrella that defines how this issue fits the ultimate goal of the totalitarian pusch!

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They will all answer for their crimes. If not here, then they will ultimately answer to divine justice.

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RISE UP PEOPLE!! RISE UP!!!! Whatever you can do to spread the Truth no matter how small - TRY TO DO SOMETHING! Even a comment on a video or a chat or a blog or email- WHATEVER IT TAKES! God Bless us all.

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Jul 3, 2022·edited Jul 3, 2022

The Police.Military,Nurses…And the populations of every country who trusted their Gov’s and had the jabs, to help protect everyone else.

That inc. me 3 times 😳 I do wish to know the truth,and have watched Dr Cole DrBhakdi,,Dr Mc Collough et al…..espouse our potential dire outcomes….

I am not hiding from the truth,but I would appreciate it if you could say these dreadful outcomes will potentially not happen to everyone…Perhaps they will……😡

Not a day goes by when I and my friends aren’t being told we are going to die of Cancer, a Heart Attack, Altzheimers, Prion desease,a Stroke ,a thrombotic event,and much more…

We need some hope that we can fight the odds.😊

Thank you Dr Alexander for your passionate, continuous work 👏🏻👏🏻 and useful information, to help us red pill our friends.

The Covid jabs have been slipped into the UK Childrens Vaccine Program,before we have even had our Covid enquiry. We are not governed by our elected politicians any more, just the WEF frontmen, pushing their One World Agenda …😢🤯🤬

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Many of the perpetrators of this scam are hiding behind liability protection afforded them by their accomplices in the government. This liability protection does not protect them for criminal acts. The citizens of the the US owe these demons pursuit by properly convened courts that will properly charge them for crimes against humanity and then properly imprison for life or sentence them to death for their crimes. Let's start setting aside space for them at Guantanamo and in the Washington DC gulag.

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There is a new book released by Dr. Abramson and he is interviewed on epoch TV about the massive medical fraud in drug research that has taken place over the last 40 years. mRNA injections and the

Paxlovid are just the latest examples of manipulated medical science for profit. His book is called “sickening”. Time to stop the rot in medicine! All who have profited from this massive crime against humanity belong in jail!

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I totally agree and know in my heart all is being revealed! Many will need help making it through!

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Someone told me recently that many churches are fervently praying to GOD to send out the ANGELS to help us🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻

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They need to come out in the open like you. Their respect for what you are doing is worthless without actions. Together will always win but divided for whatever reason is not acceptable.

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