If Trump was a great leader, he would have fired Fauci on day one for insubordination. If Trump truly cared about the American people he would have listened to Robert F. Kennedy Jr on vaccines and not Bill Gates. Biden is even worse, but President "Warp Speed Vaccine" Trump gave it all up to his pals at Big Pharma and does not get a pass. Trump played his role to divide the country and then handed the baton to Biden. Both role players in a sinister play.

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I think Jen psaki is

the president

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Probably a whole 'nightmare team' of d00sh-nozzles are the forgetful drool-bucket's puppeteer and tag team diaper changers.

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. ScKamala...

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Especially datta one. 🤮

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every agency is captured by pharma, we can see this if you watch todays vid from project veritas

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I agree with mostly all of the above EXCEPT I do not admire Psaki one bit - she is defending the “president” and his nonsense, which is unforgivable…

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