No one would have noticed Covid if the news and governments didn’t start making a big deal out of it. Hospitals and doctors would have treated it as a virus or some type of pneumonia. The only reason we had all those deaths were the Remdesivir- Vent protocol and the CDC violating federal law by reestablishing how deaths were reported. Such a dam fraud! 

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I also believe that they purposely shoved infected patients into long term care facilities as a way to inflate mortality rate. Fear tactics at their worst.

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Following your way, we probably would have had a repeat of the 1918 Spanish flu in which 1 in 6 infectees died due to blood clots in their lungs. That's better?

Remdesivir wasn't approved as a treatment for this purpose until the end of Oct 2020. It was not a factor for the majority of the first year.

If someone went around infecting people with say cyanide, you think no one would notice? lololol This agent is a toxin which triggers thousands of wide-ranging adverse reactions. First, it induces oxidative stress. If that's not stopped, it progresses to inflammation. If that's not stopped, it progresses to blood clots and whatever other issues are experienced. If the activity is limited to the head, nose, and throat area, an infectee may experience cold-like or flu-like symptoms.

In 2020, many US hospitals told infectees suffering respiratory issues to go home until they couldn't breathe and told infectees with non-respiratory issues to go home because theirs wasn't related. The doctors allowed to work played hot potato with patients. Lack of early treatment caused problems to grow far worse and/or turn chronic.

By the time respiratory infectees were treated in these places, they were dealing with severe inflammation and blood clots in their lungs. The ones who died were not properly treated for those two issues but instead were put on oxygen then ventilators. Young doctors blew out their lungs. Non-respiratory infectees weren't treated in these places until they also were screwed up pretty badly like this:


In 2020, bad actors artificially spread this toxic agent targeting certain groups and individuals. Nursing home residents were infected via contaminated nose sticks. The rest via this and other methods. IMO Plan A for us was what's been happening in China. Some US blue cities and European countries showed us the infrastructure to do the same in the west was already put in place. Maybe Plan A was to kill 1 in 6 and severely disable 1 or 2 in 6. By throwing off everyone's life and speeding up shot deployment, bad actors had to scramble to another plan.

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Nov 11, 2022
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I just love your comment, info and personnal testimony. I love your great-grandmother! LOL I come from a lineage of "village healers" and naturopaths, and the knowledge -old natural remedies- was passed along to the following generation. I appreciate this heritage more than ever! Also, may I add It was shown also back in the Spanish flu period that a LOT of vaxxing went on, along with new wave towers (radio waves) installed. We are living the same (but worse) as we got vxx to the max, while they were implementing 5gee transmitters all over.... It is linked somehow. Thank God for people like you, and for health professionals who are putting their career at stake for the sake of truth, freedom (and science!).

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🙀scummy scam.

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No because this isn’t 1918. There are treatments for blood clots and all symptoms of “COVID” and Dr. Zelenko and many others from the very beginning knew how to treat this. Definitely would not have one out of six die. You should watch the grand jury hearings so you understand how all of this hype went down. I don’t think you understand The full corruption that took place in order to make this look like a deadly disease that couldn’t be treated. It’s simply not true.

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Chinese workers allowed to travel to Italy to work in leather factories as China was being locked down. ?

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I still can't wrap my head around how the entire world was duped into believing that DEAD VIRUSES CAN DO THINGS, such as infect, hijack the host cell, replicate or kill.

Once you realize this fact everything fits especially why Pfizer never bothered to test their vaccine for transmission: how do you prevent transmission of a dead virus?

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Humans have been creating and spreading diseases to sicken and kill their own species since before Christ was born. Latin-speaking Europeans coined the word virus starting ca. 6th century after they were infected. In Latin, that word means "poison" or "bane." It applied to any poisonous, contagious, or noxious matter.

In the 1800s, germ theorists promoted the idea that some of the microscopic creatures may also be guilty. In the 1960s, the definition of virus was changed making those as the only possibility putting everyone's brain into a small box.

The only criteria the US government required for EUA approval was a COVID shot had to reduce or eliminate one symptom in a mild or moderate case. That's it. None of the prior vaccines stop infection or transmission either.

In modern times, taxpayers fund scientists to create substances toxic to our bodies then fund to have these artificially spread to sicken some people then fund other scientists to reformulate them into vaccines then fund the propaganda to convince the public to roll up their and their children's sleeves. Taxpayers also fund the vaccines partially or entirely.

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How do they know this is not a cross reactive antibody from a non-COVID infection?


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Would the study I cited elsewhere have the same issue?

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With highly unreliable tests, it is difficult to conclude anything with high confidence.


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Dr Mikovits mentionned the flu vaccine from 2019 was tainted already. Why so many died in Italy.

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I wrote about this study the other day, as Paul has mentioned. I also mentioned a similarly-eye opening pre-pandemic antibody study in France. My main focus was the ONE pre-pandemic study of "archived" blood collected by the U.S. Red Cross. That study showed that 2.04 percent of blood donors from Dec. 13-16 2019 in California, Oregon and Washington tested positive for IgM and/or IgG antibodies. This means some of these donors were infected in November or probably October or maybe September 2019. That is, the test just shows the donor had detectable antibodies on such and such a date. We don't know WHEN this person was actually infected ... but it probably would have been weeks or months earlier.

Also, for reasons I spell out in my article, the prevalence figure of 2.04 is no doubt lower than the real figure. Still, using the Red Cross Blood study percentage of positives, if we extrapolate 2.04 percent antibody positives to the entire U.S. population, this would equal 7.94 million Americans who had already been infected by, say, December 1, 2019.


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First published 11-11-20! Suppressed?

Another similar study from 9-12-22:

Molecular evidence for SARS-CoV-2 in samples collected from patients with morbilliform eruptions since late 2019 in Lombardy, northern Italy


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For a couple of Dr Campbell's Youtube presentation, we see clearly that all around the world the Cov had started in China in 2019, full blown in august and spreading in the automn of 2019 as Chinese travelled to other countries. Many Chinese go to Italy in particular. I read The comments a lot, and thousands of people can testify that they have fallen very sick in the Fall with a strange and tough pulmonary flu. Some who got medical attention then from clinics, doctor apointment, or even hospitals were promptly given medication for pneumonia-type of symptoms and recovered. What bothers me is that when they finally put a name on it in January 2020 they stopped all logic medication and just wished the patients good luck bye bye bye ome back when your lips are blue".

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A market based response to the great Reset. https://youtu.be/IsxuwJiQSVY

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Hypothesis. Pre infect a population with a virus that just sits below the capacity of the immune system to suppress. When did 5G roll out in Lombardy? Certain RF sources are known to suppress your immune system, bingo. A pandemic in the making. Wonder if it was similar with all the nursing home deaths in Melbourne Australia. I recall some one saying that during the lockdowns workers were 24/7 putting up 5G towers.

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Time and place both off ?

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