We need more leadership that speaks out against the crimes against humanity

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Have you considered running for elected office?

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No! I don’t know how to lie or BS the citizens! I don’t know how to make other people feel good and steal from them!

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Those skills can be taught. 

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Won’t find it here in the UK, where we keep fumbling for one ineffective leader to the next. Liz Truss is rumoured to be sacked shortly. She replaced the chancellor of the exchequer a few days ago with a WEF puppet. What is the betting she will be replaced by a WEF puppet, as she isn’t capable of following orders? The destruction of the UK is in progress.

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Giorgia has courage! Very few politicians do. Hopefully she can lead Italy out of the WEF malaise.

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It is astounding how quickly censorship went from a thing fascists do, to "saving democracy."

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Another confusing power play on the sheep. Watch their hands in video accounts; I learned that you can tell who’s in on the great reset by the “tip of the spear” hand signaling. Fingertips together shaping hands in a pointed, spear-like fashion. I’m seeing it everywhere now.

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And it appears some sound like truthers but are simply being used, knowingly or not, to confuse the sheep. They are the dispensable ones.

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Finally a Leader with CONVICTION!!!

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Previously poeested with english voiceover by Dr. Robert Malone on Rumble,

See https://rumble.com/v1lrjet-english-voiceover-of-italian-prime-minister-giorgia-melonis-speech-world-co.html.

In case it gets taken down again...

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They are trying to fast track the communist goals. Here is their list of goals from 1963 as written in the Congressional records, see how many they have implemented already. https://cultureshield.com/PDF/45_Goals.pdf

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This is hardly a communist goal. It is a capitalist goal. And they have been pushing towards this for a very long time.

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F^*k you tube and google

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Bravo Italy !

Poor Canada ! How long till we have a leader such as her ?? Just to hear her speak the truth about the lives we want to live contrary to what they have promulgated upon us is astonishing. We yearn for such a beautiful uplifting person to bring us out of this dark and dreadful existence we are suffering through now.

We are honest decent tax paying citizens who deserve a brighter future.

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YES, BRAVO! Was also my first thought. My 2nd thought Immediately was God gave us all free will. Though what we choose to do with that will be your personal path.

I pray America does Not fall to this Marxist, Communist and the Left’s futile Ideology.

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We’ll know which we were headed in November

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> How long till we have a leader such as her ??

How long until you run for elected office?

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Candice B was doing good for a while. After her hot speeches, the next thing you know is her posts of herself touring Canada, traveling in lalaland. I think they paid her a country trip because they had enough hearing her talking sense back into Canadians.

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All I can’t independently cooperate at this point in time, that’s a very plausible theory.

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Giorgio Meloni represents the kind of passion and courage of one truly fighting against transhumanist globalist leaders running today’s world. May she be divinely guided and protected in her mission.

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Maybe Giorgia Meloni is one of the good mason, only time will tell she's good or not.

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My many thanks, Dr. Alexander...there is life rising, rising, rising...and you pass it on.

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Sounds like a fascist, eh?

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beautifully spoken! so happy that other countries are seeing the truth. God's Truth is universal

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Giorgia Meloni hits it out of the park! She's got what it takes to lead a common sense movement away from globalists and back to a world where family is the base of our societies.

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She's a warmonger, in love with the clown of Kiev and Nato.

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