Iterating expanding LIST of urgent steps CDC, NIH, FDA, NIAID MUST take once new Directors etc. are confirmed; note these are applicable to HHS also (Robert Kennedy Jr.) & I have confidence in RFK Jr.
can you add, make suggestions to this MUST have list and we will be watching the agencies hour one, and hold them to account for these are BASIC & cannot be sidestepped or denied!
“All of the following points addressed to FDA, NIH, NIAID, and CDC (call to action) apply to HHS under Robert Kennedy Jr. in the case of actions it, the HHS must also take (I am confident in Robert Kennedy Jr.’s determination and want to do these listed below, the question is, would the deepstate, would BIG pharma, would special interests, would bought out senators, would RINOs, democrats, mRNA vaccine advocates etc. WIN?; would they work to undermine and stop RFK Jr.? I say we cannot allow that to happen and we must stand by and with him):
1)NIH (National Institutes of Health): must initiate and implement research studies and programs that examine the Malone Bourla Bancel Weissman Sahin et al. mRNA technology vaccine injures that have accumulated
NIH must join and partake with CDC etc. acute surveillance of Malone Bourla Bancel Weissman Sahin et al. mRNA technology vaccine harms and deaths across time
NIH must revisit all the COVID Operation Warp Speed (OWS) related studies (it funded) and convene an expert panel to examine the research protocols, the methods, the statistics used, the findings, and the funding approved. Findings are to be made known to the public in 6 months of the new NIH Director taking lead.
There is no existing randomized placebo-controlled study double blinded, or triple blinded that shows that the COVID mRNA gene vaccines reduced hospitalization, death, ICU, severe illness etc. in children or adults, elderly etc. The NIH Director must reveal to the public what studies the NIH (past and existing under new leadership) uses to support that statement that the mRNA vaccine reduced hospitalization and death and was beneficial to the public, e.g. in the elderly.
NIH must also initiate a review of all ethics review panels and input that was used to authorize the COVID related studies and findings made known to the public in 6 months of the new NIG Director taking lead.
NIH must immediately stop all gain-of-function (GoF) or related research in any US affiliated or funded or operated biolab anywhere in the world. NIH must stop its involvement (direct or indirectly) all bioweapons biological research in US laboratories and anywhere globally that the US is affiliated to. No US tax-payer money must be used for any such research anywhere in the world.
The NIH Director must IMMEDIATELY call for the end of any mRNA technology gene-based vaccine research.
The NIH Director must call (with the new FDA Commissioner) for the Malone et al. mRNA gene vaccine to be removed from market, complete, and immediately on swearing in. None to be made available to infants, children, teens, adults, elderly. No moratorium.
The NIH Director must ensure that any studies for mRNA vaccines touted under ‘new and improved’ ‘minor adjustments’ etc. must run for at least 20 years of proper duration, sample size, patient-important outcomes, gold-standard trustworthy research methods, and with all the necessary safety follow-up. Any such study must have proper ethical debate and accompanied by cost-effectiveness analyses. Drugs and vaccines and medical devices must not only meet safety and effectiveness threshold but there must be a dedicated examination of if the drug or vaccine is NEEDED, necessary.
NIH must return to the 1972/1975 Nixon era and agreements (1969 to 1976 Nixon era, the Biological Weapons Convention (BWC), or Biological and Toxin Weapons Convention (BTWC) 1975 relating to weapons of mass destruction) and renounce the use of lethal biological agents and weapons, and all other methods of biological warfare. Renounce its role in such lethal biological agents and weapons. NIH will confine its biological research to defensive measures such as immunization and safety measures and work with the Department of Defense in disposing of existing stocks of bacteriological or any such weapons or specimens. The same posture for NIH in use or research in and of lethal chemical weapons.
NIH must end any conflicted relationship (real, perceived etc.) with the pharmaceutical industry as it relates to approval of any of its funded studies.
NIH is to take no funding or donations from any pharmaceutical industry parties etc.
NIH must have no contact whatsoever (direct or indirect) with the Chief of Staff Suzie Wiles of the Trump administration.
NIH’s new Director must move to abolish DEI ‘woke’ hiring at the agency and return to a pure merit based.
NIH new Director must work with academia, academic publishing, academic journals to rework, redo the journal editor standards and peer-review process for scientific writing and publishing. Medical journal peer review is dead, lost its independence as has EBM given their capitulation to pushing lockdowns and mRNA vaccine and the fraud pandemic and must be revamped moving forward; NIH has the power to forge this in the USA.
2)The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) must disband the current drug and vaccine research and related EUA and BLA panels, decision groups, advisory boards, external and internal boards and make know to the public all the decisions and what went into them across COVID for all COVID decisions.
The FDA commissioner must IMMEDIATELY call for the withdrawal of any and all mRNA technology related vaccines e.g. Pfizer, Moderna etc.; complete; this must include a complete removal from market with witnessed destruction of any supplies.
The FDA commissioner must IMMEDIATELY call for the end of any mRNA technology gene-based vaccine research. Complete.
FDA Commissioner (incoming) must commit to end the revolving door between itself (Commissioners) and BIG Pharma, that he himself/herself will accept no position within BIG Pharma for at least 5 years post leaving the FDA post.
The FDA commissioner must state immediately that there will not be any FAST TRACK approvals of any future products especially vaccines that come to it for approval.
The FDA commissioner must initiate a public open examination of all EUAs granted to Pfizer and Moderna etc. as it relates to all COVID mRNA vaccines, DNA viral vector, any drugs e.g. Paxlovid etc. In fact, any and all medications and vaccines and any sort of ‘countermeasure’ that the FDA gave EUA approval for up to this date.
The FDA must initiate new and proper vaccine and drug advisory boards within 2 weeks of the new FDA lead taking over.
The FDA must make available to the public (in at most 6 months after approval of the incoming Commissioner) all the data, evidence, submissions, everything, that all organizations and entities submitted to it across COVID up to present, including all data and submissions that went into the FDA’s approval (EUAs) of the Pfizer and Moderna mRNA gene vaccines. All.
The FDA must call for an urgent meeting of all the vaccine companies e.g. CEOs Bourla, Bancel, Sahin etc. and all mRNA technology inventors e.g. Malone, Weissman, Tureci, Kariko etc. and especially those vaccine makers that manufactured Malone et al. mRNA gene vaccines e.g. Pfizer, Moderna, BioNTech etc. and in live open door public meetings, display all the harms, adverse event, death data it has (they have in possession) and allow all relevant external experts to attend to produce all the harms, adverse event, and death data that has accumulated since the roll-out of the mRNA vaccine. All aspects of the mRNA vaccine must be reviewed in public and all made available to the public within 6 months of the new FDA Commissioner taking office.
There is no existing randomized placebo-controlled study double blinded, or triple blinded that shows that the COVID mRNA gene vaccines reduced hospitalization, death, ICU, severe illness etc. in children or adults, elderly etc. The FDA Commissioner must reveal to the public what studies the FDA (past and existing under new leadership) uses to support that statement that the mRNA vaccine reduced hospitalization and death and was beneficial to the public, e.g. in the elderly.
The FDA must cease and desist any and all promotion of the mRNA gene vaccine for COVID.
All senior officials of FDA must be removed and re-assigned to other agencies. 25% of the FDA’s workforce must be fired within 2 months of the new FDA Commissioner taking office.
FDA must end any conflicted relationship (real, perceived etc.) with the pharmaceutical industry as it relates to approval of any of its funded studies or decisions, advisory boards etc.
FDA is to take no funding or donations or financial support of any kind from any pharmaceutical industry parties etc.
FDA must have no contact whatsoever (direct or indirect) with the Chief of Staff Suzie Wiles of the Trump administration.
The new FDA Commissioner under Trump 2.0 must work with head agency HHS Secretary and CDC and NIH etc. to reverse the 1986 Childhood vaccine ACT; National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act (NCVIA) of 1986 (42 U.S.C. §§ 300aa-1 to 300aa-34) was signed into law by United States President Ronald Reagan; NCVIA's purpose was to eliminate the potential financial liability of vaccine manufacturers due to vaccine injury claims; so that anyone harmed in the future by vaccines can sue the vaccine makers and all involved
The new FDA Commissioner under Trump 2.0 must work with head agency HHS Secretary and CDC and NIH etc. to end and make retroactive the LIABILITY PROTECTION under PREP Act that Azar helped implement (Feb/March 2020) and enforce/activate for the fraud PCR manufactured COVID; this so that those harmed by the mRNA vaccine can enter courts for financial redress.
The new FDA Commissioner under Trump 2.0 must make available to the public all data related to COVID, all, all linked to the mRNA vaccines that FDA, CDC, NIH etc. has in possession. Bourla, Bancel etc. All.
The new FDA Commissioner under Trump 2.0 with CDC, HHS etc. must work immediately with POTUS Trump to end the woke TRANSGENDER madness and brutal transgender surgeries and puberty blockers on our children.
The new FDA Commissioner under Trump 2.0 must work with head agency HHS Secretary and CDC and NIH etc. to set up a victim compensation fund for all those hurt by the COVID fraud OWS lockdowns and the Malone et al. mRNA vaccine.
FDA’s new Commissioner must move to abolish DEI ‘woke’ hiring at the agency and return to a pure merit based.
FDA’s new Commissioner must work with NIH as the co-leads, and together force academia, academic publishing, academic journals to rework, to redo the journal editor standards and peer-review process for scientific writing and publishing. Medical journal peer review is dead, lost its independence as has EBM given their capitulation to pushing lockdowns and mRNA vaccine and the fraud pandemic and must be revamped moving forward; NIH and FDA has the power to forge this in the USA.
3)The CDC must immediately disband the MMWR (Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report) it produces (especially during COVID) given its lack of scientific rigor, merit, substance and the politicization of the MMWR. The MMWR in COVID (and prior) operated as a political tool to damage POTUS Trump and it tantamounts to pseudo-science and NOT proper academic research or publishing. This may be replaced by an independent, unbiased public health report.
The CDC must cease and desist any and all promotion of the mRNA technology gene vaccine for COVID.
The CDC Director must call for an immediate stoppage of the mRNA technology and mRNA gene vaccine, that it must not be made available to the public.
CDC Director (incoming) must commit to end the revolving door between itself and BIG Pharma, that he himself/herself will accept no position within BIG Pharma for at least 5 years post leaving the CDC position.
All senior officials of CDC must be removed and re-assigned to other agencies. 25% of the CDC’s workforce must be fired within 2 months of the new CDC Director taking office.
The CDC must immediately disband the VAERS vaccine adverse event database surveillance system and replace it with an updated acute surveillance system to track and report on mRNA vaccine harms and deaths with a focus on the upcoming 25 years.
CDC must immediately stop all gain-of-function (GoF) or related research in any US affiliated or funded or operated biolab anywhere in the world. CDC must stop its involvement (direct or indirectly) all bioweapons biological research in US laboratories and anywhere globally that the US is affiliated to. No US tax-payer money must be used for any such research anywhere in the world.
CDC must end any conflicted relationship (real, perceived etc.) with the pharmaceutical industry as it relates to approval of any of its funded studies or decisions, advisory boards etc.
CDC is to take no funding or donations or financial support of any kind from any pharmaceutical industry parties etc.
CDC must have no contact whatsoever (direct or indirect) with the Chief of Staff Suzie Wiles of the Trump administration.
CDC’s new Director must move to abolish DEI ‘woke’ hiring at the agency and return to a pure merit based.
4)NIAID must immediately stop all gain-of-function (GoF) or related research in any US affiliated or funded or operated biolab anywhere in the world. NIAID must stop its involvement (direct or indirectly) all bioweapons biological research in US laboratories and anywhere globally that the US is affiliated to. No US tax-payer money must be used for any such research anywhere in the world. NIAID must return to the 1972/1975 Nixon era and agreements (1969 to 1976 Nixon era, the Biological Weapons Convention (BWC), or Biological and Toxin Weapons Convention (BTWC) 1975 relating to weapons of mass destruction) and renounce the use of lethal biological agents and weapons, and all other methods of biological warfare. Renounce its role in such lethal biological agents and weapons. NIAID will confine its biological research to defensive measures such as immunization and safety measures and work with the Department of Defense in disposing of existing stocks of bacteriological or any such weapons or specimens. The same posture for NIAID in use or research in and of lethal chemical weapons.
NIAID must end any conflicted relationship (real, perceived etc.) with the pharmaceutical industry as it relates to approval of any of its funded studies or decisions, advisory boards etc.
NIAID is to take no funding or donations or financial support of any kind from any pharmaceutical industry parties etc.
NIAID must have no contact whatsoever (direct or indirect) with the Chief of Staff Suzie Wiles of the Trump administration.
NIAID’s new Director must move to abolish DEI ‘woke’ hiring at the agency and return to a pure merit based. If possible, shut down NIAID as an entity and place key components within other existing science and research agencies.
Stop The Murder of Humanity!!!
Dr. Alexander, you may want to post your proposals here also?