Dr. Alexander, you may want to post your proposals here also?


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A great list of criminals!

NIH - National Institute of Hell

CDC - Center for Death Control

NIAD - National Institute of Allergy Development

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The Ai changed Doctors training to Doctors trying ..

Judy Mikowits was referring to the lack of nutrition training and the fact that vaccines are also not included!

As always :

What could possibly go wrong ?

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More to add ..

Today Judy mikowits :

Doctors trying doesn’t include :

Nutrition and “vaccine “ information.

What could go wrong!

There was something about “vaccines “ ( sv40) causing cancer .

I just saw a piece from REDACTED that was interviewing Sasha Latypova where she reveals documents origination from within the pentagon that show the famous “ interlocking directorates “ from Dr David Martins work!

Sasha Latypova has found documents that show the origins of the covid vaccine scam and the “vaccine” itself were from within the Pentagon. The other players were part of the “interlocking directorates”!

The usual suspects such as Fauci appear!

The whole interview can be seen on the daily REDACTED transmission !

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Concur on all points. I must, however, reiterate that the 1st priority *MUST* be to take out the corruption. The guilty *MUST* be ousted and made to pay for their crimes. If those corrupt individuals remain free then they will NEVER implement any of the things that you've listed here.

As I've written before, we have plenty of good laws, rules and procedures - that's not the problem.

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An open and honest debate needed to get the truth and facts out to the people about the improvements to peoples health over the centuries!? Was it clean drinking water, better housing, sewage systems put in place, better working conditions with shorter hours etc!? PHARMA and MEDICS etc take the credit but can they be trusted?

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Reconstitute all branches of HHS! Build new parallel divisions with a mission statement that defines their value to the American citizens and NO ONE ELSE! Transfer the brightest and best from the dysfunctional divisions after they have passed a aptitude test that confirms their ability to do the job! Shut down the current corrupted bureaucratic entities by 2026.

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The CDC vaccine “schedule” is a brilliant tool to slowly sicken and weaken the population. The propaganda promoting it has been unbelievably effective. In my experience, the less people know about vaccines, the more adamantly they defend the “schedule.”

No injection on the list should be mandatory for any child. Every injection should be reevaluated for safety and efficacy. Most should be either eliminated or made optional.

If this is done, autism will gradually fade away to the minimal levels seen a few generations ago. Peanut allergies, which barely existed in the baby boom generation, will fade away. Autoimmune disorders will diminish.

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No, instead of all those things, those 3-letter agencies must all be disbanded. We don't need ANY of them. They are all corrupt, and they do nothing but impose tyranny on our people.

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It seems the problem of derelict, corrupt, dishonest and even criminals in law enforcement is nationwide here in Canuckistan and I have had first hand experience with same in the OPP but made worse by corrupt JP's of the wokist bent. With "officers of the court," telling me the courts are prejudicially biased against conservatives and firearm owners, plus multiple retired OPP officers who told me they were happy to be out, there are many indicators of people dressed in blue being rapists, murderers, frauds, liars, etc and none more so than the OPP who need to be defunded and banned.

Even the so called "inner guard" agencies such as the OIPRD are corrupt. I filed complaints with that dirty disorganization against a defective detective of the SFOPP but held back 14 CCC, multiple Charter Rights and Bill of Rights violations. Their email to me after weeks did NOT explain why that pig was not found guilty even though on four counts, he was accused of committing reckless endangerment, and criminal negligence. I had sent as proof over 100 medical reports by medical experts proving that cloth masks were largely ineffective. There had been numerous acts of trespassing in my house by multiple OPP officers which the arithmetical progression of each officer in regular contact with many people, let alone several, added up to hundreds of people. Four of us exposed to these illegal intruders included a 98 year old woman sheltering at my place who deceased within four months of her 100th birthday.

She was a WW2 veteran.

The OIPRD response to my complaint was unsigned, gave no description or explanation nor did it mention these medical reports that categorically proved the pig liar defective detective guilty.

Had mother contracted Covid or any ailment she would have suffered death.

This is my first thrust of the Sword of Truth into the corrupt bodies of the OPP and I intend on telling the whole story that will also indict guilt of the two corrupt JP's who signed the warrants.

The story will take a long time to tell but my goal now is to not only expose the OIPRD as corrupt, but also identify corruption in the OIPRD, two JP's, several OPP officers, criminal bureauCRAPS and others not decided at this time. I will be making good on my word in doing this, and my ultimate goal is to expose the corrupt people in corrupt bureaucracies, the OPP, the "injustice CYSTem, and in other agencies I might stray through wearing hip waders so the excremental filth does not contaminate me.

As always, I am all in, and such corruption, injustices, criminality, lies, and other detailed exposure of the CYSTem will be facilitated.

A copy of this declaration of war will be sent to the OIPRD and I demand names of the investigators, an explanation of why expert medical proof was not considered, OR EVEN MENTIONED,the names of committee members, and all involved were not given. This whole fiasco was and is an abrogation of justice I intend to inform others of nationally and internationally to the USA exposing according to others, if possible, a trail to the highest office in the land occupied by a lying hoplophobe, a hater, a bigot, a thief, a criminal etc not unlike other fake leaders of western nations worldwide.

I expect the dirty CYSTem to impose defamation, slander, lies, character assassination, etc on my person but come what may, even from a jail cell if necessary, I will put the spotlight of Truth on the rats and make them scurry. Justice and Truth are friends, one defends the other.

These will be my two weapons to do damage to a corrupt CYSTem all the way to the top if necessary. The OPP needs to be defunded and cancelled with the RCMP taking over OPP duties.

I tried to do things in a decent way, but the damned CYSTem wants to as usual play dirty. I have gotten dirt on me before and have no qualms in getting dirty again.

This is the sorry state of a nation ruled by a DICKtator, keystone lying OPP cops, and an ASSministration with a collective IQ of plus one and the appeal of congealed vomit left for days on a marble floor.

If I lose I will still win in my exposure of the CYSTem top to bottom and perhaps anonymous whistleblowers will contact me.

In my day the OPP were referred to as Ontario Piss Pots by my peers. I thought that was not right. The corruption was not present then as it is today and one could actually trust them and expect fair treatment. Those days are gone. I am not the only one who now hate the OPP.

That truth will come alive on the pages I write. Names, positions, identities will be exposed. A few moments after I post this I will be sending a copy to the OIPRD. They will be given 24 hours to agree to either meet with me or "re-investigate" their fake and colored investigation. After that I will proceed.

This is monumentally momentous to me as a good man I knew deceased suddenly this past Saturday. The timing of that and the OIPRD response is significant to me. One could say it is coincidental but I do not think so.

The instigator of this whole fiasco had been criminally harassing me for decades enabled by the OPP who came here several times trying to intimidate me but failing with their biggest effort being an accusation that I rebuffed in short order. More on that in chronological order.

I am running through my mind a song recorded by Johnny Cash decades ago with a line, "And I can hear the voice of youth asking, "What is Truth." Truth is almost extinct. It used to be embraced by many but in the last few decades has taken flight and been captured and taken prisoner by corruption. Will it ever escape?

Always Edward

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People must be informed to NOT SIGN HIPPA forms!!!!

These forms do not protect your privacy.

They are forms stating that you have been informed of the privacy practice of the office you are in. Those practices are to SHARE YOUR MEDICAL DATA WITH WHOMEVER THEY CHOOSE AND YOU HAVE NO RIGHT TO OBJECT!!! In other words, HIPPA TAKES AWAY YOUR PRIVACY and TAKES AWAY YOUR RIGHT TO OBJECT.

The HHS.gov website states in bold red print that you do not need to sign these forms. The medical center/doctor, etc is legally obligated to ASK you yo sign. That is all. If you do not sign they must keep record. If you do not sign they cannot refuse service or stigmatize you or treat you differently. But if you sign it and later realize your data has been released you cannot sue them for violating your privacy - because they have your signature.

You must be careful, especially 1) if asked to sign on an electronic pad as opposed to a paper copy AND 2) notice if it is inside of another type of form. Always ask for paper copies of whatever you are asked to sign and get a copy after you sign.

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Cease and desist all mRNA LNP technology for development of any & all products, now & in the future, including vaccines, aerosolized products, pharmaceutical products, as well as, food based products for human & animal use anywhere in the world.

No experimenting on the human population at any time, including during EUA’s, without the full knowledge & consent of each individual.

No experimenting on animals.

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I'll call this post a " Manifesto ", for the future of so-called 'Public Health' in the US. And it's well-written also........

Michael, Hardin, KY

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