This, down under, at the link below, looks like it could be staged too. Let's not forget who funded the rise of the jihadis and who contrlols them. Ted Bundy used to wear a sling or cast on one arm and feign that he was injured in order to lure victims into his Volkswagen.
Palestinian Sympathizers in Australia Chant Antisemitic Slurs “F–k the Jews” and “Gas the Jews” in Front of Sydney Opera House Following Hamas Massacre (VIDEO)
This is a very biased view. The Israeli government has done the same thing to innocent Palestinian civilians for 75 years. Where’s the outrage for that behavior? The whole thing reeks of a false flag to enable Israel to destroy the Palestinians for good while dumb people cheer them on. This is just disgusting.
No, show me where IDF beheaded babies and children and tortured Arab civilians in their's not the "same thing" at all. You are regurgitating leftist propaganda and clearly know nothing about the situation
YOU know nothing at all. Do some research and you will find out. This is a staged false flag to give Israeli government cover for massacring the Palestinians. THIS IS A WAR CRIME.
Where are you "researching, " Lucy? Because you need to dig a little deeper. This big op needs to be examined a bit more thoroughly than you are probably willing to do or may even be capable of doing.
False flag!!! I’ll spare you the videos, but my morning started with my father sending me videos of IDF soldiers slaughtered in their barracks still in just their underwear, to which both of us as former service people ourselves immediately agreed that it’s im-fucking-possible! I did a service with IDF and have been to most bases in the south, and the ones close to the borders are always on highest level security alert: armed guards on towers 24/7 and all personnel are required to carry their personal weapons at all times… including sleeping with it literally under your mattress exactly for such situations! So how the hell could a group of Palestinians break into a base and make it all the way to the barracks unnoticed and unheard? I saw the media trying to sell a story that Iranians provided some equipment that jammed the electronically monitored fence, but any disturbance immediately notifies command and control center in Israel’s equivalent of the pentagon and someone would be immediately in touch with the bases’ commanders especially in the middle of the night. But even if that story is true, where were the night guards not to see the combatants approaching and alert everyone? With bases neutralized, there were no one to come to help the civilians in the area… how convenient. ex-IDF soldier explains that the events that took place today are impossible. She was a boarder observer with the highest tech available. “If a bird came close we knew” “Even even a cockroach came to our fenced border we knew” “How did 400 hamas pass through today”? I served in the IDF 25 years ago, in the intelligence forces. There’s no way Israel did not know of what’s coming. A cat moving alongside the fence is triggering all forces. So this?? What happened to the “strongest army in the world”? How come border crossings were wide open?? Something is VERY WRONG HERE, something is very strange, this chain of events is very unusual and not typical for the Israeli defense system.
"To me this suprise attack seems like a planned operation. On all fronts. This is a failure to protect the people of Israel, for sure, perhaps the biggest failure since the Yom Kippur war exactly 50 years ago, if not bigger. – by the way – is it a coincidence it’s exactly 50 years ago, almost on the day? The Yom Kippur War was on Oct. 6th 1973. If I was a conspiracy theorist I would say that this feels like the work of the Deep State. It feels like the people of Israel and the people of Palestine have been sold, once again, to the higher powers that be. At the same time, this is still very difficult to fathom.”
Blow everything up, knock everything down so the NEW WORLD ORDER contractors can scrape away the rubble and "build back better." And then theres the war profiteers.
As General Smedley Butler wrote:
WAR IS A it ever!!! And he ought to know
Its the little people, of both the Jews and Arabs who would like to live peaceful lives, that are getting destroyed by this......
Because the BUILD BACK BETTER team has FURTHER corrupted and coopted governments throughout the world that are ALREADY given over to evil, to do their bidding: To destroy nations and out of the destruction they are busily planning and working to raise a technological, transhumanist one world government in which they exercise complete control.
Or so they THINK.
.........Failing to note that the destructive forces that they unleash will turn around and destroy them.
However, the destruction and evil that they deploy
.........will turn around and destroy THEM. God the Creator, Sustainer and Judge will have the last word. As He dispenses perfect justice in the face of mankind's evil
Yes. everywhere fake news, deliberate misinformation and lies to get support and push for their criminal agendas. Acceleration of those stories to create WWIII. Fortunately millions of people already know their scenarios, like 9/11 and don't believe this BS. They will not get global support for those cruel fables. We already know zionists plans.
As someone who has been front and centre of the covid scam for the last three years, I really expected more objectivity and discernment from you paul. These increasingly emotive posts, show that you have fallen headlong into the manufactured hysteria, which is a crisis designed to short circuit all critical thinking. Think about it. If the cabal can and has injected 7 billion people with a bioweapon designed to depopulate the planet, which I knwo you believe and accept, then what else won't they do?. What is happening now has to be viewed beyond the horizontal schism of emotional reactivity and taking sides; and seen within the context of a top down demonic psychopathy, that hates all men, women and children and doesn't give a damn about muslims and jews. Please paul you have a big platform. Do better. This is a war on God's creation, nothing more nothing less, and the enemy will do ANYTHING to invert the message. The greater the atrocity, the greater the outrage, the easier the people are led. Problem reaction solution.
Agree. Step back and think. If as you say (ranted, even) the agenda is depop, then the ‘novel’ virus that has been under development for decades, the associated shots (and Ukraine) have fallen short of the desired death numbers. The shots are much harder to sell. More mRNA versions of familiar shots (flu, shingles…) are out, but word is spreading about those who “died suddenly.” //
What’s different about mRNA and beheadings? //
The mRNA gambit still is unpredictable and gives ‘plausible deniability’ …until autopsies are done, and those are beginning. The beheadings distract and evoke eye-for-eye responses //
More Israelis and 2M more Palestinians in Gaza are drops in the bucket IRT depop. //
The full body autopsies have been done. Time consuming and expensive as they are. There was around 40 completed in Germany back in 2022. The report was published by the Chief Pathologist for the German government a long time friend of Chancellor Merkel. Until he published the report that is.
One of the findings was that the LNP / Spike was found in nearly every major organ in the body. This obviously was NOT supposed to happen and is NOT a good thing. As GVB and Malone and other scientists know there is a condition called pathogenic priming which can occur. If an individual encounters the real virus or virus inoculated against AND the body is heavily contaminated with that same virus or pathogens from the virus the body sees that as an outright huge attack and then goes full blown immune system guns blazing into all those organs sitting there with the spike protein. Results are massive inflammation and death within 48-72 hours if not treated. The LNPs are known absolutely to be able to cross the blood brain barrier. ( The CEO of Moderna stated this flat out in an interview in 2016 in STAT magazine). So brain inflammation usually causes damage or death in 48 hours or less.
So anybody that has been vaxxed should be chelated or under go a long term spike detox as per McCullough’s protocol or FLCCC’s recommended detox.
Paul can keep posting emotional threads about the Gaza conflict. It triggers active discussion. For me, Israel deserves all the suffering. It is minor compared to the decades of atrocities committed against the Arabs. The nature of killing cannot be condoned but it is what it is...War. There is no middle-ground. You either kill or be killed. The Hamas soldiers know most will die anyway once the Israeli forces come. So, they have no time to think...just kill, kill, kill as many as possible in the little time they have.
Enlighten us David as to how Ham-ass were able to carry out their crimes. Via Rabbi Chananya Weissman of Israel:
"The Gaza border: one of the most fortified and technologically advanced borders in the world, teeming with combat soldiers, battalions of tanks, and a heavy air force presence. There are multiple systems in place there including;
1. Static thermal imaging observation posts.
2. Manned patrol vehicles.
3. Static manned observation posts.
4. Subterranean RADAR.
5. Reconnaissance drones.
6. Reconnaissance aircraft.
7. Autonomous patrol vehicles.
8. Fence motion detection.
9. Bomb proof multi-layered reinforced fence set in concrete."
And yet, Ham-ass gets throigh at the most politically opportune time for Bibi Nitwityahoo.
Not rocket science to figure out who really controls Ham-ass.
Oh, yeah, totally forgot about that one--that one really helped to sell it too.
And there were a whole lot of lies about Yugoslavia too--that was way back, but I think people were told there were mass graves all over the place, and then it turned out it was a lie.
I thought this guy's tweet was worth a read--he's encouraging everyone to watch All Wars Are Bankers Wars and to QUESTION EVERYTHING, think critically!
This might be one of the most important documentaries that anyone can watch right now given current events and escalations between Hamas, Israel, Iran, and the US.
All wars are bankers wars.
If you are still caught up in the left vs right, Israel vs Palestine, Ukraine vs Russia narratives, treating geopolitics and war as if it's a football game where you are rooting for one side to win as the real moral authority, then you need to take 45 minutes out of your day to watch this in full.
I've shared this documentary already weeks ago and a lot of people saw it and appreciated it, but I think it's now more important than ever for as many people to see it as possible and to really understand the profound and eye opening truth behind those words, and how EVERY SINGLE conflict has had powers above it funding both sides with nefarious intent behind it and a broader agenda that is not in the true interests of the people.
I don't think any of what's happening right now is organic. I don't think Hamas getting into Israel to murder and capture civilians was a mistake, nor do I think the $6bil the Biden admin unfroze for Iran in exchange for hostages before the attack was a mistake either. They're constructing narratives right in front of us and we cannot just blindly believe them on surface level evaluation, especially when these narratives are being given by the establishment and MSM.
I've said this before and I'll say it again. You need to think like they do with strategy, perception, and propagandistic motivations in mind. You need to try and understand why they are presenting whatever information to the public and for what purpose. You need to question every action, every directive, every media spin.
Why is the narrative now shifting towards Biden admin causing this attack by releasing funds to Iran? Why is Lindsey Graham pre-emptively suggesting war with Iran in conjunction with this? What if this is designed to ensure Biden attacks Iran to cover his ass in giving them $6bil back?
Also...Why was there such a huge focus of attention on anti-semitism on X in the weeks leading up to this attack? Was that organic? or was that planned in advance knowing there would be an attack on Israel and perceptions needed to be pre-emptively put in place for justifying censorship? - The EU stands with Israel. The EU stands with Ukraine. The EU is as always, cherry picking its attention to atrocities. Having ignored the Ukrainian butchery of Russian residents of the nation for 8 long years, and has ignored the Israeli butchery of Palestinians for over 50 years. The EU needs to stand down.
Israel claims…people are getting all wound up just like the last 50 wars our governments have thrown at us. Why are we always just one psyop away from losing our heads no matter what we have seen and learned the last 7 years?
My phone has lots of pictures of what Israeli bombs and missiles do to the bodies of trapped, innocent and defenseless men, women and children in Gaza. Israel does this over and over and over and Zionist control of US media is so total Americans have no idea what Israel actually does to Palestinians. Not just massacres and bombs, and not just mass destruction of infrastructure, but the capricious and constant cruelty and humiliation of check points where people are treated like cattle.
I challenge everyone sympathizing with Israel to learn what life is like in the largest open air prison on earth and then put themselves in the places of those trapped their with no hope justice, rescue or escape.
It racial and religious supremacism and selfishness that compels Israeli psychopaths to steal the lands, farms, house, water and orchards from the natives, imprison them, and expect them to be happy in those refugee camps and prisons.
Truly, the roles need reversing and both Israelis and Christian Zionists, fully brainwashed into worship of the concept of Israel, need to sample life as a Palestinian for as long as it takes for empathy to develop. If I could snap my fingers and make that happen, I would.
Only a rabid halfwit would not have the pictures of bombs and missiles the "palestinians" hit a packed church, a packed synagogue, and a packed restaurant with, after trapping men, women & children inside (Israel never targets kids and also warns the adults in advance that they're coming in to get the killers of their people). Or pictures of what bombs and missiles lobbed at Israeli playgrounds and schools did to the bodies of the trapped Jewish Israelis. It's time to trade in your pictures for reality.
Both sides are guilty. But Israel has been committing these atrocities against the Palestinians for 75 years. They finally got some karma for their behavior. That is reality.
Glad you approve. So do the "palestinian" terrorists. Karma is not reality. It's an excuse people use to claim righteousness over someone else who, most of the time, like now, see no evidence of - just call it Karma and pat yourself on the back. Karma is sort of a revenge without having to say you're sorry.
So you say. Then stop being attracted to me through my comments and go pick on somebody like yourself. This is my last comment to you, but you can have the last word, which is just like your first word.
You write as if you have no idea about the industrial terrorism Israel wages on Gaza. That what Israel has done to Gazans is unknown to you, or that whatever it is, it doesn’t matter. News for you: The evil that Hamas did was the direct consequence of Israel slaughtering their family members with total impunity because they own US media and politicians.
The difference seems that if Israel uses high-tech weapons dropped from fancy fighter jets, and when the bombs burn or disembowel children, that is OK with you. So lets equip the victims of ethnic cleansing with the F16s and precision munitions, and lets lock Israelis in Gaza while Palestinians bomb the shit out of them. And lets put Palestinians in all the high positions of major news networks and offices at the State Department. Let them feel that helplessness. Maybe then they will understand where the violence came from.
75 years of massacres and ethnic-cleansing. Anyone who thinks the answer to what just happened is more violence is a idiot.
So you support the "palestinian" terrorists as though they were seeking peace and having their demands met. Israel's been there, done that. Many times and it never worked. Anyone who thinks it can is dumber than an idiot - an idiocrat.
Go to Joel Skousens web page. It's called World Affairs Brief. He has been involved in trying to get a piece treaty since the seventies. You won't believe it, but it's not what you've been told. I was shocked.
I read the Bible. Your assumption is arrogant. The Israeli Jewish people are by no means "servants of Satan." I suggest YOU look at both sides. The terrorists first-strike, behead babies, rape, torture, murder and kidnap women, children, soldiers, and paramedics. Israel warns the families of the terrorists that they're coming so they don't get caught in crossfire, they put their enemies in jail where they feed them, treat their wounds and provide medical care. Israel has signed and kept the terms of the peace agreements that the "palestinians" violated within days, followed by the usual attack on innocent Israelis. Res ipsa loquitur.
I do not believe there was an intelligence failure on Israel's part.
Israelis are far too clever, far too intelligent, and far too realistic to drop that ball.
It seems more likely that there was a traitor in their midst who blocked intelligence information.
People who deny US involvement are naive. What is to stop a regime who has destroyed their own country from destroying another.
People are talking about the brutality of Hamas killing babies, children, and old people. What in the hell do we do every day of the week with late term abortion? What about mandating covid jabs to kids in spite of all the known life-altering injuries and deaths? Not to mention, EACH YEAR there is the equivalent of FIVE 9/11 deaths from fentanyl and where is the outrage for that?
Add to that , our history of forcing and bullying the neither safe, nor effective covid jab , as well as denial of proven covid therapeutics, while forcing almost certain-to-kill remdesivir and respitators on old people.
The distractions are always in direct proportion to the atrocities planned against us.
Stay focused and save some of your outrage for what is going on in your own back yard.
The real truth is out there, but it is not here Dr. P. The toughest thing to do is question the veracity of those people you MOST identify with. And, when/if you find out they are full of shit, as a man, a real man, you condemn them.
Those who would deny this carnage out of hand, without proof yet to the historical past (which could also be untrue), continue to believe what they want to believe because the truth is alien to their warped senses. They don't dare let their hatred be compromised by facts.
I do not have a twinge of sorrow for the Israelis. For decades, they committed atrocities upon the Arabs. For anyone who says Palestinians are not Arabs, look up Wikipedia. Arabs are humans too. They had mothers, daughters, children. To kill armed combatants is fair game. When Israel bombed Gaza, West Bank, Lebanon, Syria, there were many civilians killed. The form of killing depends on the weapons. Hamas had knives, swords, bullets, grenades. Their anger has been over-whelming.
Can’t believe everything you hear. They’re trying to instigate a war.
Remember "Assad gassed his own people" to get the war on Syria going?
And to get support for WW1, it was Germans with babies on bayonettes.
This, down under, at the link below, looks like it could be staged too. Let's not forget who funded the rise of the jihadis and who contrlols them. Ted Bundy used to wear a sling or cast on one arm and feign that he was injured in order to lure victims into his Volkswagen.
Palestinian Sympathizers in Australia Chant Antisemitic Slurs “F–k the Jews” and “Gas the Jews” in Front of Sydney Opera House Following Hamas Massacre (VIDEO)
This is a very biased view. The Israeli government has done the same thing to innocent Palestinian civilians for 75 years. Where’s the outrage for that behavior? The whole thing reeks of a false flag to enable Israel to destroy the Palestinians for good while dumb people cheer them on. This is just disgusting.
Totally agree!
No, show me where IDF beheaded babies and children and tortured Arab civilians in their's not the "same thing" at all. You are regurgitating leftist propaganda and clearly know nothing about the situation
YOU know nothing at all. Do some research and you will find out. This is a staged false flag to give Israeli government cover for massacring the Palestinians. THIS IS A WAR CRIME.
Where are you "researching, " Lucy? Because you need to dig a little deeper. This big op needs to be examined a bit more thoroughly than you are probably willing to do or may even be capable of doing.
It's a fake story. The end
Is that so? How would you know?
They are going all out to sell this war (babies, grandmas, all the atrocity stories) The people who rule the world want WW3.
Where were IDF when Hamas started attacking? I have read their security was next to none. Sounds like an inside job.
Yes, here are 3 former IDF's question how this could have happened:
False flag!!! I’ll spare you the videos, but my morning started with my father sending me videos of IDF soldiers slaughtered in their barracks still in just their underwear, to which both of us as former service people ourselves immediately agreed that it’s im-fucking-possible! I did a service with IDF and have been to most bases in the south, and the ones close to the borders are always on highest level security alert: armed guards on towers 24/7 and all personnel are required to carry their personal weapons at all times… including sleeping with it literally under your mattress exactly for such situations! So how the hell could a group of Palestinians break into a base and make it all the way to the barracks unnoticed and unheard? I saw the media trying to sell a story that Iranians provided some equipment that jammed the electronically monitored fence, but any disturbance immediately notifies command and control center in Israel’s equivalent of the pentagon and someone would be immediately in touch with the bases’ commanders especially in the middle of the night. But even if that story is true, where were the night guards not to see the combatants approaching and alert everyone? With bases neutralized, there were no one to come to help the civilians in the area… how convenient. ex-IDF soldier explains that the events that took place today are impossible. She was a boarder observer with the highest tech available. “If a bird came close we knew” “Even even a cockroach came to our fenced border we knew” “How did 400 hamas pass through today”? I served in the IDF 25 years ago, in the intelligence forces. There’s no way Israel did not know of what’s coming. A cat moving alongside the fence is triggering all forces. So this?? What happened to the “strongest army in the world”? How come border crossings were wide open?? Something is VERY WRONG HERE, something is very strange, this chain of events is very unusual and not typical for the Israeli defense system.
"To me this suprise attack seems like a planned operation. On all fronts. This is a failure to protect the people of Israel, for sure, perhaps the biggest failure since the Yom Kippur war exactly 50 years ago, if not bigger. – by the way – is it a coincidence it’s exactly 50 years ago, almost on the day? The Yom Kippur War was on Oct. 6th 1973. If I was a conspiracy theorist I would say that this feels like the work of the Deep State. It feels like the people of Israel and the people of Palestine have been sold, once again, to the higher powers that be. At the same time, this is still very difficult to fathom.”
Thanks Sandra for the detailed information. Will be reading.
Blow everything up, knock everything down so the NEW WORLD ORDER contractors can scrape away the rubble and "build back better." And then theres the war profiteers.
As General Smedley Butler wrote:
WAR IS A it ever!!! And he ought to know
Its the little people, of both the Jews and Arabs who would like to live peaceful lives, that are getting destroyed by this......
Because the BUILD BACK BETTER team has FURTHER corrupted and coopted governments throughout the world that are ALREADY given over to evil, to do their bidding: To destroy nations and out of the destruction they are busily planning and working to raise a technological, transhumanist one world government in which they exercise complete control.
Or so they THINK.
.........Failing to note that the destructive forces that they unleash will turn around and destroy them.
However, the destruction and evil that they deploy
.........will turn around and destroy THEM. God the Creator, Sustainer and Judge will have the last word. As He dispenses perfect justice in the face of mankind's evil
Yes, and there's something weird about the photo- Check out Peggy Hall, she's questioning some of the photos. The one at gateway, reminds me of the one Peggy is questioning
Yes. everywhere fake news, deliberate misinformation and lies to get support and push for their criminal agendas. Acceleration of those stories to create WWIII. Fortunately millions of people already know their scenarios, like 9/11 and don't believe this BS. They will not get global support for those cruel fables. We already know zionists plans.
As someone who has been front and centre of the covid scam for the last three years, I really expected more objectivity and discernment from you paul. These increasingly emotive posts, show that you have fallen headlong into the manufactured hysteria, which is a crisis designed to short circuit all critical thinking. Think about it. If the cabal can and has injected 7 billion people with a bioweapon designed to depopulate the planet, which I knwo you believe and accept, then what else won't they do?. What is happening now has to be viewed beyond the horizontal schism of emotional reactivity and taking sides; and seen within the context of a top down demonic psychopathy, that hates all men, women and children and doesn't give a damn about muslims and jews. Please paul you have a big platform. Do better. This is a war on God's creation, nothing more nothing less, and the enemy will do ANYTHING to invert the message. The greater the atrocity, the greater the outrage, the easier the people are led. Problem reaction solution.
Yeah, he knows the media LIED about EVERYTHING covid, but now somehow our media is honest??
This post!!!. Well said Sandra.
Agree. Step back and think. If as you say (ranted, even) the agenda is depop, then the ‘novel’ virus that has been under development for decades, the associated shots (and Ukraine) have fallen short of the desired death numbers. The shots are much harder to sell. More mRNA versions of familiar shots (flu, shingles…) are out, but word is spreading about those who “died suddenly.” //
What’s different about mRNA and beheadings? //
The mRNA gambit still is unpredictable and gives ‘plausible deniability’ …until autopsies are done, and those are beginning. The beheadings distract and evoke eye-for-eye responses //
More Israelis and 2M more Palestinians in Gaza are drops in the bucket IRT depop. //
And they drain U.S. treasure.
The full body autopsies have been done. Time consuming and expensive as they are. There was around 40 completed in Germany back in 2022. The report was published by the Chief Pathologist for the German government a long time friend of Chancellor Merkel. Until he published the report that is.
One of the findings was that the LNP / Spike was found in nearly every major organ in the body. This obviously was NOT supposed to happen and is NOT a good thing. As GVB and Malone and other scientists know there is a condition called pathogenic priming which can occur. If an individual encounters the real virus or virus inoculated against AND the body is heavily contaminated with that same virus or pathogens from the virus the body sees that as an outright huge attack and then goes full blown immune system guns blazing into all those organs sitting there with the spike protein. Results are massive inflammation and death within 48-72 hours if not treated. The LNPs are known absolutely to be able to cross the blood brain barrier. ( The CEO of Moderna stated this flat out in an interview in 2016 in STAT magazine). So brain inflammation usually causes damage or death in 48 hours or less.
So anybody that has been vaxxed should be chelated or under go a long term spike detox as per McCullough’s protocol or FLCCC’s recommended detox.
Paul can keep posting emotional threads about the Gaza conflict. It triggers active discussion. For me, Israel deserves all the suffering. It is minor compared to the decades of atrocities committed against the Arabs. The nature of killing cannot be condoned but it is what it is...War. There is no middle-ground. You either kill or be killed. The Hamas soldiers know most will die anyway once the Israeli forces come. So, they have no time to think...just kill, kill, kill as many as possible in the little time they have.
And at this point, we have no way of knowing what the truth is. The media lies about everything and is the propaganda arm of the global elite.
Ever heard of a FALSE FLAG? 🤔
To morons, everything is a false flag.
You mean like the covid pandemic?
And PedoJoe winning the election?
To morons everything the government says is true.
You are right, so am I.
No...not really....
Easy goes it brother
For those seeking answers, it's the easy answer.
But moronic
Enlighten us David as to how Ham-ass were able to carry out their crimes. Via Rabbi Chananya Weissman of Israel:
"The Gaza border: one of the most fortified and technologically advanced borders in the world, teeming with combat soldiers, battalions of tanks, and a heavy air force presence. There are multiple systems in place there including;
1. Static thermal imaging observation posts.
2. Manned patrol vehicles.
3. Static manned observation posts.
4. Subterranean RADAR.
5. Reconnaissance drones.
6. Reconnaissance aircraft.
7. Autonomous patrol vehicles.
8. Fence motion detection.
9. Bomb proof multi-layered reinforced fence set in concrete."
And yet, Ham-ass gets throigh at the most politically opportune time for Bibi Nitwityahoo.
Not rocket science to figure out who really controls Ham-ass.
.. and add to that the day it happened the IDF were soemhow stood down around Gaza.
Nitwityahoo joins Mitt the Nitt Witt from the USA...
3 choices
1 convert to Islam.
2 become a slave
3 be killed.
Nice neighbors ?
Didn't they tell the American people about Germans with babies on bayonettes to get support for WW1?
There's no way of knowing what the truth is when you have lying governments and lying media.
And Iraqi soldiers throwing babies out of incubators
Oh, yeah, totally forgot about that one--that one really helped to sell it too.
And there were a whole lot of lies about Yugoslavia too--that was way back, but I think people were told there were mass graves all over the place, and then it turned out it was a lie.
And iraqis gasing babies, oh and weapons of mass destruction.. teh shock is that people fall for it everytime.
Yes, it's absolutely MIND BLOWING. Here we go again.
Clearly, it is a Soros funded Globalist Operation.
I thought this guy's tweet was worth a read--he's encouraging everyone to watch All Wars Are Bankers Wars and to QUESTION EVERYTHING, think critically!
This might be one of the most important documentaries that anyone can watch right now given current events and escalations between Hamas, Israel, Iran, and the US.
All wars are bankers wars.
If you are still caught up in the left vs right, Israel vs Palestine, Ukraine vs Russia narratives, treating geopolitics and war as if it's a football game where you are rooting for one side to win as the real moral authority, then you need to take 45 minutes out of your day to watch this in full.
I've shared this documentary already weeks ago and a lot of people saw it and appreciated it, but I think it's now more important than ever for as many people to see it as possible and to really understand the profound and eye opening truth behind those words, and how EVERY SINGLE conflict has had powers above it funding both sides with nefarious intent behind it and a broader agenda that is not in the true interests of the people.
I don't think any of what's happening right now is organic. I don't think Hamas getting into Israel to murder and capture civilians was a mistake, nor do I think the $6bil the Biden admin unfroze for Iran in exchange for hostages before the attack was a mistake either. They're constructing narratives right in front of us and we cannot just blindly believe them on surface level evaluation, especially when these narratives are being given by the establishment and MSM.
I've said this before and I'll say it again. You need to think like they do with strategy, perception, and propagandistic motivations in mind. You need to try and understand why they are presenting whatever information to the public and for what purpose. You need to question every action, every directive, every media spin.
Why is the narrative now shifting towards Biden admin causing this attack by releasing funds to Iran? Why is Lindsey Graham pre-emptively suggesting war with Iran in conjunction with this? What if this is designed to ensure Biden attacks Iran to cover his ass in giving them $6bil back?
Also...Why was there such a huge focus of attention on anti-semitism on X in the weeks leading up to this attack? Was that organic? or was that planned in advance knowing there would be an attack on Israel and perceptions needed to be pre-emptively put in place for justifying censorship?
Question everything. Assume conspiracy. - The EU stands with Israel. The EU stands with Ukraine. The EU is as always, cherry picking its attention to atrocities. Having ignored the Ukrainian butchery of Russian residents of the nation for 8 long years, and has ignored the Israeli butchery of Palestinians for over 50 years. The EU needs to stand down.
Eeeu is illegitimate and smells to high heaven along with the eeuN and the hoooo.
Israel claims…people are getting all wound up just like the last 50 wars our governments have thrown at us. Why are we always just one psyop away from losing our heads no matter what we have seen and learned the last 7 years?
My phone has lots of pictures of what Israeli bombs and missiles do to the bodies of trapped, innocent and defenseless men, women and children in Gaza. Israel does this over and over and over and Zionist control of US media is so total Americans have no idea what Israel actually does to Palestinians. Not just massacres and bombs, and not just mass destruction of infrastructure, but the capricious and constant cruelty and humiliation of check points where people are treated like cattle.
I challenge everyone sympathizing with Israel to learn what life is like in the largest open air prison on earth and then put themselves in the places of those trapped their with no hope justice, rescue or escape.
It racial and religious supremacism and selfishness that compels Israeli psychopaths to steal the lands, farms, house, water and orchards from the natives, imprison them, and expect them to be happy in those refugee camps and prisons.
Truly, the roles need reversing and both Israelis and Christian Zionists, fully brainwashed into worship of the concept of Israel, need to sample life as a Palestinian for as long as it takes for empathy to develop. If I could snap my fingers and make that happen, I would.
Yes, most have no clue because the media never covers this!!
Only a rabid halfwit would not have the pictures of bombs and missiles the "palestinians" hit a packed church, a packed synagogue, and a packed restaurant with, after trapping men, women & children inside (Israel never targets kids and also warns the adults in advance that they're coming in to get the killers of their people). Or pictures of what bombs and missiles lobbed at Israeli playgrounds and schools did to the bodies of the trapped Jewish Israelis. It's time to trade in your pictures for reality.
Both sides are guilty. But Israel has been committing these atrocities against the Palestinians for 75 years. They finally got some karma for their behavior. That is reality.
Glad you approve. So do the "palestinian" terrorists. Karma is not reality. It's an excuse people use to claim righteousness over someone else who, most of the time, like now, see no evidence of - just call it Karma and pat yourself on the back. Karma is sort of a revenge without having to say you're sorry.
Maybe for you it is. Evil attracts evil. Clearly in this case.
So you say. Then stop being attracted to me through my comments and go pick on somebody like yourself. This is my last comment to you, but you can have the last word, which is just like your first word.
You write as if you have no idea about the industrial terrorism Israel wages on Gaza. That what Israel has done to Gazans is unknown to you, or that whatever it is, it doesn’t matter. News for you: The evil that Hamas did was the direct consequence of Israel slaughtering their family members with total impunity because they own US media and politicians.
The difference seems that if Israel uses high-tech weapons dropped from fancy fighter jets, and when the bombs burn or disembowel children, that is OK with you. So lets equip the victims of ethnic cleansing with the F16s and precision munitions, and lets lock Israelis in Gaza while Palestinians bomb the shit out of them. And lets put Palestinians in all the high positions of major news networks and offices at the State Department. Let them feel that helplessness. Maybe then they will understand where the violence came from.
75 years of massacres and ethnic-cleansing. Anyone who thinks the answer to what just happened is more violence is a idiot.
So you support the "palestinian" terrorists as though they were seeking peace and having their demands met. Israel's been there, done that. Many times and it never worked. Anyone who thinks it can is dumber than an idiot - an idiocrat.
Go to Joel Skousens web page. It's called World Affairs Brief. He has been involved in trying to get a piece treaty since the seventies. You won't believe it, but it's not what you've been told. I was shocked.
Thanks much. Will share this with others. Great articles.
I'll get back to you on this.
I read the Bible. Your assumption is arrogant. The Israeli Jewish people are by no means "servants of Satan." I suggest YOU look at both sides. The terrorists first-strike, behead babies, rape, torture, murder and kidnap women, children, soldiers, and paramedics. Israel warns the families of the terrorists that they're coming so they don't get caught in crossfire, they put their enemies in jail where they feed them, treat their wounds and provide medical care. Israel has signed and kept the terms of the peace agreements that the "palestinians" violated within days, followed by the usual attack on innocent Israelis. Res ipsa loquitur.
I do not believe there was an intelligence failure on Israel's part.
Israelis are far too clever, far too intelligent, and far too realistic to drop that ball.
It seems more likely that there was a traitor in their midst who blocked intelligence information.
People who deny US involvement are naive. What is to stop a regime who has destroyed their own country from destroying another.
People are talking about the brutality of Hamas killing babies, children, and old people. What in the hell do we do every day of the week with late term abortion? What about mandating covid jabs to kids in spite of all the known life-altering injuries and deaths? Not to mention, EACH YEAR there is the equivalent of FIVE 9/11 deaths from fentanyl and where is the outrage for that?
Add to that , our history of forcing and bullying the neither safe, nor effective covid jab , as well as denial of proven covid therapeutics, while forcing almost certain-to-kill remdesivir and respitators on old people.
The distractions are always in direct proportion to the atrocities planned against us.
Stay focused and save some of your outrage for what is going on in your own back yard.
Extremely well said, especially your last two statements!
American arms from Afghanistan no doubt. Up to their old tricks just like the crusades. Same barbaric actions, sanctioned by their fake Hadiths.
The real truth is out there, but it is not here Dr. P. The toughest thing to do is question the veracity of those people you MOST identify with. And, when/if you find out they are full of shit, as a man, a real man, you condemn them.
Those who would deny this carnage out of hand, without proof yet to the historical past (which could also be untrue), continue to believe what they want to believe because the truth is alien to their warped senses. They don't dare let their hatred be compromised by facts.
"HAMAS terrorists massacred at least 40 babies and kids in a sickening rampage in one town - with some found beheaded, Israel claimed."
Sure, because as we all perfectly know, the governments and the media NEVER lie...Remember Covid?
Propaganda on the best steroids money can buy
Where’d they get the funding?
Biden, Obama & NGO's
Jesuit-Jews in Freemason Washington DC
they’re everywhere seems like
Gee I wonder.
I do not have a twinge of sorrow for the Israelis. For decades, they committed atrocities upon the Arabs. For anyone who says Palestinians are not Arabs, look up Wikipedia. Arabs are humans too. They had mothers, daughters, children. To kill armed combatants is fair game. When Israel bombed Gaza, West Bank, Lebanon, Syria, there were many civilians killed. The form of killing depends on the weapons. Hamas had knives, swords, bullets, grenades. Their anger has been over-whelming.