Dr. Paul, You rightly oppose the pedophile in chief behaving as a dictator where the poison prick is concerned but your ok with him behaving unilaterally, as a dictator would, when it comes to dropping bombs in other people's countries?

This has nothing to do with standing up for the United States. There is nothing patriotic about what this asshole is doing with bombs in Yemen. This is the tail wagging the dog. Need a distraction because the laptop threatened to expose all your corruption in Ukraine? Start a war with Russia. Need more distractions, because the global takedown by the WEF is being exposed, level a city in Yemen and start WWIII.

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Diversionary tactics 101 Hilary Clinton Four Americans died in the 2012 Benghazi attack 🙏🏻Ambassador Chris Stevens, Information Officer Sean Smith, and two CIA operatives, Glen Doherty and Tyrone Woods, both Navy SEALs. Hunter Biden contempt of Congress runs out because they had nothing at the time eyes off laptop

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Have you even read the U.S. Constitution or the Declaration of Independence? We revolted from England because the King did whatever he wanted with his armies and navies. The Framers knew that the decision to go to war should not be made by a single individual, which is why they placed that power in the hands of Congress. Hamilton explained this in great detail by comparing the powers of the President with the King of England. “The British king” whose power “extends to the DECLARING of war and to the RAISING and REGULATING of fleets and armies, all which, by the Constitution under consideration, would appertain to the legislature.” Hamilton, The Federalist Papers, Ltr. 69, ¶8. You are congratulating Dementia Joe for acting like a king.

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You are wrong on this one Dr. Alexander. Where do you get your information? Sky News reported

today that JOEBAMA alerted Yemen that US was going to bomb them. JOEBAMA gave Yemen

money already. What does that tell you? Will this erupt as another joke at taxpayers expense

like Ukraine did?

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Bidumb is a pathetic wreck of a human. A total disgrace, we are in 7 "wars" now thanks to this idiot. Imagine, there are actually people who voted for this cipher.

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He is stupid as a box of rocks.

A racist warmonger.

A weird ass baby licking hair sniffer.

Who showered with his daughter, who was not a baby.

Cornpop the pervert.

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NO NO NO, Biden or his handlers do not get to take us to war. He has intentionally put our armed forces in danger hoping to stir up a war so he will get re-elected and finish the mission to destroy the country can be finished. Roosevelt did the same thing to keep his job and install Marxism lite. Historically a President residing over a war - at least the beginning will get re-elected. We do not need this idiot running anything. WE should be demanding all forces come home or at the very least stop being put in harms way to trigger an attack. Congress has the power to declare war, the founders had a good reason for that. Absolutely no more money for paying off the Ukrainians to keep Joe and his crooked family out of jail

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No war period .

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I believe some things to be self evident. One of these things is war. War, as horrid as it is, has been deemed an almost foolproof way to bring ideals together for a common cause. Every war has seen a boon to an economy; this time is no different. Probably more important to the people that have no problem in bringing actions such as this for financial gain. AND, if one war isn’t enough, then two it is! IMO, the more we begin, the more trouble we broadcast we are in. I would think we will see nothing, but more and more aggressive behavior as this election year moves forward. Just sayin

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This is merely symbolic. The Houthis shrug. They survived a 7 year war of annihilation waged by the Saudis, intended to mean the US/UK, and emerged stronger. Presently 10-20 K Houthis are marching toward Israel. The conscripted poorly-trained IDF soyboys must be shitting bricks. Former Marine intel officer Scott Ritter, once a strong supporter of Israel ( he helped the IDF to develop anti-missile and air defence systems in the 90's) summarizes their military capabilities thusly: "They aren't very good. In fact they suck". They can't prevail against any real army. They have zero chance against Hezbollah. Or Turkey. Or Iran. The only thing they are good at is shooting old people in the back, breaking the arms of ten year old kids ("terrorists"), bombing Gaza to rubble, dropping 2000 pound bombs on hospitals and 1000 year old Christian churches (they bombed Bethlehem on Christmas). All of this has nothing whatever to do with "destroying Hamas." If that was their objective they have failed. When the bombs started falling Hamas simply went underground. The IDF is taking heavy losses in Gaza, thousands of soldiers permanently disabled, hundreds of vehicles, including tanks, lost. The way to get the Houthis to stop their attacks on shipping in the Red Sea is, as they have said, yanking the leash on Israel and getting them to stop their ongoing genocide. But the US doesn't have the influence it once had. It is, if we are honest, an empire in rapid decline, it's international stature now in the toilet. You seem to labor under the illusion that the senile pedophile, the placeholding shell of a former human who occupies the WH, for a few hours a day anyway (when he's not under sedation or on "vacation") is actually president, that he has executive agency. He says only what The Earpiece tells him to say and when it said "Iran doesn't want a war with the US" (It doesn't) what it really meant was "The US doesn't want a war with Iran." if the US Navy was foolish enough to sail into the Persian Gulf it would on the bottom very quickly. So it would have to content itself by firing cruise missiles from somewhere near Sicily. In order to "stay safe" :) And when the cruise missiles are gone they're gone. Where are 'we" going to get more? Ukraine maybe? The Iranians like the Houthis would shrug. As for Israel Netanyahu has painted it into a corner. Their only chance for survival is for Mossad/IDF to take him out. In a pine box if necessary. There are rumors of that being in the works. The alternative is for Israel, according to ex-CIA Larry Johnson, himself a former staunch supporter, to be "dismantled".

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First do no harm

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