Some are born great, some achieve greatness, and some have greatness thrust upon them but the US man confuses "greatness thrust upon" with "mRNA vaccines injected into". That and also with being sodomized by the deep state and border crossers

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beautiful statement

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Mediocrity you and I will never see,Awake.

Instead glorious days are just around the corner.


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I will share this...thank you

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Most excellent article by John Carter...('and I resemble those remarks')...bullet holes can also be found in some places in my garden, along with good food, an astounding variety of wild creatures, and memories of thousands of hours of considering the very things that Carter wrote about. Thank you Dr. Alexander for recognizing greatness, virtue, and discerning the times. Well done.

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That we need to presumably follow "great men" or any man, however they are defined, to me speaks of the state of an individual. Do you always need someone to follow? Do you always need to be a leader yourself? The truly psychologically awakened man needs no leaders to follow...he automatically knows his own mind and way and cares not for what others think and do.

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There are great men and there are fake men who think they are great like macron but especially turdo, who is useful as teats on a boar. Phony males abide throughout western nations. Most of them are fake leaders. biDUMB, ovomit, turdo, etc.

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Edward, did you see this article suggesting that Kamal Harris' ideology is a product of her experience as a.young woman growing up in her former home of Canada?

Canada owes America an apology – for Kamala Harris. Did her teenage years in Montreal help determine her Left-wing politics?


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That is not only true, but is a reality in spades especially in the element of the military. I have driven through military stations here and it was turdo the senior who slashed military spending and his spawn the current slime minister who has done the same thing. Meanwhile the USA our neighbor to the south and north spends piles of money to secure itself but also in the doing has and is providing free protection for Canuckistan.

This service free to Canuckistan has been taken advantage of and I see it as theft and irresponsibilty now currently on the part of the LPC and the NDP.

As to Camelthing being a product of Kweebec, there are two classes of French peeople, there are the elites I despise and the worker bees of French descent I have worked with in my earlier years who are decent people. Kweebec has stolen from the west of Canuckistan to support the lazy asses of the frank o PHONIES of the Kweebec elites for a long time. Note the many Kweebec slime ministers we have had. Why? {comparable to the few non franko PHONY ones)

I already had a nephew abandon Canuckistan ruled by a frankoPHONY spawn of his commie father, to find a far better existence in USSR and expect a closer relative to do so as well by going to the USA. He will have no problem, with no criminal record and lots of money with a skill in high demand in the USA. I may myself do the same if the truth were known.

Camelthing then is a putrid copy of the elitist francoPHONIES of Montreal Kweebec and aside from the workers there, very little of value comes out of that place of Stygian dark dementry.

I am pleased you brought that up and for sure if there is anything else tell me as I am willing to weigh in on whatever it is good or bad.

My choice to live in the USA would be Iowa and for good reason.

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Im from Iowa. I more than understand your unstated good reason.

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In my years of travelling to the USA to enjoy the Colorado Rockies, i cross at Port Huron, south to I -80 and then non stop to Iowa where I finally stop to rest, eat, and sleep. I noted in the last decade an invasion by human trash that caused lots of problems there where there were non ever before and a media outlet not afraid to address the problem. Never met such useless unemployable human trash ever and confronted two supposedly employed at a Walmart (I think there was one south just off I 80) One was a big bastard but was somehow intimidated by a slogan on a hat and the other had less sense than God gave a billygoat. They both retreated from my candid and opinionated perspectives. Two useless idiots.

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