These jihadists really have no idea what they will encounter from women and men! They forget we are the most armed country in the world and once they wage war on us and our families, it will be the end for them. Thank God we are not in the UK where all these countries gave them full reign against their women and children. Women are getting armed and trained and that includes minorities who finally realize their so called politicians don’t give a damn about them or their children’s safety. My friend took his CCW class last year and 80% was black women! Some of them are finally waking up!

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I hear you, my kids hear you Dr Alexander. My 2 youngest are adopted, placed in our protective custody at age 1 1/2 & 2 1/2. Long story short, their biological father was an illegal immigrant, fell in with my husbands niece. She was an addict. Ugly situation. He was violent and beat up mom, he was arrested & eventually deported. Meanwhile their mom homeless, a disaster, abandoned her kids at a McDonalds. Now they are our kids. I have left out a lot of ugly details. I shared their story with our elected representatives trying to get ICE to notify us if it was found that this monster with a history of rape crimes also and charges were dropped, entered the US, as he had been contacting relatives trying to find the kids. The answer I got from my congressman was that his privacy is protected and he had never been charged with any crime against the kids. WHAT? HIS privacy was protected? Our local Sherrif’s office said to call 911 if he shows up. WE WILL DO MORE THAN THAT.

But needless to say, I’m very over protective, and have taught our kids gun safety, because especially my beautiful 17 y/o daughter who will need to arm herself when she is no longer living under our roof. Her brother as well. We are quite aware of those jumping ship from both north and the southern borders and waterways.

As Florida residents, try as he may DeSantis can’t keep them out. They are everywhere. They have been here for a long time. Just not being housed in large numbers like NY hotels. Unfortunately, I’ve never considered our northern border safe, especially under Trudeau. Thank you being on top of this & for sharing.

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All true. I know 3 black ladies, all packing. One of them has an AK! White ladies are far behind, unless they grew up in TX or South or maybe WVa in which case guns AND TRAINING are more common among women. I think the rape gangs might be in for a surprise if they start with the gun toting ladies by mistake.

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Check out Ethan Winstanley’s channel on YouTube to see what’s really going on in the UK because of the illegal immigrants. It’s terrible.

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Mar 4, 2023·edited Mar 4, 2023

Enoch Powell a British MP and former UK government minister warned about this over 45 years ago and of course, was accused of being racist and although not a thing back then, he was “cancelled”.


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The beauty of having a 2nd amendment enshrine into the law the collective right to *ARMED* self defense

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There are no jihadis in the States. VERY few abroad - and those on the US payroll - Al Qaeda for example. BUT there IS a need to be armed and alert - the Corporate Capitalist Police State is what we need to be concerned with. So, those spouting off about Jihadis, and, wait for it ...Black Lives Matter ,, are serving the Ruling Class agenda.

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I wonder if there is a correlation between the massive number of illegal jihadists entering America and the extraordinary amount of attacks on America’s infrastructure. Train Derailments, Manufacturing Plant Fires, Food Processing Plants, Power Grid Attacks. Paying these Jihadists to do what they do best, offers plausible deniability for the Globalist’s planned destruction of America.

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This is why we

Need Trump back. He will deport them all and stop this.

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And if any of us or our loved ones are forced to use lethal force remember shoot , shovel and shut up because the insane wokeness of our governments would have the victim punished every time.

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O’Biden’s Regime World War by Lex Greene…at newswithviews.com

Follow this writer…serious background!

Be prepared Paul and all…talk time is almost over as we are on the verge of a World War!

You CANNOT stop any totalitarian garbage going on unless you can stop ALL of it!

Figure it out with some serious discernment skills!

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Paul really needs to stop this hysterical hyperbole. His bigotry is massive as he attacks other people of color as if he is not one of them himself! His total lack of understanding of alternative gender identity is equally bigoted. This kind of carrying on puts whatever scientific knowledge he has in question as he appears unstable and incapable of accepting difference in thinking or life style. Time to accept the fact that we live in a pluralistic society that was based, at least Constitutionally, opening our doors to all people that need refuge and safety. Are there some people ruled by anger? Sure but not to the extent that Paul tries to portray. If I used his argument then we can argue that all men need to be imprisoned as the amount of rape, violence and killing of women is massive in this country. Every minute a woman gets raped and every 3 , a woman is killed. Most of these assaults are by men the women know, often with whom they live. And there are those white folk who feel the same way about Black and Latino people of which he is one. Why not go here with the attitudes Paul expresses!

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